Monday, 10/14/24 10/14/24 Recording of @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress #WUaSNewsandQA #HarvardGSE #FamilyEngagement #CommunityEngagement (with Zoom URL)
Time: Oct 14, 2024 07:00 AM Pacific Time, 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada), 7:30 PM India Time (and please check your time converter to join from the country you are in if interested in free-to-students' MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch online degrees from home +) ...
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"Innovative Approaches to Family and Community Engagement in Schools:
Creative strategies for engaging with families and developing effective home, school, and community partnerships"
Be aware of the history of your school communities, including any past harm that has occurred.
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Oct 18, 2024 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Happy Birthday to Jack Kerouac, an inspiration to both The Doors and Jim Morrison.
Do you have a favorite Kerouac novel? Tweet us your thoughts.
#TheDoors #HistoricalNovels #JackKerouac #BeatGeneration #60sRebels #1960sHistory
Was Harvard & MIT Professor of genetics' George Church like many many students at Andover, Duke and Harvard in the 1960s and early 1970s a hippy?
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Topic: Sat 10/19/24 open MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS Monthly Business Meeting, with Zoom URL
Time: Oct 19, 2024 09:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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| Oct 12, 2024, 12:08 PM (1 day ago) | |||
Chase for Business Curated Coaching TAP worksheets & Oct 2024 Ballona wetlands' blogpost
Hone Your Business Negotiation Skills - PRE-WORK AND ACTION PLAN
Building Your Brand Strategy - CASE STUDY
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Building Your Brand Strategy - PRE-WORK
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Building Your Brand Strategy - ACTION PLAN AND BEST PRACTICES
Topic: Building Your Brand Strategy
| Oct 10, 2024, 1:18 PM (23 hours ago) | |||
WUaS Educational Services' Stores for Books, Computers, Robotics, Groceries +
Business Plan for a Startup Business - 2024
MSP Nicola Sturgeon -
Chase bank in Scotland -
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How best @geochurch + to get from #salivaDNAtests of #23andMe & its #DNAdata + #AncestryCom #WikiTree + (
| 12:38 PM (26 minutes ago) | |||
| 9:41 AM (12 hours ago) | |||
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F, October 11, 2024
Dear Mahedi (Hasan), JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, and Curated Coaching (TAP - The Acceleration Project affiliated with JP Morgan Chase bank), and all,
Thursday, October 10, 2024
Re: NEW World University and School website Tu Sep 17, 2024 - in Bangla?
| Oct 1, 2024, 1:08 PM (10 days ago) | |||
Election Date: 22/12/2021
Phone: +880 2 956 0369
Fax: +880 2 956 3304
Address: Rajuk Avenue Outer Stadium, Purana Paltan Dhaka 1000 BANGLADESH
WUaS Educational Services' Stores for Books, Computers, Robotics, Groceries +
Business Plan for a Startup Business - 2024
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
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2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://
(o) 415 480 4577 - sgkmacleod@
(m) 412 478 0116 -
World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -
- https://scott-macleod.
- https://
Mahedi, Jamie Dimon, All,Thanks for your email, Mahedi.As a follow up, re further information-sharing - and possibly Chase bank loans to WUaS - if we/WUaS are able to collaborate with the Bangladesh Olympic Association and in seeking Bangladeshi high achieving "Olympic university STUDENTS" in a brand new way - (re wiki/Bangladesh wiki World Univ & Sch), and brainstorming, - how could WUaS help develop approaches to regulating even 'higher, faster, stronger' genetic drugs, and regarding ethics too (and in each of all ~200 countries - https://wiki. wiki/Nation_States - and in their main languages - and with planned WUaS Law Schools in all of these too) -
For #Olympics? #YogaGenetics? For performance - higher faster stronger athletics - & #ETHICS? If & when #vaccines for #YogaAthletes w #WUaSLongevity & #WUaSAgingReversal genetic drugs develop & give us younger -at age 150 years' old- more supple bodies, how will #YogaEthics work?
Retweeting -Pic
Yoga ideas
~#ToolifyAIWUaS #WUaSBliss with-machine-learning-and-ai- 2574306
~#YogaWUaS @ wiki/Yoga
#WUaSabolition in #RealisticVirtualEarth #WUaSYoga ~ pic -
Yoga ideas#QuakerYogaMacFlower#DesiderataWUaS
— QuakerYogaMacFlower (@Q_YogaMacFlower) July 23, 2024
~#ToolifyAIWUaS #WUaSBliss
~#YogaWUaS @ 🥰#WUaSabolition in #RealisticVirtualEarth #WUaSYoga ~
no pic
For #Olympics? #YogaGenetics? For performance - higher faster stronger athletics - & #ETHICS? If & when #vaccines for #YogaAthletes w #WUaSLongevity & #WUaSAgingReversal genetic drugs develop & give us younger -at age 150 years' old- more supple bodies, how will #YogaEthics work?For #Olympics? #YogaGenetics? For performance - higher faster stronger athletics - & #ETHICS? If & when #vaccines for #YogaAthletes w #WUaSLongevity & #WUaSAgingReversal genetic drugs develop & give us younger -at age 150 years' old- more supple bodies, how will #YogaEthics work?
— QuakerYogaMacFlower (@Q_YogaMacFlower) September 27, 2024 Yogically, thanks, Friendly greetings,Scott GK MacLeodOn Sun, Sep 29, 2024 at 10:15 AM MD. Mahedi Hasan <> wrote:Thank you for the information.On Sun, 29 Sept 2024 at 20:00, Scott MacLeod <> wrote: Dear Mahedi (Hasan, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, aka Strategist Mahedi), JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon (and with Harvard MBA), Jenny (Ling, Chase bank Curated Coaching TAP & UPenn MBA), US Senator, and former Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren, Peter (Norvig, Google AI, director), Sid (Mazumdar HHS, and Shady Side Academy SSA high school alum '78 and Harvard alum ~'82), Steve Cambor (SSA alum '78, and former managing director in the 1990s of JP Morgan Chase bank), Shawn (Flaherty, attorney, and SSA alum '78, and former Democratic member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives for the 30th legislative district), All,Greetings! How JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, and Jenny (Ling, Chase bank Curated Coaching TAP & U Penn MBA), are Chase bank loans for WUaS potentially DEVELOPING, step by step, and after about 10 WUaS Curated Coaching (TAP) sessions in partnership with Chase bank with invitation to MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch from Stanford Latino Business Action Network (LBAN) beginning last December 8, 2023 (meeting with the first Curated Coaching TAP consultant Jenny Ling), and regarding, especially, the -MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School -
WUaS Educational Services' Stores for Books, Computers, Robotics +
Business Plan for a Startup Business - 2024 1WtXNAEzFp4DdVqKq3pxOPQOQE7ZCS 8zqSQhxJmTz3-k/edit?usp= sharing ... ?Thank you, Mahedi, for facilitating the great beginning bilingual Bangladesh World University and School website in the Bangla language (but not yet in American English), newly in Google Sites - home (and I'm sorry you weren't able to complete however 50% of the project by F Sep 26 2024 per our written AND spoken understandings here world-university-and-school/ home (and was this due to someone else in your agency or a team member?)) - and mostly all from http:// Could WUaS (both 1) MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch AND 2) the WUaS Corp, our two WUaS wings) receive potentially Chase bank loans in such a way that JP Morgan Chase Bangladesh could potentially pay Strategist Mahedi Hasan in Dhaka Bangladesh to develop further WUaS universities' websites in Google Sites and in all ~200 countries - AND even with the JP Morgan Chase information technology department itself - and as WUaS seeks to code for all 171.2 million Bangladeshis, each a Wikidata PIN # from here - wiki/You_at_World_University - and to create wiki people-to-people free universal education, and to end poverty as well there (eg with Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency free money daily - - even partly as UBI experiments too)? I was glad and interested to find this JP Morgan Chase bank Bangladesh web site recently - - and regarding Chase bank having operations there since around 1971. (With possible relevance for the WUaS Educational Services' Stores opening in Bangladesh in Bangla and other languages there (per WUaS Business Plan above) -I asked Gemini AI just recently"Is Walmart in Greece?" "No, WM isn't in Greece" it replied.And "Is Ikea in Greece?" Yes, I learned, this Swedish chain of furniture stores has 5 stores in 4 cities there, AND INTERESTINGLY Gemini AI VOICE mentioned the name of the Greek GROUP that operates these, but the TEXT reply from Gemini AI doesn't mention the name of this Greek Group of Ikea managers / owners there. )SO, as a further WUaS question to you, could the WUaS Corporation engage a group in Bangladesh networked with JP Morgan Chase Bangladesh connections to begin to open WUaS Educational Services' Stores for books, robotics, computers, retail, groceries, department stores, hospital technologies, cafes and similar in Bangladesh - ((and in Greece as well per - ... and could this be a first WUaS Bangladeshi group of business people (and could WUaS even use an emerging flagship WUaS Educational Services' Store in the USA as a model)? So, How JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, and Jenny (Ling, Chase bank Curated Coaching TAP & U Penn MBA), are Chase bank loans for WUaS potentially developing, step by step please? And how best further to communicate about this, and secure these initial loans - and potentially to pay Mahedi to develop and market the Bangladesh WUaS University website further?In a related vein, and with MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School being Friendly Quaker informed regarding our WUaS Monthly Business Meeting, which is loosely conducted in the manner of Quakers, might I please invite you CEO Jamie Dimon, Jenny Ling, friend Steve Cambor SSA '78, and US Senator Elizabeth Warren to join the WUaS Finance Committee (since Friends' Monthly Business Meeting does its business via a Committee process)? Please let me know.Thanks, abolition-ally, best regards,ScottPSPer the email below (PPPPP S) I shared in this thread a few days agoPS aCould WUaS build in Judge AI software (for economic dispute AI adjudication as I understand this, and where I learned of Judge AI from the first Stanford Law CodeX presentation in this autumn term) into even the question of Mahedi Hasan only delivering 50% of the bilingual 'finished product' WUaS website per our written and spoken understandings and agreements ... and INTO MANY or some of our WUaS other Bangladesh and other countries' arrangements possibly?PPSIn what ways could WUaS collaborate with the Bangladesh Olympic Association, and by reaching out to -General Shafiuddin AHMED, SBP, OSP, ndu, psc, PhD olympic-association/16158
Address: Rajuk Avenue Outer Stadium, Purana Paltan Dhaka 1000 BANGLADESH... and to engage their international Olympic organization to also SEEK prospective "Olympic Bangladeshi students" (and all countries' "Olympic students" - for 2 and 4 and 8 year degrees) even, and for MIT OCW-centric or -focused WUaS free degrees from home in Bangladesh (and see even below)? And the current Bangladesh head of the Olympic Association there General Shafiuddin Ahmed could not only be an in-country Bangladeshi collaborator for Strategist Mahedi (Hasan), but he's also been to Washington DC area meeting with the US Uniformed Services - and see picture here in USA I think and with US officers too - ANd9GcT2ZDcvUCI- BB0BYDRc94AVJoJw2pJzSXsJkRtEKd PQG_CR367RDnanJRugiNuH4wr3DqU& usqp=CAU (from https://www. Shafiuddin_Ahmed_(officer) ) - and he has a PhD too. PPPSAlso in the email below is the name of the Google head of Google Maps with 80 updates to Google Earth ... and especially regarding WUaS building out a #RealisticVirtualEarth as STEM field sites, and classrooms - AND FOR ADDING THESE NEW URLs and algorithms for example to the Bangladeshi World Univ & Sch in Bangla, and USA World Univ & Sch in English new bilingual websites ... and see again the INCREDIBLE #ToolifyAIWUaS (on Twitter) article from Peter Norvig titled "Revolutionizing Education with Machine Learning and AI: World University IN School" - education-with-machine- learning-and-ai-2574306 PPPPSAnd regarding a #Realistic Virtual Harbin Hot Springs as STEAM field site and as a #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistor y especially, see this recent set of Tweets - Wow, a Googler #PeterNorvig? has been building out #RealisticVirtualHarbin in #GStreetView w #GTimeSlider in&2007 - w #VintageFireEngine (TURN LEFT) -& NEW: 2024 - a #vintageRVPPPPP S
Scott MacLeod
Fri, Sep 27, 1:43 PM (1 day ago)
Hi Mahedi (and a 3rd party +?), Partha (Mazumdar), Mary (Murrin), and Peter (Norvig),Thank you for your emails just now too ... and you're welcome ... and how is the finished (beginning) WUaS bilingual website coming, in English - world-university-and-school/ home ... eg when I clicked on this just now I didn't see any new updates - AND PER OUR WRITTEN AND SPOKEN UNDERSTANDING for the $160 for the bilingual WUaS website finished product by today, as a question of ethics too (before we explore how to move further ahead together or not ... and it occurs to me to reach out to Google For Education and Google Maps / Earth / Street View .... for further Google Sites' WUaS website building and collaboration, - and possibly even to seek collaboration with the Bangladesh Olympics' Association re G Street View too, and see PS below) - besides what I added earlier today: "Earn a degree online for free now at home
MIT OCW-focused Wikipedia World University and School is growing in popularity for free online degrees for students. Bachelor's, PhD, Law, MD IB High School/Association, AA/AS, and Master's degrees are available for free - first in English, then in 200 countries around the world and their major languages.
And see -
bdworlduniversityandschool/ home Take the free "#CSFirst #WithGoogle @WUaS" course & enroll in #MITOCW-centric WUaS for free degrees!
""MD. Mahedi Hasan" <>, Mahedi Hasan <mahedi.hasan@>, Sid Mazumdar <>, mazu, Mainak & Sati Mazumdar <>, Janie MacLeod <>, Scott Gordon MacLeod <president@>, Peter Norvig <>, mahediha, Mary Murrin <> Signing off further until Monday as I continue to refresh this World Univ & Sch bilingual website in English - world-university-and-school/ home ... Yogically, abolitionally, thanks,Scott
PSBangladesh Olympic Association 3 Purana Paltan, Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh -*Dhaka, Dhaka DivisionANDAND*head of the BOAGeneral Shafiuddin AHMED, SBP, OSP, ndu, psc, PhD
Election Date: 22/12/2021
*ANDupdated Google Earth imagery in 80 countries -3 imagery updates to Google Earth and Maps
Sep 24, 2024
Check out Google Earth’s new historical imagery — plus, Street View updates in nearly 80 places and sharper imagery with AI.
Stafford Marquardt
Senior Product Manager, Google Maps google-earth-and-maps/ ...On Sat, Sep 28, 2024 at 8:04 AM Scott Gordon MacLeod <> wrote: Dear Mahedi (WITHOUT your agency), Pin & Mazumdars (in Maryland, I think), Ma (Janie), All,Thank you for creating the great Bangladesh World Univ & Sch in the Bangla language - centaurium-erythraea.html?m=0. As a followup to my email a few hours ago, Mahedi, - And while you may need money and be living close to the edge financially, and I and WUaS have been and are impoverished for decades (but in getting WUaS for a song) ... it's possible JP Morgan Chase bank loans to WUaS will finally come through - and be able to pay you Mahedi to develop the World University amd School web site in English too even WITH Bangladesh JP Morgan Chase bank's IT information technology department (so without possible criminals ??? on you 'team') - eg so to pay you from the JP Morgan Chase bank in Dhaka ... and even thus make a much better World Univ & Sch web site with CS knowledge about AI & ML than you might have done by yesterday had you finished the bilingual WUaS website on time and on budget, and for education ... In the meantime, here's an invitation to you All to Pi Cryptocurrency free money daily -"Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 55 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link use my username (sgkmac) as your invitation code" which WUaS seeks to code for for free universal education wiki-wise for all 7.9 billion people on the planet from here each a Wikidata PIN # - wiki/You_at_World_University - AND to end poverty worldwide even with UBI experiments (Universal Basic Income) and similar. Thank you, Mahedi, and please stay tuned.Thanks, Yogically, abolitionally, Friendly Quaker greetings, best wishes,ScottOn Thu, Sep 26, 2024 at 10:54 AM Scott MacLeod <> wrote: Dear Mahedi (and your agency, whomever that may include), Mazumdars (in Maryland, I think), Ma (Janie), All,Thanks so so much, Mahedi, for the new bilingual World Univ & Sch websiteWorld University and School (in English ... )Bangladesh World University and School (in Bangla)(and I may post some of this further here in daily blog (as social media site too for possible outreach, marketing and branding as well) -Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Centaurium erythraea: NEW #BangladeshWorldUnivAndSch in #BanglaWUaS - bdworlduniversityandschool/ home ~ centaurium-erythraea.html) It looks great so far!1As I read through the great Bangladesh World Univ & Sch in the Bangla language - bdworlduniversityandschool/ home (which will become the basis for another ~204 online WUaS Universities I think, per ~200 countries in the Olympics) - and regarding 'truthfulness' - an idea in Yoga philosophy ( yoganotations.html), and in Harvard University's motto regarding the 'veritas' word (truth from Latin) ... I noticed that the translation on the 'about' page - view/ bdworlduniversityandschool/ about - changed where I studied and have degrees from to, per the translation, that I taught at Reed College and the University of California :
"হ্যালো বাংলাদেশ,
প্রফেসর স্কট জিকে ম্যাকলিওড রিড কলেজ এবং ক্যালিফোর্নিয়া বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে শিক্ষক ছিলেন। তিনি MIT OCW-কেন্দ্রিক উইকি ওয়ার্ল্ড ইউনিভার্সিটি এবং স্কুলের সভাপতি, প্রতিষ্ঠাতা এবং সিইও, "Actually, I have degrees and diplomas at the university level from Reed College and the University of California, Santa Barbara, and the University of Edinburgh, in Scotland.And I've taught on1)Harvard's virtual island in the 3D group-buildable virtual world in Second Life for about 10 years (the course "Society & Information Technology" and I'm writing a book from teaching this course titled "Society, Information Technology, and the Global University" 2025, to be published probably by Academic Press at World University and School),2)at the University of California, Santa Barbara, as a graduate student instructor in a PhD program, and at UC Berkeley, as a graduate student reader (but not matriculated as a PhD student)3)at Chatham University, In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania4)at Pennsylvania State University (New Kensington campus, near Pittsburgh)Please include that I taught on1Harvard's virtual island in Second Life (not on Harvard University's faculty), and2that I did NOT teach at Reed College3and that I have a Diploma from the University of Edinburgh2ALSOSomehow this link - education-with-machine- learning-and -ai-2574306। was showing a different article from this INCREDIBLE article by Peter Norvig about World Univ & Sch, a realistic virtual earth, and for STEM, and as classrooms, and for studying enjoyment in learning, regarding "Flow: the Psychology of Optimal Experience" (book and research by Csikszentmihalyi)“Revolutionizing Education with Machine Learning and AI: World University In School - education-with-machine- learning-and-ai-2574306 PLEASE use this link -(AND see the English version in the PS)Looking forward to seeing the main home page, in this bilingual WUaS new professional website, forWorld University and School3Regarding the 'agency' (capacity to act freely - re free will idea and see PPS) word you used yesterday Mahedi when we met in Google Meet video conference -Am at the Carnegie Free Library in Pgh PA on Mt Washington ... AND MAY SEEK TO create a video out front with Carnegie Free Library in the background regarding what we talked about re free "CS First With Google at World Univ & Sch" to matriculate into WUaS for free WUaS degrees - the PPPS below as well -Friends - #BanglaLanguage prospective #WUaSstudents ~ NEW #BangladeshWorldUnivAndSch in #BanglaWUaS - bdworlduniversityandschool/ home Take the free "#CSFirst #WithGoogle @ #WUaSUnivs" course https://csfirst. & enroll in to @WorldUnivAndSch for #MITOCW-centric ~ #FreeWUaSdegrees ! Thanks,ScottPSaboutProfessor Scott GK MacLeod was educated at Reed College and the University of California. He's President, Founder and CEO at MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School, offering free-to-students' online accrediting MIT OCW-centric and Google-centric university & high school WUaS degrees from home, in all ~200 countries' official / main languages. World University and School is like Wikipedia in ~300 languages with the best STEM CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare - - in 5 languages - He's taught "Society and Information Technology" at World University and School, and elsewhere on Harvard's virtual Island, for many years where he also teaches anthropology and sociology. He’s developing a realistic virtual earth as WUaS virtual classrooms, and STEM field sites; see Peter Norvig’s 2024 article about World University and School, “Revolutionizing Education with Machine Learning and AI: World University In School - news/revolutionizing- education-with-machine- learning-and-ai-2574306. He’s the author of 5 books, and currently writing “Society, Information Technology and the Global University.” He's also the founder of the Academic Press at World University and School - http:// AcademicPress.html - planned in all 7,164 living languages with machine translation, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and large language models. PPSAgency
In philosophy, agency is the ability of individuals to act independently and make free choices based on their will. It's a concept that's related to free will, which is the ability to choose among moral options in a situation.PPSa'central intelligence ... agency' too re US federal government networks somehow too ??? and in all ~200 countries?PPPSHere are the social media posts we talked about yesterday W 9/25/24 so far, Mahedi (with video to come soon for
* * *
The Pendle Hill Bookstore / Publications - (at the Pendle Hill Quaker Center for Study and Contemplation, in Wallingford PA, SW of Philadelphia) - are inspirations for the WUaS Academic Press and WUaS Educational Services' Stores, both planned in ~200 countries and in their main languages
Charles and Judith Randall Quakers Pendle Hill bookstore - (Quaker Center for Study and Contemplation)
* * *
Thanks for the Toyota Sienna Woodland Edition information Tue July 2, 2024 (and in growing Scotland World Univ & Sch -
Tuesday, October 8, 2024, 5:08 AM
Wednesday, October 9, 2024





AND I also recognize in all of this that there is competition for Nobel Prizes and regarding Toyota possibly funding??? the Nobel Prize organization and authors like Ishiguro even (re Nobel Lit Prize laureate Kazuo Ishiguros' "Klara and the Sun" book about humanoid robotics, which I had showed and mentioned to Brewer Airport Toyota's Donnie Sippel ) ... and as I left this place early the next morning, Oct 8, 2024 ... after BAT wouldn't turn the tire puncture light on my dashboard off ... as part of their official check in process ... and as I seek to stay alive and grow a WUaS abolition movement worldwide ... for all 7.9 billion people ... More later, Scott
What is #InternetEcologyKarma re #KarmaWUaS?
What is #InternetEcologyKarma re #KarmaWUaS? What are #BestYogaBooks?
— QuakerYogaMacFlower (@Q_YogaMacFlower) October 9, 2024
"#BhagavadGita" "explores themes of #dharma, #karma, and the #NatureOfTheSoul through the dialogue..." per ~ ~
* * *
examples of notable Presbyterians ? (with their Scots' background, and my wonderful mother living at a Presbyterian senior continuing care center now in the greater Pittsburgh area) ... and especially asking Gemini AI about great Presbyterians from the past ...
Notable Presbyterians Throughout History
Presbyterianism has a rich history, and many individuals have made significant contributions to the faith and the world. Here are a few notable examples:
Historical Figures
- John Knox: A Scottish reformer who played a crucial role in establishing Presbyterianism in Scotland.
- Jonathan Edwards: An influential American theologian and preacher known for his powerful sermons and theological writings.
- John Witherspoon: A prominent figure in the American Revolution who served as a signer of the Declaration of Independence.
- Robert E. Lee: A Confederate general during the American Civil War who was a devout Presbyterian.
Modern Figures
- Billy Graham: A renowned evangelist who led crusades around the world and reached millions with his message of faith.
- Ronald Reagan: The 40th President of the United States who was raised Presbyterian and often spoke of his faith.
- Maya Angelou: A celebrated poet, author, and civil rights activist who was a member of the Presbyterian Church.
- Fred Rogers: The beloved children's television host who was an ordained Presbyterian minister.
This is just a small sample of the many notable Presbyterians throughout history. The Presbyterian Church has produced countless individuals who have made significant contributions to society, culture, and faith.
Would you like to learn more about a specific Presbyterian figure?
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