Saturday, May 29, 2010

Oak Tree Branch: Hypermedia refers to “the linking of separate media elements to one another to create a trail of personal association”

Harbin ethnography:

... Interactivity in virtual Harbin is what will further Harbin as counterculture.

Hypermedia refers to “the linking of separate media elements to one another to create a trail of personal association” (Packer and Jordan 2001: xxx). In Second Life, the act of building accentuates this process in unique ways. The sheer number of avatar builders also informs a scale of building that both leads to individual trails of personal association, but also affects all of the Second Life, and Open Simulator, environments as fascinating group associations. In virtual Harbin, such linkings inform and emerge in relation to actual Harbin. For example, Harbin's founder, Ishvara, who still lives at Harbin, might say to an avatar builder that the Heart-shaped pool in the pool area was built in the early 1980s as an expression of Heart Consciousness Church. And, in building the virtual Heart-shaped pool, the avatar builder of virtual Harbin might then create Hypermedia that makes it possible, if the first virtual Harbin heart shape pool is full with avatars practicing watsu, allow them to click a heart which then creates a temporary 2 heart shaped pool in the sky above. Such hypermedia, informed by actual Harbin history by its founder, Ishvara, then makes possible the linking of media elements which become a unique trail for the avatar builder who spoke with actual Ishvara.

Immersion refers to “the experience of entering into the simulation ...

( - May 29, 2010)

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