Monday, May 20, 2013

Giant otter: In what ways can World University and School bring the fun and flourishing of PLAY and MAKING - per the Media Lab at MIT - via the online Conference Method, and conversation, to its undergraduate education and especially via the MIT OCW video here?, Related, WUaS links: WUaS Subjects, Play, wiki subject at WUaS -, - Media Lab at MIT - - Media Lab at WUaS, planned for all 7,105+ languages and 204+ countries, MIT OCW video, Conference Method of Teaching and Learning, Admissions at WUaS, The College at WUaS

In what ways can World University and School bring the fun and flourishing of PLAY and MAKING - per the Media Lab at MIT - via the online Conference Method, and conversation, to its undergraduate education, and especially via the MIT OCW video here - - as we reach out to high applicants this autumn, and prepare for our first undergraduate class in the autumn of 2014, - and especially in instructing our graduate student instructors in a MIT-informed and Reed College-informed online Conference Method ( in teaching sections vis-a-vis the MIT faculty in video (in MIT OCW video)?


Here are related, WUaS links:

WUaS Subjects -

Play wiki subject at WUaS -

Media Lab at MIT -

Media Lab at WUaS, planned for all 7,105+ languages and 204+ countries -

MIT OCW video -

Conference Method of Teaching and Learning -

Admissions at World University and School -

The College at World University and School -


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