Recording of 1/20/25 Combined #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress #WUaSMMBM & #WUaSNewsQA #HowToGrowAlmostAnything # HarvardMIT ~
Recording of 1/20/25 Combined #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress #WUaSMBM & #WUaSNewsQA
-https:// worlduniversityandschool. phocoena-m-12025-open-mit-ocw. html &
( ScottMacLeodWorldUniversity/ videos) How w #MITHarvard
#HowToGrowAlmostAnything to grow #RealisticVirtualEarth?
Recording of 1/20/25 Combined #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress #WUaSMBM & #WUaSNewsQA
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) January 21, 2025
- &
( How w #MITHarvard#HowToGrowAlmostAnything to grow #RealisticVirtualEarth? status/1881566253166547072 status/1881566199563407430 status/1881565847585783971
& how could #WUaSunivs hire
#WUaSfaculty with #MITHarvard graduates teaching the
#HowToGrowAlmostAnything course too? posts/scottgkmacleod_12025- combined-mitocw-centric-wiki- worldunivandsch-activity- 7287332917154889729-EScs posts/scott-macleod-4691a011a_ 12025-combined-mitocw-centric- wiki-worldunivandsch-activity- 7287333237717188611-xW4t
M 1/20/25 open MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS News and Q&A, with Zoom URL
Greetings World Universitians -
This M 1/20/25 open MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS News and Q&A, with Zoom URL is becoming the WUaS Monthly Business Meeting (loosely conducted in the manner of Friends / Quakers for the month of January, since I wasn't able to hold the WUaS Monthly Business Meeting on this 3rd Saturday at 9am PT this month).
Dear Universitians,
Happy New Year, and I hope this email finds you well.
In around 14 hours, the next open WUaS News and Q&A will meet here -
Topic: M 1/20/25 open MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS News and Q&A, with Zoom URL
Time: Jan 20, 2025 10:00 AM Pacific Time,1:00 PM Eastern Time, (US and Canada), 10:30 PM India Time (and please check a time converter eg https://www.timeanddate.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 734 0095 3997
Passcode: yyQTB2
Best wishes, abolitionally, see you soon,
Scott GK MacLeod
World University and School / WUaS
1st of 2 WUaS wings -
501 c 3 / similar https://www.guidestar. org/profile/27-3105368
CC-4 licensed OCW.MIT.EDU - centric ... wiki ...
Agenda item 0
How best can #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch hire #QuakerFaculty in all 200 countries & all ~200 #WUaSunivs?
& MIT graduates too -
And how might the #MITHarvard #HowToGrowAlmostAnything course help?
Agenda item 1
Excited for #MITOCW-centric wiki #GrowWithGoogle @WorldUnivAndSch #ITplatforms where you can #WikiTeach & in ~200 countries & 7k+ languages w #AIandML -http://
In Bangla LANGUAGE image at Bangladesh World Univ & Sch
Agenda item 2
MIT / Harvard 2025 edition of ‘How To Grow (Almost) Anything’ (HTGAA) course ~
HTGAA 2025 Bio Bootcamp | Jan 20 Launch!
David Sun Kong, Ph.D.
Jan 7
I’m thrilled to announce that the application for the 2025 edition of our
and global synthetic biology course, “How to Grow (Almost) Anything” is now open! Application link in thread status/1876687155604631779
Jan 7
I’m thrilled to announce that the application for the 2025 edition of our
and global synthetic biology course, “How to Grow (Almost) Anything” is now open! Application link in thread
Dear MIT Media Lab's David (Sun Kong), George (Church), Peter (Norvig), All,
Thanks! Greetings and thank you for this information.
Further ...
How best to grow a # RealisticVirtualEarthForGeneti cs AND an #AgingReversal.Machine even as a #WUaSHospitalRoom #NDimensionally and eg for 10 model virtual-physical species - and with molecular and cellular imaging data sets, for example ...
and plan to develop this in the years to come as well?
See some of you tomorrow morning at 6 am Pacific Time for the beginning of the
All bootcamp modules and office hours will be held via the following zoom link: 95522544744
As President, CEO, founder, Professor at CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School WUaS (seeking to hire eventually MIT & Harvard graduates as faculty, for ex.), my plate's pretty full but looking forward to learning what being a Committed Listener involves & regarding growing a #RealisticVirtualEarth for everything (and think Google Street View with Time Slider, GMaps, GEarth with TensorFlow AI and at the #GCell and #GMolecule levels too ... and with little Pegman becoming our # AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRec ords and for aging reversal genetics especially) and see too this INCREDIBLE #ToolifyAIWUaS article from Peter Norvig mentioning a Realistic Virtual Earth for the first time other than WUaS - news/revolutionizing- education-with-machine- learning-and-ai-2574306 - and Twitter as well.
All the best, thanks, see you soon,
MIT / Harvard 2025 edition of ‘How To Grow (Almost) Anything’ (HTGAA) course
All bootcamp modules and office hours will be held via the following zoom link:
As President, CEO, founder, Professor at CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School WUaS (seeking to hire eventually MIT & Harvard graduates as faculty, for ex.), my plate's pretty full but looking forward to learning what being a Committed Listener involves & regarding growing a #RealisticVirtualEarth for everything (and think Google Street View with Time Slider, GMaps, GEarth with TensorFlow AI and at the #GCell and #GMolecule levels too ... and with little Pegman becoming our #
All the best, thanks, see you soon,
Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- USPS US Post Office, General Delivery, Canyon, CA 94516
My #GlobalListener application in daily blog
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Seven-spotted Lady Beetle: Free HarvardMIT course "How To Grow (Almost) Anything 2025 Submit this form as soon as you can! We will evaluate submissions on a rolling basis. Class is held weekly beginning Feb 4 with Lectures every Tues, 2-5pm ET and Recitation every Wed 5-7pm ET. You can see details of last year's 2024 course at: -
David Sun Kong, Ph.D.
Jan 7
I’m thrilled to announce that the application for the 2025 edition of our
and global synthetic biology course, “How to Grow (Almost) Anything” is now open! Application link in thread
A Related set of Tweets
Apply to be a #GlobalListener or student in this #MITHarvard course @GihanJaya ? How best to grow a #WetLab & #VirtualDrosophila in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth & in a # RealisticVirtualEarthForGeneti cs (& esp in #RealisticVirtualHarbin @HarbinBook eg for #EthnoWikiVirtualWorldGraphy)? status/1877848832978944013 status/1877849225419006195 status/1877849090182042080 status/1877850123096490177 status/1877849954955194399 status/1877849850907107607 status/1877904718854574529
Retweeting -
David Sun Kong, Ph.D.
Jan 7
I’m thrilled to announce that the application for the 2025 edition of our
and global synthetic biology course, “How to Grow (Almost) Anything” is now open! Application link in thread
A further related set of Tweets re aging reversal and extreme longevity genetic drug therapies in a #RealisticVirtualEarth -
An #AgingReversalMachine as #WUaSMultimediaHospitalRoom re view #GStreetViewRoom -
Agenda item 3
Excited @WorldUnivAndSch for #FreeOnlineStanfordCourse "From Insight to Action: #AdvancingEnterprise #AIGovernance" 1/7-6/6/25 enterpriseaigovernance & building on CC4 #MITOCW in 5 languages, #GrowWithGoogleWUaS & #PeterNorvig's INCREDIBLE #ToolifyAIWUaS news/revolutionizing- education-with-machine- learning-and-ai-2574306~ status/1876670248780493204 posts/scott-macleod-4691a011a_ freeonlinestanfordcourse- advancingenterprise-activity- 7282439093131649025-woS3 posts/scottgkmacleod_home- from-insight-to-action- advancing-activity- 7282438962915299330-lNf6
* *
W 11/13/24 registered for
FROM INSIGHT TO ACTION: Advancing Enterprise AI Governance
Thank you for registering for From Insight to Action: Advancing Enterprise AI Governance, hosted by the Stanford Rock Center for Corporate Governance. The video modules will be released on the program website here on January 7, 2025, and will be available through June 6, 2025. You will need to use this password to access the videos: STANFORDAIGOVERNANCE
Once the videos are released, we will send out additional information about the live online Q&A sessions with expert speakers.
Thank you for registering for From Insight to Action: Advancing Enterprise AI Governance, hosted by the Stanford Rock Center for Corporate Governance. The video modules will be released on the program website here on January 7, 2025, and will be available through June 6, 2025. You will need to use this password to access the videos: STANFORDAIGOVERNANCE
Once the videos are released, we will send out additional information about the live online Q&A sessions with expert speakers.
President, CEO, founder, Professor, Presiding Clerk
MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School / The WUaS Corporation
How best to apply "From Insight to Action: Advancing Enterprise AI Governance" (1/7/25-6/6/25) - enterpriseaigovernance/ - To 1) 501 c 3 #USANonProfit @WorldUnivAndSch & 2) #FPinCA #WUaSCorp @WUaSPress in all ~200 countries & main languages >
https://wiki. wiki/Governance
& https://wiki. wiki/Artificial_Intelligence ?
& https://wiki.
WUaS in all 7164 living languages -
* * * *
WUaS Corporation
2nd of 2 WUaS wings -
for profit general stock company legal entity in the state of California -
WUaS Corporation - WUaS Press
WUaS Corporation / Academic Press in 7164 languages with machine learning
Agenda item A
Chase bank loans or similar to WUaS Corporation ?
How best now in 2025, with me soon being based in the SF Bay Area, for WUaS to begin to get Chase bank loans or similar, and per -
MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School -
WUaS Educational Services' Stores for Books, Computers, Robotics, Groceries +
Business Plan for a Startup Business - 2024 document/d/ 1WtXNAEzFp4DdVqKq3pxOPQOQE7ZCS 8zqSQhxJmTz3-k/edit?usp= sharing
WUaS Educational Services' Stores for Books, Computers, Robotics, Groceries +
Business Plan for a Startup Business - 2024
... and regarding WUaS Educational Services' Stores, for example, in all ~200 countries and in their main languages?
Agenda item B
Again -
Glad to have updated the WUaS Corporation's password for the Academic Press at WUaS with WUaS Educational Services' Stores - http:// AcademicPress.html - with the state of CA's Franchise Tax Board FTB ( ); as the 2nd wing of WUaS, it's the for-profit stock company in the state of California legal entity wing ...
Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2025, forthcoming)
Scottish Small Piping album #2 - Honey Piobaireachd (2022)
- TheOpenBand (Berkeley)
Scottish Small Piping album #1 Honey in the Bag ~ Out of the Air tune (2020)
Order Book #4 To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually! How different it is to soak at Harbin Hot Springs, than to realize it in virtual reality (2019)
Order Book #3 Winding Road Rainbow: Harbin, Wandering & the Poetry of Loving Bliss (2018)
Order Book #2 Haiku-ish and Other Loving Hippie Harbin Poetry (2017)
Order Actual-Virtual Ethnographic Book #1: Naked Harbin Ethnography (2016)
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- USPS US Post Office, General Delivery, Canyon, CA 94516
1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity
MIT OCW-centric,
World University and School - http://
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http:// AcademicPress.html
(o) 415 480 4577 - sgkmacleod@
(m) 412 478 0116 -
World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -
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