Tour U.S. National Parks in Google Earth U.S. National Parks in Google Earth— Richard Byrne (@rmbyrne) February 24, 2020
3 COMPUTERS /person? #ComputerGlasses… #RealisticVirtualHarbin #Healthcare #GoogleGlass #GooglesARgoggles #GlassEnterpriseEdition #AR #wearables #IoT #AugmentedReality #AI #VR #robot……… ~
3 COMPUTERS /person? #ComputerGlasses #RealisticVirtualHarbin #Healthcare #GoogleGlass #GooglesARgoggles #GlassEnterpriseEdition #AR #wearables #IoT #AugmentedReality #AI #VR #robot ~— WUaSPress (@WUaSPress) January 7, 2020
TensorFlow CHIP #TPU #EdgeTPU for image recognition & #MachineLearning > #RealisticVirtualEarth #RealisticVirtualHarbin @HarbinBook for #EthnoWikiVirtualWorldGraphy new social science #ActualVirtual method ~— ScottMacLeod (@scottmacleod) February 2, 2020
Virtual hiking or walking? Am seeking to facilitate a #RealisticVirtualEarthForHiking incl. #VirtualHiking from HOME in #GoogleStreetView Visit Harbin Springs' gate - #RealisticVirtualHarbin and "walk" down Harbin road "4 miles"to Middletown
Virtual hiking or walking? Am seeking to facilitate a #RealisticVirtualEarthForHiking incl. #VirtualHiking from HOME in #GoogleStreetView visit Harbin Springs' gate> #RealisticVirtualHarbin & "walk" down Harbin road "4 miles"> town— HarbinBook (@HarbinBook) February 26, 2020
Virtual hiking or walking? Am seeking to facilitate a #RealisticVirtualEarthForHiking incl. #VirtualHiking from HOME in #GoogleStreetView visit Harbin Springs' gate 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth & "walk" down Harbin road "4 miles"> town
* *
Hi Lukas,
I just updated this blog entry - - with your information.
Do you have a LinkedIn profile? (Mine is
In the meantime, it's with regards to the idea of hikers and hillwalkers WIKI-contributing their own experiences in video and photos (via Google Glass Enterprise, for example) into something like Google Street View with time slider / Maps / Earth (with AllTrails) that could make all the hikes that 10 Adventures offers accessible by other people, including disabled people (and created in part, too, by your hikers). (I'm calling this process of wiki-adding to a virtual world ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy, eg see - and see the 'label' for this in my blog too). It would be great to communicate further about how some of this could work. It might be something 10 Adventures could even reach out to prospective hikers for your organized trips with - the opportunity via a kind of community service to help create the hikes you offer virtually. Hikers might love this, - and spread out all over the globe doing this (including esp. on 10 Adventures' trips).
Kind regards, Scott
PS some related recent Tweets:
Virtual hiking or walking? Am seeking to facilitate a #RealisticVirtualEarthForHiking incl. #VirtualHiking from HOME in #GoogleStreetView visit Harbin Springs' gate> #RealisticVirtualHarbin & "walk" down Harbin road "4 miles"> town
Virtual hiking or walking? Am seeking to facilitate a #RealisticVirtualEarthForHiking incl. #VirtualHiking from HOME in #GoogleStreetView visit Harbin Springs' gate> #RealisticVirtualHarbin & "walk" down Harbin road "4 miles"> town— ScottMacLeod (@scottmacleod) February 26, 2020
Virtual hiking or walking? Am seeking to facilitate a #RealisticVirtualEarthForHiking incl. #VirtualHiking from HOME in #GoogleStreetView visit Harbin Springs' gate 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth & "walk" down Harbin road "4 miles"> town
Lukas Saville
9:27 AM (26 minutes ago)
to me
Hey Scott,
Thanks for getting back to me. So firstly, the Veggie Vegabonds isn't me :) I have had a chat with them some time ago, but those are two different entities on the web. Mine is I use the .co email as I email a lot, and I use the .com one just for internal stuff mainly.
This is actually the link I was hoping you might want to have a look at And I was hoping you might want to link to it. This would be a huge help to boost this region higher on Google.
As for your ideas, I do like the idea of being able to experience the whole trail in VR. Or just to walk it on the screen. I think it would help people who want to know what to expect. It might not be suitable for those who like surprises. My wife has a fear of exposure and sometimes we don't know if she can go on a hike as sometimes we read comments about exposure but we don't know how bad it is. So there's a risk to get stuck on trails that way. But, saying that, on 10Adventures, each route has been created by real people. That's actually what we are promoting. Instead of putting the routes together by looking at google or other maps, sitting at home, never doing them ourselves, the collaborators we found and the guys at 10Adventures personally have hiked these routes and recorded the GPS. So in a way, I think your idea is useful, but then it also allows everyone to appear as an expert for all the trails, without any real knowledge about the real deal.
An example is The route descriptions are autogenerated. And they rely completely on the comments of people who update the route information. But not all routes are popular or have even been walked by someone. this means, if you pick a route on that website, you rely on someone creating the route (possibly auto-creating the GPS too) and auto-created text about the terrain. This might not be the most reliable way of hiking, especially talking about the more difficult trails.
But, I do imagine your idea would be great. I imagine it would be awesome to have for each route, so people could do a test walk on their computer before choosing to do that trail.
Well, please let me know what you think about the Peak District guide. I would really appreciate it, and it would really help me a lot if you'd link to it. But I will fully understand if you are not interested.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Best regards
Info WorldUniversity
Feb 25, 2020, 8:45 PM (13 hours ago)
to Lukas
Hi, Lukas,
Thanks for your email. Is this you - Photos in my daily blog posts are sometimes related to their content, sometimes not. Am happy to add a link to your guide to this blog post (but I don't think the post has that many readers). Please send the link and I'll add it.
With regard to your '' hillwalking project - - am curious what you're observing about virtual hiking or walking. Am seeking to facilitate a realistic virtual earth for everything including virtual hiking from home, for example, and with regards to, for example, Google Street View - Will we be able to hike all 2650 miles of the Pacific Crest Trail or through the Peak District on an elliptical, and from home, in a digital mask? To be seen ... (Much of this emerges from my actual-virtual, physical digital Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic project, and visit the Harbin Hot Springs' gate here ~ ~ and "walk" down the road "4 miles" to Middletown, CA (accessible from ~ ~).
And will hikers be able to add to this developing realistic virtual earth (think Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth +) with something like Google Glass Enterprise (see below).
Regards, and cheers,
3 COMPUTERS per person, all 7.5 billion people? ~ & while traveling too (way beyond #GoogleGlass too)? 1 #ComputerGlasses (to visit #RealisticVirtualHarbin @HarbinBook behind lenses) 2 SmartPhone, 3 Laptop (MacBook Air?) or Tablet ~
3 COMPUTERS per person, all 7.5 billion people? ~ & while traveling too (way beyond #GoogleGlass too)? 1 #ComputerGlasses (to visit #RealisticVirtualHarbin @HarbinBook behind lenses) 2 SmartPhone, 3 Laptop (MacBook Air?) or Tablet ~— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) January 6, 2020
- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President
- World University and School
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
Regarding one of your articles
Lukas Saville
Feb 25, 2020, 11:42 AM (22 hours ago)
to me
Hi Scott,
I am writing to you regarding your article "Peak District: Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were pretty good friends", which I have found here: I thought it's great.
In this article, you have mentioned The Peak District. I have actually written a detailed and accurate region guide about The Peak District, that I would love to show to you. I think it has all the information about each trail, thorough route guides, and even GPS coordinates anyone can download for free.
I was hoping you might be interested in seeing it. And I also wanted to ask, is there anything I could do that would make you consider linking to my guide about The Peak District?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
* * *
Hey Candace, (Alden, Dieter and Lukas/Mindaugas),
I just came across Maine-r Richard Byrne's "How to Measure Distance & Share Views in Google Earth" - - on Twitter ... "Tour U.S. National Parks in Google Earth" - status/1232048856831078402?s= 20 ( products/earth/visit-us- national-parks-google-earth/ and u-s-national-parks-in-google- earth/) - and it made me wonder further about your and my conversation concerning virtual hiking in Death Valley NP, - and even for the benefits of movement on elliptical machines etc. from home. Alden had mentioned the word "effort" regarding what's involved in visiting places (re tourism), as we talked at the Reed College Thirsty Thursday, and I find this interesting since one definition of tourism per MacCannell, p.42, relates to "For the purposes of this paper, tourism can be defined as visiting marked sites, often involving travel, or more specifically, following offsite markers to onsite markers" - anth250v.htm (and 15259682/Gazing_at_the_Box_ Tourism_in_the_Context_of_the_ Internet_and_Globalization_ Internetity_ ). So if one explores further, regarding a kind of social theory of tourism, the idea of effort as part of visiting places, and in lieu of traveling even, it seems possible to generate effort from home on elliptical machines. If one were viewing sites in a digital mask, or the back of one's glasses, I'd posit that this is a touristic experience as well. So how to generate such virtual touristic experiences further - and from the field?
And in a related vein, brainstorming-wise, could we combine the above with keying flower species biologically with an App like this - in Death Valley NP:
Could this App that 'helps the visually impaired identify surroundings' with voice be beginnings of 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth for DATA -& in recognizing hibiscus, labradors & pineapple & fruit, keying ALL 3-100mil. SPECIES #RealisticVirtualEarthForSpecies?
Could this App that 'helps the visually impaired identify surroundings' with voice be beginnings of 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth for DATA -& in recognizing hibiscus, labradors & pineapple & fruit, keying ALL 3-100mil. SPECIES #RealisticVirtualEarthForSpecies?— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) February 25, 2020
Reed best regards, Scott
Explored about "home movement," or "effort" to use your word, for example, when virtually travelling in Google Street View in a digital mask, in 2018, and regarding elliptical machines, treadmills etc here - https://scott-macleod. dwarf-planet-thanks-astroedlu- for.html - but am further interested in, as we talked, about particularly the researching meditation in the Harbin warm pool from home virtually.
More soon in an email to Candace.
Nice to meet and talk with you at the Reed Thirsty Thursday recently.
Regards, Scott
Elliptical machine mention: https://scott-macleod. tridentata-george-church.html
National Parks of the United States
How to connect the dots, and invite travellers to help connect the dots with data from their journey?
Where's your itinerary taking you next, Candace?
Reed regards, Scott
* *
Hi Scott,
thank you for adding the link, I really appreciate it.
This is my Linkedin profile: https://www.linkedin. com/in/mindau/. Don't get confused by the name, I use Lukas as, sadly, more people reply to that than my original name. I have sent you an invite on Linkedin.
I start to see a clearer picture of what you meant. I do find your idea interesting.
Would you have a source with more explanation on that, so I could share it with the team? I would like to share this with my CEO and some contributors. I want to see if this is something that would interest us to participate in. As it's not entirely up to me to decide.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
11:57 AM (14 minutes ago)
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Thanks for your email, and LinkedIn. Currently these are just ideas (with much in my blog, but not organized around a business - and orchestrating the Google Glass Enterprise into Google Street View isn't 'there' yet that I know of), but will get back to you as soon as possible.
MIT OCW-centric wiki Lithuania World Univ & Sch in Lithuanian will emerge from here - https://wiki. wiki/Nation_States - and with free-to-students' online MIT OpenCourseWare-centric degrees (https://wiki. wiki/Languages - where the Lithuanian language wiki subject page in Lithuanian will emerge).
When did you, Mindaugas, leave Lithuania (what year and how old were you)?
- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President
- World University and School
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
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