To a global, virtual, free, open, {future degree- & credit-granting}, multilingual University & School for the developing world and everyone, as well as loving bliss ~
We’re rolling out Veo to Vertex AI in private preview to help businesses generate high-quality video from a text/image prompt, with our Synth ID watermark embedded. Here’s an example of how it generates a short clip based on a text prompt.
We’re rolling out Veo to Vertex AI in private preview to help businesses generate high-quality video from a text/image prompt, with our Synth ID watermark embedded. Here’s an example of how it generates a short clip based on a text prompt.
UPMC for Life letter received Th 17 Nov 2022 ~ thread today 12/4/24
Dear Pennsylvania Allegheny County of Health Compass, UPMC's Denise Hughes, Morgan Cross, David Demoise MD (my UPMC for Life primary care physician), Ed Smyth MD at KP NorCal, Sid Mazumdar HHS, US Senator and Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren, All,
Greetings, How are you? Thank you for the "UPMC for Life letter received Th 17 Nov 2022" I received in the first asylum house I was staying in in Pittsburgh PA at 210 East End avenue, Pgh PA 15221 (after fleeing for my life from the SF Bay Area in August of 2022 as a whistle blower and having called the police twice from Canyon 94516 to report illegal break-ins and thefts and other crime too over the 13 years I lived in Canyon 94516 through to September 30, 2020, when I moved into an 'unsafe' or 'safe house' north of Berzerkley in El Cerrito) ... and in growing a MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS abolition movement worldwide (to abolish the wrongful buying and selling of people in the illegal sex drugs violence etc industries internationally and their latent networks of violence, and so to seek to knock back international organized crime as well).
I received a curious health care coverage/insurance 800-number call yesterday to my 415 480 4577 telephone number (Google Voice #), with something about 'return to sender' paper work ... where in my 2nd asylum house in Pgh, at 5816 Callowhill St #7, Pgh PA 15206 there has been tampering of the US federal mail, potentially by criminal lobos management bryant street rentals' maintenance people (and regarding checks too sadly) ... but in having received this UPMC for Life Health Care coverage letter in November 2022, AND in having Kaiser Permanente NorCal Health Care coverage still I think ... and having not been able to communicate with univ pitt med ctr effectively all the time (ie re the upmc for life dental coverage this letter stipulated, and in a number of other ways, eg through Allegheny county Compass), and in seeking to move forward the WUaS academic medical center with WUaS longevity genetics' Institute into a newly safe Canyon 94516 departing this December 2024, and thus potentially having access to Kaiser Permanente NorCal health care coverage there, I didn't follow up on this health care coverage/insurance 800-number call.
Also with potentially extreme longevity and aging reversal genetic drug therapies "not far away" - per Harvard and MIT Professor of Genetics' George Church (above - and see - I am appreciative of having received this "UPMC for Life letter received Th 17 Nov 2022" and regarding potentially living centuries or millennia or longer into the future.
Also, sadly, given the murderous run through attempt of me by a craven, psychopath???, cmu undergrad at the time, Swiss or Lebanese soldier??, murderer?, frederic khayat, in first asylum house at 210 East End avenue 15221 in April 2023, - and potentially in cahoots with univ pitt med ctr 'resolve crisis' folks, with pgh police, entering the house twice illegally without a warrant (and the police came 4 times total, my having called them twice, to report possible deaths or murders in this murderous house, one of dwarf Jackson Shannon) ... and so possibly univ pitt med ctr upmc's involvement in international organized crime tragically, I'm hopeful I can use my 'UPMC for Life letter received Th 17 Nov 2022' health care coverage after possible US federal investigations into UPMC are done further.
And given the first subdural hematoma my father UPitt professor Gordon K MacLeod MD (in the School of Public Health) received on univ pitt (med ctr?) managed at the time semester at sea in the country of Belize on December 30, 2004, I am wondering even further whether it may be possible to 'de-extinct' individuals (like my father GKM MD), beyond de-extincting species like the Wooly Mammoth, at some point decades in the future, and with "UPMC for Life" coverage that my now-deceased father, possibly to be de-extincted (from my and my brother's and other genetic relatives' cells, brainstorming), had, or even with my 'UPMC for Life letter received Th 17 Nov 2022' health care coverage in the future.
So, as I prepare to move forward the ~200 planned online WUaS Medical Schools in all ~200 countries' physical-digital WUaS Academic Medical Center with the WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute (and regarding the FDA's One Health initiative especially) into a newly safe Canyon 94516 this year, thank you again for this "UPMC for Life letter received Th 17 Nov 2022." I'm curious too whether in the future and with US federal law working effectively with states' law, and regarding a USA wide Health Care coverage for all 345 million people AND veterinary and other species, and regarding WUaS #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords ( for all 7.9 billion people on the planet, and for other individual organisms for 10s of thousands of species, how such a UPMC for Life health care coverage will help people stay alive through the eons ahead for example.
Best, abolition, staying alive (with UPMC for Life too), Friendly Quaker greetings, Yogically, Minding the Light, thanks,
Scott Gordon K MacLeod
#Deextinct #WoolyMammoth virtually too @geochurch fr ~4000 years ago & species (in new #WUaSMultimediaBarn in #Canyon94516) w #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords for #biobanking & code for #ExtremeLongevity #AgingReversal in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth (#GStreetView w #TimeSlider)?
George Church - Colossal Biosciences Launches $50 Million Foundation To Halt Extinction Crisis Who ever said you can't save a few species on the way to de-extincting a mammoth?
Dear PA Allegheny County of Health Compass, UPMC's Denise Hughes, Morgan Cross, David Demoise MD, Ed Smyth MD at KP NorCal, Sid Mazumdar HHS, US Senator and Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren, All,
Greetings ... Still ... impoverished, in growing an abolition movement worldwide at MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch, please send all communications and correspondence to me in email, and in this email "UPMC for Life letter received Th 17 Nov 2022" thread, for example ... since I don't get all my paper mail, I think, and having opened an US federal investigation into the criminal ??? Lobos management Bryant street rentals (from which I rent), (as well as into the SF Quaker Meeting, and Pittsburgh Quaker meeting), and Chase bank Wilkinsburg, for a variety of reasons, but including in WUaS seeking to abolish the wrongful buying and selling of people in the illegal sex, drugs, violence, etc., industries and their latent network of violence) - and in seeking to stay alive in the process. Thanks.
UPMC dental care coverage - newly in Pitt Dental School - July 2024
Dear state of Pennsylvania PA Compass health and dental care coverage insurance (senior administrators at and, US Senator and former Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren, Drs. David (Demoise MD, my UPMC PCP), Sid/Pin Mazumdar HHS, Dr. Kurt (Summersgill, DMD, and with whom I sang in the 1st Unitarian Universalist church of Pittsburgh choir in 2006-07 - and professor in the Pitt Dental School -, Drs. Helen Giannakopoulos DDS, MD, Sarah E Grafton DMD, Robert A Nerone DMD (all chairs of the UPMC Pitt Dental School, (Ma/Janie, Ed Smyth MD in CA, Peter Norvig, all),
Thank you for the UPMC for Life dental coverage too (and see PPS below). I was glad to be able to see a upmc dentist in the UPitt dental clinic this past summer, but was surprised that I was asked to pay something (with this "UPMC for Life letter received Th 17 Nov 2022"). How please to get the money I paid back, since I think UPMC for Life health care coverage covers dental too. Please send this money to me at my 2nd asylum house in Pittsburgh at 5816 Callowhill Street #7 Pgh PA 15206 ... and before I head forward with the WUaS Academic Medical Center to a newly safe Canyon CA 94516 at the end of this December 2024.
"UPMC for Life letter received Th 17 Nov 2022" thread today 12/4/24
Dear Pennsylvania Allegheny County of Health Compass, UPMC's Denise Hughes, Morgan Cross, David Demoise MD (my UPMC for Life primary care physician), Ed Smyth MD at KP NorCal, Sid Mazumdar HHS, US Senator and Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren, All,
Greetings, How are you? Thank you for the "UPMC for Life letter received Th 17 Nov 2022" I received in the first asylum house I was staying in in Pittsburgh PA at 210 East End avenue, Pgh PA 15221 (after fleeing for my life from the SF Bay Area in August of 2022 as a whistle blower and having called the police twice from Canyon 94516 to report illegal break-ins and thefts and other crime too over the 13 years I lived in Canyon 94516 through to September 30, 2020, when I moved into an 'unsafe' or 'safe house' north of Berzerkley in El Cerrito) ... and in growing a MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS abolition movement worldwide (to abolish the wrongful buying and selling of people in the illegal sex drugs violence etc industries internationally and their latent networks of violence, and so to seek to knock back international organized crime as well).
I received a curious health care coverage/insurance 800-number call yesterday to my 415 480 4577 telephone number (Google Voice #), with something about 'return to sender' paperwork ... where in my 2nd asylum house in Pgh, at 5816 Callowhill St #7, Pgh PA 15206 there has been tampering of the US federal mail, potentially by criminal lobos management bryant street rentals' maintenance people (and regarding checks too sadly) ... but in having received this UPMC for Life Health Care coverage letter in November 2022, AND in having Kaiser Permanente NorCal Health Care coverage still I think ... and having not been able to communicate with univ pitt med ctr effectively all the time (ie re the upmc for life dental coverage this letter stipulated, and in a number of other ways, eg through Allegheny county Compass), and in seeking to move forward the WUaS academic medical center with WUaS longevity genetics' Institute into a newly safe Canyon 94516 departing this December 2024, and thus potentially having access to Kaiser Permanente NorCal health care coverage there, I didn't follow up on this health care coverage/insurance 800-number call.
Also with potentially extreme longevity and aging reversal genetic drug therapies "not far away" - per Harvard and MIT Professor of Genetics' George Church (above - and see - I am appreciative of having received this "UPMC for Life letter received Th 17 Nov 2022" and regarding potentially living centuries or millennia or longer into the future.
Also, sadly, given the murderous run through attempt of me by a craven, psychopath???, cmu undergrad at the time, Swiss or Lebanese soldier??, murderer?, frederic khayat, in first asylum house at 210 East End avenue 15221 in April 2023, - and potentially in cahoots with univ pitt med ctr 'resolve crisis' folks, with pgh police, entering the house twice illegally without a warrant (and the police came 4 times total, my having called them twice, to report possible deaths or murders in this murderous house, one of dwarf Jackson Shannon) ... and so possibly univ pitt med ctr upmc's involvement in international organized crime tragically, I'm hopeful I can use my 'UPMC for Life letter received Th 17 Nov 2022' health care coverage after possible US federal investigations into UPMC are done further.
And given the first subdural hematoma my father UPitt professor Gordon K MacLeod MD (in the School of Public Health) received on univ pitt (med ctr?) managed at the time semester at sea in the country of Belize on December 30, 2004, I am wondering even further whether it may be possible to 'de-extinct' individuals (like my father GKM MD), beyond de-extincting species like the Wooly Mammoth, at some point decades in the future, and with "UPMC for Life" coverage that my now-deceased father, possibly to be de-extincted (from my and my brother's and other genetic relatives' cells, brainstorming), had, or even with my 'UPMC for Life letter received Th 17 Nov 2022' health care coverage in the future.
So, as I prepare to move forward the ~200 planned online WUaS Medical Schools in all ~200 countries' physical-digital WUaS Academic Medical Center with the WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute (and regarding the FDA's One Health initiative especially) into a newly safe Canyon 94516 this year, thank you again for this "UPMC for Life letter received Th 17 Nov 2022." I'm curious too whether in the future and with US federal law working effectively with states' law, and regarding a USA wide Health Care coverage for all 345 million people AND veterinary and other species, and regarding WUaS #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords ( for all 7.9 billion people on the planet, and for other individual organisms for 10s of thousands of species, how such a UPMC for Life health care coverage will help people stay alive through the eons ahead for example.
Best, abolition, staying alive (with UPMC for Life too), Friendly Quaker greetings, Yogically, Minding the Light, thanks,
Scott Gordon K MacLeod
#Deextinct #WoolyMammoth virtually too @geochurch fr ~4000 years ago & species (in new #WUaSMultimediaBarn in #Canyon94516) w #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords for #biobanking & code for #ExtremeLongevity #AgingReversal in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth (#GStreetView w #TimeSlider)?
Did UPMC univ pitt med ctr whack thereby killing my father GKM MD, and then seek to do so to me?
Dear All, & US Senator and former Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren, Drs. David (Demoise MD, my UPMC PCP), Sid/Pin Mazumdar HHS,
Greetings - and as a 3rd email follow up this morning to all 109 of you! How could UPMC (univ pitt med ctr) begin to plan to de-extinct my father UPitt professor Gordon K MacLeod MD (eg in some decades + or -)?
And, again - "given the first subdural hematoma my father UPitt professor Gordon K MacLeod MD (in the Graduate School of Public Health) received on univ pitt (med ctr?) managed at the time semester at sea in the country of Belize on December 30, 2004, I am wondering even further whether it may be possible to 'de-extinct' individuals (like my father GKM MD), beyond de-extincting species like the Wooly Mammoth, at some point decades in the future, and with "UPMC for Life" coverage that my now-deceased father, possibly to be de-extincted (from my and my brother's and other genetic relatives' cells, brainstorming), had, or even with my 'UPMC for Life letter received Th 17 Nov 2022' health care coverage in the future. "
And how best, with a further US federal investigations, working effectively in new ways with PA state law, into univ pitt med ctr upmc potentially, to abolish univ pitt med ctr (and carnegie mellon university, and other higher education institutions in the greater Pittsburgh and western Pennsylvania too) upmc's involvement in international organized crime and their latent networks of violence?
Thanks, MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS Academic Medical Center / WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute greetings, staying alive, abolitionally, all the best, Friendly Quaker greetings, Yogically, Unitarian Universalist abolition greetings as well,
Scott Gordon K MacLeod III
Dear state of Pennsylvania PA Compass health and dental care coverage insurance (senior administrators at and, US Senator and former Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren, Drs. David (Demoise MD, my UPMC PCP), Sid/Pin Mazumdar HHS, Dr. Kurt (Summersgill, DMD, and with whom I sang in the 1st Unitarian Universalist church of Pittsburgh choir in 2006-07 - and professor in the Pitt Dental School -, Drs. Helen Giannakopoulos DDS, MD, Sarah E Grafton DMD, Robert A Nerone DMD (all chairs of the UPMC Pitt Dental School, (Ma/Janie, Ed Smyth MD in CA, Peter Norvig, all),
Thank you for the UPMC for Life dental coverage too (and see PPS below). I was glad to be able to see a upmc dentist in the UPitt dental clinic this past summer, but was surprised that I was asked to pay something (with this "UPMC for Life letter received Th 17 Nov 2022"). How please to get the money I paid back, since I think UPMC for Life health care coverage covers dental too. Please send this money to me at my 2nd asylum house in Pittsburgh at 5816 Callowhill Street #7 Pgh PA 15206 ... and before I head forward with the WUaS Academic Medical Center to a newly safe Canyon CA 94516 at the end of this December 2024.
Dear Pennsylvania Allegheny County of Health Compass, UPMC's Denise Hughes, Morgan Cross, David Demoise MD (my UPMC for Life primary care physician), Ed Smyth MD at KP NorCal, Sid Mazumdar HHS, US Senator and Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren, All,
Greetings, How are you? Thank you for the "UPMC for Life letter received Th 17 Nov 2022" I received in the first asylum house I was staying in in Pittsburgh PA at 210 East End avenue, Pgh PA 15221 (after fleeing for my life from the SF Bay Area in August of 2022 as a whistle blower and having called the police twice from Canyon 94516 to report illegal break-ins and thefts and other crime too over the 13 years I lived in Canyon 94516 through to September 30, 2020, when I moved into an 'unsafe' or 'safe house' north of Berzerkley in El Cerrito) ... and in growing a MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS abolition movement worldwide (to abolish the wrongful buying and selling of people in the illegal sex drugs violence etc industries internationally and their latent networks of violence, and so to seek to knock back international organized crime as well).
I received a curious health care coverage/insurance 800-number call yesterday to my 415 480 4577 telephone number (Google Voice #), with something about 'return to sender' paperwork ... where in my 2nd asylum house in Pgh, at 5816 Callowhill St #7, Pgh PA 15206 there has been tampering of the US federal mail, potentially by criminal lobos management bryant street rentals' maintenance people (and regarding checks too sadly) ... but in having received this UPMC for Life Health Care coverage letter in November 2022, AND in having Kaiser Permanente NorCal Health Care coverage still I think ... and having not been able to communicate with univ pitt med ctr effectively all the time (ie re the upmc for life dental coverage this letter stipulated, and in a number of other ways, eg through Allegheny county Compass), and in seeking to move forward the WUaS academic medical center with WUaS longevity genetics' Institute into a newly safe Canyon 94516 departing this December 2024, and thus potentially having access to Kaiser Permanente NorCal health care coverage there, I didn't follow up on this health care coverage/insurance 800-number call.
Also with potentially extreme longevity and aging reversal genetic drug therapies "not far away" - per Harvard and MIT Professor of Genetics' George Church (above - and see - I am appreciative of having received this "UPMC for Life letter received Th 17 Nov 2022" and regarding potentially living centuries or millennia or longer into the future.
Also, sadly, given the murderous run through attempt of me by a craven, psychopath???, cmu undergrad at the time, Swiss or Lebanese soldier??, murderer?, frederic khayat, in first asylum house at 210 East End avenue 15221 in April 2023, - and potentially in cahoots with univ pitt med ctr 'resolve crisis' folks, with pgh police, entering the house twice illegally without a warrant (and the police came 4 times total, my having called them twice, to report possible deaths or murders in this murderous house, one of dwarf Jackson Shannon) ... and so possibly univ pitt med ctr upmc's involvement in international organized crime tragically, I'm hopeful I can use my 'UPMC for Life letter received Th 17 Nov 2022' health care coverage after possible US federal investigations into UPMC are done further.
And given the first subdural hematoma my father UPitt professor Gordon K MacLeod MD (in the School of Public Health) received on univ pitt (med ctr?) managed at the time semester at sea in the country of Belize on December 30, 2004, I am wondering even further whether it may be possible to 'de-extinct' individuals (like my father GKM MD), beyond de-extincting species like the Wooly Mammoth, at some point decades in the future, and with "UPMC for Life" coverage that my now-deceased father, possibly to be de-extincted (from my and my brother's and other genetic relatives' cells, brainstorming), had, or even with my 'UPMC for Life letter received Th 17 Nov 2022' health care coverage in the future.
So, as I prepare to move forward the ~200 planned online WUaS Medical Schools in all ~200 countries' physical-digital WUaS Academic Medical Center with the WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute (and regarding the FDA's One Health initiative especially) into a newly safe Canyon 94516 this year, thank you again for this "UPMC for Life letter received Th 17 Nov 2022." I'm curious too whether in the future and with US federal law working effectively with states' law, and regarding a USA wide Health Care coverage for all 345 million people AND veterinary and other species, and regarding WUaS #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords ( for all 7.9 billion people on the planet, and for other individual organisms for 10s of thousands of species, how such a UPMC for Life health care coverage will help people stay alive through the eons ahead for example.
Best, abolition, staying alive (with UPMC for Life too), Friendly Quaker greetings, Yogically, Minding the Light, thanks,
Scott Gordon K MacLeod
#Deextinct #WoolyMammoth virtually too @geochurch fr ~4000 years ago & species (in new #WUaSMultimediaBarn in #Canyon94516) w #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords for #biobanking & code for #ExtremeLongevity #AgingReversal in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth (#GStreetView w #TimeSlider)?
Scott's an anthropologist of physical-digital Harbin Hot Springs, as ethnographic field site - - who also finds fascinating the internet, ideas, poetry, sociology, art, science, genetics of aging reversal and extreme longevity, philosophy, history, music, love and life ~ as well as the anthropology of information technology & counterculture :) - ... Am also the president or head of, and professor at, MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch (& Academic @WUaSPress, planned in 7,164 living languages with machine translation, aka the WUaS Corp) planning free online degrees in ~200 countries & in their main languages, where you can wiki-teach, or wiki-learn, or wiki-create - (see too: in exploring questions of Yoga & wisdom). Identity-wise, a Nontheist Friendly Quaker - a NtF or NtQ - with Unitarian Universalist sympathies as well, and an academic
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