Friday, February 28, 2014

Mother bear with cubs: In taking an all languages' approach (7,105) to online, wiki schools, and a large languages' approach to MIT OCW-centric university degrees ... WUaS will probably have to plan for differences in cultural learning practices, comparatively, even as WUaS engages MIT OCW courses translated into many languages as our academic standard ... and later as we construct courses vis-a-vis learning in different countries ... United Nations' languages, as large languages, first, Receiving Applications at WUaS for this autumn 2014

In taking an all languages' approach (7,105) to online, wiki schools, and a large languages' approach to  MIT OCW-centric university degrees ...

WUaS plans to begin accrediting in United Nations' languages, as large languages, first.

You'll find MIT OCW translated courses, including Spanish here -

WUaS will probably have to plan for differences in cultural learning practices, comparatively, even as WUaS engages MIT OCW courses translated into many languages as our academic standard ... and later as we construct courses vis-a-vis learning, also, in different countries ...


In exchange for free (C.C), MIT OCW-centric, online degrees, WUaS is planning to study how students learn across languages. (See other entries in this blog about this).


Receiving Applications at WUaS for this autumn 2014 - - Students will be taking 32 of these courses over 4 years in English -


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