Monday, July 8, 2024

magnolia grandiflora: M 7/8/24 open @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress #WUaSNewsAndQA Recording #WUaSEducationalServicesStores * (was - M 7/8/24 open World Univ & Sch - WUaS News and Q&A at 10 AM ET, with Zoom URL)

M 7/8/24 open @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress #WUaSNewsAndQA Recording #WUaSEducationalServicesStores

Twitter WUaS #WUaSNewsAndQA M 7/8/24

Recording - 

M 7/8/24 open @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress #WUaSNewsAndQA Recording #WUaSEducationalServicesStores w #WMInformationTechnologies? - - - #WUaSaccreditation #MITOCW centric #FreeWUaSdegrees ~

* *

M 7/8/24 open @WorldUnivAndSch #WUaSNewsAndQA 10 am ET
#WUaSaccreditation #WUaSEducationalServicesStores w #WMInformationTechnologies? #MITOCW -centric #FreeWUaSdegrees in ~200 countries & in main langs ~


Dear Universitians, friends, 

Greetings, with an invitation to join the WUaS News and Q&A conversation further tomorrow at 10 am ET (in about 11 hours from now)! 

Free MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch is growing, for free-to-students' online degrees - Bachelor, PhD, Law, MD IB high school/sim, AA/AS, and Master's - first in English, then in each of all ~200 countries and in their main languages. 

Topic: M 7/8/24 open World Univ & Sch - WUaS News and Q&A at 10 AM ET, with Zoom URL
Time: Jul 8, 2024 07:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada), 10 am ET, 7:30 PM India Time, and please check your time converter for your time zone to join this open converstaion

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 738 1355 8387
Passcode: yaRT9Y

all the best, abolitionally, Friendly greetings, 

Scott GK MacLeod 

Agenda (Possible, depending on who joins this open Q&A)

501 c 3 MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch 

Agenda item 1

Shady Side Academy high school heads, President Bart Griffith, and Head of School, Trixie Sabundayo 

Bart and Trixie (SSA heads) ... seeking to move forward with WUaS accreditation ( & with Middle States Commission on Higher Education with offices in the greater Philadelphia area, and licensure with the state of PA's department of Education before heading west - AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR AUTO-REPLY, Trixie, to WUaS's recent WUaS News and Q&A potentially in these regards.

Agenda item 2

Rajasthani language World University and School (not yet in the Rajasthani language) - 

NEW #RajasthaniLanguage wiki subject / school (planned in #Rajasthani) with the following 1st X resources: @WorldUnivAndSch #RajasthaniWUaS #WUaSRajasthani
See too:

Retweeting - 


NEW Rajasthani language wiki subject or school (planned in Rajasthani) the following resources - 
See too:
Friday, June 28, 2024. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: ~

Added to the NEW Rajasthani language wiki subject or school (planned in Rajasthani) the following resources - 

Friday, June 28, 2024. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania:

Macleod, Scott GK. 2024.

for #RajasthanIndia's 25 million #RajasthaniLanguage speakers planned @ #RajasthaniWUaS w #WUaSunivs developing #MITOCW-centric #freeWUaSdegrees & #openWikiSchools How best for @WorldUnivAndSch to begin - & TO WRITE ABOUT - to be able to invest "$1B in ..." in #RajasthanUnivWUaS?

Retweeting again -

Sundar Pichai -

We’re investing $1B in Iowa to expand our technical infrastructure and support our Council Bluffs data centers. This builds on the $5.5B we’ve already invested in the state since 2007.


How best for @WorldUnivAndSch to begin - & TO WRITE ABOUT - to be able to invest "$1B in Iowa" for ex. & in all 50 #WUaSUSstates & much more in each of all ~200 countries & in main langs in ~200 #WUaSUnivs & re #IowaLawSchoolAtWUaS: as #LLMs too? Thanks -

Retweeting -  

We’re investing $1B in Iowa to expand our technical infrastructure and support our Council Bluffs data centers. This builds on the $5.5B we’ve already invested in the state since 2007.

Google Translate’s biggest expansion yet

#GoogleTranslate & #RajasthaniWUaS esp? Wow, this morning Th 6/27/24, #GTranslate on smartphone recognized this as #Hindi, but didn't translate the #RajasthaniLanguage, yet now it can ...
> Could ~25 million #Rajasthanis now have access to #WorldsInformation via the Internet?

retweeting -


म्हारे सांगे सांगे कद समझीया सगळा रिवाज, जब देखोला म्हारो प्रदेश आप करोला मरुभूमि माथे नाज। #rajasthani

Retweeting -

म्हारे सांगे सांगे कद समझीया सगळा रिवाज, जब देखोला म्हारो प्रदेश आप करोला मरुभूमि माथे नाज।

Along with me

I have understood all the customs,

When you see my region

You take pride in the desert.

see, too:
110 new languages are coming to Google Translate

Could ~25 million more RajasthaniSpeakers have access to some of the world's knowledge via the Internet?

developing @WorldUnivAndSch as open #WikiSchools for #RajasthaniLanguage speakers planned in #RajasthaniWUaS

developing @WorldUnivAndSch as open #WikiSchools for #RajasthaniLanguage speakers planned in #RajasthaniWUaS, all ~25 million of Rajasthanis in NW #IndiaWUaS as a 'non-scheduled' language in India & for #freeWUaSdegrees in #Rajasthani re jobs if helpful ~

#Burans, you look beautiful in the hills of India! Your pink & white blooms make me smile & admire your natural beauty. #RhododendronArboreum

Friday, June 28, 2024. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania:

Agenda item 3

beginning of 
Mauritania World Univ & Sch (not yet in the Arabic, Pulaar, Solinke or Wolof languages)

with RETWEETING a pic of Mauritania US Ambassador Cynthia Kierscht 

Retweeting - 

‏باسم فخامة الرئيس محمد ولد الشيخ الغزواني، تم تكريم السفيرة كيرشت اليوم من قبل معالي وزير الخارجية السيد محمد سالم ولد مرزوك بمنحها وسام الاستحقاق الوطني، وهو ما يمثل استكمالا ناجحا لثلاث سنوات ونصف في موريتانيا. إن الولايات المتحدة وموريتانيا شريكين استراتيجيين، وقد قدمت السفيرة كيرشت مساهمات كبيرة في تعزيز هذه العلاقات الحيوية. تهانينا، سعادة السفير كيرشت!
Au nom du Président de la République Mohamed ould Cheikh el Ghazouani, l'Ambassadeur Kierscht a été honoré aujourd'hui par cette décoration du Ministre des Affaires étrangères Mohamed Salem ould Merzoug de la médaillé de l'Ordre du Mérite National, qui marque ainsi la réussite de sa mission ces 3 ans et demi en Mauritanie. Les États-Unis et la Mauritanie restent des partenaires stratégiques, et l’Ambassadeur Kierscht a apporté d’importantes contributions au renforcement de ces relations vitales. Félicitations, Ambassadeur Kierscht !

MacLeod, Scott GK. 2024.

Mauritania NW wiki Africa @WorldUnivAndSch for #FreeToStudents' -centric #WUaSdegrees #MauritaniaWUaS in #ArabicLanguage #ArabicWUaS #PulaarWUaS #SoninkeWUaS #WolofWUaS langs w #WUaSAI & esp #WUaSEducationalServicesBookstores - ~

Agenda item 4

check out this fascinating interview - 

The Impact of AI : Interview with Madhumita Murgia - Code Dependent

(Agency too)- 

The Impact of AI : Interview with Madhumita Murgia - Code Dependent

Spending my 4th of July with a new book by Madhumita Murgia, "Code Dependent: Living in the Shadow of AI" -- definitely recommended. She gives generous credit to others on whose ideas she has built @jovialjoy @timnitGebru @katecrawford @safiya @mer__edith et al. @madhumita29 @FT

It is not an academic book with a breakthrough theory or a fundamental technological finding. It is excellent journalism, a highly readable series of narratives and fine synthesis of why this generation of AI tools matters--in London and in Lagos, in Delhi and in Detroit--to all.

Agenda item 5

west to #Canyon94516 in late 2024 w #WUaSAcademicMedicalCenter AND "Affordable Gene Therapies Are Coming! -@GeoChurch at EARD"

Agenda item 6

#IowaLawSchoolAtWUaS - Law Schools at @WorldUnivAndSch  eg in 200 #WUaSUnivs (planned in main languages in them) ... 

How best for @WorldUnivAndSch to begin - & TO WRITE ABOUT - to be able to invest "$1B in Iowa" for ex. & in all 50 #WUaSUSstates & much more in each of all ~200 countries & in main langs in ~200 #WUaSUnivs & re #IowaLawSchoolAtWUaS: as #LLMs too? Thanks -

Retweeting -  

We’re investing $1B in Iowa to expand our technical infrastructure and support our Council Bluffs data centers. This builds on the $5.5B we’ve already invested in the state since 2007.

How best for @ to begin - AND TO WRITE About - to be able to invest "$1B in Iowa" for example & in sll 50 US states & Much more in Each of all 200 countries & in main languages 

200 #WUaSUnivs (planned in main languages in them)
Nation States
& 50 US States eg

We’re investing $1B in Iowa to expand our technical infrastructure and support our Council Bluffs data centers. This builds on the $5.5B we’ve already invested in the state since 2007.



Law Schools at World University and School (planned in main languages in them)

Nation States

US States

Agenda item 7 

Asked Gemini AI - How do you improve education at scale? How can MIT ocw-centric wiki World Univ & Sch improve education ? 

Asked #GeminiAI:
How do you improve education at scale? How can #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch improve education at scale in all ~206 countries - - & in their main languages? 
See too: 

Asked Gemini AI -
How do you improve education at scale? How can MIT ocw-centric wiki World Univ & Sch improve education at scale in each of all ~200 countries & in their main Languages ? 

See too - 

How do you improve education at scale? Here are six tips to help create a roadmap for the messy, challenging, and hard work of using data to make positive change across all layers of the school system. 

* * * * 

WUaS Corporation (a for profit general stock company legal entity in the state of California)

WM information technologies and software ? 

Agenda item A 

WUaS is wondering further about growing WUaS Educational Services' Stores / Bookstores / Computer Stores / Robotics' Stores / Grocery stores / Retail / Department stores, - informed by Walmart information technology, and in all 180 countries out of ~200 which WM isn't in - AND for example IN the ~25/200 ARABIC language countries, including Yemen, Saudi Arabia, & Mauritania ... beginning in 2025?


growing the WUaS Educational Service Stores in all ~200 countries, and in their main languages, and with WM being in 19 out of about ~200 countries in the world (and with WM employing about 2.2 million people)? It would or could be great to grow the WUaS bookstores / computer stores / robotics' stores / retail stores / department stores / grocery stores / Educational Services' stores with WM collaboration and partnering and potentially their information technologies too ... What do you think?

A 1  
Here's US Ambassador Cynthia Kierscht to Mauritania - - and regarding a new Mauritania World Univ & Sch beginning online UNIVERSITY, not yet in Arabic

Agenda item B

How best too please to proceed with potential Chase bank loans to WUaS and for the flagship physical-digital WUaS bookstore / Robotics stores in Pgh PA, (possibly 30 of them following a Subway restaurant model), the first one on Walnut street, Shadyside Pgh PA ... . and as MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS continues to grow a worldwide abolition movement? 

Agenda item C

Hi, Jason (Cook), AND Robert Morgan (state of California with whom the WUaS Corporation has communicated in the past - please forward this email to him), and Ed (Smyth MD, in Berkeley  -WUaS Chief Medical Officer, and WUaS MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School of Medicine secretary on some state of California's forms), Peter Norvig (Google AI), 

Thanks so much for your help in this matter, I really appreciate it - for helping the WUaS Corporation with filing the CA Statement of Information to pay the State of California's filing fee of $125, this time with PayPal ... and as I postulate the state of Calfirona iterates with coding its information technologies and databases:  

Good to be moving forward with both wings of OCW.MIT.EDU -centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress as of F 6/28/24 esp - - potentially west to #Canyon94516 in the #SFBayArea in late 2024 w #WUaSAcademicMedicalCenter #RealisticVirtualEarth ~

And with retweet of Klamath Mountains' pic -

Good to be moving forward with both #WUaSwings of OCW.MIT.EDU -centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress as of F 6/28/24 esp - - potentially west to #Canyon94516 in the #SFBayArea in late 2024 w #WUaSAcademicMedicalCenter #RealisticVirtualEarth - 

( retweeting - ) 

Developing WUaS has been a very long journey, and with becoming a for-profit general stock company legal entity in the state of California in 2017, as a key wing of WUaS, in planning to be in all ~200 countries and in their main languages, and for speakers of all 7164 known living languages, and in WUaS seeking to code for all 7.9 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata PIN # from - - and potentially for distributing even Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency free money daily - - and to end poverty, and potentially with Pi cryptocurrency informing our WUaS Educational Services' Stores / Bookstores / Robotics' Stores / Computer Stores / Retail Stores / Grocery stores in all ~200 countries and in their main languages too. Thank you!

All the best, thank you, regards, 
Scott Gordon K MacLeod 

MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School -
WUaS Educational Services' Stores for Books, Computers, Robotics +
Business Plan for a Startup Business - 2024

- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity
MIT OCW-centric,
 World University and School -

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -  

(o) 415 480 4577 -
(m) 412 478 0116 -

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - (all 7,164 known living languages at WUaS)


Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2024, forthcoming)

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity 
MIT OCW-centric, 
 World University and School -  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -

(m) 412 478 0116 - 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - 


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