Sunday, April 24, 2016

Cornus florida: How to FURTHER make CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC ROCK and ROLL with AI and in all countries' main languages for students and learners?, a) Sharing and Adapting under CC MIT OCW (in 7 languages) licensing is another form of rocking and rolling here b) Creating new kinds of STEM thinking "flow the psychology of optimal experience" CC MIT OCW learning experiences and opportunities with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Translation in Wikidata (developed for CC Wikipedia's ~300 languages) is another kind of potential rocking and rolling c) Focusing on enjoyment, happiness and highest quality academics and thinking, WIKI WUaS allows for us all to create further rock and roll experiences with online teaching and learning in all languages and countries in so many creative ways ... How to make grading for teachers ROCK and ROLL beyond construing Assessment_and_Grading_at_WUaS_as_Part_of_Conversation_in_Learning in new ways?

How to further make CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC rock and roll with Artificial Intelligence, and in all countries' main languages for students and learners?

Turn on Rock and Roll (or other music you like) - - when studying will be one approach, but what will machine learning and machine translation do to helping learners learn based on MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC?

Artificial_Intelligence -

WUaS_Universal_Translator -

Sharing and Adapting under CC MIT OCW (in 7 languages) licensing is another form of rocking and rolling here

Creating new kinds of STEM thinking "flow the psychology of optimal experience" CC MIT OCW learning experiences and opportunities with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Translation in Wikidata (developed for CC Wikipedia's ~300 languages) is another kind of potential rocking and rolling

Focusing on enjoyment, happiness and highest quality academics and thinking, WIKI WUaS allows for us all to create further rock and roll experiences with online teaching and learning in all languages and countries in so many creative ways ...

Rocking and Rolling in the sense of "Hair: the Tribal Love Rock Musical" ... and so much other great Rock and Roll ...

How to make grading for teachers ROCK and ROLL beyond construing Assessment_and_Grading_at_WUaS_as_Part_of_Conversation_in_Learning in new ways?

Assessment_and_Grading_at_WUaS_as_Part_of_Conversation_in_Learning - ...



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