Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Alpine blue-sow-thistle: First texts in #ScotsGaelicLanguage? Gemini AI artificial intelligence reply - in #ScotsLanguage? Another Gemini AI artificial intelligence reply - Adding Allan, Alasdair. 2024. "Exploring the diversity of Scotland's languages" to & planned in these languages @WorldUnivAndSch ~ * * * upcoming #SocietyInfoTechAndTheGlobalUniversity book @WUaSPress ch10 "@WorldUnivAndSch WUaS’s 12 Main Subject Areas & #AIKnowledgeGeneration" Examples of an author writing a book & sending paragraph by paragraph their book's manuscript to friends w Tweets? * * Friday, October 4, 2024 Scottish languages' diversity (-from the Middle Ages) This is a key idea for WUaS ie Planned in these languages @WorldUnivAndSch @sgkmacleod


First texts in #ScotsGaelicLanguage?
in #ScotsLanguage? 
Allan, Alasdair. 2024. 
"Exploring the diversity of Scotland's languages"
& planned in these languages @WorldUnivAndSch ~ 

First texts in #ScotsGaelicLanguage?
in #ScotsLanguage? 
Allan, Alasdair. 2024. 
"Exploring the diversity of Scotland's languages"
& planned in these languages @WorldUnivAndSch ~ 


A braw airticle fae @alasdairallan 

first texts in Scottish Gaelic language?

in the Scots' language? 
Allan, Alasdair. 2024. 
"Exploring the diversity of Scotland's languages"



Allan, Alasdair. 2024. 
Exploring the diversity of Scotland's languages. Friday, September 27. (A braw airticle fae @alasdairallan Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, Scotland: West Highland Free Press -

first texts in Scottish Gaelic language?

in the Scots' language? 


When was Scottish Gaelic first written down on paper or what are its first texts?

The earliest known written examples of Scottish Gaelic date back to the 13th century. This is when the language began to diverge significantly from its Irish counterpart, developing its own distinct characteristics.
Some of the earliest surviving Scottish Gaelic texts include:
 * The Book of Deer (12th century): A collection of religious texts, including the Gospels and lives of saints, written in Old Scots Gaelic.
 * The Book of the Dean of Lismore (15th century): A collection of poems, songs, and prose texts in Middle Scots Gaelic.
It's important to note that while these are some of the earliest examples, Gaelic language and culture had a long oral tradition before it was written down. The written records we have are just a small snapshot of a much richer and longer history.


When are the later Middle Ages and what are the first texts or manuscripts in the Scots' language? 

The Late Middle Ages generally span from the 14th to the 16th centuries. This period saw significant cultural and political developments in Scotland, including the rise of the Scottish language as a dominant force in literature and official documents.
One of the earliest surviving major texts in Scots is John Barbour's "Brus", composed in 1375. This epic poem recounts the story of Robert the Bruce, a Scottish king who led the country to independence from England. Other notable early texts in Scots include:
 * "The Kingis Quair" by King James I (c. 1424)
 * "The Buik of Alexander" (c. 1438)
These works demonstrate the growing sophistication and literary quality of the Scots language during the Late Middle Ages.

* * 
Friday,  October 4, 2024

Scottish languages' diversity (-from the Middle Ages) 

This is a key idea for WUaS ie Planned in these languages @WorldUnivAndSch @sgkmacleod 

Gemini ai text

MacLeod, Scott G.K. 2024. 

1st texts in #ScotsGaelicLanguage? #ScotsLanguage? Adding Allan, Alasdair. 2024. "Exploring the diversity of Scotland's languages"> & planned in these languages @WorldUnivAndSch ~

A braw airticle fae @alasdairallan
See also: 
Allan, Alasdair. 2024. Exploring the diversity of Scotland's languages. Friday, September 27. (A braw airticle fae @alasdairallan Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, Scotland: West Highland Free Press -

October 2. 
Pittsburgh, PA:

* * * 

upcoming #SocietyInfoTechAndTheGlobalUniversity book @WUaSPress ch10 "@WorldUnivAndSch WUaS’s 12 Main Subject Areas & #AIKnowledgeGeneration" Examples of an author writing a book & sending paragraph by paragraph their book's manuscript to friends w Tweets? 

upcoming #SocietyInfoTechAndTheGlobalUniversity book @WUaSPress ch10 "@WorldUnivAndSch WUaS’s 12 Main Subject Areas & #AIKnowledgeGeneration" Examples of an author writing a book & sending paragraph by paragraph their book's manuscript to friends w Tweets?

upcoming #SocietyInfoTechAndTheGlobalUniversity book 
"World University and School WUaS’s 12 Main Subject Areas and AI Knowledge Generation"

What are examples of an author writing a book and sending paragraph by paragraph their book's manuscript to friends ?

Combine with Twitter ?


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