Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Terwilliger (Cougar) Hot Springs, Oregon: A #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory re @HarbinBook in a #RealisticVirtualHarbin (with #WikiAdding to #GStreetView w #TimeSlider #GMaps w #AIandML #TexttInTheSidebar) re #NakedHarbinEthnography book ?


A #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory re @HarbinBook in a #RealisticVirtualHarbin (with #WikiAdding to #GStreetView w #TimeSlider #GMaps w #AIandML #TexttInTheSidebar) re #NakedHarbinEthnography book ?

A #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory re @HarbinBook in a #RealisticVirtualHarbin (with #WikiAdding to #GStreetView w #TimeSlider #GMaps w #AIandML #TexttInTheSidebar) re ~ ~ ~
#NakedHarbinEthnography book ?

A #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory re @HarbinHotSprings in a #RealisticVirtualHarbin (#WikiAdding to #GStreetView w #TimeSlider #GMaps w #AIandML #TexttInTheSidebar) re 

Scott MacLeod's 
Naked Harbin Ethnography:                   
Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture, Clothing-Optionality

* * 

Scott MacLeod <>
Sep 10, 2017, 7:35 PM
to Ishvara
Dear Ishvara,

I was amazed and grateful to have heard back from you. Thank you so
much for your emails (and even re my actual/virtual Harbin
ethnographic book - - - for which UC Berkeley Professor
Emeritus Nelson Graburn kindly wrote the Foreword, as you may know).

And thank you too, Ishvara, for inviting me up to Harbin this autumn
even (and before HCC re-opens for camping in early 2018)!

I'm curious still if Harbin would even get and carry my book for sale
(in your upcoming Harbin Gate kiosk) at some point in the future -
since you'd potentially benefit from the 40% of the $64.95 list price
as a small (retail) bookstore even (so about $26 / copy)?

And while I would love to come up and soak at some point on a Sunday
this autumn when you're there at 5 ... this may have to wait a bit
until I publish my next Harbin-inspired book, this time of poetry ...

But I would like to invite you to UC Berkeley, Ish, to talk about
Harbin this autumn, if you might be available. It might  be a great
way to invite Cal students to begin to visit Harbin as soon as

(I'd also like eventually to teach a course from my actual / virtual
ethnographic book to undergraduate and graduate students - including
by taking field trips together to Harbin after it re-opens - as well
as build a realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs for this as part of a
realistic virtual whole earth (even to study, for example, the brain
chemistry of bliss - as in the neural cascades of pleasure - that can
occur when soaking and meditating in the warm pool). Think again
Google Streetview/Maps/Earth with time slider and with OpenSim/SL but
realistic, and in all 7,099 living languages - and at the cellular and
atomic levels even - and the Google Brain project).

And I'd also interested in eventually exploring doing further extended
interviews with you of Harbin's history (and especially re our one
excellent interview from 2008 is transcribed in full in my book, I'm
glad again to say).

So, if you might be available to come to the UC Berkeley Anthropology
Department's Gifford room to talk about Harbin (and perhaps as a kind
of outreach to Berkeley students too) - and so that we might then talk
about Harbin together for a group of people there - what might be some
possible good dates for this. ... I just heard from Nelson Graburn,
and I could invite you to talk at a Tourism Studies' Working Group
meeting (all on Fridays around 5), potentially, and for Friday,
September 29th (there are some other open dates as an alternative).

These other dates are also still open:

29   ---------------------------- (available)

13th ------------------------------
20th ----------------------------------

3rd -------------------------------------

8th -------------------------------

( :) I wouldn't call a possible talk / interview with you "Ish in Two
Worlds" (re UC Berkeley's Alfred Kroeber's wife Theodora Kroeber's
book "Ishi in Two Worlds" - - about the last
Yahi Indian, who lived at the University of California for some
decades, I think, with museum exhibits about him in the Kroeber
Anthropology building's Hearst Museum), but I might call our possible
conversation something like

"Talk with University of California students with Harbin Hot Springs'
founder by Robert Hartley (Ishvara), founder of Harbin Hot Springs
(since 1972), and of Heart Consciousness Church there (since 1975) re
the new anthropology book "Naked Harbin Ethnography: Hippies, Warm
Pools, Counterculture, Clothing-Optionality & Virtual Harbin"" :)

May I invite you, Ishvara, to have a conversation about Harbin at UC
Berkeley on F September 29th (or one of the other above dates)? Thank

(On here with bringing together my next book of Harbin-inspired
poetry, due out this autumn from the Press at WUaS).


- Scott MacLeod

Dear Scott: I am 84 and do not go to the city, so no Berkeley Classes. As far as selling your books, that would be up to the bookstore manager and the MD's (Managing Directors, who run the place.)
Right now there is no bookstore. I have not seen any of your writings.

I have not seen your books and am assuming we would like them. Sometime people who have a lot of energy are not welcome to be involved with us and I do not get the word on each person. Should that be the case, I shall go with what they say. I am not suggesting this is the case, but it has happened in the past with people with a lot of energy and I do not want it said that I am going against them. So this is like a fine print legal disclaimer. As it is, I welcome your energy, interest and intent. Love, Ishvara

Dear Ishvara, 

Greetings! Thanks for considering coming to give a talk/for a conversation about Harbin Hot Springs at UC Berkeley in the Cal Anthropology department, back in 2017! And thanks especially for your emails about this, which I just found again, incredibly. And thanks for considering carrying in the Harbin bookstore (which didn't exist in 2017) my Harbin-inspired books at the time, with my first anthropological book "Naked Harbin Ethnography" having been just published in 2016 at the time - 

"Naked Harbin Ethnography: Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture, Clothing-Optionality and Virtual Harbin. San Francisco, CA, US: Academic Press at World University and School." 

(And see all 4-5 of my Harbin-inspired book titles here - - with the name 'Harbin' in each of their titles).

I'm seeking to head into Harbin Hot Springs today ... and just want to email you to check in with you about this, and let you know. 

With you being around 90 years old now, any possibility that you might eventually visit " Menemsha and Edgardown and Woods Hole. {since your} My father had a sailboat anchored in Padanarum-South Dartmouth" and possibly even nearby Cuttyhunk island too ...  and with aging reversal and extreme longevity genetic drug therapies emerging (and please see the PS below in these regards)? 


Here's more regarding aging reversal genetic drug therapies emerging, from Harvard and MIT Professor of Genetics' George Church, in a 60 Minutes' 66 second's interview with Scott Pelley -

"How soon could humans reverse the aging process with genetic engineering?" (2019)

"Aging reversal is something that's been proven about eight different ways in animals," geneticist George Church says. So when will humans get to turn back the clock? Church tells 60 Minutes it's not that far away. See the full report, Sunday'

60 Minutes

AND more re MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch and Aging_Reversal_Genetics too +  

"Dr. Church predicted that human aging could be eradicated by the year 2030....The therapy that aims to reverse aging in people involves gene modification at cellular level" - - In a #RealisticVirtualEarth too?

Scott MacLeod <>
Sat, Feb 8, 11:15 AM
to Ishvara, bcc: Sunheart, bcc: sajjad

Dear Ishvara,

I wrote this back in 2017 I think -

"Thanks for considering coming to give a talk/for a conversation at UC
Berkeley. (I wonder if Alexa as a Harbin MD might like to do such a
possible, what I'll call now, "Teaching Harbin" talk at UC Berkeley
(since she's a Cal alumna, and her sister lives in Berkeley) ... as
Harbin outreach especially, and re the Cal Anthropology department
(and my Harbin book) ... but could inquire with her or other Harbin
MDs about this at some point in the future.

Thanks too for your correspondence a number of times over the past few
days and the invitation to soak - and when you're soaking in the warm
pool - in the autumn of 2015 possibly (which you said is every Sunday
these days around 5pm).

I think I'd like to head to Harbin this Sunday, 9/17, and also to give
you my Harbin book (and potentially to eventually sell it in your
upcoming bookstore when you open in early 2018). And would plan to
come back to the Bay Area this Sunday evening after soaking and
potentially after seeing you, and giving you "Naked Harbin
Ethnography." Seems like Harbin could make a fair amount of money off
this book ... especially if people could see it before and after they
soak (like by returning their camping passes in the past, or similar,
but so that they pass through any possible upcoming bookstore a second
time). I'll call first.

I seek to keep my high energy low, and friendly, on people's radars in
a warm-watery Taoist kind of way.

Hoping possibly to talk about Cuttyhunk and Padanaram-South Dartmouth
at some point in the future.


I think I have a copy of the book"Naked Harbin Ethnography" buried
deep in storage in the SF Bay Area in the East Bay ... and would
further like to give it to you when I see you next, (and when I find
it in storage).

Love, Scott


Just read #2017emails from #HarbinHotSpringsHCCFounder #Ishvara to me
as I head into #Harbin for 1st time since #2015LakeCountyValleyFire
for #SoakingMeditation & it's possible per #Ish's emails that
#HarbinBookstore might begin to carry my 5 #HarbinBooks @WUaSPress
@HarbinBook ~

Retweeting -

1st lines of #NakedHarbinEthnography: "After you check in at the gate
at #HarbinHotSprings, a #Harbinresident who has worked there for years
often says "#GoPlay" ... How to
explore in #RealisticVirtualHarbin
@HarbinBook for #EthnoWikiVirtualWorldGraphy ?

Scott MacLeod <>
10:48 AM (7 hours ago)
to Sajjad, Alexa, deirdre, Ed, Heather, Peter, Rosemary, Richard, Eric, sajjad, Sanna, wecanhelp, Edwin, Scott,, s, Barbara, jon, Christina, Scott, Ishvara, me

Dear Ish

Scott MacLeod

10:48 AM (7 hours ago)
to SajjadAlexadeirdreEdHeatherPeterRosemaryRichardEricsajjadSannawecanhelpEdwinScottGate.comsBarbarajonChristinaScottIshvarame

Dear Ishvara, All,

Greetings! How are you?

I found a paper copy for you of my "Naked Harbin Ethnography: Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture, Clothing-Optionality and Virtual Harbin" book  (2016, San Francisco, CA: Academic Press at World Univ & Sch, a new publisher, and not yet translated into any of the other 7164 known living languages with machine translation, and by human translators too) yesterday, while digging deep into my temporary storage in the East Bay of the SF Bay Area yesterday ... (and while going to a Stanford Law School panel event on US Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor (who died in 2023) after that). What's the best way to get "Naked Harbin Ethnography" to you ? In the Harbin front square pool where we met last week I think? It's in a Berkeley Bowl bag, which is only a little water resistant. :)

Looking forward to some soaking meditations today and tomorrow, after checking in ...  


And could Harbin even sell it retailing for $64.95 in the Reception Office 'bookstore'? ) 


Yoga ideas
~#ToolifyAIWUaS #WUaSBliss 
~#YogaWUaS @
#FriendlyQuakerWUaS 🥰
#WUaSabolition in #RealisticVirtualEarth #WUaSYoga ~

with pic of partner child pose - supported backbend 

* * 

W 2/26/25

Hi Ma, Siddartha, Ed, Greetings, and how are you? Out at the Y at Harbin Springs and Big Canyon Rds 4 miles from Harbin ... Gave Ishvara Bob Hartley my 'Naked Harbin Ethnography' book on paper in the main warm pool early this afternoon ... Was soaking there, and saw that he was near the new front square warm pool and coming toward the main warm pool ... saw him make his way very very slowly up the stairs and down the other stairs into the warm pool ... Went to get the book from among my things near the swimming pool ... It was in a Berkeley Bowl near water proof bag ... People actually read a fair amount in the warm pool ... And so I brought Naked Harbin Ethnography in bag back to the warm pool and walked into the warm pool on the stairs from near the hot pool, holding it above the water in it's colorful bag, and brought it toward him at the far wall of the warm pool ... where he actually seemed to doing a little warm water yoga (first time I have seen him ever do Yoga asana ) ...facing the pool wall extending one leg up to the side, then to the other side ... then a twist still facing the wall drawing one leg in front of him bent at the knee to twist, then in the other direction ... I was around him in the pool watching him a little ... not quite sure how to give it to him ... and while he was doing Yoga ... finally he turned outwardly away from the wall and to face into the warm pool and he whispered (with 3 Be Silent & silence signs in the warm pool) ... "Is this your book?" and I whispered "For you" and he said / gestured "put it over below the railing in the corner" ... And I did so ... After a minute or two he went over and slid the bag with the book toward the center of the walkway above the front edge of the pool, and then did so a second time ... he and I exchanged positions sitting on the wide bench under water along the front edge of the pool ... Then he got out of the pool walking up the stairs very gradually ... as he had gotten into the pool we looked each other squarely in the eyes ... After he got out with the book in bag still on the front edge of the warm pool's walkway, Dancing Yogi Heather (whom I had met with Jon Strieter a few days earlier in the pool area) came over at Ishvara's suggestion and got the book, by picking the bag up by the handles, so that the 324 pp 8 1/2 by 11 inch book sunk squarely into the bottom of the bag ... and she came over and whispered to me something like "You're so great to give that to him" (in a kind of sincere and great way) ... funny giving of "Naked Harbin Ethnography" book in the warm pool 'dance' ... (and was it all captured on video camera???) ... Glad to give it to him about 8 years after the Valley Fire on September 12, 2016 ... NOT 2015 ... as I saw on the SF Chronicle newspaper front page, which I had with the book and still do have ... Here's the email I had sent to him and about 20 people this morning before checking in ... and re giving it to him "Dear Ishvara, All,

Greetings! How are you?

I found a paper copy for you of my "Naked Harbin Ethnography: Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture, Clothing-Optionality and Virtual Harbin" book  (2016, San Francisco, CA: Academic Press at World Univ & Sch, a new publisher, and not yet translated into any of the other 7164 known living languages with machine translation, and by human translators too) yesterday, while digging deep into my temporary storage in the East Bay of the SF Bay Area yesterday ... (and while going to a Stanford Law School panel event on US Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor (who died in 2023) after that). What's the best way to get "Naked Harbin Ethnography" to you ? In the Harbin front square pool where we met last week I think? It's in a Berkeley Bowl bag, which is only a little water resistant. :)

Looking forward to some soaking meditations today and tomorrow, after checking in ...  

Scott :)

And could Harbin even sell it retailing for $64.95 in the Reception Office 'bookstore'? )


Yoga ideas
~#ToolifyAIWUaS #WUaSBliss
~#YogaWUaS @
#FriendlyQuakerWUaS 🥰
#WUaSabolition in #RealisticVirtualEarth #WUaSYoga ~

with pic of partner child pose - supported backbend


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