Saturday, November 3, 2012

Titan Arum: Complete UC Berkeley Tourism Studies' talk in the Anthropology Department - "Naked, Virtual Harbin," The abstract for the talk is in a 6 minute separate video, Both are accessible at my YouTube video channel here -, Upcoming actual / virtual Harbin Ethnographic book information to appear here -

Complete UC Berkeley Tourism Studies' talk in the Anthropology Department - "Naked, Virtual Harbin" ... (2 hrs. long and it was also a live, interactive broadcast yesterday in a G+ group video hangout on the air) ... The abstract for the talk is in a 6 minute separate video ... both are accessible at my YouTube video channel here - ...

Scott MacLeod

Title: Naked, Virtual Harbin: An Anthropology of Erotisme and the
Touristic Imaginaire

I added my talk's title, abstract and UC Berkeley Gifford Room in Kroeber Hall address information to a recent, different, blog entry, as well ...

My actual / virtual Harbin book information will appear here (this last web page is still in development). 

Naked, Virtual Harbin: An Anthropology of Erotisme and the
Touristic Imaginaire - abstract (6 mins.)

Naked, Virtual Harbin: An Anthropology of Erotisme and the
Touristic Imaginaire - paper given in video (159 mins.)

Friday, November 2, 2012 5:00 PM
Gifford Room, 221 Kroeber Hall
University of California, Berkeley


I'm so glad we are engaging questions of information technologies, the virtual, counterculture and Harbin in Tourism Studies. 


Some relevant blog entries:

Naked, Virtual Harbin: An Anthropology of Erotisme and the Touristic Imaginaire, Abstract, Public Talk at UC Berkeley about this on Friday, 11/2/12, from 5-7 in the Anthropology Department

Titan Arum: Complete UC Berkeley Tourism Studies' talk in the Anthropology Department - "Naked, Virtual Harbin," The abstract for the talk is in a 6 minute separate video, Both are accessible at my YouTube video channel here -, Upcoming actual / virtual Harbin Ethnographic book information to appear here - (not yet posted)

( November 3, 2012) ...

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