Sunday, October 6, 2024

John Muir Wilderness: An AI & extreme longevity 'genetic editing generation' ? * * * How do electronic health records for humans usually record genetic diseases? "Genetic Testing Results: * Raw data" "Phenotype Data: * Clinical observations" > #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords w Avatar = Phenotype & Agent = #AIandML & Building from #DrosophilaConnectome #PrincetonFlywire re 1 What genetic diseases are common in the drosophila fruit fly? * * * Moving forward into a newly safe Canyon 94516 in 2024 (further) - October 2024


An AI & extreme longevity 'genetic editing generation' ?

In conversation - 

Might we be becoming the #AIandML
#ExtremeLongevity #GeneEditingGeneration #OfOwnGenes with our own #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords in a #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForAgingReversal & #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics -

replying to

The Generation Study is a ground-breaking research study in partnership with the NHS which will sequence the whole genomes of up to 100,000 newborn babies and look for 200+ rare conditions in early childhood. 

Find out more:

@DHSCgovuk @NHSEngland

And see too -


Might we be becoming the #AIandML
#ExtremeLongevity #GeneEditingGeneration #OfOwnGenes w our #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords in a #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForAgingReversal & #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics -

With #AIandML might we be becoming the #ExtremeLongevity #GeneEditingGeneration #OfOwnGenes w our #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords in a #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForAgingReversal & #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics -

Retweeting -

The Generation Study is a ground-breaking research study in partnership with the NHS which will sequence the whole genomes of up to 100,000 newborn babies and look for 200+ rare conditions in early childhood. 

Find out more:

@DHSCgovuk @NHSEngland

AI & #ExtremeLongevity #GeneEditingGeneration
& as #ConsumersWUaS -
Search on 
"AI & extreme longevity genetic editing? generation, likely to attain a high standard of living after graduation" here - 

#OfOwnGenes our #Avatar Agent Electronic Health Records in a #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForAgingReversal #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics ?

Ewan Birney
Last week @GenomicsEngland with @NHSgms launched the generation study (great quotes from Head of NHS @AmandaPritchard +UK Health Secretary of State
@wesstreeting)- whole genome sequencing of 100,000 babies to see if early diagnosis of ~200 diseases would be useful for healthcare

Retweeting -
The Generation Study is a ground-breaking research study in partnership with the NHS which will sequence the whole genomes of up to 100,000 newborn babies and look for 200+ rare conditions in early childhood. 

Find out more:

@DHSCgovuk @NHSEngland

* * * 

How do electronic health records for humans usually record genetic diseases?
"Genetic Testing Results:
 * Raw data"
"Phenotype Data:
 * Clinical observations"

#AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords w Avatar = Phenotype
& Agent =  #AIandML
& Building from #DrosophilaConnectome #PrincetonFlywire re

1 What genetic diseases are common in the drosophila fruit fly? 

2 Has the entire Genome of the drosophila fruit fly been mapped? 

3 In the drosophila Flywire connectome citizen science project are researchers adding genes to neurons there and mapping this wiring too? 

The Generation Study is a ground-breaking research study in partnership with the NHS which will sequence the whole genomes of up to 100,000 newborn babies and look for 200+ rare conditions in early childhood. 

Find out more:

@DHSCgovuk @NHSEngland


Ewan Birney
Last week @GenomicsEngland with @NHSgms launched the generation study (great quotes from Head of NHS @AmandaPritchard +UK Health Secretary of State
@wesstreeting)- whole genome sequencing of 100,000 babies to see if early diagnosis of ~200 diseases would be useful for healthcare

Retweeting -
The Generation Study is a ground-breaking research study in partnership with the NHS which will sequence the whole genomes of up to 100,000 newborn babies and look for 200+ rare conditions in early childhood. 

Find out more:

@DHSCgovuk @NHSEngland


How do electronic health records for humans usually record genetic diseases?
"Genetic Testing Results:
 * Raw data"
"Phenotype Data:
 * Clinical observations"
>#AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords w Avatar = Phenotype
& Agent = #AIandML
& w #FlywireConnectome re

* Z

In the drosophila Flywire connectome citizen science project are researchers adding genes to neurons there and mapping this wiring too?

Yes, researchers are adding genes to neurons in the Drosophila FlyWire connectome project. This is done to better understand how specific genes influence neural function and connectivity. By manipulating gene expression in particular neurons, scientists can observe changes in behavior, synaptic strength, and other neural properties.
Here's a breakdown of the process:
 * Gene Editing: Researchers use techniques like CRISPR-Cas9 to introduce specific genes or modify existing ones in targeted neurons.
 * Mapping: The FlyWire project then maps the resulting neural connections and changes in brain structure.
 * Analysis: By comparing the connectome of genetically modified flies to that of control flies, scientists can identify the specific roles of these genes in neural development and function.
This approach is crucial for understanding the genetic basis of various neurological disorders and developing potential therapeutic interventions.
Would you like to know more about specific genes or experiments being conducted in the FlyWire project?


Has the entire Genome of the drosophila fruit fly been mapped?

Yes, the entire genome of the Drosophila fruit fly has been mapped. This groundbreaking achievement was completed in 2000 and has significantly advanced our understanding of genetics and biology. The Drosophila genome sequence has served as a valuable model for studying gene function and has been instrumental in research on human diseases.


What genetic diseases are common in the drosophila fruit fly?

Common Genetic Diseases in Drosophila Fruit Flies
Drosophila melanogaster, the common fruit fly, has been a cornerstone in genetic research due to its relatively simple genome, rapid life cycle, and ease of manipulation. Many genetic diseases in humans have analogous conditions in Drosophila, making it a valuable model organism for studying these conditions.
Here are some common genetic diseases that have been studied in Drosophila:
 * Neurodegenerative Diseases:
   * Parkinson's Disease: Mutations in genes like PINK1 and Parkin have been linked to Parkinson's in both humans and flies.
   * Alzheimer's Disease: Drosophila models have been used to study the role of amyloid-beta protein in Alzheimer's disease.
   * Huntington's Disease: The expansion of CAG trinucleotide repeats in the Huntingtin gene, associated with Huntington's in humans, can also be studied in Drosophila.
 * Developmental Disorders:
   * Rett Syndrome: Mutations in the MECP2 gene, implicated in Rett syndrome, have been studied in Drosophila models.
   * Fragile X Syndrome: The expansion of CGG trinucleotide repeats in the FMR1 gene, associated with Fragile X syndrome, can also be studied in flies.
 * Cancer:
   * Tumorigenesis: Drosophila has been used to study the genetic pathways involved in tumor formation and progression.
 * Metabolic Disorders:
   * Diabetes: Drosophila models have been used to study insulin signaling and glucose metabolism.
 * Immune Disorders:
   * Autoimmune Diseases: Drosophila has a relatively simple immune system that can be used to study the mechanisms of autoimmune diseases.
These are just a few examples, and Drosophila has been used to study a wide range of other genetic diseases as well. The fly's genetic tractability and the conservation of many genes between flies and humans make it a powerful tool for understanding the underlying mechanisms of these conditions.


How do electronic health records for humans usually record genetic diseases?

Electronic health records (EHRs) for humans typically record genetic diseases in several ways:
1. Diagnosis Codes:
 * ICD-10-CM codes: These are standardized codes used to classify diseases and health conditions. For genetic diseases, specific codes exist to represent different conditions. For example, cystic fibrosis might have a specific ICD-10-CM code.
 * Custom codes: Some EHR systems may allow clinicians to create custom codes for specific genetic diseases that are not covered by standard codes.
2. Genetic Testing Results:
 * Raw data: The raw genetic data from tests like whole-genome sequencing or targeted gene panels can be stored directly in the EHR, providing detailed information about genetic variations.
 * Interpreted results: The results of genetic testing, including identified mutations and their associated risks, can be summarized in a structured format within the EHR.
3. Family History:
 * Family trees: EHRs can include family history information, which can be helpful in identifying patterns of genetic diseases within families.
 * Risk assessments: Based on family history, clinicians can assess a patient's risk for certain genetic diseases.
4. Phenotype Data:
 * Clinical observations: The EHR can record physical characteristics (phenotypes) associated with genetic diseases. This information can help in diagnosing and managing these conditions.
5. Medications and Treatments:
 * Prescriptions: The EHR can track medications prescribed for genetic diseases, including personalized treatments based on genetic information.
 * Treatment outcomes: The effectiveness of treatments can be recorded, helping to inform future care decisions.
6. Genetic Counseling Notes:
 * Counseling sessions: Notes from genetic counseling sessions can be included in the EHR, documenting discussions about genetic testing, risk assessment, and management options.
It's important to note that the specific methods for recording genetic diseases in EHRs can vary depending on the EHR system, healthcare provider, and the specific genetic conditions involved.

* * * 

Moving forward into a newly safe Canyon 94516 in 2024 (further) - October 2024

Hi John (at Tufts Med Ctr), and Ed (re KP NorCal Richmond hospital), (Peter Norvig, Sid Mazumdar, Shawn Flaherty, Lt. John Tadler, Janie MacLeod, all),

Greetings, John, how are you? Thanks so much for saying on the phone in May of 2022 that it makes sense to move forward into a newly safe Canyon 94516 - but how to know if it's safe is the question. And thanks Ed too especially for your encouragement in a number of calls to move forward the MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch (WUaS) Academic Medical Center with virtual warm water cure with WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute into a newly safe Canyon 94516.

Could I please explore talking with you, John, further - and in potentially calling you on Monday 10/7 - and also especially  regarding Moving forward into a newly safe Canyon 94516 in 2024 (further).

Just shared this with you, my mother, Ed, Pin, Peter Norvig, and T.. L......... - 


How are you? I hope this email finds you well.

I don't think it's wise to meet both at the Dolly Sods Wilderness in WV (re car tire pressure light coming on there in WV every time I've been there) or in DC re unwell Scotland I think too ... Just shared this with my mother, Ed, Pin and Peter Norvig in these regards, and in my seeking to move forward the WUaS Academic Medical Center  into a newly safe Canyon 94516 in 2024 too -

Hi Ma, (Ed, Pin, Peter (Norvig)),

Nice to talk, Ma! Sorry you sound still pretty sick - after your return ftom Maine too.

Because you sound still pretty sick, - and (Dad-wise) you said you  don't want to give me your bug (and re the possibility of you having been given a bug in the food there this time and a year ago twice (and regarding too the goons who approached us aggressively on your birthday on 4/2/23 at Longwood in the dining room) re our talking yesterday on the phone, and you saying you'll get us omelettes from the dining room, I'm going to take a raincheck if I could please. 

I called Sandy to wish him happy birthday and spoke with him in a restaurant + infer that not all is well with him. 

In growing a WUaS abolition movement worldwide, glad I sought US federal protection for you, Sandy and myself - and a US federal investigation into Longwood. Am wondering further how to grow this WUaS abolition movement now in new ways - thoughts, questions, ideas? 

Staying alive, in asylum, 💕, abolition-ally, sending love, Friendly Quaker regards, Yogically, Scott

Desiderata re 
'Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery'

And Yoga ideas -

T.., thoughts, questions, suggestions, ideas? Will seek to call you later today Sunday 10/6/24.

Hugs, Scott "

John, thoughts, questions, ideas, please?

Talking potentially on the phone could be enormously helpful as I seek to stay alive in Pgh (after the murderous run though attempt of me in April of 2023 - by international organized crime and uniformed armed services too ? ... and my father GKM MD's first subdural hematoma on 12/30/04) before potentially moving forward into a newly safe Canyon 94516 in 2024, and with US federal law and states' law working effectively together in new ways. Thank you

Glad WUaS has further now 2 wings as legal entities further developed as of another Candid talk on Friday 10/4/24.

Thank you so much, Scott 

* * * 

Sunday plan


Jane MacLeod

Sat, Sep 14, 10:41 PM
to me
Hi Scott,

Want to come here for an omelet? or sandwich? around 1:15?  I’ve heard of a park in Murrysville which isn’t far.  We could check it out.  Or I’d be happy to come in for tea and a walk near you -
Love, Ma

Hi Ma, 

Thanks for your email and the invitation (and after I got the new, newly secure and private, etc., too? Chase credit card yesterday, post lock up of criminal Chase bank Wilkinsburg 15221 employees, like j.w.??? ... which I perhaps saw signs for as I drove out of town on Friday toward Roaring Plains west Wilderness WV ... I think I'llhike on the Southern Prong trail there next time, which I passed this time, kind of scouting out this new wilderness area adjacent to the Dolly Sods Wilderness Area ... ) 

Looking forward to seeing you then (then) ... Dark Hollow park too would be nice as could be the Todd forest area for a walk. 

Will T.., after he called 2 Sundays ago I think, be able to make my and WUaS's move into a newly safe Canyon 94516, and the SF Bay Area, happen in 2024? (Otherwise, he said, if not, we could meet in DC at a musical event in the spring and go out with 2 Iranian women, one of whom is a musician in California whom he recently visited) ...  Received a Yemen missile news' message from Google this morning on my smartphone ... AND re my whistle blowing about the sf quaker meeting in around 2017 ... and re the renter from the AFSC upstairs from the middle east ... and the wrongful buying and selling of people in the illegal sex, drugs and violence etc industries internationally ... and with kids even tragically ... and all the cultures' and identities and countries'  logics in the mix ... and  from a US state department and a Washington DC perspective too  ... and re WUaS growing a worldwide abolition movement ... 

Thanks to George re Desiderata - - and re wedgie issues ... and re Lacan and his thinking about desire (post Id -thinking re freud perhaps) ... ... 

How to de-extinct Dad GKM MD with parallels to the spectacular Dolly the Sheep cloning in Scotland too in 1996, brainstorming-wise ...  

Fondly, Scott

How to develop an #AgingReversalMachine in a #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForAgingReversal (& #ForExtremeLongevity) w #AlphaFold3Server for #MLprediction of ALL #LifesMolecules #GeneticDrugTherapies & re #GStreetView w #TimeSlider interoperable with #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords?  


Can we reverse aging? 
7 yrs ago, Ocampo et al. showed that partial reprogramming can ameliorate aging hallmarks. But, OSKM induction has safety limitations & no new factors have emerged since. Here,… we used 🧬 screens to find new rejuvenation factors🧵1/8

Just searched - 

How was Dolly the sheep cloned - steps involved (in enzyme activity)? 

How They Cloned a Sheep

udder cells

1. Scientists took udder cells from Dolly’s DNA mother. They let the cells multiply and then they stopped the process when they had divided enough.

egg cells

2. They took an egg cell from a different sheep and removed the nucleus.

udder cell joins to cell without nucleus using electricity

3. They put one udder cell next to the egg cell without a  nucleus and joined them using electricity. The egg cell now contained all the udder cell’s DNA.

cells grow into an embryo

4. The egg cell divided until it developed into an embryo. An embryo is the early stage of an animal before it has been born or hatched. This embryo was placed inside a third sheep. Five months later, this sheep gave birth to Dolly .

And how to do this in a realistic virtual earth for genetics ? 


Somehow derive or extrapolate cells from a digital picture re Dad (and especially from Sandy and me, and our biological cousins on Dad's side)?


Hi, Ma, (All),

A walk and a visit tomorrow (and might I also do about 2 loads of laundry chez toi - per what you suggested as you were departing for Maine)? 

And how is your cold doing? Are you clearly on the mend on a week, or a fortnight get-better schedule (as per many many colds I've had)? How are you all doing? 

WUaS abolition movement is growing (and we haven't written a new NtF-Friendly WUaS abolitionist movement manifesto yet either)! 

Fondly, Scott

A walk together person to person, Ma, (and not in a realistic virtual earth behind our digital glasses, Pin in Baltimore, me in Pgh or Canyon 94516, Ed in Berzerkeley, and all hiking north on the John Muir trail along the Pacific Crest Trail from Mt Whitney north, on some path in our locality where we live ... in something like an AllTrails-Google STreet View collaboration ... which we could all add to were we on the actual, physical PCT too, which idea I touch on here too in the 10/4/24 South China Karst - - re 

South China Karst (Gumdrop mountains of SW China near Guangxi & Guizhou): tao of the desiderata ? OR Tao Te Ching and The Desiderata ? * Pin (Ma, Ed, All), - How are you? Kind of joking as well as brainstorming, Pin ... A hike on Sunday near Baltimore at Burke Lake or Mason's Neck ... BUT NOT YET VIRTUALLY :)... (I caught glimpses of these in AllTrails ... Thanks Ed for this some years ago)  ...

Good to talk MA

and sorry you still have a cold but looking forward to seeing you tomorrow at Longwood nevertheless!

Here's what I mentioned to you  (and also shared with T.. L......... in a different form, re his and I possibly going yo the British Embassy in DC on Tu 10/29/24 to a Scottish talk on Gaelic Song ... and possibly therefore his possibly getting involved in this whole genome sequencing of 100,000 British babies ... re America AND CS IT as well POSSIBLY as the next US Secretary of State???) ...

In conversation - 

Might we be becoming the #AIandML
#ExtremeLongevity #GeneEditingGeneration #OfOwnGenes with our own #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords in a #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForAgingReversal & #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics -


The Generation Study is a ground-breaking research study in partnership with the NHS which will sequence the whole genomes of up to 100,000 newborn babies and look for 200+ rare conditions in early childhood. 

Find out more:

@DHSCgovuk @NHSEngland

And see too -

See you soon!
🥰, SCott



The brilliant geneticist Ewan Birney in the Borders in the British Isles just Tweeted - 

Ewan Birney
Last week @GenomicsEngland with @NHSgms launched the generation study (great quotes from Head of NHS @AmandaPritchard +UK Health Secretary of State
@wesstreeting)- whole genome sequencing of 100,000 babies to see if early diagnosis of ~200 diseases would be useful for healthcare

Retweeting - ... 

T.., a hike to the British Embassy in DC, 19 minutes from Wyoming Avenue by foot per GMaps, on Tue 10/29/24, and for a visit, AND the Gaelic Song talk - - by Univ of Aberdeen's Prof of Gaelic Michelle Macleod (if I can register us with the University of Aberdeen's alumni email, and possibly including Wilson McLeod too) ... and for involvement even in the above genetics' project (and possibly re Donna Leet MD somehow too, who writes online that she's English) possibly (and not only with England, but possibly in Britain's collaboration with the USA, and even regarding possibly collaborating with all ~200 countries' departments of genetics' / Health Care Medical organizations ... if you might find your way to become US Secretary of State) as well? (Skip the Dolly Sods Wilderness due to the political season - OR might you like to meet at the Dolly Sods' Wilderness Area too on next Sat 10/12/24 ... and as a change of pace re the DC area, pre-election on Tue 11/5/24 )? 

Am seeking to move forward the WUaS Academic Medical Center with WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute too into a newly safe Canyon 94516 in 2024 if possible ... and have reached out to quite a few people about this today (including a Proposed Reedie book group beginning in 2024 or January or early 2025) even ... Might WUaS moving into a newly safe Canyon 94516 involve an Executive Order from a governor or a president or? I wonder ...?

I'll seek to call you tomorrow, T.., and hope you're having a good weekend! Have fun this evening!

Fond regards, abolitionally, all the best, 


Might we be becoming the #AIandML
#ExtremeLongevity #GeneEditingGeneration #OfOwnGenes w our #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords in a #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForAgingReversal & #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics -

Scott MacLeod

Attachments2:48 AM (7 hours ago)
to EdPinPeterJane
Hi Ma, (Ed, Pin, Peter (Norvig)), 

Nice to talk, Ma! Sorry you sound still pretty sick - after your return from Maine too.

Because you sound still pretty sick, - and (Dad-wise) you said you  don't want to give me your bug (and re tre possibility of you having been given a bug in the food there this time and a year ago twice (and regarding too the goons who approached us aggressively on your birthday on 4/2/23 at Longwood in the dining room) re our talking yesterday on the phone, and you saying you'll get us omelettes from the dining room, I'm going to take a raincheck if I could please. 

I called Sandy to wish him happy birthday and spoke with him in a restaurant + infer that not all is well with him. 

In growing a WUaS abolition movement worldwide, glad I sought US federal protection for you, Sandy and myself - and a US federal investigation into Longwood. Am wondering further how to grow this WUaS abolition movement now in new ways - thoughts, questions, ideas? 

Staying alive, in asylum, 💕, abolitionally, sending love, Friendly Quaker regards, Yogically, Scott

Desiderata re 
'Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery'

And Yoga ideas -

 Ma, (Ed, Pin, Peter (Norvig)),

Hi Ma, Might I please just skip lunch (please eat in the dining room and I'll get something here) and come to visit around 1:30 pm instead?

Could we talk about Canyon 94516 and PNC Bank and a 2025 Toyota Sienna Woodland Edition + ... a d per John Sargent MD in Boston and his networks too ? 

Staying alive, abolitionally, fond regards🥰❣️💕, Scott


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