Friday, October 11, 2024

Lawachara National Park, Bangladesh: Harvard Education Now: 'Thank You for Joining Us for Innovative Approaches to Family and Community Engagement in Schools' * * * "23andMe is on the brink. What happens to all its DNA data?" October 3, 2024 How best @ to get from #salivaDNAtests of #23andMe & its #DNAdata, #AncestryCom #WikiTree + ( to #ExtremeLongevity #AgingReversal #GeneticDrugTherapies #WUaSPharmaceuticals potentially for all 7.9 billion people on planet & in a #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForGenealogy #WUaSLongevityGeneticsInstitute? * * * Chase's Curated Coaching (TAP) consulting: Building Your Brand Strategy - ... MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School AND the WUaS Corporation (Academic Press at WUaS, WUaS Educational Services' Stores - in all ~200 countries, all 7164 living languages) Dear Curated Coaching (TAP), and TAP consultant Henry Hoang Le (on Th 10/11/24), TAP's Director of Service Delivery - Corporate Programming Doreen Hendley, ... Jenny Ling, Samantha Garbus, Kelly, Hodulik (my 3 first Curated Coaching consultants, beginning on 12/8/23 with Jenny Jardine Ling), JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, US senator and former Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren (and Chase Bank Shadyside, Pgh PA, contacts from this long email thread - "Chase bank branch, Shadyside community in Pgh PA, M 12/11/23"), all . . .

Harvard Education Now: 'Thank You for Joining Us for Innovative Approaches to Family and Community Engagement in Schools'

Thanks, Harvard Graduate School of Education, All, ... just shared these on Twitter x7 feeds, and on LinkedIn too (and please forward to Shadae Harris, and Eyal Bergman re incorrect? / inaccessible emails) - 

Dear Dr. Shadae Harris, All, thanks for your great Harvard GSE presentation /sharing yesterday Th 10/11/24 regarding the "Innovative Approaches to Family and Community Engagement in Schools"

Let's stay in touch about free-to-students'  online accrediting MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch's Bachelor, AA/AS, IB or similar, (and Law, MD and PhD) degrees as they develop - and especially growing online "Family and Community Engagement in Schools" at WUaS 

Thnx #DrShadaeHarris: #ChiefEngagementOfficer at #RichmondVAPublicSchools for your great #HarvardGSE sharing Th 10/11/24 re "Innovative Approaches to Family and Community Engagement in Schools" -How best to grow online #FamilyEngagement w accrediting #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch for free Bachelor, AA/AS, IB or sim, (& MA/ MS, Law, MD & PhD) degrees?

All languages ever -

Retweeting -

Meet Dr. Shadae Thomas Harris: Chief Engagement Officer at Richmond Public Schools, dedicated to educational equity for all. Dr. Harris collaborates on policy improvements for students facing educational interruptions. #HistoryInTheMaking

Scott GK MacLeod

Here's the beginning Bangladesh World University and School in the Bangla language (country of 171 million people) - (as MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch seeks to build out our next web site in English newly in Google Sites here - - from - - for free to-students' online WUaS degrees from home, in each of all ~200 countries and in their main languages, and not just in the 50 US states for free WUaS degrees from home.

Would any of you like to join in an open WUaS News and Question and Answer on Mondays at 10 am ET, and see - 

Beaverhead–Deerlodge National Forest wildernesses, MT: M 10/7/24 @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress #WUaSNewsAndQA #TeacherOn #GrowWithGoogle #WUaSCollaborations? * (was - M 10/7/24 World Univ & Sch WUaS News and Q&A, with Zoom URL)


Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2025, forthcoming) 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity 
MIT OCW-centric, 
 World University and School -  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -

(m) 412 478 0116 - 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - 



  View this email on the web.
Education Now: Actionable Insights from the Harvard Graduate School of Education
Thank you for joining us for Innovative Approaches to Family and Community Engagement in Schools. We hope you enjoyed the conversation. Watch a recording of the episode and explore related resources.

Learn more about this topic through the Harvard Graduate School of Education:

Please share this episode and future Education Now episodes with your colleagues or anyone else you think would benefit.

Education Now is a publication of the Harvard Graduate School of Education. You are receiving this email because you elected to receive news from the Harvard Graduate School on our website or at an Ed School event.

Please send questions, comments, and ideas to the News Editor.

Education Now is released weekly during the academic year by HGSE. Sign up here.
Our mailing address is:
Harvard Graduate School of Education
13 Appian Way
Cambridge, MA 02138 US

The video recording of this is here:  

Harvard Education Now - 

"Innovative Approaches to Family and Community Engagement in Schools: 
Creative strategies for engaging with families and developing effective home, school, and community partnerships" 

Key Takeaways 

Be intentional about creating and cultivating relationships of trust and respect with your students’ families. Relationships really matter.

Be aware of the history of your school communities, including any past harm that has occurred.

Share power, affirm differences, and create sustained engagement strategies that are linked to learning outcomes and motivated by love.

Effective family engagement is not just a “nice to have” practice for schools — it is essential and responsible for many positive outcomes for kids and their learning, including reduced chronic absenteeism.  

* * * 

"23andMe is on the brink. What happens to all its DNA data?" October 3, 2024

How best @ to get from #salivaDNAtests of #23andMe & its #DNAdata, #AncestryCom #WikiTree + ( to #ExtremeLongevity #AgingReversal #GeneticDrugTherapies #WUaSPharmaceuticals potentially for all 7.9 billion people on planet & in a #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForGenealogy  #WUaSLongevityGeneticsInstitute?

* * 

#23andMe is on the brink. What happens to all its #DNAdata? : #PhysicalDigital #WUaSLongevityGeneticsInstitute pot. in #CanyonCA94516 & #WUaSLawSchs in all ~250 countries/ US states+ w /Privacy  @WorldUnivAndSch w plans to dev #WUaSUnivs finan. long term?


How best @geochurch + to get from #salivaDNAtests of #23andMe & its #DNAdata + #AncestryCom #WikiTree + ( >#ExtremeLongevity #AgingReversal #GeneticDrugTherapies #WUaSPharmaceuticals in #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForGenealogy  #WUaSLongevityGeneticsInstitute?

* *

#23andMe is on the brink. What happens to all its DNA data? 10/3/24 : #PhysicalDigital #WUaSLongevityGeneticsInstitute pot. in #CanyonCA94516 & #WUaSLawSchs in all ~200 countries & 50 US states+ w a /Privacy wiki school @WorldUnivAndSch in planning financially for developing #WUaSUnivs centuries ahead?

23andMe is on the brink. What happens to all its DNA data? 10/3/24 

In building out a #PhysicalDigital #WUaSLongevityGeneticsInstitute pot. in #CanyonCA94516 & #WUaSLawSchs in all ~200 countries & 50 US states w a Privacy wiki school @ AND in planning financially for developing #WUaSUnivs centuries ahead, how could WUaS help here?


* * 

Again - 

How  best #PeterNorvig @GoogleAI @WorldUnivAndSch - @SebastianSeung - to add talk & #ConnectomicsDevs AND #FlywireAI to #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForCElegans #ForSpecies ...?

How best #PeterNorvig @GoogleAI @WorldUnivAndSch to add talk & #ConnectomicsDevs AND #FlywireAI to #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForCElegans #ForSpecies -
& w #FilmTo3DApps >#GStreetView w #TimeSlider #GNeuronView @WUaSPress ?

Retweeting - 

Sebastian Seung

Sydney Brenner established C. elegans as a model organism starting in the 1960s, which led to the first connectome in 1986. In Sept 2007, we invited Sydney to deliver the inaugural lecture for our new @Harvard @MIT  class on connectomics, and shockingly he accepted!

* * * 

Chase's Curated Coaching (TAP) consulting: 

Building Your Brand Strategy - 

... MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School AND the WUaS Corporation (Academic Press at WUaS, WUaS Educational Services' Stores - in all ~200 countries, all 7,164 living languages)

Dear Curated Coaching (TAP), and TAP consultant Henry Hoang Le (on Th 10/11/24), TAP's Director of Service Delivery - Corporate Programming Doreen Hendley, ... Jenny Ling, Samantha Garbus, Kelly, Hodulik (my 3 first Curated Coaching consultants, beginning on 12/8/23 with Jenny Jardine Ling), JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, US senator and former Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren (and Chase Bank Shadyside, Pgh PA, contacts from this long email thread - "Chase bank branch, Shadyside community in Pgh PA, M 12/11/23"), all,

Greetings, and I hope this email finds you well. Thanks for the ~12th MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch Curated Coaching TAP session I signed up for yesterday, Th 10/11/24, with TAP volunteer Henry Hoang Le ... 

Google Meet Link:
Topic: Building Your Brand Strategy

Unfortunately, I /WUaS got cut off from the 2nd Google Meet video call (eg with 2 potential recordings even) after about 15 minutes, and shared this email with Curated Coaching    TAP's Jenny Ling and others (and I hope this email is correct for Le, Henry <> following the pattern for Jenny Ling's TAP email )- 

Scott MacLeod

Oct 10, 2024, 1:18 PM (23 hours ago)
to ScottJennyCurated
Dear Curated Coaching (TAP), Henry Le, All,

Dear Curated Coaching (TAP), Henry Le, All,

Greetings! I joined this call twice from about 1 to 1:15 ... but can't seem to join the call again. 

Scott GK MacLeod

MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School -
WUaS Educational Services' Stores for Books, Computers, Robotics, Groceries +
Business Plan for a Startup Business - 2024

I'm beginning to assemble all 4 sessions' WUaS Pre-Work with their Chase for Business Worksheets and WUaS's responses here - 

Before we (Henry Le and I and one other participant) got cut off, I learned that Henry Hoang Le - Curated Coaching consultant Th 10/11/24 (TAP volunteer) - is from Vietnam interestingly (and regarding the planned Vietnam World University and School in Vietnamese from here - ...

Henry Hoang Le - Curated Coaching consultant Th 10/11/24 (TAP volunteer) 
(Hoang Le - TD - this LinkedIn page for Henry Hoang Le in Madison Wisconsin, originally from Vietnam DISAPPEARED soon after I found it) 

and I found that JP Morgan Chase bank is in Vietnam too 

Population of Vietnam in 2024 is 
101 million   

(Bangladesh has a population of about 171 million people; the USA about 340 million people presently I think)

possibly in a related way regarding Ireland WUaS, and Scotland WUaS too - 
Doreen Hendley - 
Chase bank in Ireland -

MSP Nicola Sturgeon - 

So in my seeking to stay alive, and re the "murder" word Chase bank Shadyside Pgh PA VP Shauna McNally said the last time I was in that Chase bank in March 2023, how best to grow WUaS Building a Brand Strategy (and see the multiple PS s) - and potentially in developing a flagship Physical-digital WUaS Educational Services' store on Walnut Street in Shadyside Pgh PA - and with Chase bank loans to WUaS ?

In MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch growing an abolition movement worldwide - potentially to protect all 7.9 billion people from international organized crime from here ... -, and with US federal law with US states' law with international law with uniformed armed services' law all working effectively together in new ways, how best also to grow WUaS Building a Brand Strategy as well ... and in these countries above newly ?

Thoughts, questions, suggestions? 

Thanks, Abolitionally, staying alive, in asylum in PA from CA, and seeking to move the WUaS Academic Medical Center with WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute forward into a newly safe Canyon 94516 departing Pittsburgh PA potentially on 11/30/24 - and see the PS), Friendly Quaker greetings, Yogically, best, 
Scott GK MacLeod


#23andMe is on the brink. What happens to all its #DNAdata? : #PhysicalDigital #WUaSLongevityGeneticsInstitute pot. in #CanyonCA94516 & #WUaSLawSchs in all ~250 countries/ US states + w /Privacy  @WorldUnivAndSch w plans to dev #WUaSUnivs finan. long term?


x PS
re WUaS Building a Brand Strategy with retaining WUaS students online, I found this Harvard GSE talk yesterday germane - 

Scott MacLeod

12:38 PM (26 minutes ago)
to sharrisjosephine_kimkaren_mappKarenHarvard
Thanks, Harvard Graduate School of Education, All, ... just shared these on Twitter x7 feeds, and on LinkedIn too (and please forward to Shadae Harris, and Eyal Bergman re incorrect? / inaccessible emails) - 

Dear Dr. Shadae Harris, All, thanks for your great Harvard GSE presentation /sharing yesterday Th 10/11/24 regarding the "Innovative Approaches to Family and Community Engagement in Schools"

Let's stay in touch about free-to-students'  online accrediting MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch's Bachelor, AA/AS, IB or similar, (and Law, MD and PhD) degrees as they develop - and especially growing online "Family and Community Engagement in Schools" at WUaS 

Thnx #DrShadaeHarris: #ChiefEngagementOfficer at #RichmondVAPublicSchools for your great #HarvardGSE sharing Th 10/11/24 re "Innovative Approaches to Family and Community Engagement in Schools" -How best to grow online #FamilyEngagement w accrediting #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch for free Bachelor, AA/AS, IB or sim, (& MA/ MS, Law, MD & PhD) degrees?

All languages ever -

Retweeting -

Meet Dr. Shadae Thomas Harris: Chief Engagement Officer at Richmond Public Schools, dedicated to educational equity for all. Dr. Harris collaborates on policy improvements for students facing educational interruptions. #HistoryInTheMaking

Scott GK MacLeod

Here's the beginning Bangladesh World University and School in the Bangla language (country of 171 million people) - (as MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch seeks to build out our next web site in English newly in Google Sites here - - from - - for free to-students' online WUaS degrees from home, in each of all ~200 countries and in their main languages, and not just in the 50 US states for free WUaS degrees from home.

Would any of you like to join in an open WUaS News and Question and Answer on Mondays at 10 am ET, and see - 

Beaverhead–Deerlodge National Forest wildernesses, MT: M 10/7/24 @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress #WUaSNewsAndQA #TeacherOn #GrowWithGoogle #WUaSCollaborations? * (was - M 10/7/24 World Univ & Sch WUaS News and Q&A, with Zoom URL)


Still alive -

Hi Pin, Ed, Ma, (All - other readers),  .. again Ma, and all, from 1:18 am ET this morning - "Hi Ma, How are you? Exhausted at 9 last night, went to bed, but thought just now to call you then ... to learn your thinking about week's events, including the traumatic lobox management bsr actions again eg turning off of water,  and re the weeks ahead before I potentially depart west on 11/30/24 (hiring a moving company possibly - Shamaun Pal for Moving?) to a newly safe Canyon 94516, - how to get a new car like the 2025 Toyota Sienna Woodland Edition XLE AWD minivan, grey or cement (here's a cool pic I think), how to get the money for this, how to work with the light on dashboard, and how to navigate my own bank & finance accounts after the craziness of Chase bank & credit card closures of 3 accounts, and recently the opening of a new credit card account (review recent transactions, look for charges ... risk going into Chase bank Shadyside and talking with Shauna McNally VP there, and re the egregious misconduct of the 3 paper letters too . and the "MURDER" word ... and re the risks of criminals and psychopaths??? chase employee jenifer weber, ... as well as psychopath Swiss / Lebanese soldier??? frederic khayat, and the criminal lobox management bryant street rentals' psychopath ? arson??? "keith" or the person with the red hair initially in the green safety vest with the ladder ... too ... all involved possibly in international organized crime even?? ), and how to navigate Chase bank's Curated Coaching TAP session for WUaS on Building a Branding Strategy" like the one yesterday with Henry L, where I couldn't be fully prepared due to the traumatic turning off of the water by lobos management bryant street rentals' attackers again (lmbsr's manager sophie???, ron??? the lmbsr lawyer???, and even with paige cermak & her Czech husband contractor in irwin somehow???) ... I'll seek to call you today, and perhaps we can talk on Sunday as well ... Thoughts, questions, ideas, suggestions?  abolitionally, good to hear from Robin Phillips I think re US federal government's law and law enforcement involvement in some of the above questions especially, love, Scott (Desiderata is helpful -" Pin, regarding Toyota - could there be a US federal investigation going on with Toyota USA, and re Toyota Service Centers' car theft and murder racket - re even open targets of older people - and for a which the 'eddie's of Brewer Airport Toyota and the 'elvis's" of Spitzer Monroeville Toyota are even hired for tragically - and as I seek to stay alive, having slept in the Brewer Airport Toyota  ??? in seeking US federal protection for my mother, my brother Sandy in Maine, and myself ... how best to stay alive and grow WUaS re abolishing international organized crime ... and re my father's GKM MD's first subdural hematoma in Belize on univ of pitt managed at the time semester at sea on 12/30/04 ... and as WUaS grows a worldwide abolition movement for all 7.9 billion people on planet - to protect people?? Fond regards, abolition-ally, talk with you soon, Ma, 🙂, Scott

Pin, Ma, Ed, the email that disappeared from the "Re: Thanks for the Toyota Sienna Woodland Edition information Tue July 2, 2024" - AND re the 'KILLER' word Donnie Sippel (ABOVE) of Brewer Airport Toyota (mentioned in our hour long talk last week about my and WUaS getting a Woodland Edition minivan)  was one where just as sending this email, the email asked if I wanted to not include owner Scott Brewer's email address (since he is out of my network it said - possibly thanks fo Peter Norvig's coding) ... and I deleted Scott Brewer's email ... But had included as you may have seen a further note to US Senator Elizabeth Warren  (and if an investigation into 'wedgie-owned' and Japanese  international  Organized crime in Toyota could be going on, and one of Brewer's 'plays' (like in football & as a U Pitt alumnus too) could be stealing cars and murdering the owners tragically too ... There may be Google or US federal law with AI OR Toyota Japan Security investigation into Toyota Motors USA  regarding the removal of my last email to BAT Airport Toyota ... which could be a good thing ... Light is still on on my dashboard and this is a safety issue too. I posit 🙏  that Brewer Airport Toyota, one of their employees, negated saying along the way yesterday "the light is not going off" maybe James Meyers, Eddie, or Marvin the manager at 7:50 pm the night before ... Staying alive, still worrying about the light on my dashboard, glad I've sought US federal protection for my mother, Sandy and myself, seeking to move back into a newly safe Canyon 94516  (per US federal lawyer Robin Phillip's email RSVP to the proposed Reedie+ book group - - and speculatively and brainstorming-wise, in some of these regards, will tribes or family members be able to sell sex for money in the back of Toyota vans parked in Toyota Service Centers in the USA even  legally in the future ... And I would ADD if the mode of currency exchange is less than 50 k per Robin's email above, AND with Pi cryptocurrency and with both US FEDERAL and states' law enforcement  and AI & ML and how about by the side of the road anywhere in PA too in a van or a truck or similar? ... Staying alive from international Organized  crime - re my father's GKM MD 1st subdural hematoma in Belize on 12/30/04 and death therefore on 11/25/07 ... as new law even may be being written ...thanks to Robin Phillips as a US federal lawyer re trucking industry, which she has been involved with at the US federal level, too for her RSVP ... and glad to have sought US federal investigation into Longwood senior center and US federal protection for you Ma, Sandy and myself ... Sending love, 💕, abolition-ally, staying alive, in Asylum in PA from CA, Scott (and glad I suppose AI may have done something different  than i tended with the email I sent to Airport Toyota yesterday morning - and in my seeking to stay alive from international organized crime ! Bring Dad GKM MD alive again with genetics and a realistic virtual earth for de-extinction (regarding MIT and Harvard Prof of Genetics' George Church's project) ! - ❣️💕🥰 -Scott


 AND I also recognize in all of this that there is competition for Nobel Prizes and regarding Toyota possibly funding??? the Nobel Prize organization and authors like Ishiguro even (re Nobel Lit Prize laureate Kazuo Ishiguros' "Klara and the Sun" book about humanoid robotics, which I had showed and mentioned to Brewer Airport Toyota's Donnie Sippel ) ... and as I left this place early the next morning, Oct 8, 2024 ... after BAT wouldn't turn the tire puncture light on my dashboard off ... as part of their official check in process ... and as I seek to stay alive and grow a WUaS abolition movement worldwide ... for all 7.9 billion people ... More later, Scott

Dear Curated Coaching (TAP), and JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, TAP's Director of Service Delivery - Corporate Programming Doreen Hendley, ... Jenny Ling, Samantha Garbus, Kelly Hodulik (my 3 first Curated Coaching consultants, beginning on 12/8/23 with Jenny Jardine Ling), US senator and former Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren (and Chase Bank Shadyside, Pgh PA, contacts from this long email thread - "Chase bank branch, Shadyside community in Pgh PA, M 12/11/23"), all,

Greetings! ... As a follow up - 

henryl@the acceleration project .org isn't Curated Coaching TAP's Henry Hoang Le's email address I learned from a bounce back;

Re psychopathy, and abolishing international organized crime in all 200 countries potentially as MIT OCW-centric wiki WUaS grows a worldwide abolition movement to protect people, see -
Stanford Law Prof Hank Greely's 'psychopath' reTweet - 

Man sits by me on train.
MAN: Loads of psychopaths around here
ME: Really?
MAN: Loads mate
ME: How'd you know?
MAN: There's signs aren't there?
ME: I guess?
MAN: I love them
(47 minutes of awkward silence.)
Man leaves train, he has a bike. I realise he was saying 'cycle paths'.

- and re the English-American language divide (right below
 ... And could psychopaths be being interred in bicycle paths, in some countries ... and re conversations even MD psychiatrists not yet Gemini AI 
 MD TALK psychiatrists at WUaS - ?

Branding WUaS further ? 
How to get a WUaS .EDU domain name, and as WUaS accredits with MSCHE, and potentially  via a #WUaSunivs - #GrowWithGoogle collaboration  - and Combining this in Google Sites here - - with this in WUaS MediaWiki -  (also from ... and for the WUaS Educational Services' stores too AND ALL in a #RealisticVirtualEarth and see this INCREDIBLE #ToolifyAIWUaS article ftom Peter Norvig ... 
is all part of the WUaS branding I think ... and re a #Realistic Virtual Harbin Hot Springs for STEAM research and re esp...

Thoughts, questions, suggestions?

Abolition ally, best wishes, Friendly Quaker greetings, staying alive, in asylum in PA from CA, and seeking to move forward into a newly safe Canyon 94516 Alive (and re the intl criminal?  alice sowal s -
 affiliated with the sf quajer meeting on 9th street SF - and t wylies of the world), Yogically, Meditatively, kindly, thanks,  

Re WUaS growing a worldwide abolition movement and regarding seeking to abolish the wrongful buying and selling of people - eg as modern slavery - in the illegal sex, drugs, violence industries internationally  - so abolishing internationally organized crime, see 

US federal lawyer, friend and Reedie 
Robin Phillips's RSVP to a proposed Reedie book group in Canyon 94516 on Sat 12/14/24 -

"Hi Scott it is great to hear from you. I am still in Alexandria VA. I am still providing technical assistance and training for tribes and communities under 50k. I will be in Fresno in December for a Farmworker transportation meeting. If I am able I will see about getting  there early. Hope all is well with you." 

I searched on - 

robin phillips reed college law US federal agency or association for truckers in part - National RTAP - Rural Transit Assistance Program?

and found - 

... what do you think ... and regarding Mine Pi cryptocurrency as UBI experiments and as a main cryptocurrency worldwide - 
 among all 7.9 billion people ?

On Fri, Oct 11, 2024 at 1:24 PM Scott MacLeod <> wrote:
Dear Curated Coaching (TAP), and TAP consultant Henry Hoang Le (on Th 10/11/24), TAP's Director of Service Delivery - Corporate Programming Doreen Hendley, ... Jenny Ling, Samantha Garbus, Kelly, Hodulik (my 3 first Curated Coaching consultants, beginning on 12/8/23 with Jenny Jardine Ling), JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, US senator and former Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren (and Chase Bank Shadyside, Pgh PA, contacts from this long email thread - "Chase bank branch, Shadyside community in Pgh PA, M 12/11/23"), all,

Greetings, and I hope this email finds you well. Thanks for the ~12th MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch Curated Coaching TAP session I signed up for yesterday, Th 10/11/24, with TAP volunteer Henry Hoang Le ... 

Google Meet Link:
Topic: Building Your Brand Strategy

Unfortunately, I /WUaS got cut off from the 2nd Google Meet video call (eg with 2 potential recordings even) after about 15 minutes, and shared this email with Curated Coaching    TAP's Jenny Ling and others (and I hope this email is correct for Le, Henry <> following the pattern for Jenny Ling's TAP email )- 

Scott MacLeod

Oct 10, 2024, 1:18 PM (23 hours ago)
to ScottJennyCurated
Dear Curated Coaching (TAP), Henry Le, All,

Greetings! I joined this call twice from about 1 to 1:15 ... but can't seem to join the call again. 

Scott GK MacLeod

MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School -
WUaS Educational Services' Stores for Books, Computers, Robotics, Groceries +
Business Plan for a Startup Business - 2024

I'm beginning to assemble all 4 sessions' WUaS Pre-Work with their Chase for Business Worksheets and WUaS's responses here - 

Before we (Henry Le and I and one other participant) got cut off, I learned that Henry Hoang Le - Curated Coaching consultant Th 10/11/24 (TAP volunteer) - is from Vietnam interestingly (and regarding the planned Vietnam World University and School in Vietnamese from here - ...

Henry Hoang Le - Curated Coaching consultant Th 10/11/24 (TAP volunteer) 
(Hoang Le - TD - this LinkedIn page for Henry Hoang Le in Madison Wisconsin, originally from Vietnam DISAPPEARED soon after I found it) 

and I found that JP Morgan Chase bank is in Vietnam too 

Population of Vietnam in 2024 is 
101 million   

(Bangladesh has a population of about 171 million people; the USA about 340 million people presently I think)

possibly in a related way regarding Ireland WUaS, and Scotland WUaS too - 
Doreen Hendley - 
Chase bank in Ireland -

MSP Nicola Sturgeon - 

So in my seeking to stay alive, and re the "murder" word Chase bank Shadyside Pgh PA VP Shauna McNally said the last time I was in that Chase bank in March 2023, how best to grow WUaS Building a Brand Strategy (and see the multiple PS s) - and potentially in developing a flagship PHysical-digital WUaS Educational Services' store on Walnut Street in Shadyside Pgh PA - and with Chase bank loans to WUaS ?

In MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch growing an abolition movement worldwide - potentially to protect all 7.9 billion people from international organized crime from here ... -, and with US federal law with US states' law with international law with uniformed armed services' law all working effectively together in new ways, how best also to grow WUaS Building a Brand Strategy as well ... and in these countries above newly ?

Thoughts, questions, suggestions? 

Thanks, Abolitionally, staying alive, in asylum in PA from CA, and seeking to move the WUaS Academic Medical Center with WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute forward into a newly safe Canyon 94516 departing Pittsburgh PA potentially on 11/30/24 - and see the PS), Friendly Quaker greetings, Yogically, best, 
Scott GK MacLeod


#23andMe is on the brink. What happens to all its #DNAdata? : #PhysicalDigital #WUaSLongevityGeneticsInstitute pot. in #CanyonCA94516 & #WUaSLawSchs in all ~250 countries/ US states + w /Privacy  @WorldUnivAndSch w plans to dev #WUaSUnivs finan. long term?


x PS
re WUaS Building a Brand Strategy with retaining WUaS students online, I found this Harvard GSE talk yesterday germane - 

Scott MacLeod

12:38 PM (26 minutes ago)
to sharrisjosephine_kimkaren_mappKarenHarvard
Thanks, Harvard Graduate School of Education, All, ... just shared these on Twitter x7 feeds, and on LinkedIn too (and please forward to Shadae Harris, and Eyal Bergman re incorrect? / inaccessible emails) - 

Dear Dr. Shadae Harris, All, thanks for your great Harvard GSE presentation /sharing yesterday Th 10/11/24 regarding the "Innovative Approaches to Family and Community Engagement in Schools"

Let's stay in touch about free-to-students'  online accrediting MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch's Bachelor, AA/AS, IB or similar, (and Law, MD and PhD) degrees as they develop - and especially growing online "Family and Community Engagement in Schools" at WUaS 

Thnx #DrShadaeHarris: #ChiefEngagementOfficer at #RichmondVAPublicSchools for your great #HarvardGSE sharing Th 10/11/24 re "Innovative Approaches to Family and Community Engagement in Schools" -How best to grow online #FamilyEngagement w accrediting #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch for free Bachelor, AA/AS, IB or sim, (& MA/ MS, Law, MD & PhD) degrees?

All languages ever -

Retweeting -

Meet Dr. Shadae Thomas Harris: Chief Engagement Officer at Richmond Public Schools, dedicated to educational equity for all. Dr. Harris collaborates on policy improvements for students facing educational interruptions. #HistoryInTheMaking

Scott GK MacLeod

Here's the beginning Bangladesh World University and School in the Bangla language (country of 171 million people) - (as MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch seeks to build out our next web site in English newly in Google Sites here - - from - - for free to-students' online WUaS degrees from home, in each of all ~200 countries and in their main languages, and not just in the 50 US states for free WUaS degrees from home.

Would any of you like to join in an open WUaS News and Question and Answer on Mondays at 10 am ET, and see - 

Beaverhead–Deerlodge National Forest wildernesses, MT: M 10/7/24 @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress #WUaSNewsAndQA #TeacherOn #GrowWithGoogle #WUaSCollaborations? * (was - M 10/7/24 World Univ & Sch WUaS News and Q&A, with Zoom URL)


Still alive -

Hi Pin, Ed, Ma, (All - other readers),  .. again Ma, and all, from 1:18 am ET this morning - "Hi Ma, How are you? Exhausted at 9 last night, went to bed, but thought just now to call you then ... to learn your thinking about week's events, including the traumatic lobox management bsr actions again eg turning off of water,  and re the weeks ahead before I potentially depart west on 11/30/24 (hiring a moving company possibly - Shamaun Pal for Moving?) to a newly safe Canyon 94516, - how to get a new car like the 2025 Toyota Sienna Woodland Edition XLE AWD minivan, grey or cement (here's a cool pic I think), how to get the money for this, how to work with the light on dashboard, and how to navigate my own bank & finance accounts after the craziness of Chase bank & credit card closures of 3 accounts, and recently the opening of a new credit card account (review recent transactions, look for charges ... risk going into Chase bank Shadyside and talking with Shauna McNally VP there, and re the egregious misconduct of the 3 paper letters too . and the "MURDER" word ... and re the risks of criminals and psychopaths??? chase employee jenifer weber, ... as well as psychopath Swiss / Lebanese soldier??? frederic khayat, and the criminal lobox management bryant street rentals' psychopath ? arson??? "keith" or the person with the red hair initially in the green safety vest with the ladder ... too ... all involved possibly in international organized crime even?? ), and how to navigate Chase bank's Curated Coaching TAP session for WUaS on Building a Branding Strategy" like the one yesterday with Henry L, where I couldn't be fully prepared due to the traumatic turning off of the water by lobos management bryant street rentals' attackers again (lmbsr's manager sophie???, ron??? the lmbsr lawyer???, and even with paige cermak & her Czech husband contractor in irwin somehow???) ... I'll seek to call you today, and perhaps we can talk on Sunday as well ... Thoughts, questions, ideas, suggestions?  abolitionally, good to hear from Robin Phillips I think re US federal government's law and law enforcement involvement in some of the above questions especially, love, Scott (Desiderata is helpful -" Pin, regarding Toyota - could there be a US federal investigation going on with Toyota USA, and re Toyota Service Centers' car theft and murder racket - re even open targets of older people - and for a which the 'eddie's of Brewer Airport Toyota and the 'elvis's" of Spitzer Monroeville Toyota are even hired for tragically - and as I seek to stay alive, having slept in the Brewer Airport Toyota  ??? in seeking US federal protection for my mother, my brother Sandy in Maine, and myself ... how best to stay alive and grow WUaS re abolishing international organized crime ... and re my father's GKM MD's first subdural hematoma in Belize on univ of pitt managed at the time semester at sea on 12/30/04 ... and as WUaS grows a worldwide abolition movement for all 7.9 billion people on planet - to protect people?? Fond regards, abolition-ally, talk with you soon, Ma, 🙂, Scott

Pin, Ma, Ed, the email that disappeared from the "Re: Thanks for the Toyota Sienna Woodland Edition information Tue July 2, 2024" - AND re talking about the chrome or gray  'color' or 'KILLER' -- or 'keller'??? word Donnie Sippel (ABOVE) of Brewer Airport Toyota (mentioned in our hour long talk last week about my and WUaS getting a Woodland Edition minivan) - after which I said that I had sought US federal protection for my mother, brother, in Maine, and myself - was one where just as sending this email, the email asked if I wanted to not include owner Scott Brewer's email address (since he is out of my network it said - possibly thanks fo Peter Norvig's coding) ... and I deleted Scott Brewer's email ... But had included as you may have seen a further note to US Senator Elizabeth Warren  (and if an investigation into 'wedgie-owned' and Japanese  international  Organized crime in Toyota could be going on, and one of Brewer's 'plays' (like in football & as a U Pitt alumnus too) could be stealing cars and murdering the owners tragically too ... There may be Google or US federal law with AI OR Toyota Japan Security investigation into Toyota Motors USA  regarding the removal of my last email to BAT Airport Toyota ... which could be a good thing ... Light is still on on my dashboard and this is a safety issue too. I posit 🙏  that Brewer Airport Toyota, one of their employees, negated saying along the way yesterday "the light is not going off" maybe James Meyers, Eddie, or Marvin the manager at 7:50 pm the night before ... Staying alive, still worrying about the light on my dashboard, glad I've sought US federal protection for my mother, Sandy and myself, seeking to move back into a newly safe Canyon 94516  (per US federal lawyer Robin Phillip's email RSVP to the proposed Reedie+ book group - - and speculatively and brainstorming-wise, in some of these regards, will tribes or family members be able to sell sex for money in the back of Toyota vans parked in Toyota Service Centers in the USA even  legally in the future ... And I would ADD if the mode of currency exchange is less than 50 k per Robin's email above, AND with Pi cryptocurrency and with both US FEDERAL and states' law enforcement  and AI & ML and how about by the side of the road anywhere in PA too in a van or a truck or similar? ... Staying alive from international Organized  crime - re my father's GKM MD 1st subdural hematoma in Belize on 12/30/04 and death therefore on 11/25/07 ... as new law even may be being written ...thanks to Robin Phillips as a US federal lawyer re trucking industry, which she has been involved with at the US federal level, too for her RSVP ... and glad to have sought US federal investigation into Longwood senior center and US federal protection for you Ma, Sandy and myself ... Sending love, 💕, abolition-ally, staying alive, in Asylum in PA from CA, Scott (and glad I suppose AI may have done something different  than i tended with the email I sent to Airport Toyota yesterday morning - and in my seeking to stay alive from international organized crime ! Bring Dad GKM MD alive again with genetics and a realistic virtual earth for de-extinction (regarding MIT and Harvard Prof of Genetics' George Church's project) ! - ❣️💕🥰 -Scott


 AND I also recognize in all of this that there is competition for Nobel Prizes and regarding Toyota possibly funding??? the Nobel Prize organization and authors like Ishiguro even (re Nobel Lit Prize laureate Kazuo Ishiguros' "Klara and the Sun" book about humanoid robotics, which I had showed and mentioned to Brewer Airport Toyota's Donnie Sippel ) ... and as I left this place early the next morning, Oct 8, 2024 ... after BAT wouldn't turn the tire puncture light on my dashboard off ... as part of their official check in process ... and as I seek to stay alive and grow a WUaS abolition movement worldwide ... for all 7.9 billion people ... More later, Scott

On Wed, Oct 9, 2024 at 4:35 PM Scott MacLeod <> wrote:
Dear Curated Coaching (TAP), Doreen Hendley, Jenny Ling, Samantha Garbus, Kelly, Hodulik (my 3 first Curated Coaching consultants, beginning on 12/8/23 with Jenny Jardine Ling), JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, US senator and former Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren (and Chase Bank Shadyside, Pgh PA, contacts from this long email thread - "Chase bank branch, Shadyside community in Pgh PA, M 12/11/23"), all, 

I just registered for a Curated Coaching session at 1pm tomorrow. I decided to use this email address this time rather than create a new one at WUaS ... and will use probably the following time, if another Curated Coaching TAP opportunity emerges (rather than for a Chase bank branding session, for which I created for example). 

See a Curated Coaching TAP consultant tomorrow potentially, if I'm allowed into the meeting (which I haven't been allowed into a couple of times out of about 10) ... and it looks like, Doreen Hendler, your Irish citizenship, and Bachelor's of Science degree, and your having studied for a San Francisco State University for a Master's degree in Photography ... could make you a possible helpful contact in WUaS developing in both California and Ireland for free online MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch degrees ... and as WUaS also seeks to grow a worldwide abolition movement to protect people from international organized crime, and in WUaS seeking to code for all 7.9 billion people on the planet, and to make available free universal education, wiki, people-to-people, each a Wikidata PIN # from here - - and to end poverty worldwide too e.g. with UBI experiments of Stanford Mine Pi Cryptocurrency from - But how, for example, to guard and protect against murderous international organized crime out of San Francisco State University (and the alice sowaal there - who may still be on the sf state univ faculty, loosely affiliated with the sf quajer meeting, and potentially tragically, and with she and her networks possibly deeply involved in internationally organized crime with kids, and even a very very small country in the middle east, with formerly a renter from the American Friends' Service Committee upstairs above the 9th street SF Quaker Meeting House, possibly another key international criminal in these regards). I and WUaS continue to seek a US federal investigation into Chase bank Wilkinsburg 15221 Pgh PA, and Chase bank Moraga 94556, a few miles east of Berzerkeley in some of these regards, and with Chase bank Shadyside Pgh PA's VP Shauna McNally having said the 'murder' word at the close of our conversation the last time I was in that bank in March of 2024, I think, and about the time 3 of my Chase accounts were summarily closed by a grocery store chain, trader j's alos on Penn Avenue like Chase bank Wilkinsburg 15221 ... due to egregious misconduct I posit from Chase employees like jenifer weber and possibly george nicolai there (both involved in international organized crime, in cahoots with Chase bank there even?) and it taking 6.5 months for me to get a new Chase bank credit card ... and as I and WUaS grow a MIT OCW wiki World Univ & Sch abolition movement with AI and ML and law and law enforcement, potentially in all ~200 countries and in their main languages, and even with Pi Cryptocurrency and (avatar agent) electronic health records for all 7.9 billion people on the planet from here (eg to trace the criminals, perpetrators, offenders, and law breakers etc)

Thanks, staying alive, abolitionally, see a Curated Coaching consultant tomorrow if I'm let in to the session, Friendly Quaker greetings, Yogically, abolitionally, best, 
Scott GK MacLeod 
More recent history here regarding this "Chase bank branch, Shadyside community in Pgh PA, M 12/11/23" email thread - 

On Wed, Oct 9, 2024 at 4:05 PM Scott MacLeod <> wrote:
Greetings, Doreen Hendley, Curated Coaching (TAP), Jenny Ling, Samantha Garbus, Kelly, Hodulik (my 3 first Curated Coaching consultants, beginning on 12/8/23 with Jenny Jardine Ling), JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, all, 

Thanks for this further Curated Coaching (TAP) invitation to at least these 4 email addresses, to this first one, Doreen - Scott Gordon MacLeod <>, and I think to all of these following ones "Scott McLeod (" <>, Scott MacLeod <>, - I think. 

I decided to sign up for another Curated Coaching TAP session for MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch from this email address here - ... Does the registration process and you want me to generate another email address for signing up? (I've had to add a new email address each time I've registered). If so, what might be a good email to create something in this format - - but possibly with someone WUaS could hire, and who could reply from WUaS from this new email address? (As some of you may know, WUaS hasn't really hired whatsoever since 2010, except for in the last month for about part of a week, WUaS was barely able to hire Mahedi Hasan in Bangladesh and to help create this new Bangladesh World Univ & Sch - in the BANGLA language - and - (but Mahedi or perhaps due to his advertising agency didn't deliver on about %50 of the bilingual WUaS website from - - which we had agreed to in writing beforehand) -  with this new email address ESPECIALLY - (And JP Morgan Chase bank has an office in Bangladesh since 2010, and has been in Bangladesh since 1971). 

So, I'll try to register for another session momentarily with -  - and would use this email - <> - if I could (rather than or the others, eg if Curated Coaching TAP's IT allows it, and has changed what I think is asking for a new email for every Curated Coaching TAP session ... 

Stay tuned, thanks, and please let me know what a good email to use might be, if I can't register with <> ... and as all of your communications between yourselves may have been developing with regard to 1) free MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School for free online degrees from home (and as a 501 c 3 US federal nonprofit legal entity) ...  AND 2) the physical-digital WUaS Educational Services' Stores for books, computers, robotics, department stores, retail, and the Academic Press at WUaS (both planned in all 7164 known living languages, and for speakers of these in each of all ~200 countries), aka the WUaS Corporation (a for profit general stock company legal entity in the state of California) ...

Best, thanks, abolitionally, in asylum in PA from CA, and will hopefully meet with a Curated Coaching TAP consultant tomorrow, if there's still space available, 
Scott GK MacLeod

 MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School -
WUaS Educational Services' Stores for Books, Computers, Robotics +
Business Plan for a Startup Business - 2024

On Wed, Oct 9, 2024 at 3:22 PM Curated Coaching <> wrote:
Good Afternoon, 

I am sending you this email because you attended a coaching session with TAP in '24.

Each quarter we change business topics, on October 1st we kicked off our new topic titled Building Your Brand Strategy, one of my favorite topics and so key to directing your business to increase your sales.  

I wanted to share with you the link to register if you might be interested.  Like the session you attended, this is a free, small-group coaching session focusing on how to define the visual identity and tone of voice of your brand, articulate your purpose and develop a differentiated strategy to win the hearts and minds of your customers.  

If you would be interested in registering we have a few spots that are available Oct 9th through Oct 24th, here is the link

Wishing you continued success in your business.

The Curated Coaching for Entrepreneurs Team
Powered by The Acceleration Project


Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2025, forthcoming) 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity 
MIT OCW-centric, 
 World University and School -  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -

(m) 412 478 0116 - 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - 

MD. Mahedi Hasan

3:15 PM (6 hours ago)
to me


Dear Mahedi (Hasan), JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, and Curated Coaching (TAP - The Acceleration Project affiliated with JP Morgan Chase bank), and all,

thanks so much just now, Mahedi, for your email reply from Dhaka Bangladesh - and regarding your potentially marketing Bangladesh and wiki World Univ & Sch in Bangla - (and in - planned in this language, as wiki schools for open teaching and learning ... and for family and community engagement and for Branding) - for free-to-students' WUaS degrees from home to some of all 171 million Bangladeshis in all ~42 languages there, and not just Bangla. (And Please see the PS below).

I've heard back numerous times from's email since December 8, 2023 and WUaS's first Curated Coaching TAP meeting with Jenny Ling, but all to the effect that this email hasn't been delivered yet ... and never from CEO Jamie Dimon in writing ... and that WUaS can get Chase bank loans for example and to grow Bangladesh and wiki World Univ & Sch in Bangla such that WUaS could get reimbursement. (And the second-to-last Curated Coach TAP session consultant for WUaS said it was easy to get Chase bank loans ... )

What to do? 

As I mentioned to Brewer Airport Toyota's Donnie Sippel near Pgh PA the other day - and re WUaS seeking potentially many many Toyota vehicles, and Robotics' too, in the years ahead ... that perhaps Brewer Airport Toyota could help even with setting up an accounting system for BOTH wings (in the USA) of WUaS ... and such that even for example possibly US federal mandated monies from say the PNC Banks (a regional bank in the Pgh PA area) that might come from their involvement in organized crime internationally could be directed to WUaS and thus help pay for initial WUaS university vehicles, such as a first Toyota Sienna Woodland Edition XLE AWD minivan (with an extra 6/10s of an inch ground clearance compared with other Siennas, and that can tow 3500 lbs, and with even potentially space for a 2 gallon shower) ... but maybe Chase bank would be the BEST ORGANIZATION to set up such accounting systems for WUaS - possibly mandated for money from criminal activity in other companies due to US federal law working with US states' laws effectively in new ways ... 

Chase / JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon, might this be possible please, if Brewer Airport Toyota can get 2025 Toyota Sienna Woodland Edition minivan as a 1st WUaS university vehicle - by November 2024 even - for Chase bank to set up the accounting systems for this? ... and on both wings of WUaS, so both the 1) 501 c 3 tax deductible / exempt public charity MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch wing ( & &, and 2) the WUaS Corporation WUaS Educational Services' Stores for books, computers, robotics (including Lego Robotics and Toyota Robotics), retail, groceries, hospital technologies' Academic Press at WUaS in 7164 known living languages' wing ( & ?

I noticed too in the Curated Coaching TAP annual report I received from Curated Coaching TAP's Doreen Hendler in Scarsdale NY the other day, said that Chase bank's Curated Coaching TAP works with PNC Bank interestingly.

Hoping Mahedi in Dhaka Bangladesh (as WUaS's very first hire, barely, for - can get paid further, and Chase bank loans to WUaS).

Could we get such accounting set up as early as next week even - and for both wings?

Thanks, abolition-ally, best wishes, Friendly Quaker greetings, Yogic-ally, all the best, 
Scott GK MacLeod


Re: NEW World University and School website Tu Sep 17, 2024 - in Bangla?


Scott MacLeod

Oct 1, 2024, 1:08 PM (10 days ago)
to Mahedimahedihasan31122004Mahedisazzad.anamnocban, Scottjamie.dimonJennyStephenSidmazumdarpMainak, JaniePeterMarywarrenShawnbill.gatesDickDennisEdwardJoanPinNickLydiaScottMainakMartiMacLeodmeLindaMarianneHenryCharlesedsmythmdPeterGeorgeHankJohnJohnGerryBruceNancyPattiShawn, George

Dear Mahedi (Hasan, Dhaka, Bangladesh), JP Morgan Chase banker Sazzad Anam, and General Shafiuddin Ahmed, president of the Bangladesh Olympics' Association, both in Dhaka Bangladesh too, JP Morgan, Chase Bank CEO Jamie Dimon, World Universtians (re MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School), All, 

Greetings, and how are you? I'd like to introduce you Bangladeshis to one another here:  Mahedi (Hasan, Dhaka, Bangladesh), and JP Morgan Chase banker Sazzad Anam and General Shafiuddin Ahmed, president of the Bangladesh Olympics' Association, both in Dhaka, Bangladesh. As free MIT OCW-centric World University and School grows, could you please explore possibly becoming the WUaS Bangladesh World University and School organizing committee or similar? 

Thanks, Mahedi, for the new Bangladesh World Univ & Sch in the Bangla language last week - - developed FROM and potentially INTO (and regarding too Bangladesh Wiki WUaS - PLANNED in the Bangla language from and in ) - and potentially for all 171.2 million Bangladeshi's for free universal education, people-to-people, and highest quality online MIT OCW-centric wiki WUaS degrees from home for Bangladeshis. 

Here is some of your contact information - 

Sazzad Anam at
Cell : +880 1713037892

General Shafiuddin AHMED, SBP, OSP, ndu, psc, PhD
Election Date: 22/12/2021

Phone: +880 2 956 0369

Fax: +880 2 956 3304


Address: Rajuk Avenue Outer Stadium, Purana Paltan Dhaka 1000 BANGLADESH

MD Mahedi Hasan (above)
Dhaka Bangladesh

 +880 1610379974

JP Morgan Chase bankers' Sazzad Anam, & CEO Jamie Dimon, how could WUaS (World Univ & Sch) best explore getting JP Morgan Chase bank loans, and with which to begin to pay Mahedi Hasan in Bangladesh to further develop and market - - to all 171 million people in Bangladesh in Bangla and the speakers of other languages in B - as a first question? 

Thanks, abolition ally, all the best, 
Scott GK MacLeod 

MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School -
WUaS Educational Services' Stores for Books, Computers, Robotics, Groceries +
Business Plan for a Startup Business - 2024

- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity
MIT OCW-centric,
 World University and School -

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -  

(o) 415 480 4577 -
(m) 412 478 0116 -

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - (all 7,164 known living languages at WUaS)

On Sun, Sep 29, 2024 at 10:34 AM Scott MacLeod <> wrote:
Mahedi, Jamie Dimon, All, 

Thanks for your email, Mahedi. 

As a follow up, re further information-sharing - and possibly Chase bank loans to WUaS - if we/WUaS are able to collaborate with the Bangladesh Olympic Association and in seeking Bangladeshi high achieving "Olympic university STUDENTS" in a brand new way - (re wiki World Univ & Sch), and brainstorming, - how could WUaS help develop approaches to regulating even 'higher, faster, stronger' genetic drugs, and regarding ethics too (and in each of all ~200 countries - - and in their main languages - and with planned WUaS Law Schools in all of these too) - 

For #Olympics? #YogaGenetics? For performance - higher faster stronger athletics - & #ETHICS? If & when #vaccines for #YogaAthletes w #WUaSLongevity & #WUaSAgingReversal genetic drugs develop & give us younger -at age 150 years' old- more supple bodies, how will #YogaEthics work?

Retweeting -


Yoga ideas
~#ToolifyAIWUaS #WUaSBliss
~#YogaWUaS @
#FriendlyQuakerWUaS 🥰
#WUaSabolition in #RealisticVirtualEarth #WUaSYoga ~

no pic 

For #Olympics? #YogaGenetics? For performance - higher faster stronger athletics - & #ETHICS? If & when #vaccines for #YogaAthletes w #WUaSLongevity & #WUaSAgingReversal genetic drugs develop & give us younger -at age 150 years' old- more supple bodies, how will #YogaEthics work?

Yogically, thanks, Friendly greetings, 
Scott GK MacLeod

On Sun, Sep 29, 2024 at 10:15 AM MD. Mahedi Hasan <> wrote:
Thank you for the information. 

On Sun, 29 Sept 2024 at 20:00, Scott MacLeod <> wrote:

On Sat, Sep 28, 2024 at 8:04 AM Scott Gordon MacLeod <> wrote:
Dear Mahedi (WITHOUT your agency), Pin & Mazumdars (in Maryland, I think), Ma (Janie), All, 

Thank you for creating the great Bangladesh World Univ & Sch in the Bangla language - As a followup to my email a few hours ago, Mahedi, - And while you may need money and be living close to the edge financially, and I and WUaS have been and are impoverished for decades (but in getting WUaS for a song) ... it's possible JP Morgan Chase bank loans to WUaS will finally come through - and be able to pay you Mahedi to develop the World University amd School web site in English too even WITH Bangladesh JP Morgan Chase bank's IT information technology department (so without possible criminals ??? on you 'team')  - eg so to pay you from the JP Morgan Chase bank in Dhaka ... and even thus make a much better World Univ & Sch web site with CS  knowledge about AI & ML than you might have done by yesterday had you finished the bilingual WUaS website on time and on budget, and for education ...

In the meantime, here's an invitation to you All to Pi Cryptocurrency free money daily -

"Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 55 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link and use my username (sgkmac) as your invitation code"

which WUaS seeks to code for for free universal education wiki-wise for all 7.9 billion people on the planet from here each a Wikidata PIN # - - AND to end poverty worldwide even with UBI experiments (Universal Basic Income) and similar.

Thank you, Mahedi, and please stay tuned.

Thanks, Yogically, abolitionally, Friendly Quaker greetings, best wishes, 

On Thu, Sep 26, 2024 at 10:54 AM Scott MacLeod <> wrote:
Dear Mahedi (and your agency, whomever that may include), Mazumdars (in Maryland, I think), Ma (Janie), All, 

Thanks so so much, Mahedi, for the new bilingual World Univ & Sch website 

Bangladesh World University and School (in Bangla)

(and I may post some of this further here in daily blog (as social media site too for possible outreach, marketing and branding as well) - 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Centaurium erythraea: NEW #BangladeshWorldUnivAndSch in #BanglaWUaS - ~

It looks great so far!

As I read through the great Bangladesh World Univ & Sch in the Bangla language - (which will become the basis for another ~204 online WUaS Universities I think, per ~200 countries in the Olympics) - and regarding 'truthfulness' - an idea in Yoga philosophy (, and in Harvard University's motto regarding the 'veritas' word (truth from Latin) ... I noticed that the translation on the 'about' page -
 - changed where I studied and have degrees from to, per the translation, that I taught at Reed College and the University of California : 

"হ্যালো বাংলাদেশ,

প্রফেসর স্কট জিকে ম্যাকলিওড রিড কলেজ এবং ক্যালিফোর্নিয়া বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে শিক্ষক ছিলেন। তিনি MIT OCW-কেন্দ্রিক উইকি ওয়ার্ল্ড ইউনিভার্সিটি এবং স্কুলের সভাপতি, প্রতিষ্ঠাতা এবং সিইও, "

Actually, I have degrees and diplomas at the university level from Reed College and the University of California, Santa Barbara, and the University of Edinburgh, in Scotland. 
And I've taught on 
Harvard's virtual island in the 3D group-buildable virtual world in Second Life for about 10 years (the course "Society & Information Technology" and I'm writing a book from teaching this course titled "Society, Information Technology, and the Global University" 2025, to be published probably by Academic Press at World University and School), 
at the University of California, Santa Barbara, as a graduate student instructor in a PhD program, and at UC Berkeley, as a graduate student reader (but not matriculated as a PhD student)
at Chatham University, In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
at Pennsylvania State University (New Kensington campus, near Pittsburgh)

Please include that I taught on 
Harvard's virtual island in Second Life (not on Harvard University's faculty), and 
that I did NOT teach at Reed College
and that I have a Diploma from the University of Edinburgh 


was showing a different article from this INCREDIBLE article by Peter Norvig about World Univ & Sch, a realistic virtual earth, and for STEM, and as classrooms, and for studying enjoyment in learning, regarding "Flow: the Psychology of Optimal Experience" (book and research by Csikszentmihalyi)

“Revolutionizing Education with Machine Learning and AI: World University In School -
PLEASE use this link - 
(AND see the English version in the PS)

Looking forward to seeing the main home page, in this bilingual WUaS new professional website, for 
World University and School 

Regarding the 'agency' (capacity to act freely - re free will idea and see PPS) word you used yesterday Mahedi when we met in Google Meet video conference - 

Am at the Carnegie Free Library in Pgh PA on Mt Washington ... AND MAY SEEK TO create a video out front with Carnegie Free Library in the background regarding what we talked about re free "CS First With Google at World Univ & Sch" to matriculate into WUaS for free WUaS degrees -  the PPPS below as well - 

Friends - #BanglaLanguage prospective #WUaSstudents ~ NEW #BangladeshWorldUnivAndSch in #BanglaWUaS - Take the free "#CSFirst #WithGoogle @ #WUaSUnivs" course & enroll in to @WorldUnivAndSch for #MITOCW-centric ~ #FreeWUaSdegrees ! 



Professor Scott GK MacLeod was educated at Reed College and the University of California. He's President, Founder and CEO at MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School, offering free-to-students' online accrediting MIT OCW-centric and Google-centric university & high school WUaS degrees from home, in all ~200 countries' official / main languages. World University and School is like Wikipedia in ~300 languages with the best STEM CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare - - in 5 languages - He's taught "Society and Information Technology" at World University and School, and elsewhere on Harvard's virtual Island, for many years where he also teaches anthropology and sociology. He’s developing a realistic virtual earth as WUaS virtual classrooms, and STEM field sites; see Peter Norvig’s 2024 article about World University and School, “Revolutionizing Education with Machine Learning and AI: World University In School - He’s the author of 5 books, and currently writing “Society, Information Technology and the Global University.” He's also the founder of the Academic Press at World University and School - - planned in all 7,164 living languages with machine translation, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and large language models.


In philosophy, agency is the ability of individuals to act independently and make free choices based on their will. It's a concept that's related to free will, which is the ability to choose among moral options in a situation.

'central intelligence ...  agency' too re US federal government networks somehow too ??? and in all ~200 countries? 

Here are the social media posts we talked about yesterday W 9/25/24 so far, Mahedi (with video to come soon for https:


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