Thursday, November 26, 2015

Manoranjini flowers: Here's Italy World University and School - - and Italian language WUaS, not yet in Italian, and neither yet newly in Wikidata nor in a new wiki front end, Check out the MIT OpenCourseWare, WUaS is a create-project, and a creative project, "Opera" WUaS, We seek to be especially STEM-centric in most countries' main languages +, Happy Thanksgiving, Feast Day, Harvest Festival plus to you! :)

Here's Italy World University and School - - and Italian language WUaS - - not yet in Italian, and neither yet newly in Wikidata nor in a new wiki "front end." Check out the MIT OpenCourseWare. 

This is a create-project, and a creative project, with many details to unfold when we start developing in CC Wikidata. CC WUaS would like to create a major accrediting university in Italian, with degrees, (and as the Harvard of the internet in each countries' main language). 

And still in its beginnings too, here, for example, is the "Opera" World University and School wiki subject page for open teaching and learning - - which may grow into hundreds of pages with time, and in many languages. 

Hoc and all, being MIT OCW-centric (which is in 7 languages currently), we seek to be especially STEM-centric -,_Technologies,_Engineering_and_Mathematics (check out all the STEM subjects here) - and for free CC degrees, as well, and especially for online STEM research - - in most countries' main languages +.  

Check out, too, for an overview, each of the ~ 10 main WUaS areas here -



Happy Thanksgiving, Feast Day, Harvest Festival plus to you! :)


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