Saturday, April 25, 2009

Leonotis Leonorus: Hawaiian Music and 'Space,' Talking, Peace and Pacifism

Hawaiian music, in a Hawaiian 'space,' in northern California? (at 'Bad Ass Coffee' near Santa Rosa) ... changes 'energy' ... Aloha ... Music and place - aspects of 'culture' I'm interested in - have effects in fascinating ways ...


Talking can be so valuable, but the psychoanalytic tradition, which valorizes a certain kind of talking ... how does this work? How is this a developing 'culture?' A friend mentioned how a senior psychoanalytic practitioner (a M.D.) was playing a Mozart recital, as a fundraiser, recently. Is this an example of 'flow' experiences that people who have engaged in psychoanalysis can engage in?

Talk, talk, talk with a therapist, as well as your community, if you need to ... Choose the best interlocutors ...

It's the articulation of language with a relatively neutral other that is one significant aspect of how it helps ...


Here are some organizations which have worked on peace, social justice and pacificist issues for a long time now:

The AFSC (, which started in 1917 as a way to support conscientious objectors, and FCNL ( which started in the 30s with a focus on peace and legislation, are two examples. Each organization is an interesting, ongoing example of Friends' concerns for peace, pacifism, as well as pragmatic action.

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