Saturday, September 30, 2017

Sundews: Would it be possible to "Stanfordize" the CC MIT OCW in English INTO the ~194 countries' languages (other than these 6 languages, for online Ph.D. Bachelor and high school degrees), if CC OCW for law and medicine also could emerge from Stanford Medicine and Stanford Law - and in collaboration with World University and School?

Would it be possible to "Stanfordize" the CC MIT OCW ( in English INTO the ~194 countries' languages, other than these 6 languages - - for online Ph.D. Bachelor and high school degrees, if CC OCW for law and medicine also could emerge from Stanford Medicine and Stanford Law - and in collaboration with World University and School?

... and re ...

Pachliopta hector: RADICAL GENEROSITY and Stanford Medicine (and Law)?, FREE CC OCW university degrees in these fields to students in poorest countries / all countries (with a focus on helping the neediest+).And also re ... "Hector's dolphin: Could a realistic virtual earth/Harbin become central banks in all ~200 nation states in Langs re MITcryptocurrency …? "Here's why Warren Buffett bought Apple stock, but not Google: ...", And Could WUaS collaborate w Google, MIT itself and DB for this ... "



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