Monday, October 26, 2015

Point Reyes: Cloud alights

Cloud alights in the
vale to the east,
with delight,
while Canyon's
visibile ridge with
forest, to the west,
is graced with morning orange.

Illuminated cloud,
in its vale to the east,
glows in pink gray.
Beautiful morning orange,
on western vale side,
diffuses to light,
while its closer forest side,
remains quietly subdued.

To the east, the
Taoist water dragon form's
inner light intensifies,
with vapors along its top,
wisping and moving, the water
dragon's spine ridge alive
with little crests and plumes.
The Canyon valley to west,
above post office and school,
proclaims its steady forestedness
in the growing morning light.

The eastern vale
grows with light of day,
its friendly cloud form
sinking down, merging
in oneness with its hollow,
disappearing as the day warms,
glowing and hovering.

Greet the morn,
Welcome the day,
My mother is visiting the Bay.
Time to explore and
travel together
to Point Reyes.



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