Friday, February 28, 2025

Eel River (California): ONSEN - this is the relatively new Youtube interactive immersive #InfoTech * Begin building a #RealisticVirtualHarbin #HarbinWarmPool sitting on long underwater 'bench' at #WarmPool's front end for #SoakingMeditation & looking up to left AND ahead into #HotPoolRoom & watching people walk in mostly naked for ex. FROM #HomeBathtub ? * * * Texts with Ma (Janie MacLeod), Pin (Siddhartha Mazumdar, HHS), ,Ed (Smyth MD, Kaiser Permanente NorCal), - February 2025 & Harbin Hot Springs' ethnography-wise


ONSEN - this is the relatively new Youtube interactive immersive #InfoTech 

Begin building a #RealisticVirtualHarbin #HarbinWarmPool sitting on long underwater 'bench' at #WarmPool's front end for #SoakingMeditation & looking up to left AND ahead into #HotPoolRoom & watching people walk in mostly naked for ex. FROM #HomeBathtub ?

No video image

I can envision with it the Harbin warm pool and sitting on the long underwater 'bench' at its front end and looking up to the left and watching people walk in mostly naked into the warm pool for example
竹取亭円山 有馬温泉湯めぐりVR
Taketoritei Maruyama Arima Onsen Bathing VR
#RealisticVirtualHarbin ~

* * 
Breakthrough too for a #RealisticVirtualHarbin #HotSprings from #HomeBathtub -
#VirtualSoaking & for @HarbinBook #PhysicalDigital #WUaSethnographic & #WUaSSTEM #WUaSbrain #WUaSVRheadset #WUaSresearch @WorldUnivAndSch in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth w #wuAsVR ~ 

Breakthrough too for a #RealisticVirtualHarbin #HotSprings from #HomeBathtub -
#VirtualSoaking & for @HarbinBook #PhysicalDigital #WUaSethnographic & #WUaSSTEM #WUaSbrain #WUaSVRheadset #WUaSresearch @WorldUnivAndSch in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth w #wuAsVR ~


ONSEN - this is the relatively new Youtube interactive immersive #InfoTech that I think will be amazing for further #PhysicalDigital #HarbinHotSprings' #ethnographic & STEM brain research too in a #RealisticVirtualHarbin & for #WUaSSTEM & #WUaSfieldsites ~

* * * 

Texts with Ma (Janie MacLeod), Pin (Siddhartha Mazumdar, HHS), ,Ed (Smyth MD, Kaiser Permanente NorCal), - February 2025 & Harbin Hot Springs' ethnography-wise

 Friday, Jan 31 · 10:02 AM
Good morning, Pin, Ma, Ed, (All - and who might this be?)! Greetings from the HI SF Fisherman's Wharf youth hostel ! How are you ? (Seems as if T.. L......... has secured his position in the regime change after the inauguration as special envoy to Yemen ... you, too, Pin, in HHS? And might T.. be the US federal government diplomat involved even regarding my whistle-blowing about the SF Quaker Meeting much in 2017 ... and re the AFSC renter too on the 2nd floor ? ... What happened there?... and regarding the wrongful buying and selling of people in the illegal sex drugs and violence industries, kids tragically even, out of there ... and international organized crime??? ...) AND RE TOO "Chase bank branch, Shadyside community in Pgh PA, M 12/11/23 (continuing in communication with Chase CreditCard Executive Office newly) " W 1/29/25 Monterey cypress ... ... Checked out of this HI SF youth hostel yesterday morning Th 1/30/25 after 3 nights ... thinking I might stay at the Santa Cruz hostel (owned by the city of Santa Cruz, and not Hostelling International) and where I know Tony Arrow (former ship captain of large sailing ships in Southeast Massachusetts, but from a suburb of San Jose ) and had emailed him Wednesday further about sailing and a concern that a room cleaner, a little blond woman, there was somehow 'stalking' me there (or lying in wait for me there)  ... A bit hesitant to stay there because of this, I dallied seeking to check into the Santa Cruz hostel until just after 7, AND THEIR OFFICE WAS CLOSED ... so I called their posted number, and soon received this text message re evidence - "We are with a guest or our office is closed (9am - 7pm). Please visit our website,, to book or email/text any questions. Happy travels" ...  good serendipity and synchronicity potentially ... so I drove north 30 miles along hwy 1 to the HI Pigeon Point Lighthouse youth hostel ... in seeking to stay there ... and talked to Kevin in the office around 7:50pm (on video surveillance camera???) asking about laundry for hostellers too ... but, kind of stone-faced, he said they were full ...Could this Hosteling International Pigeon Point youth hostel in a CA state park be involved in the wrongful buying and selling of people in the illegal sex industry ? ... So seeking a place to sleep, I drove back to the HI SF Fisherman's Wharf youth hostel ... and was able to check in until Tuesday, for 5 nights ... BUT MY CREDIT CARD STOPPED WORKING AGAIN (and will call Jenelle at Chase credit card Exec Office later) ... so I paid in cash ... Desiderata - ... but in growing a WUaS worldwide abolition movement, it seems crazy that I might not be able to sleep in 2 hostels because they might be breaking the law with wrongful buying and selling of people ... Keep peace in your soul ... email to Chase credit card and about 142 friends and contacts too here - ... Thoughts, questions? Fond regards, abolitionally, good to sit in Yogic meditation again this morning, Scott ( ... and good to be in this youth hostel too for the next 5 days - ... abolition-ally!)


 Monday, Feb 3 · 3:42 PM

Hi Ma, Pin, Ed! How are you? Good WUaS News and QA today including yesterday meeting AND CONNECTING with in the Youth Hostel Shreyash Agrawal and Ahkil Sakkale (and their great wives!) all living in Calgary Cavada most working at S.A.P.  a German multinational software company - AND all from Mumbai India :) (w pic of us here - 2/3/25 open @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress #WUaSNewsQA "Can we reverse aging?" #AgingReversalGenetics
- ( "Can we reverse aging? 7 yrs ago, Ocampo et al. ..." #AgingReversalGenetics ~) ... Just walked out to almost under the Golden Gate Bridge from HI hostel an hour and met a great couple too George Sery, an Intel engineer for 30 years and smart and IT minded (re its visions)  and wife  ... How might my move into a newly safe Canyon 94516 be developing I wonder and in a complex set of developments knocking back into organized crime ... Not sure but glad to be going to a first Stanford Law Constitutional event in the Law school tomorrow ... Stay tuned, abolitionally, warm regards, Scott (really great Stanford Enterprise AI governance class "Ask an Expert" session with Peter Norvig this morning  at 11 am PT :)

Maybe the WUaS corp will become financially operational thanks to meeting Shreyash and Ahkil childhood friends at SAP in Calgary :)

 Monday, Feb 3 · 5:38 PM
Hi Pin, Ed, Ma ... How are you doing? The battery in my MacBook Air held out for 2 full hours of video calls in Zoom this morning, interestingly, WUaS News and QA first, then Stanford Enterprise AI Governance course second ... and BOTH OUTSIDE on a picnic table with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background in 58F overcast winter weather ... getting down to 30% charge remaining ... AND Google Pixel Android OS smartphone's wifi hotspot was fast with T-Mobile wifi signal for video conferencing and lasted data-transfer-wise and battery went down to 66% ... impressive ... but I'm waiting for super lightweight bicycle electric motor battery and bicycle that hold enough charge for a 500 mile bicycle camping trip with 4 full panniers, and lots of hills, and no need to charge it overnight because it wouldn't be possible camping ... and with enough power to move the bike uphill at say ~25 mph ... Ah batteries, storage, batteries, storage ... more, more, more ... but 54 mile range for current electric bike batteries might get one around a city much of a day with a cargo electric bike ... a success for day trips 🙂 Thoughts? Scott (You'll find here a picture of a ZAP lead-acid battery - - with a 2-3 mile range which I used in the 1990s to ride up Market St in SF here - ) ... Good long fairly brisk walk to Golden Gate Bridge and meeting and talking with engineer George Sery along the way and back was invigorating in further connecting ways 🙂 - How are you doing with batteries? I think I recall, Ed, you showing a battery recharging pack for smartphones and similar years ago ... never really looked into them re MacBook Air laptop batteries ... 🙂 Fondly, Scott

 Tuesday, Feb 4 · 8:04 AM
Good morning, Ma, Ed, Pin, How are you doing (where it's very rainy this morning in SF). I hope this finds you well. I think I'm getting close to the end of being able to stay 14 days at this SF youth hostel ... Glad I was able to extend my stay here another day (and after meditating Yogically, and Quaker-wise too, this morning first thing upon rising) and pay cash a second time (after using a credit card the times before that). My Chase Freedom credit card stopped working when I just checked in here a few days ago (2nd asylum address in Pgh 5816 Callowhill St Pgh 15206 was the address on this card, my being unable to give a new address yet, for one) ... which will limit my checking into other hostels or similar places ... Will seek to pay off the $990.26 balance this morning  ... Hoping I get the green light somehow to move into a newly safe open Canyon 94516 by tomorrow (with US federal, state of CA, and Contra Costa county law working effectively together in new ways), and seek to move my things out of storage then in nearby Rheem Valley/Moraga to 670 Canyon before the Th February 6th ... Will attending my first in person Stanford Law event in the Stanford Law School help facilitate this somehow? (Stanford Law is being helpful for WUaS I think ... with the Stanford Enterprise AI Governance course, with Peter Norvig giving the first talks - and who was a fascinating speaker in the 1st Ask an Expert session yesterday ... on top of Stanford Law CodeX and Roland Vogl ... re incorporating as the WUaS Corporation in CA in 2017 thanks to one of its presenters AI LawDroid software for writing articles of incorporation) ...Could I have met multinational business software SAP's Shreyash Agrawal and Akhil Sakalle in this youth hostel somehow through Peter Norvig's networks -  Desiderata is helpful - - as I navigate MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS forward with the first MIT-Harvard "How to Grow Almost) Anything" synthetic biology course beginning today at 11am PT  ... and potentially to grow a #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics and even #ForAgingReversal ... Thoughts? Warm regards, Fondly, Scott (

 Tuesday, Feb 4 · 8:52 PM

Hi Ma, Ed, Pin! How are you? How best to potentially move the process forward of moving the WUaS Academic Medical Center & the WUaS Longevity Genetics Institute into a newly safe 670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon 94516 in a timely way I wonder, and with whom to communicate about this further - post the first How to Grow (Almost) Anything' synthetic biology course today - in which George Church is kind of a student, as well as a teacher interestingly ? And where to stay tomorrow ... Bill Robert's Garden Cottage where I lived from about 1994- 2001 which he seemed to suggest might be possible the other day on the phone ? Thoughts, questions, suggestions? Fond regards, Scott (

Hi Ma, Ed, Pin, (all), - will see what Bill (Roberts) says in the morning ... Not sure where to stay otherwise ... and as I seek to stay alive re the 'murder' word spoken by Chase bank VP Shauna McNally in Chase bank Shadyside Pgh in March of 2024 ... and re being in asylum now in the SF Bay Area eg from Chase bank possible affiliates in Pgh especially (but am also wondering about Chase bank Moraga and Canyon 94516 links re intl organized crime too)   in International Organized crime in the SF Bay Area too ... Thoughts? Fondly, Scott & Desiderata ... )

Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
To a global, virtual, free, open, {future degree- & credit-granting}, multilingual University & School for the developing world and everyone, as well as loving bliss ~

 Wednesday, Feb 5 · 9:47 AM
Good morning, Ma, Ed, Pin! Seeking to head to my Moraga / Rheem Valley storage unit (near Canyon 94516) today to pay another month's $269 before tomorrow 2/6/25 ... and possibly to get things out of it, like a tri-fold mattress, some kitchen supplies, and possibly small-pipes +, if I can stay in Bill Robert's Garden Cottage on Market ST SF tonight (where I lived for about 7 years -
 - before I headed to the Univ of Calif Santa Barbara for a master's degree in sociocultural anthropology studying aspects of the internet and information technology and the network society and virtual place from 2001-2003, and then to the Univ of Edinburgh from 2003-2004) ... and then from Moraga drive all the way south of the SF Bay and then back north to SF potentially to avoid bridge tolls (since my car still as PA license plates on it for one) ... it's slightly quicker with less traffic in the morning than with traffic in the afternoon ... What are you all up to today? ... Good to go to a first Stanford Univ Law School talk between Jonathan Gienapp and Michael McConnell on US constitutional originalism ... (I think I'm in the other camp ... LIVING CONSTITUTIONALISM  which didn't get talked about basically at all) ... AND even regarding creating World Univ & Sch ... There are still some hippies around Stanford (one couple I recognized in this talk, for example) ... and appreciating Stanford hippiness-in-the-air (even as Stanford becomes more and more prosperous) ... INCREDIBLE new screens in rm 290 in the law school ... and could such screens and Stanford builders, too, help develop the WUaS Multimedia Room, WUaS Hospital Room with such screens on all 5-6 sides of the space/room, and even to 'float' or 'fly' a Drosophila fly brain Connectome for aging reversal genetics research, in the shop at 670 Ridgecrest Road (and even for a virtual Harbin hot springs for research - Stay tuned ... Warmly, Scott (

Good day, Ed, Pin, Ma! I called Bill and we talked about my moving into the Garden Cottage this evening ...  the kitchen sink needs work ... He had a sleepy voice (and I wonder if he's taken medication for "Aches and pains" per his voice in both calls) ...  He was open to getting together for a coffee or similar ... Tomorrow at 11 we are planning to get together ... And to firm up details later about where and when. He's using a cane ... and he said he's on the way out  (possibly moving to Houston TX  to be near his sister this year) ... But I was able to extend staying at this youth hostel another night (my 13th out of 14 in the calendar year) ... And I don't have a functioning credit card to be able to stay elsewhere ... (But I paid off my credit card bill in full yesterday 2/4/25 due March 1 2025 even though Jenelle said my credit card was closed ... Possibly as Chase credit abolishes intl organized crime too ... But this card has been reactivated before) ..  And what does Bill know about Canyon 94516 and my moving in there (re ex Sen Steve Glazer in district 7) ? ... Could I possibly even move into a newly safe open Canyon 94516 tomorrow? Thoughts? Fondly, abolitionally, warmly, Scott (

 Wednesday, Feb 5 · 1:03 PM
Turns out the 269 for storage (+ 20 admin fee) initially was through March 6 so didn't need to pay again (had a vague recollection of this but good to check and 135 per month is expensive nevertheless) ... Doing some errands now in Cardenas grocery as I drive south around the SF Bay ... And where will I sleep tomorrow night - How are you all doing? 🥰 Scott

 Thursday, Feb 6 · 9:29 AM
Hi Ed, Ma, Pin, How are you doing? Good to talk with Bill (Roberts) on the phone yesterday evening .... will be heading there for coffee and a visit this morning around 11, after checking in to the Youth Hostel again for my last of 14 days in the calendar year at this hostel ... As I asked him about staying in his Garden Cottage, tomorrow Friday 2/7/24, he said the water had been turned off and gave me the impression again that it isn't available ... With no credit card, I'm not sure where I'll be able to stay in the SF Bay Area ... As we were talking about this further (asking him if he knows ret. district 7 CA Sen Steve Glazer or re his brother in the DC/Virginia area's contacts in the US federal government), I said to Bill I'm glad you Ed sought to precipitate my moving into a newly safe open Canyon 94516 beginning in March of 2022 ... and Bill said GREAT (and quite positively) ... might I be able. I wonder, to move forward into a newly safe Canyon 94516 tomorrow after checking out of this SF youth hostel I wonder? Thank you, Ed!  Fond regards, abolition ally, warmly, Scott (

Friday, Feb 7 · 9:23 AM
Good day, Ed, Ma, Pin! ... How are you today? Hoping this email finds you well. Checking out of this SF Fisherman's Wharf HI youth hostel after 14 nights (in a calendar year stays) ... and without a functioning credit card ... Where to sleep this evening? Head up to Harbin Hot Springs - -  and explore checking in at the gate for 24 hours ... for soaking (& car camping), first time since the Valley fire of 2015 ... and even to explore beginning further my virtual-actual 2nd Harbin Hot Springs ethnographic book project (to be published from Google Street View with time slider to paper and to possibly new hardware and devices ... eg a #WUaSMultimediaRoom for meditation-soaking-visiting-virtual-Harbin from our bathtubs )...  Or hear back somehow re US federal law with state of California laws working effectively together in new ways that I can move the WUaS Academic Medical Center with WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute into a newly safe open 670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon 94516 ? Or head over the High Sierra mountains (snow?) to the eastern Sierra and for Buckeye Hot Springs or Sierra Hot Springs near Bridgeport CA? Opportunity to explore and adventure into northern California further ... but I would like, I think, to move forward into a newly safe open Canyon 94516 today if possible ... Thoughts, questions, suggestions? Warm regards, Scott (added Harbin Hot Springs' gatehouse picture in end users building out a realistic virtual Harbin Hot springs here years ago - - and found it again ... now how to find its provenance further and for STEM and ethnographic university research?)

 Friday, Feb 7 · 4:05 PM

Heading to Harbin ... & coming over Mt St Helena from the north end of the Napa valley into Middletown CA 4 miles from Harbin Hot Springs ... It's a very beautiful drive and winding road  ... I remember this I said to myself about 4 times,  as the landscape jiggled my memory neurons ... Passed the Twin Pine (Indian) Casino & Hotel with gas at 433 (where other places range from 459-489/ gallon ... And Middletown Ca is just slightly more developed than before ... Eggs at Hardester's grocery store now kind of an Ace grocery store and hardware & are expensive at $8.99 /dozen (bird flu) ... I think of them as 'brain food' and as an ovo lacto vegetarian  Potentially can boil all 12 for ~7 minutes in the community kitchen at Harbin near the warm pool and at one end of the Main side pool area, if it's still there ... May camp outside of Harbin  on a toad near the Harbin Springs road & ... fork where I am now ... And head in in the morning to be able to soak and use showers on Saturday and Sunday mornings ... May camp here tonight with pics at the bottom -
 before moving on from the Harbin area on Sunday morning around 10 am, seeking to  check  in tomorrow Sat 2/8/25 ... at around 10 am ... Will it be $70 for 24 hours on weekends and $35 for a year membership for camping ? - seems likely ... Use the time this afternoon to further write some recollections ... re all 5 of my Harbin informed books ... Sunheart Sunheart (Colin was his first name, originally from Ohio) my friend and main anthropological informant has passed away  ... And who knows how a potential leased 2025 Toyota Sienna Woodland Edition mini van with multimedia package (with some parallels to a  Google Street View car?); will help shape and represent my 2nd Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic book project as realistic virtual Harbin even ( ?... And where to stay on Sunday night I wonder? (move forward from here into a newly safe open Canyon 94516 even?) ... Or might Donna invite me into her life and place in SF somehow? Thoughts, questions, suggestions? Good to be in the area near Harbin for a new "chapter" (i.e. next Harbin book) Fondly, Scott (
4:05 PM

Hot Springs' song from English Led Zeppelin rock and roll band from 1971  - ... called "Immigrant Song" :) 🥰, Scott
Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song | iHeart
Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song | iHeart

 Saturday, Feb 8 · 7:58 AM
Hi Ma, Ed, Pin ... Greetings from car camping on the gravelly side road near Harbin and The Harbin Springs Road Y fork  around 7 pm but without wifi near a little river ...  Heard back from Yoga friends / contacts / connections
in Chico CA affirmatively with 3 interesting well formed well conceived text attachments' 'structures' for the next "Yoga Philosophy Study Group" with my email address on the mailing list with "".
... and with "please see the attachments for an intro to the group.

Lauren and Tom"  re this possible  conversation (about bliss) on Th 2/27/25 online and In Chico ... In a different vein appreciating the great affirmative sociality and  connectedness with colleagues & radiant picture too that Donna Leet MD writes about here in her 1/2/25 Twitter post - ... & re my 'going solo' these days ... How to connect further potentially with Donna ? 💕, Scott

Ed, Ma, Pin, how are you? My smartphone shut off due to insufficient battery life in the middle of the night ... So even without an internet connection rurally, I still couldn't use it offline e.g. to write emails or text messages (it's incredible IT engineering) Woke up  around 5 and turned on the car engine to start recharging it ... And warm the car ...32 F outside freezing but slept on and off from 7-7 ... Occurred to me in the middle of the night, having received a Harbin communication, after the Valley fire in 2015, and after my "Naked Harbin Ethnography" book was published @WUaSPress in 2016, and after I met with Sunheart Sunheart (my informant and maybe my guide or 'avatar' - protector somehow?- even, through Harbin's counterculture) after the fire, in St Helena in the Napa valley at some distance from Harbin ... not to come to Harbin anymore ... Not sure why ...  Vut having gotten explicit permission to write it from senior MD Julie Adams and having worked as a Resident in the office taking reservations etc in around 2004 across the hall from CEO Sajjad Mahmoud Wynne (still possibly Harbin's CEO) and also senior MD (managing director ... and Sajjad trained as a Medical Doctor in Pakistan ... AND met T.. L......... in the State Dept having served in Pakistan too I think on property in 2012 when T.. and I visited Harbin together)  ... it occurs to me to email Ishvara and Sajjad and other Harbin heads before seeking to check in at the Harbin gatehouse to check if its ok to check in ... (Harbin could conceivably have been seeking somehow the perpetrators of the fire ... for example ... And the US federal government with state of CA law could have set it even - to change Harbin's practices ... or? ... and having met lawyers and at the time Human Resources directors at Harbin David and Sanna Dirk in Berkeley on College avenue in Elmwood, very curiously,  and they showing me a book titled "Obfuscation" published by the MIT Press .... ) ... I'd also like to stay at Harbin with its community kitchen on and off in the next few weeks ... as I seek to move forward into a newly safe open Canyon 94516 with US federal and CA law working together in new ways effectively ... Email to Sajjad and Ishvara to come ...  Thoughts? Hugs, abolition-ally, fondly, Scott (

Ma, Ed, Pin ... was just searching through my emails for Ishvara's (Bob Hartley, Harbin's founder) email address, for birthday greetings I emailed him and about 85 others ... AND found an email reply from him to me from 2017, INCREDIBLY, which I had forgotten even existed, and where I had invited him to give a talk in the UC Berkeley Anthropology department ... and to inquire if the Harbin bookstore would be interested in carrying my Harbin-informed books (all five of which are listed here - - as well as Sajjad Mahmood Wynne's humorous Harbin book too) ... and Ishvara's email gives me interesting insight into his thinking "Robert Hartley <>
Mon, Sep 11, 2017, 11:15 AM
to me

Dear Scott: I am 84 and do not go to the city, so no Berkeley Classes. As far as selling your books, that would be up to the bookstore manager and the MD's (Managing Directors, who run the place.)
Right now there is no bookstore. I have not seen any of your writings.

I have not seen your books and am assuming we would like them. Sometimes people who have a lot of energy are not welcome to be involved with us and I do not get the word on each person. Should that be the case, I shall go with what they say. I am not suggesting this is the case, but it has happened in the past with people with a lot of energy and I do not want it said that I am going against them. So this is like a fine print legal disclaimer. As it is, I welcome your energy, interest and intent. Love, Ishvara" ... He sent this a year after I had published "Naked Harbin Ethnography" and almost exactly 2 years after the Lake County "Valley Fire' (,2023)%20in%20insured%20property%20damage.) of around 9/12/2015 which razed Harbin Hot springs dramatically ... Interesting insight into Ishvara's thinking for me newly ... Thoughts? Fond regards, Scott
 Saturday, Feb 8 · 10:28 AM

Hi Ma, Ed, Pin ... Greetings now from the Lake County library (with still the acrid smell of burned down Harbin and a quarter of Middletown CA too in the air, 9 years after the 2015 Valley Fire) ... Having just emailed Ishvara and Sajjad et al in a thread with Ishvara's emails to me in it ... am wondering if Peter Norvig could have curated some of those emails from Ishvara to me ... which may open the way to my staying at Harbin on and off in the next few weeks even (if possible, and even to keep costs down ... eg every other night) ... for soaking meditation, showers and community kitchen) so to divide in 2 the somewhat expensive now $70 on weekends and $55 M-Th costs of camping for 24 hours at Harbin ... Ishvara is a businessman ... and it's possible per Ish's emails (curated by Peter Norvig???) that Harbin might be able to begin to carry my 5 Harbin books, and I may have the opportunity to inquire further about this now 🙂 ... and some 9 years after the Valley Fire of 2015, and when the 'culture' of Middletown, and alternative culture of Harbin Hot Springs may have changed substantially ... and people moved on and memories faded, and how could a #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory in 1 Realistic Virtual Earth and see again - ... and with Peter Norvig's thinking IT aid ... help with generating better and better history (academically and in so many ways, eg people wiki-created and similar ) ... Heading into Harbin soon ... Thoughts, abolitionally, fondly, Scott

 Saturday, Feb 8 · 1:47 PM
Hi Ma, Ed, Pin ... Just checked into Harbin, got a year membership, and parked high up on the main road in the meadows' area ... (The community kitchen burned down ... How to cook 12 eggs? )... But there are a lot of similarities still with pre-fire ... 24 hour pass taped to my windshield ... Similar lay of the Harbin property land although deforested from the fire ... Will walk to the pools along the 'village path' (which still exists and is used) from the meadow area ... some hippy types are around ... As the young woman at office reception, past the Harbin gatehouse where I've checked in for years (which woman told me to go up to the reception office), typed my name into the computer for the first time (I used 670 Ridgecrest Rd POB 442 General Delivery, Canyon 94516) and I paid $105 in cash (which she very readily accepted, and Harbin may be in need of (with no prohibition of cell phone use newly) ... And as a 'countercultural place' I suggest in my 1st book), I see that Harbin is getting itself together ... and also that I should be able to stay here in the next few weeks (with a year's membership) on and off ... (but without a community kitchen) ... Glad I got into their database computer system in person (and didn't have to make a reservation e.g. without a functioning credit card) so I could pay cash ... As Harbin develops its check in systems (re even possible outlaws and good people too) and re the state of CA and US federal laws too ... Good to be here again ... Heading to the pools soon ... Thoughts,: questions, suggestions ? Fondly, abolitionally, warm regards, Scott (here's a hood picture of the great Sunheart -
1:47 PM

 Saturday, Feb 8 · 4:39 PM
Hi Ma, Ed, Pin, warm greetings after a first long soak in the warm pool, the hot pool (just right too hot!) and the cold plunge right above both other pools (which I could barely stay in) ... Meditated some in the warm pool, did some Yoga asana too in completely new ways: Padmasana (full lotus) releasing my body everywhere into the warm water in this fully cross legged pose (as Yoga meditation esp), and Urdhva Hastasana upward arms from standing suspending myself from the warm pool railing and releasing whole body and feet down to the warm pool floor opening my back as well  ... I saw the 1st person I recognized fully, Christina Hamilton (not Williams) from Germany who does Breema bodywork and who married David a biodynamic farmer, both living in Hawaii for years ... (In topsy turvy alternative Harbin with its own feedback loops culturally, Did a becoming female trans person take my clean underwear from my inside winter jacket pocket ... Then wait outside the new changing room/toilet at the far end if the pool area awhile then go into the restroom there, while I was changing and say sorry in a male voice ? I had carried in clean underwear in ) ... After a great soak walked out on the village path to car, got my Recyclable reusable coffee cup and then walked all the way down the main road to the new cafe near the reception office, in a trailer to get a coffee (375) and said I had gotten a dozen eggs at Hardester's grocery in Middletown asking, since the community kitchen burned down, if there was any way I could boil them say in Middletown or there in cafe  ... No (health regs for one) ... So I asked if I could donate them ... and just then Crystal the manager came out (whom I remember a little from pre fire) ... and she said I could donate them &  she could put them in the staff room (she didn't use the 'Residents" word for people who now work at Harbin ... (May drive west an hour into Santa Rosa tomorrow after leaving Harbin by 1 ... and get 6 hard boiled eggs and groceries too)  With Stonefront Lodge and its cafe and the Stan Dale Conference Center (e.g for HAI workshops and dances, and other workshops like Tantra workshops etc)  across the creek all  burned down there aren't many places to hang out in post-fire Harbin  Also in the library in Middletown around 10:30 am I asked about Galen the librarian, (who worked in the old adobe library across the road now a museum and in the new one) and the female librarian said "He is no more" ..."is he retired?" I asked " Yes he's retired" and wondered if he (or even Ishvara) was dead? ... Also am wondering if there could be California Guard / soldiers on property or similar (foreign soldiers too even, not active however ) ... and even how such a CA Guard / foreign soldier dynamic might be playing out IT wise too and esp ... as hippy Harbin rebuilds and slowly slowly receives visitors and guests after the 2015 fire ... Apart from the possible underwear scene, I feel like I'm welcome / accepted here (after communication 9 years ago not to come back - and having emailed Ishvara, Sajjad and head HR Eric Richardson) ... and that Harbin is still clothing optional and alternative with amazing geothermally heated waters and a fascinating counterculture somehow ... Many of the women in Middletown interestingly too seemed very cheerful (somehow as part of female culture there, and not like Harbin women 9 years ago) Ethnographically, fondly, yours, Scott (Has much of the area around Harbin in a 20 mile radius even been settled by people who first came to Harbin and soaked in its warm pools? ... How to study this? )

Saturday, Feb 8 · 8:57 PM
Hi Ma, Pin & Ed! Greetings and how are you doing? The lights at night at Harbin are still incredibly beautiful as is the ever so clear starry sky in rural remote Lake County ... Just walked into the pool area along the village path to brush my teeth but not yet to soak at this time in the evening but noticed also that Harbin is still much of a building site ... The Fern building Community Kitchen was another somewhat warm place to visit in cold winter months (like Stonefront Lodge) ... Will the Community kitchen be rebuilt - and where are all the Harbin Residents I knew from pre-fire too ... and is Sajjad still nominally the Harbin 'CEO'? Fond regards, Scott (

 Sunday, Feb 9 · 12:15 PM
Good day Ma, Ed, Pin, Exploring further this morning ... Wow, found a beautiful new configuration of the garden below the new restaurant being built (which, after the somewhat new restaurant built below in burnt down  Stonefront Lodge, which was CEO? Sajjad Wynne's somehow, I think THE NEW nice restaurant building is Sajjad's project too, and about half way down) and kind of near the Market in the basement of Storefront too ... so little Harbin businesses are growing ... Great to find further nice Harbin interesting place-find exploring (and the little waterfall grotto with extremely long tree roots paralleling the water survived the fire). Nice to meet and talk with Georgia Peppe and Will Choulson (whom I had seen in the pools) and who were seeking to identify some yellow birds, walking in front of my vehicle (where I car camped), Georgia pointing as she walked a little like Donna Leet MD in a London medical conference (on fb) ... and I rolled down my window asking if they were birding ... They asked if I knew the name of the yellow chested birds, Chickadee, Tanager I replied not knowing ... They walked back to their vehicle 4 car spaces down and I asked Google Voice ... And possibly the birds we saw are a MacGillivray Warbler ... I walked over to them and we chatted a bit ... Georgia mentioned a Yoga cafe collective or similar in the lower Haight, both coming in SF .. good to connect ...
... I may play my Scottish small bagpipes now on property ... , which I did back in 2005 on Easter - pic on my Amazon Harbin books' page - before exploring one more post burn area beginning near where Ish lived ... Was the fire a prescribed burn ? & to raze Harbin including all buildings (even where crime and harm might have occurred ??? C'est possible :) Heading over to Santa Rosa soon Probably ... after donating the eggs to the outdoor cafe  ... Am seeking to get a virtual Harbin Hot Springs up and working for you to soak at home in from your bathtubs 🥰, Scott (

 Monday, Feb 10 · 7:59 AM

Good morning, Pin, Ma, Ed! Nice to talk with you yesterday evening Ma - and to learn you had a good book group get together on Saturday in your home. How are you all? I slept pretty well car camping on Big Canyon Rd about a 1/2 mile from the Harbin Springs Y fork and 2 1/2 miles from the Harbin gatehouse itself. Have come upon a beautiful outlook across undeveloped ridges and ridges east where I'm writing this. WUaS News & QA is in about 2 hours - But as I got out of my car, I noticed that my front left hubcap was gone exposing the nuts etc ... A Harbin misdeed perhaps removed while I was parked not that far from the Harbin warehouse ... and removed when I was in the pools (or by the person in the white Toyota Sienna XLE van who car-camped next to me with the 'Go Hansel' Toyota dealership in Santa Rosa license plate holder ? Who knows? It could have fallen off but none have since 2019 when I got it ... An expression of frustration by possibly impoverished Harbin staff or from unwell MD Julie Adams/ founder Ishvara's networks? Glad I sought US federal protection for you, Ma, Sandy and myself ... but I don't think this would help much on Harbin property ... I would not like to have my tire unbolted on Harbin property ... and I no longer have  Sunheart Sunheart as a guide, anthropological informant, friend, avatar (with some Harbin religious connotations, protector even), there ... I interpret the missing hubcap a bit as a heads up (warning) ...  And I may seek to get a replacement somehow today ... Thoughts, questions 🙂, suggestions? Desiderata re career and WUaS ... And so appreciating my amazingly engineered 2016 Toyota Prius c (which kept me warm car camping last night too)🥰, abolitionally,  Fond regards, Scott  (and while I was glad to play my bagpipes at Harbin yesterday playing for the first time in a long time, I'd like to continue to develop my daily doings (Yoga, Writing my next book, piping, keyboard, German, Lego robotics and with programming etc ... A 2025 Toyota Sienna Woodland Edition minivan would help ... 💕🙂 ... :)
7:59 AM

Ma, Ed, Pin, I also think it was good to have written to Ishvara (if he's still alive) and Sajjad and other Harbin contacts recently ... (but Harbin is topsy turvy in my experience and Ishvara has been through A LOT  ... so it's hard to know) ... And if great (and somehow religious and good) Sunheart's passing is on Ishvara's Bob Hartley's conscience ... interesting ... ) Fond regards, Scott (Here's a pic of Sunheart &
8:07 AM

Monday, Feb 10 · 9:24 AM
Ed, Ma, Pin, I also think the missing hub cap could be kind of good camouflage at Harbin curiously ... And there's nothing I can do about it being gone presently ... Thoughts? Heading BACK along beautiful Big Canyon Rd to the Middletown library  to hold outside the WUaS News and QA at 10 :) Fond regards, Desiderata, Scott (

 Monday, Feb 10 · 3:59 PM
Hi Ma, Pin, & Ed, how are you? I emailed Quaker and Harbin friends Barbara and Ed Christwitz in nearby Clearlake but got a bounce back ... and having their phone number I called them and WONDERFUL to talk with Barbara re kind of Friendly Quaker support ... As I was doing Harbin fieldwork from 2005-2010 Ed in particular would come over to AA meetings at Harbin (the oldest such group at Harbin interestingly) and I recall they both came over once and we all were soaking in the warm pool ... I also was sometimes active in Lake County Quaker circles going to Silent Meeting ... 💕, abolitionally, Scott
3:59 PM

 Monday, Feb 10 · 5:10 PM
Ma, Ed, Pin! How was your day today? Decided to head into Harbin now a bit after 5 (and is there a Yoga opportunity to even teach non-stealing regarding hubcap somehow?) Looking forward to soaking and a shower ... and as I emailed Barbara and Edwin - "Greetings from Lake County, where I'm visiting Harbin again as a potential field site for my 2nd actual-virtual Harbin ethnographic book project" ... Thoughts? Friendly regards, abolitionally, fondly, Scott (here - here - - with the 4 books I've written with the word 'Harbin' in their title here, and another one with the word 'Watsu':)
Harbin Hot Springs
Harbin Hot Springs
 Tuesday, Feb 11 · 10:45 AM

 Tuesday, Feb 11 · 10:45 AM
Good day, Ma, Ed, Pin from the Middletown CA public library ... forward to the 'office' ... the MIT / Harvard HTGAA How to Grow Almost Anything synthetic biology course begins in 20 minutes ... 3 hours further of being a #GlobalListener in this fascinating get together and re WUaS seeking to grow a Realistic Virtual Earth for Genetics ... SoakingMeditating in the warm pool at Harbin is wonderful ... Back into Harbin after the course ends at 2 pm PT for 3 hours ... May join an online Lake Meeting Quaker Meeting thanks to an invitation from Barbara Christwitz ... or even possibly in their home in the town of Clearlake ...Thoughts, suggestions? Fond regards, abolition, 🙂, Scott (Grow a #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForReadWriteEditGenes in #GoogleCoLab - - @davidsunkong @geochurch w #HTGAAbios #HTGAAbiologists (#RealisticVirtualHarbin too for #UniversityResearch) & #AgingReversal & #ExtremeLongevity #GeneTherapies? ... and also Am seeking to grow a #RealisticVirtualHarbin Hot Springs and for soaking from home that we can all build - and such that perhaps you, Ma, and Ed and Pin can visit Harbin virtually as it emerges (and please check out Peter Norvig's INCREDIBLE #ToolifyAIWUaS article about WUaS and a #VirtualHarbin and bliss below) -

Added years ago #HarbinSpringsGatehouse picture, in end users building out & growing (#HTGAAbios) a realistic #VirtualHarbinHotSprings & IN #WUaSMultimediaRoom
too, here - & found it again! #ToolifyAIWUaS ~


 Wednesday, Feb 12 · 9:03 AM

Picture of sunrise I think on Big Canyon Road Lake county, CA

Hi Ma, Ed, Pin, how are you? Greetings from Big Canyon rd exactly 11 miles from Harbin ... Interesting developments after the Harvard MIT How to Grow almost anything synthetic biology class ( with George Church giving 2 Lectures  ... I walked out of the library and US representative Mike Thompson D CA) was holding an outreach event 3 doors away (sane last name as lawyer Nick and Ken Thompson MD in Pgh AND Henry Thompson a University of Edinburgh Web informatics professor with a UC Berkeley PhD in Linguistics ( and a mainstay in the Central Edinburgh Quaker Meeting where I became a member of the RSOF ... and potentially re Edwin Christwitz (who lived in Berkeley for a long time possibly in the charges 1970s before moving to Clearlake - below ) ... Talked with his field representative in Lake County, Luca Moretti, and about free MIT OCW-centric wiki WUaS and native American languages in Lake county (Lake Miwok and Pomo), and my 5 Harbin informed  books, and a realistic virtual earth /Harbin ... And Luca gave me his card so later I emailed him (and you Ed and Pin) also about moving forward into a newly safe open Canyon 94516 (with US Rep Thompson representing some parts of Contra Costa county where Canyon is) ... and see letter here - ... AND then I attended online Quaker Meeting with a little dinging before with Lake County Quakers (whom I know from 2005-2015 doing field work at Harbin ... and sharing my concerns and whistleblowing about the SF Quaker Meeting and Canyon 94516  (which potentially was recorded re US federal and state if California law working together effectively in new ways) ... More later, fond regards, Scott

 Thursday, Feb 13 · 2:18 PM

Hi Ma, Pin, Ed! How are you? Greetings from near Harbin's raining hard on & off for about 18 hours ... Could Ishvara Bob Hartley be dead (as a kind of bad rogue even?)  re what that female   librarian said a few days ago "He is no more" ..  am tuning in further to the cultural feedback 'systems' at Harbin (someone is talking to his partner in the warm pool with its new 'Be Silent' and some maintenance people come up just outside the chain link fence next to warm pool demarcating a work site ... and takk somewhat loudly so that the couple heard this (and could the warm pool even be monitored ... By cameras/similar  somehow ... My 24 hour Harbin pass ends at 4pm PT in 1 3/4 hours so I'm heading to soak in the downpour ... Good to see 2  "FRIENDS of Sunheart - Keep it Clean" signs at the beginning and near the gate house  of the 2 mile road between the Y fork where I am and Harbin (potentially referring to the Valley leading up to the gate house ) ... Who put these signs up (with passing away done 8 years ago)? Will likely car camp outside of Harbin tonight ... but would gladly move forward into a newly safe Canyon 94516 if I heard back from Luca Moretti field rep in US Representative Mike Thompson  D CA Lake County office in Napa for example ... Thoughts? Fondly, abolition, warmly, Scott (Near @HarbinBook #HarbinHotSprings (in #LakeCountyCA) #WUaSAnthropology #WUaSFieldSite the #PomoLanguage & #LakeMiwokLanguage #NativeAmeicanLanguages are spoken today &
>#RealisticVirtualEarthForLanguages #GStreetView w #TimeSlider~ ...
2:18 PM

 Thursday, Feb 13 · 4:15 PM
Ma, Ed, Pin - departed Harbin minutes ago ... and heading to Santa Rosa an hour west for some green groceries +  good Stanford Iranian Studies talk and Stanford Enterprise AI Governance 'Ask An Expert' panel (with some UC Berkeley influence the organizers ...    this midday ... in the office eg in my 2016 Toyota Prius c And in the Middletown public Library via the web (so great) ... And so close to my physical-digital ethnographic field site Harbin and re WUaS creating a realistic virtual earth too ... Thanks for calling me back Ed a few weeks ago (near Byron's and Canyon 94526 coincidentally or not) & re knowing the phone system works ... Might you call me back again per your phone message when 'way opens'? ... Is this onsen Youtube technology the beginning of a realistic virtual Harbin for soaking from home  - -
"Head to #HarbinHotSprings NOW w #Covid19 still a risk & to do #AnthropologicalFieldWork? Onsen in #SmartPhone & co-create #virtualHarbin in #GoogleCardboard in bath re #RelaxationResponse #Meditation of #VirtualSoaking? @HarbinBook #RealisticVirtualHarbin~"
at Heart Consciousness Church ? Fondly, Scott
4:15 PM

Ed, Ma, Pin, how are you? Am not sensing or inferring much if any international organized crime out west this time (as I did in Pittsburgh ... And tragically re the sf quajer meeting and 670 Ridgecrest Canyon 94516 & re even Chase bank Moraga 94556 nearby re the SF Bay Area pre sumner 2022 & in Pgh re the murderous run thru attempt of me in 1st asylum house, and the multiple arsonist attempts  in 2nd asylum house ) ... And glad to be still alive ... Harbin's system of checking people in & out evolved but is similar to before the Valley Fire of 2015 ... creating perhaps a similar alternative culture or counterculture I posit ... Is no one in charge in a Taoist way there? ... albeit with Heart Consciousness Church countercultural continuity since 1975 (re Harbin navigating US federal and state of CA laws too)? C'est possible ... and for the extreme longevity genetic drug therapies, emerging too ( ..  Thoughts? Friendly regards, abolition, warmly, Scott (is meditating in the Harbin warm pool Yoga - ... joining, union-izing  ... and could one say it meditates you?:)
4:35 PM

Friday, Feb 14 · 7:18 PM
Hi Ma, Pin, Ed, how are you? I think the Harbin warm pool meditates people  ... causes people to meditate ... Fascinating and great ... Can we create it for people at home in their bathtubs and with a Realistic Virtual Harbin and hot springs as well  ... Car camping for the 2nd night in a row outside Harbin on Big Canyon road ... Saturdays begin the 2nd $70 for 24 hours ... So I'll head into Harbin after the WUaS Monthly Business Meeting tomorrow morning at 9 PT ... Might Shreyash and Akhil (from India originally) join from Calgary Canada and as S.A.P. managers & re the WUaS Corporation ? See Agenda item B ... How did your weeks go? Fond regards, Scott ( & Happy Valentine's Day again :)

 Saturday, Feb 15 · 8:37 AM

Good morning, Ma, Ed, Pin, How are you this Saturday? WUaS Monthly Business Meeting meets in about 45 minutes ... Incredible that WUaS is both a nonprofit 501 c 3 tax exempt university and school organization - & a for-profit general stock company legal entity in the state of California, and search here - (which lists 670A Ridgecrest Road, Canyon 94516 as the WUaS address) - (with tax number at bottom - ... Good too to have heard back from Dich Tran at Toyota Palo Alto that the 2025 Toyota Sienna Woodland is on its way and re state of CA law re plates and annual stickers and the 670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon CA 94516 address ... to which I replied and BCC-ed you as well ... AND good, I think, to have met and spoken with Luca Moretti, field representative  for Lake County ...  in US representative Mike Thompson's office D-CA in district 4 ... and just at the close of the MIT / Harvard How to Grow Almost Anything course with George Church giving 2 lectures, in the Middletown public library ... all of which may open the way to my moving forward into a newly safe open Canyon 94516 ... and I just reposted on LinkedIn the Google Senior Counsel Kent Walker's post on CyberCrime - ...and re Agenda item A here in today's WUaS MBM - ... Looks like I'll be doing it from my vehicle ... and looking forward to a larger 2025 Toyota Sienna Woodland in some of these regards .... Thoughts? Heading into Harbin about 2 miles away after Business Meeting ... Would like to be moving forward too with my daily Calendar (Yoga explorations, writing Society, Info Tech and the Global Univ, playing bagpipes, & piano keyboard, reading fascinating and idea generating books, improving German speaking with Gemini and people, creating WUaS Home Lego Robotics with Scratch programming, Developing the WUaS wiki + ) and much of this may be possible with both a larger livable in Sienna, as well as a house-let ... And how to connect with Donna? Happy Valentine's day the day after ( ... Fondly, abolition-ally, warm regards, Scott (
8:37 AM

 Saturday, Feb 15 · 4:12 PM
Hi Ma, Ed, Pin, How are you? Headed up to Harbin after WUaS Monthly Business Meeting to check in for 24 hours ... but their computer system at reception was down ... and learned that if I book online ... the system will charge one no matter what (not sure what this means) ... But I said I'd like to pay cash anyway ... and asked if I could come back later ... I just went to the front gate and found for the first time a We Are Full sign ... so I've reached out to Friends' Barbara and Edwin Christwitz ... with Barbara offering hospitality on Tuesday at the online Lake County Friends Meeting ... and asked if I might possibly car camp near them in Clearlake and possibly take a shower too. May try again tomorrow Sunday to check in to Harbin for 24 hours ... Thoughts? Fond regards, abolitionally, warmly, Scott (

Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
To a global, virtual, free, open, {future degree- & credit-granting}, multilingual University & School for the developing world and everyone, as well as loving bliss ~

 Monday, Feb 17 · 11:01 AM

Good morning, Ma, Ed, Pin! How are you doing today? Was glad to reconnect with Edwin and Barbara Christwitz, Quaker Friends I know from Lake County while doing field work at Harbin Hot Springs between 2005 and 2015 Saturday and yesterday ... and even stay on their property in the city of Clearlake (they don't have heat in their place, and they don't turn on the hot water, using water from an electric kettle in the bathroom for their washing up) ... Although they appear to be living in some poverty, they were very welcoming and it was good to visit ... Also was glad to attend the Redwood Friends' Quaker Meeting (with a Zoom window into the Meeting house room in Santa Rosa) online with Barbara from Barbara's study ... good to reconnect with SF Bay Area Quakers in a variety of ways I think further ... wondering too how the US federal investigation is going into the SF quaker meeting (and potentially the wrongful buying and selling of people in the illegal sex and violence industries internationally ... so international organized crime out of the sf quajer meeting ... alice sowaal? ... david matchett? .... bob kovsky? ....others there) as well as into Canyon 94516 and the Chase bank Moraga 94556 and Chase bank Wilkinsburg Pittsburgh 15221 as well ... Glad to still be alive ... and soaking meditating in the Harbin warm pool again ... My 24 hour pass ends around 4pm PT again today ... and will likely car camp outside of Harbin again tonight ... before heading into Harbin again on Tuesday for further soaking meditation and ethnographic field work ... Was glad to to hold the WUaS News and Q&A today in front of the Middletown library (but which ended a little early since someone, a homeless person I think, came by and started talking somewhat loudly) - 2/17/25 @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress #WUaSNewsQA Field Rep Luca Moretti & US Rep Mike Thompson Email

( ... Bon Voyage to Puerto Rico, Ma!

 (Please keep your eyes open for possibilities for MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch growth there ... and in Spanish ... e.g. in the schools, and regarding the WUaS Educational Services' Stores ... the US's close relationship with Puerto Rico makes it possibly a great first place to grow WUaS in Spanish) ... Wondering too if I and WUaS may be able to move forward into a newly safe open Canyon by the end of this week even? Thoughts, questions, feedback? Warm regards, fondly, ABOLITION-ally, Friendly regards, Scott
11:01 AM

 Tuesday, Feb 18 · 7:50 AM
Hi Ed, Ma & Pin, how are you? Thanks, Ed, for precipitating, I think, my moving forward the WUaS Academic Medical Center with WUaS Longevity Genetics Institute into a newly safe open  670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon 94516 beginning in March of 2022 in 2 pretty long phone calls (when I was living in the safe house north of Berkeley in El Cerrito). I'm hypothesizing that doing so is a complex process which now potentially involves the US federal government in a new way with Luca Moretti (whom I met right after a MIT Harvard HTGAA course with George Church giving 2 talks ... and could George be in communication with former Harvard Law Professor & US senator Elizabeth Warren ... and even with regards to Donna Leet MD somehow?) as Lake county  field representative in US Rep Mike Thompson Congressional office ( and where US Representative Mike Thompson (D CA) also represents parts of Contra Costa county (could this include Canyon 94516 in this case?) ... Thoughts from your perspectives, Ed and Pin, on my moving into a newly safe, open Canyon 94516 by the end of this week? Warm regards, Scott (Also - Hi Ma, Pin, Ed, was staying at and visiting with the Christwitz's and talking with Edwin Sunday morning a kind of further connection with (92 yo?) Ishvara/Bob Hartley (whom Edwin said he had overlapped with once in the old Harbin dressing room ... but they might know each other) and where Edwin had been going to an AA meeting at Harbin for decades ... They moved to Lake County around 1988 ... Bob Hartley Ishvara and I talked in an interview I did with him for Naked Harbin Ethnography sometime around 2010 ...  C'est possible ... How is Puerto Rico, Ma? Fondly, Scott ) would like to be writing my next book, playing bagpipes, piano keyboard +, developing WUaS soon-ish ... But this would be doable with the house-let in Canyon and possibly a Toyota Sienna minivan ... Thoughts? Fond regards, Scott (

 Tuesday, Feb 18 · 1:40 PM

Hi Pin, Ma, Ed, How are you?  Missing my Harbin ethnography informant and friend Sunheart Sunheart (and my father GKM MD sometimes too) ... and re checking in to Harbin this morning re kinds of male rogue energy at the check in desk ... and possibly even re selling prostitutes at the desk somehow ... and as I and WUaS seek to grow a worldwide abolition movement further to protect people ... I had emailed Barbara (and Edwin) this morning to please not to include me on the Tuesday Lake County Quaker Meeting online in Zoom re emails (re also the murderous rin through attempt of me in Pgh in April 2023 in 1st asylum house ... and possibly through a alice sowaal connection, quajers, and international  organized crime  )   ... Re one woman  in the group talking about procurement while working for a Nevada hotel & studying for a Master's degree in data science ... signing off with staying alive (email to come) .. and the woman  who checked me in first went outside to do something and came back in saying 'staying alive' (a song from the '70s too) ... And could Barbara have BCCed Ishvara in this - and who may have survived all these 53 years at Harbin partly by being a rogue businessman ... And  Sunheart knew Harbin's ways and kept his good ethics throughout it seems to me while at Harbin, through his smarts in many ways I think ... And I'm planning a 2nd Harbin ethnographic book project and to publish from Street View too. ... So I signed up for a Stanford Law talk with a blind US federal judge (could he know US senator and former Harvard Law professor  Elizabeth Warren - and could she become a federal judge after her 3rd senate term is up in ~5 years ?) on Thursday ... and wonder too if heading to this talk will open further the way to move forward into a newly safe open Canyon 94516 (and after the online Stanford Law CodeX presentation at 1:30). So I need a place to stay if I choose not to stay at Harbin any longer presently ... I even thought about departing for a Stanford talk today and not coming back ... AND also until the 2025 Toyota Sienna Woodland Edition minivan arrives at Toyota Palo Alto. Inquire with Annie Brown at Wisdom Creek Ranch in northeast Oregon ?  Ed, Pin, thoughts about moving forward into a newly safe Canyon with US federal and state of CA Law working in new ways effectively ? I may leave the area tomorrow Wednesday ...   Regards, abolition-ally, warmly, Scott ( ... ...
1:40 PM

Janie MacLeod -, V
Hi Scott, all's well.  Travel went smoothly yesterday.  S and K and Isla are fine.  Weather warm.  Home late Saturday. Love, Ma

Hi Ma, (Ed, & Pin), Thanks for your news from Puerto Rico ! ... Glad your trip is going well ... Hi to Isla & Sandy and all ... Ed, thanks so much for seeking to precipitate, I think, my moving into a newly safe open Canyon 94516 and for a song. Ed & Pin, thoughts about when this might happen ... By Thursday or Friday even ... or on your birthday Ed on Sunday potentially ? Fond regards, abolitionally, kindly, Scott  (

 Wednesday, Feb 19 · 12:28 PM

Hi Ma, Ed, Pin, How are you doing today in Berkeley, San Juan PR in Spanish !, and in Baltimore or where are you? Got a bit further into the Harbin zone yesterday and today after soaking meditations ... although I was glad to skedaddle from Harbin ALL day yesterday the prevention and avoidance of potential rogue behavior against my car or similar ...  Was glad to check in for another 24 hours this morning through Thursday 2/20/25 at 11am ... Before heading to Stanford for a talk or two tomorrow afternoon ... May seek even to check in for another 24 hours and drive all the way back from Stanford tomorrow evening or .... Thinking about driving north slowly to Oregon on Thursday evening or Friday too  ... Emailed and called cousin Annie at Wisdom Creek Ranch ... But we haven't communicated yet ... Waiting to hear further about moving into a newly safe open Canyon 94516 and when ... Just did laundry in Middletown ... Wondering when I'll hear further about the 2025 Toyota Sienna Woodland van with its multimedia package which could amp my wifi connectivity and smartphone ...and I just read newly both 2nd and 3rd rows of back seats stow under floor for sleeping 4 people ... and as meditation and yoga space ... Thoughts? Happy upcoming birthday Ed on Sunday ! Are we going to do anything to celebrate it then possibly (depending too if I'm in Oregon or not)? And please accept that wee Bonsai tree as a birthday gift, since ... Happy day, warmly, Scott (Tomorrow the Pi cryptocurrency - " The transition to Open Network will enable external connectivity on the Mainnet blockchain, allowing Pi to interface with other compliant networks and systems " ... and I'm wondering if that could have anything to do with Harbin too re this new cryptocurrency ... Could Harbin or individuals even begin to accept Pi cryptocurrency with this soon ... and get your Pi here now daily "Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 55 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link and use my username (sgkmac) as your invitation code"  ... I think it amounts to less than 10 dollars per year in the US but that could help a lot of the billion poorest people on the planet in sub saharan Africa and in South Asia   -Scott  ( ... Will have to get these people electricity, smartphones, internet and free education for and with  this too! 🙂
12:28 PM

 Wednesday, Feb 19 · 3:49 PM
Hi Pin, Ma, Ed, ... Amazingly I went up to the pool area a little after 1 ... and Harbin founder Ishvara - Bob Hartley was in the new front square pool where there's a quiet conversation sign ... I recalled that I had a Harvard / MIT 'recitation' as a Global Listener for HTGAA at 2 pm PT, but we chatted for a brief while ... He's 91 he said, doing ok, (and is a Harvard alum too from the late 1950s) ... and I had an interview with him for my Naked Harbin Ethnography book in his house above the upper parking lot around 2010 ... He remembered me I think ... said Scott ... and Cuttyhunk guy ... and I asked him if he'd return to Padanaram / Menemsha near Cuttyhunk island if he was 130 or 200 years from now and getting younger with aging reversal drugs ... I asked him if he remembered Jim and Flora Lovell on Cuttyhunk (now passed away) ... he said he didn't want to talk anymore ... (I am a bit worried for Cuttyhunk re his thinking even ) ... but it was good to see him and to connect a bit ... (He also said I reminded him of Norm MacDonald, a comedian on Saturday Night Live ... whom I hadn't heard of ... I asked him if Norm MacDonald had done comedy in the old movie theater at Harbin before the fire ... he said no ... ) ... At 91 and seeing him emerge from this little square warm pool later, he could definitely benefit from reversing muscle wasting, with aging genetic drug therapies when they emerge, FDA approved ... and possibly even chair Yoga ... and possibly walking a mile or 2 a day too ... wow ... We talked a bit about George Church heralding aging reversal genetic drug therapies too ... (he didn't seem to be a rogue these days ... but I wonder about the past in some of these regards) ... Fond regards, abolition-ally, Harbin ethnographically, Scott (
Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
To a global, virtual, free, open, {future degree- & credit-granting}, multilingual University & School for the developing world and everyone, as well as loving bliss ~

 Thursday, Feb 20 · 3:21 PM
Hi Ma, Pin, Ed, Greetings from Los Altos public library on the peninsula 5.5 miles from Stanford and a Stanford Law School talk this evening by a retired blind federal judge (and your great 1st cousin, Ma, Alden and Marianne Briscoe's house) ... Back in 'the city' again, about 3 hours from Harbin ... and in seeking to grow MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch's 250+ online law schools too ... How are you doing? And where to stay tonight? Head back to Harbin possibly ... or ? Am thinking Phil Jelley, Stanford alum with 2 degrees including law, and who is both the Harbin lands' lawyer as well as having hired Canyonite Ethan Allen a contractor in Canyon 94516 to build a house for them in the Oakland hills, could be part of the process of my and WUaS moving forward into a newly safe, open 670 Ridgecrest Road, Canyon 94516 ... and possibly with Stanford working with Toyota Palo Alto and re the upcoming 2025 Toyota Sienna Woodland van for lease, with CA plates and annual stickers ... Ed? (Pin?) .... Thoughts about next steps for moving WUaS forward into a newly safe Canyon 94516 soon-ish? Warm regards, abolitionally, fondly, Scott (The synthetic biology 'How to Grow (Almost) Anything' course 'recitation' was again fascinating and re also - ... Ed, the book you gave me some years ago "The Overstory" by MacArthur Fellow Richard Powers is on the Harbin bookshelves (as their bookstore) ... Might you possibly suggest this book for the "Proposed Reedie + Book Group" in the SF Bay Area at some point? Thank you again!
Coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens): Dear MIT faculty lead David (Sun Kong), Harvard MIT Professor of Genetics' George (Church), Peter (Norvig ,Google AI Director), All, Thanks for your email as a #GlobalListener in #HTGAA 2025 - 'How to Grow (Almost) Anything' synthetic biology course. Excited @WorldUnivAndSch for the potential to grow a #RealisticVirtualEarth from #MITHarvard #SynetheticBiology course eg #ForPipetting for a #RealisticVirtualEarthForOpenTrons & a #RealisticVirtualEarthForLaboratoryAutomation How to Grow with #FilmToNDimensional Apps?
This is revolutionary in many ways - Excited @WorldUnivAndSch for potential to grow a #RealisticVirtualEarth from #MITHarvard #SynetheticBiology course eg #ForPipetting for #RealisticVirtualEarthForOpenTrons #RealisticVirtualEarthForLaboratoryAutomation How to grow w #FilmToNDimensional Apps? Excited @WorldUnivAndSch for potential to grow a #RealisticVirtualEarth from #MITHarvard #SynetheticBiology course eg #ForPipetting for #RealisticVirtualEarthForOpenTrons #RealisticVirtualEarthForLaboratoryAutomation How to grow w #FilmToNDimensional Apps?— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) February 18, 2025 Retweeting - David Sun Kong, Ph.D. @davidsunkong · Jan 7 I’m thrilled to announce that the application for the 2025 edition of our @medialab and global synthetic biology course, “How to Grow (Almost) Anything” is now open! Application link in thread -- Scott MacLeod - 

World University books Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2025, forthcoming) Scottish Small Piping album #2 - Honey Piobaireachd (2022) - (Berkeley) - Poetry! Order Book #5 Light, Float, Sit, Watsu ~ Virtually (2021) Scottish Small Piping album #1 Honey in the Bag ~ Out of the Air tune (2020) Order Book #4 To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually! How different it is to soak at Harbin Hot Springs, than to realize it in virtual reality (2019) Order Book #3 Winding Road Rainbow: Harbin, Wandering & the Poetry of Loving Bliss (2018) Order Book #2 Haiku-ish and Other Loving Hippie Harbin Poetry (2017) Order Actual-Virtual Ethnographic Book #1: Naked Harbin Ethnography (2016)- - Scott GK MacLeod Founder, President, CEO & ProfessorCC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, World University & School (WUaS) - USPS US Post Office, General Delivery, Canyon, CA 94516 1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity MIT OCW-centric, wiki, World University and School - - 2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - (o) 415 480 4577 - (m) 412 478 0116 - World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - - - (all 7,164 known living languages at WUaS) - * * Scott MacLeod <>

9:50 AM (7 hours ago)to George, Peter, htgaa2025-TAs, htgaa2025-globalTAs, Alden, Byron, Donna, Robin, David Dear David (Sun Kong), George (Church), Peter (Norvig), All, Thanks for your email as a #GlobalListener in #HTGAA 2025. Excited @WorldUnivAndSch for the potential to grow a #RealisticVirtualEarth from #MITHarvard #SynetheticBiology course eg #ForPipetting for a #RealisticVirtualEarthForOpenTrons & a #RealisticVirtualEarthForLaboratoryAutomation How to Grow with #FilmToNDimensional Apps? Excited @WorldUnivAndSch for potential to grow a #RealisticVirtualEarth from #MITHarvard #SynetheticBiology course eg #ForPipetting for #RealisticVirtualEarthForOpenTrons #RealisticVirtualEarthForLaboratoryAutomation How to grow w #FilmToNDimensional Apps?— HarbinBook (@HarbinBook) February 18, 2025 Retweeting - I’m thrilled to announce that the application for the 2025 edition of our @medialab and global synthetic biology course, “How to Grow (Almost) Anything” is now open! Application link in thread Found these online, and regarding tomorrow's recitation too - Laboratory Automation & Opentrons Which workflow are you looking to automate? Find relevant content to the science being performed in your lab! NGS Nucleic Acid Extraction Protein Purification Proteomics Manual Pipetting Opentrons Flex: Learn how the Flex will fit your lab, your science, and you Film to 3D App How best to develop Film-to-NDimensional Apps and potentially for OpenTrons and laboratory automation and pipetting and into for example #RealisticVirtualEarthForOpenTrons? And regarding a realistic virtual earth, see Peter Norvig's INCREDIBLE #ToolifyAIWUaS article - - and am thinking in terms of Google Street View with time slider, GMaps, GEarth, TensorFlowAI, GCellView, GMoleculeView, GAtomView and with Pegman in Google Street View becoming even #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords for most of all 7.9 billion people on the planet, and as aging reversal and extreme longevity genetic drug therapies may be emerging? How best to proceed to grow for example a #RealisticVirtualEarthForOpenTrons and with #FilmToNDimensional Microscopy Apps? For example, if we could extract proteins FROM a person (or a plant) and toward aging reversal and extreme longevity genetics, re - "Proteomics, the study of all proteins within a biological sample, plays a crucial role in aging research by allowing scientists to identify specific protein changes associated with aging, potentially paving the way for developing interventions to reverse or slow down the aging process by targeting these altered proteins and pathways; essentially, by studying how the protein landscape changes with age, researchers can pinpoint potential therapeutic targets for aging reversal" - (at scale with OpenTrons) or in the field (and see the PS below) say from the cambium of the big tree behind the Harbin Hot Springs' Gatehouse in Google Street View with time slider) in 2025 (and had done so in 2007, 2012, and in 2024), could one then begin to process this protein material in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForMolecules toward aging reversal, and then add them back to the tree somehow to reverse its aging with parallel processes for humans and mammals (model veterinary species re the FDA too) and for aging reversal and extreme longevity genetics? Thanks for the great 2025 How to Grow (Almost) Anything synthetic biology course, - including and especially a #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics ? Thanks, Scott PSHarbin Hot Springs' Gatehouse in in Google Street View with time slider ~ ~ ~ ~ -- Scott MacLeod - World University books Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2025, forthcoming) Scottish Small Piping album #2 - Honey Piobaireachd (2022) - (Berkeley) - Poetry! Order Book #5 Light, Float, Sit, Watsu ~ Virtually (2021) Scottish Small Piping album #1 Honey in the Bag ~ Out of the Air tune (2020) Order Book #4 To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually! How different it is to soak at Harbin Hot Springs, than to realize it in virtual reality (2019) Order Book #3 Winding Road Rainbow: Harbin, Wandering & the Poetry of Loving Bliss (2018) Order Book #2 Haiku-ish and Other Loving Hippie Harbin Poetry (2017) Order Actual-Virtual Ethnographic Book #1: Naked Harbin Ethnography (2016)- - Scott GK MacLeod Founder, President, CEO & ProfessorCC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, World University & School (WUaS) - USPS US Post Office, General Delivery, Canyon, CA 94516 1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity MIT OCW-centric, wiki, World University and School - - 2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - (o) 415 480 4577 - (m) 412 478 0116 - World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - - - (all 7,164 known living languages at WUaS) - *

 Friday, Feb 21 · 7:37 AM
Hi Ma, Pin, Ed, good morning ... Decided to head back 3 hours to Harbin after the Stanford Law talk with a blind retired federal judge and his book Vision, and others ... How to code WUaS for people with disabilities (in 200 countries and 7000 languages) to create opportunities to achieve, as this blind, with retinopathy pigmentosa, judge has - and for ex in the 250+ law schools at WUaS (and for worldwide abolition at WUaS especially) ... His great care-giving wife was a big part of his achievements .... Checking into Harbin around 10 pm on Thursday for 24 hours ($55) for car camping went pretty smoothly at the gate house not the reception office (I was worried) but had opened a Harbin account about a week and a half ago and learned the new parts of the Harbin check in (better managed than pre 2015 I think ... and Ishvara may be happier with this than before) system (eg connecting with the reception people a bit re not being a hippy challenge) and the large sandwich board sign at the gatehouse now, on one side saying 'We Are Full' and the other side saying 'Check in Here' and being able to check in at the gate pre 9am and post 7p when reception office is closed ... May check in Saturday night around 9 or 10 for 70 skipping Friday night to save money ... As I wait in Lake county for potentially for Canyon 94516 to open ... Helped perhaps to have gone to a 2nd Stanford Law Publius event thanks to an invitation from Stanford Constitutional Law Prof Michael McConnell I think ... How are you all doing in your abodes? Fond regards, abolitionally, Harbin ethnographically, Heading to the pools soon for soaking meditation, warmly, Scott
Scott MacLeod, author of "Naked Harbin" - 415 480 4577 -
Scott MacLeod, author of "Naked Harbin" - 415 480 4577 -

 Friday, Feb 21 · 5:55 PM

Talked to both Christina and Jon about "
"How soon could humans reverse the aging process with genetic engineering?" (2019)

"Aging reversal is something that's been proven about eight different ways in animals," geneticist George Church says. So when will humans get to turn back the clock? Church tells 60 Minutes it's not that far away. See the full report, Sunday'

60 Minutes

AND more re MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch and Aging_Reversal_Genetics too +  

"Dr. Church predicted that human aging could be eradicated by the year 2030....The therapy that aims to reverse aging in people involves gene modification at cellular level" - - In a #RealisticVirtualEarth too? ..." It would be great to move into a newly safe open Canyon 94516 by the end of the month of February about when I get the 2025 Toyota Sienna Woodland minivan ... Thoughts, Ed and Pin? Could the US federal government and the state of CA take action by then to 'clean it up' ... as way opens? Welcome back from Puerto Rico tomorrow Ma! Warmly, abolitionally, fond regards, Scott

5:58 PM

 Saturday · 8:35 AM
Hi Ma, Ed, & Pin, good morning from Big Canyon rd about 10 miles where I car-camped somewhat high up altitude-wise with an incredible view east across undeveloped natural lands and ridges far into the distance. How are you doing? Welcome back from Puerto Rico Ma and from your wonderful visit with your granddaughter Isla there (and Sandy and all)! Will call you this evening ... Re seeking US federal protection for you, Sandy and myself ... Just followed up with Barbara Christwitz in Clear Lake ... AND after attending a Jazz and Jokes performance in Lakeport which has a Chase bank in it ... And re the Chase bank Shadyside Pgh 'Murder' word and staying alive re international organized crime and Chase bank in 100 out of 200 countries - in an email thread "Lake County Friendly Greetings - M Feb 10, 2025" - "..Hi Barbara and Ed,

Thanks for your email.

After the murderous run-through attempt of me in April 2023, by a craven psychopath? Swiss or Lebanese soldier? carnegie mellon cmu undergrad at the time frederic khayat potentially involved in the wrongful buying and selling of women, kids, others in the illegal sex drugs and violence industries international and their latent networks of violence ... and re Pittsburgh PA organized crime internationally in cahoots with uniformed armed services - and even regarding the 'fuck maga' grafitti painted on the a gree US postal service mail box in front of the Pittsburgh Quaker Friends' Meeting house - as a marker for the illegal sex industry tragically? (about which I told you some Barbara on our way back from Jazz and Jokes, and after whistleblowing about the sf quajer meeting particularly loudly in 2017 (and could alice sowaal have much to do with even both ? ) .. .and the death threats to me in the SF Bay Area before fleeing for my life to the eastern seaboard in August 2022, I'm particularly keen to stay alive and even regarding tragically, friends /quakers and international organized crime.
Nice to go to

Jazz & Jokes with Marc & Alicyn Yaffee
February 15 @ 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Lakeport Sat 2/15/25

Alicyn Yaffee
Guitar, Jazz Camp Week 2, Advanced Package, Jazz Camp Package

wondering too how a US federal investigation might be developing into the sf quajer meeting as well as the pittsburgh quaker meeting.

All the best, abolitionally, continuing to grow MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch and as WUaS seeks to abolish the wrongful buying and selling of people and even among quakers (eg aimee rosa in the Lake county quaker meeting, while studying for a data science master's degree in Nevada while working in a hotel), Yogically, Friendly regards, With conscientious objection,
Scott" ... BUT where in attending this event with Barbara I could have been video d in the theater re the nearby Chase bank organized crime. How is the US federal investigation into the sf Quaker meeting and Chase bank Wilkinsburg Pgh 15221 and Chase bank Moraga 94556 going, I wonder? Thoughts, questions, staying alive, abolitionally, fondly, Scott (Welcome back, Ma!:)  
About 10 miles ... from Harbin ... Exploring yoo on Twitter Language Revitalization of local Pomo and Lake Miwok languages at WUaS ... "How to begin #PomoLanguage #BahtssalLanguage (in #LakeCountyCA & west) #LanguageRevitalization & w #AIandML @ #LanguagesWUaS @WorldUnivAndSch ? Networking with #PomoLanguageWUaS #BahtssalTeacher #RonMontezSr comes to mind:
Eastern Pomo Language Lesson 5 ~
 ... AND ... How to #WikiGrow #CriticalLanguageRevitalization of
#LakeMiwokLanguage in #LakeCountyCA w #LanguageRevitalization of #PomoLanguage #Bahtssal in #RealisticVirtualEarthForLanguages w #AIandML @ #AllLanguagesWUaS @WorldUnivAndSch - ?" fond regards, Scott

 Monday · 1:14 PM
Hi Ma, Pin, Ed! How are you? Welcome back from PR, Ma, yesterday morning at 2 am! And happy birthday Ed again (and yesterday too)! Learned  many new things from an Indian from West Bengal in the Harbin Hot Springs' Reception office yesterday as I checked in, and who lives in Los Altos and has been coming to Harbin for about 30 years too, and from Jon and Dave the electrician engineer head of building projects I think, and who has been coming to Harbin since 1985 in the past few days ... (Sunheart Sunheart, finance-person Sajjad Wynne - now in Shady Grove in Middletown, and artist and head MD for a while Julie Adams , now in the Carolinas in a home for bewilderment, were the most senior residents /MDs, all since around 1980 ... so Dave is one of the most senior, and originally from England and I've met his parents a few times, and may meet his mother again in May ... Linda Finley is now the head MD or manager and Dave is a head too ... re who's rebuilding Harbin and how ... toward an alternative Harbin culture further) ... Checked out of Harbin this morning at 945 after 24 hours ... and did the M 2/24/25 WUaS News and QA ... I think I'd like to get and give Ishvara, who comes to the pools on Wednesday afternoons, a paper copy of "Naked Harbin Ethnography" book, and may seek to head to the SF Bay Area tomorrow after or before the 11-2 PT MIT Harvard How to Grow Almost Anything synthetic biology course to my storage in Moraga /Rheem Valley near Canyon 94516, and dig out a copy of my "Naked Harbin Ethnography" book, as well as my back up hard drive to make a back up, then possibly head to a Stanford Law School talk on the Legacy of Sandra O"Connor ... then possibly back to Harbin in the evening on Tu 2/25/25 ... would like to get a shower in the morning first too ... Check into Harbin this evening around 9 or 10 for car camping, and soaking, and then return to Harbin tomorrow evening in time for a brief soaking meditation and shower before 24 hours later ??? Possibly ... (Will we be able to develop genetic drug therapies to retrieve memories from our brain / bodymind say from childhood even, or what Jon and Dave  told me ... and could some of our conversations have even been recorded in the Harbin pool area thanks to IT ... and in a new Harbin Hot Springs' post fire ... and since Dave said that the California state Guard were guarding Harbin from right after the fire of 9/12/15 ... and possibly to today and possibly in collaboration with US federal government even??? ) ... Fond regards, abolition, warmly, Scott (

 Tuesday · 11:18 AM

Wow, Ma, Ed, Pin/Sid, How are you? HTGAA begins in about 5 minutes or momentarily at 11 am PT,  when I started writing this, and now it's about 11:15 am and goes for a pretty solid 3 hours ... but the Moraga Public Library where I am now opens at 12 noon today ... so I'm sitting under a redwood tree in back for the first hour ... A curious event happened along much gravel Big Canyon Road yesterday about 7 miles from the Harbin Springs/Big Canyon Y fork ... First a blue car looked abandoned about 4 miles in ... with a box nearby too ... then a down and out guy came out 7 miles in ... said he was looking for gas, had a gas can ... and about 5 big bounding dogs came out too ... from in front of a rough driveway ... after flagging me down, I offered, rather than take him in my too full car into Middletown 10 miles back,  to take his gas can get gas then return ... he gave me the empty gas container, and on second thought because this could all have been a steal a car trick, I opened my door, but the gas can on the ground, and said Mr. Schmidt I dont' think this is a good idea, where upon he started talking violently toward me ... "Get off my road" (it's a public road actually) ... I drove on a little frazzled by his violent words and language ... but in retrospect I think I could possibly have saved my life too in doing so from a western cowboy ruse even ... and thought too later to have called the police ... So I decided not to car camp  on Big Canyon Rd that evening ... but instead to car camp outside the Clear Lake State Park right on the road, cars' wind buffeting my car  ... and to get a shower there before driving to the SF Bay Area and eventually Stanford for a talk later this afternoon ... Woke up at 4  by some head lights ... then at  545 taking a pee the headlights from a car in front turned on immediately, and moved my car on the other side of that one, saw a woman I think checking her smartphone ... I decided to take the shower then walking in 20-25 minutes to the dollar shower ... it was open ... yay ... shaved, brushed teeth in the rest room, and I heard a car ... same woman in same car as out front pulled up to the shower ... hmm ... I took a shower ... yay ... walked out a new way along a nice bridge ... and started to drive to Byron Hann MD's. address on gMaps ... and got to my storage area without too much traffic driving through the Napa Valley ... on a familiar trip when doing Harbin field work ... Dug deep there and finally found a copy of Naked Harbin Ethnography for Ishvara tomorrow, and my back up hard drive, and removed about 4 bags from my tiny car into storage ... partly in preparing for getting the 2025 Sienna minivan soon ... and seeking to it fairly empty ... Bay Area Hospice truck was in front of me as I drove toward the storage area, and then turned off toward the Rheem / Moraga town as I drove a half block to the storage place ... wondering what it could even mean, if anything at all, for moving into a newly safe open Canyon 94516 ... So the MIT Harvard HTGAA biology course has just begun  ... more later ... will probably head back to Harbin tonight for 24 hours, and seek to give Ishvara Naked Harbin Ethnography tomorrow Wednesday afternoon... Warmly, abolition, fond regards, Scott ( )

 Tuesday · 5:22 PM
Hi Ma, Ed, Pin ... How are you doing? Weather is 67 and sunny here in Palo Alto but around 34 coming from Lake county earlier  ... Greetings from Stanford Law School room 290 ... and a panel on this Supreme Court Justice who was also a Stanford alumna
"Beyond the Opinions: The Legacy and Impact of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor" ... HTGAA was interesting re 2 lectures on Protein Synthesis and modeling this at the molecular level ... and re a realistic virtual earth for Proteins (& some related Tweets from Sep 2024 -
Great new #AItools for a #RealisticVirtualEarthForProteins in #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForEverything
What if we could stand inside #AlphaProteo in a #NDimensional #WUaSMultimediaBarn to #WikiBuildCode it out further like in the #HarbinWarmPool @HarbinBook ? )
Will be a pretty long drive back to Lake county leaving after 7 pm from Stanford waking up at 545 am ... and am looking forward to when I can live closer to Stanford potentially in Canyon 94516 ... so that I can attend many more talks and conferences at Stanford which seems to be opening again ... What are you up to this week? Fond regards, Scott (

 Wednesday · 8:04 AM

Hi Ma, Ed, Pin, from the summit of Mt St Helena near the (Scot) Robert Louis Stevenson park at Table Rock trailhead in a large turn out decent for car camping. Was so exhausted yesterday evening this made sense to sleep at around 945 pm instead of heading into Harbin. How are you? Ongoing concerns re that episode on Big Canyon rd the day before yesterday with mr schmidt and the downed blue car and his violent language AND his saying at the end Ive got your Pennsylvania license plate number, I've got relatives in PA and re Harbin's and Lake county cultures of 'ad hominem' stick it to you violence and harm re information and symbolizing and technologies re vehicle identification here somehow. Down and out mr schmidt may have impoverished, and deeply entangled in lake county poverty ... and in need of social services' support and money but without it being available in county of Lake  ... The 2025 Toyota Sienna Woodland van should arrive by Monday 3/3/25 to Toyota Palo Alto. ... Glad I sought US federal protection for you Ma, Sandy and myself ... AND made contact with Luca Moretti in field representative US Congressman Mike Thompson's office in the same building as the Middletown library ... And think that going to the Stanford Law Justice Sandra Day O'Connor panel where another judge on the panel talked about federal Marshalls at some baseball games she went to in the DC area with Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, and where her son (Stanford alum too) Scott O'Connor mentioned her first ~5 jobs as a lawyer in Arizona in the QA at close and suggested Sandra would suggest giving something or a project "one's all" ... AND re "karma" or somehow karmically (check out the video that was made re his question /comments?) ... Is karma a religious word or could it be considered as religious (Hindu? or) ? ... So seeking to give Ishvara my book "Naked Harbin Ethnography" this afternoon at Harbin, with an email beforehand to him and other Harbinites ... & to stay at Harbin for 24 hours (re keeping PA license plate visibility out of Middletown  ...) then to see Friendly discernment-wise where to head tomorrow night ... mr schmidt's violent language raises questions for me of seeking effective US federal protection in CA ... re being in asylum in PA (& MA) in 2 different houses for 2.5 years) ... Thoughts? questions? suggestions? Harbin ethnographically, meditatively, fond regards, Scott (how to help all the people of Lake county with MIT OCW -centric wiki World Univ & Sch ... and even with Pi cryptocurrency ( as UBI experiments?

 Wednesday · 10:52 AM
Ma, Sid/Pin, Ed, .. How are you you ? Shared this with Stanford Law School Programs just before the event
 and Prof Michael McConnell and who introduced the Justice O"Connor panel then left  (and re WUaS growing an abolition movement worldwide re communicating with Stanford Law School about this as well) - "
Scott MacLeod <>
1:01 PM (21 hours ago)
to Michael, Stanford

Dear Stanford Law School Programs, Professor McConnell, All,

Greetings, Doesn't today's program on "Beyond the Opinions: The Legacy and Impact of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor" (re "We are looking forward to seeing you TONIGHT at Beyond the Opinions: The Legacy and Impact of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor") begin at 5:30 pm PT in the LATE AFTERNOON, or am I misreading when this begins?

Abolitionally (and please see the PS), all the best, thanks,
Scott GK MacLeod

MIT OCW-centric, Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS) is growing a worldwide abolition movement and in seeking to code for most of all 7.9 billion people on the planet, in each of all 200 countries each a Wikidata PIN # from here - - to protect people so to abolish the wrongful buying and selling of people in the illegal sex, drugs and violence etc industries internationally and their latent networks of violence.

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- USPS US Post Office, General Delivery, Canyon, CA 94516 " ... thoughts ... heading in to Harbin momentarily after getting gas for 389/gallon at Big Valley Fuel and Market on Red Feather road in Lakeport (seems to be native American) where gas is going for 4.69 and 5.05+/gallon at many many other places in the greater SF Bay Area ... and got some groceries at WM in Clear Lake area as well ... How to get my "Naked Harbin Ethnography" book to Ishvara this afternoon I wonder (and could Harbin even sell it retailing for $64.95 in their Reception Office 'bookstore'? ) (And just emailed Ishvara and a bunch of Harbin people about this) Looking forward to some soaking meditations today and tomorrow ...  Fond regards, Scott ( ... :)

 Wednesday · 4:35 PM

Hi Ma, Siddartha, Ed, Greetings, and how are you? Out at the Y at Harbin Springs and Big Canyon Rds 4 miles from Harbin ... Gave Ishvara Bob Hartley my 'Naked Harbin Ethnography' book on paper in the main warm pool early this afternoon ... Was soaking there, and saw that he was near the new front square warm pool and coming toward the main warm pool ... was him make his way very very slowly up the stairs and down the other stairs into the warm pool ... Went to get the book from among my things near the swimming pool ... It was in a Berkeley Bowl near water proof bag ... People actually read a fair amount in the warm pool ... And so I brought Naked Harbin Ethnography in bag back to the warm pool and walked into the warm pool on the stairs from near the hot pool, holding it above the water in it's colorful bag, and brought it toward him at the far wall of the warm pool ... where he actually seemed to doing a little warm water yoga (first time I have seen him ever do Yoga asana ) ...facing the pool wall extending one leg up to the side, then to the other side ... then a twist still facing the wall drawing one leg in front of him bent at the knee to twist, then in the other direction ... I was around him in the pool watching him a little ... not quite sure how to give it to him ... and while he was doing Yoga ... finally he turned outwardly away from the wall and to face into the warm pool and he whispered (with 3 Be Silent & silence signs in the warm pool) ... "Is this your book?" and I whispered "For you" and he said / gestured "put it over below the railing in the corner" ... And I did so ... After a minute or two he went over and slid the bag with book toward the center of the walkway above the front edge of the pool, and then did so a second time ... he and I exchanging positions sitting on the wide bench under water along the front edge of the pool ... Then he go out of the pool walking up the stairs very gradually ... as he had gotten into the pool we looked each other squarely in the eyes ... After he got out with the book in bag still on the front edge of the warm pool's walkway, Dancing Yogi Heather (whom I had met with Jon Strieter a few days earlier in the pool area) came over at Ishvara's suggestion and got the book, by picking the bag up by the handles, so that the 324 pp 8 1/2 by 11 inch book sunk squarely into the bottom of the bag ... and she came over and whispered to me something like "You're so great to give that to him" (in a kind of sincere and great way) ... funny giving of "Naked Harbin Ethnography" book in the warm pool 'dance' ... (and was it all captured on video camera???) ... Glad to give it to him about 8 years after the Valley Fire on September 12, 2016 ... NOT 2015 ... as I saw on the SF Chronicle newspaper front page, which I had with the book and still do have ... Here's the email I had sent to him and about 20 people this morning before checking in ... and re giving it to him "Dear Ishvara, All,

Greetings! How are you?

I found a paper copy for you of my "Naked Harbin Ethnography: Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture, Clothing-Optionality and Virtual Harbin" book  (2016, San Francisco, CA: Academic Press at World Univ & Sch, a new publisher, and not yet translated into any of the other 7164 known living languages with machine translation, and by human translators too) yesterday, while digging deep into my temporary storage in the East Bay of the SF Bay Area yesterday ... (and while going to a Stanford Law School panel event on US Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor (who died in 2023) after that). What's the best way to get "Naked Harbin Ethnography" to you ? In the Harbin front square pool where we met last week I think? It's in a Berkeley Bowl bag, which is only a little water resistant. :)

Looking forward to some soaking meditations today and tomorrow, after checking in ...  

Scott :)

And could Harbin even sell it retailing for $64.95 in the Reception Office 'bookstore'? )


Yoga ideas
~#ToolifyAIWUaS #WUaSBliss
~#YogaWUaS @
#FriendlyQuakerWUaS 🥰
#WUaSabolition in #RealisticVirtualEarth #WUaSYoga ~

with pic of partner child pose - supported backbend" ... I think Ishvara liked getting it ... and I think he could have most or many of the books that have been Harbin focused ... More later ... may be heading for a hike up on Mt St Helena at the summit not too far from Calistoga and with AllTrails' Ed ... Fond regards, Scott (

 Thursday · 1:20 PM
Hi Ma, Pin, Ed, How are you? Regarding potentially getting the 2025 Toyota Sienna Woodland Edition minivan with tow hitch and multimedia package (and the email I just sent to all of you about this) from Toyota Palo Alto tomorrow F 2/28, Sat 3/1, or M 3/3/25 with temporary CA license plates / annual stickers, I hypothesize there's CA and US federal legal process extending back many weeks or months now ... and regarding moving the WUaS Academic Medical Center WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute into a newly safe 670 Ridgecrest Rd (PO Box 442) Canyon CA 94516 ... and getting the official CA license plates there as well ... all of which could lead to my moving in there fairly soon too ... Thoughts, ideas, suggestions, questions? Fond regards, Scott ( )

F 2/28/25

Hi Ma, Ed, Siddhartha/Pin, How are you? What fun / interesting / edifying, enjoyable things do you have planned for the weekend so far?  A bicycle ride, Pin? A walk each day Ma? An adventure in Tilden park, or the area you, I and Brianna hiked in in Marin, not that far north of the Golden Gate Bridge, and on your birthday some years ago, if I remember correctly. Attended the "Yoga ... Group, 4th Thursdays out of Yoga in Chico CA" yesterday evening ... and heard friend Yogi Tom (Hess) from 30 years ago, and re the IYI SF, mention the name of Ishvara - "The Sanskrit word Īśvara (ईश्वर) appears in many ancient and medieval texts, including the Upanishads, Bhagavad gita, and Yoga Sūtras" -  (and is the name Harbin's founder took for himself I postulate ...) ... and wonder if Yogi Tom in Chico could have been referring to Bob Hartley / Ishvara re Harbin ... AND interesting that US Congressman Mike Thompson went to Cal State Chico for 2 degrees ... and could Tom somehow be in communication with him, or his sons, as well as Luca Moretti, the 4th District's field representative in Lake county ...? Glad too to have heard twice from Toyota Palo Alto's Dich Tran yesterday evening and this morning ... 2 further deliveries of Toyota Siennas there next week on Tu 3/4/25 and Th 3/6 (while the one today didn't have the Sienna Woodland I put money down on ) he wrote ... Methinks not only that Stanford Law alum Phil Jelley, in his 80s, who is the Harbin lands'' lawyer, I learned when I met him and his wife Patty in 2017 at a Stanford alumni weekend (and who probably knows Stanford Law Prof Hank Greely, celtic-wise too), but also hired building contractor Canyoite since around birth possibly Ethan Allen out of Canyon 94516 to build a house for the Jelley's in the Oakland hills ... could play a role in even communication with Stanford Law re these 2 places, but also with the Toyota Palo Alto lawyers and re getting temporary CA license plates on the 2025 Sienna Woodland edition van ... AND re US FEDERAL LAW ... as I and WUaS seek to get back the WUaS PO Box 442 in Canyon 94516 so that I can receive the CA license plates ... and re the Canyon 94516 US PO ... and even re the US federal govt US postal service (and possibly the 'fuck maga' graffiti on the green US post office box in front of the Pittsburgh Quaker Meeting ) ... and even international organized crime affiliates among US postal service employees and personnel ... Meanwhile I just heading for a shower at the Clear Lake State Park ...walking in about a mile with the 2 WM ozark walking poles ... that even could have transmitters in them ... great to get a 4 minute shower for a $1 ... couldn't figure out how to make the water hot at first this morning in a somewhat old shower so how to go outside  of the shower shirtless to get 2 further tokens for another $1... so great to get a shower daily ... while in travel mode ... wondering if I could inquire with Harbin (with a shortage of showers currently if I could walk in and shower for $1 ... NOT ... since I've been paying $55 every other day mid week to car camp for 24 hours ... without the new community ktichen being built yet in newly in the meadow area per 'Electric Dave' in our talk the other day, from England originally) ... He also said that the new GREAT 2 story dressing room, where Fern Community Kitchen on the 2nd floor, and the dressing room on the 1st floor were, was a 2 story dressing room ... AND it opened yesterday morning AHEAD Of Schedule (very unusual for Harbin I think) ... and thanks probably to 'Electric Dave' who may be one of the most senior now Residents having built the Sleeping Deck (new one to come probably ) in 1985 and is now the head of building I think ... Dave also said a new hotel was going in where the burned down Manzanita and Azelea hotel buildings were, pre-fabricated in Oregon apparently, and that once the new fountain (where the old fountain was, in front of the burnt down Stonefront Lodge / library / blue room cafe, restaurant) is going again, Harbin is basically good to go ... As I watched from the warm pool the opening of the 2 story dressing room yesterday, with the unsightly chain link fence (close to the new elevator, probably for disabled, with clock tower) between the main road up into the pool area, and the pool area, coming down, was good to see this next step in Harbin's rebuilding emerge ... Dave also said that after the fire, Heart Consciousness Church / Ishvara sold all of one HCC property (Harbin Hot Springs' Diamond J ranch - and see this quote "Prior to the Valley Fire, Heart Consciousness Church had planned to turn the Diamond J Ranch—a sprawling 5,000-acre property near Hidden Valley Lake that features an airstrip—into a campus for a church-run “learning center.”" - and could this also be the Diamond D ranch ???), and of the 3rd property, the Bar X ranch?, HCC sold 4000 acres and kept 1000 acres (I'm not sure I have the names of these properties correct) ... WHAT ROLE could Stanford alum lawyer Phil Jelley have played in these? Electric Dave also said that right next to the new Fern? 2 story dressing room, was possibly planned an 18 room? massage building, where the old Fern building / hotel was ... and where I lived when I was a Harbin resident in around 2004 working in Reception making room reservations ("Hello this is Harbin Hot Springs, how may I help you?) ... and with writing a Harbin ethnography in mind ... so as the beginning of my ethnographic field work ... and sitting right across the hall from Finance-person (CEO) Sajjad Mahmoud Wynne (there since 1980), while Julie Adams was possibly the head  MD (managing director) but more artist of beautiful Harbin up to the Valley Fire in 2016 ... thoughts? ... Into the Middletown public library until 5 ... and possibly to make headway in writing my upcoming "Society, Info Tech and the Global University" book (May blog today with all my text messages for February and re Harbin ethnography label ... and THANKS so much Ma for replying to we three upon your safe return from Puerto Rico!) ... Harbin ethnographically, Fondly, Scott


Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2025, forthcoming) 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
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World University & School (WUaS) 
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