Happy Birthday, Patti!
| 12:25 PM (9 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
... in part with Piobaireachd (classical Scottish bagpiping music) inspirationally, with at least 2-two Scottish smallpipes -
and at the
2:38:00 mark forward for about 30-40 minutes especially is close to what I have in mind for a piping-blues' conversation with Piobaireachd, - and what about this rhythm (and other instruments)? And isn't Piobaireachd a kind of piping the Scottish Blues? :) ...
and at the
2:56 for tone and rhythm - this may be a lullaby folk song , with lyrics, and which I'm wondering about riffing with too, with Piobaireachd, with Cantaireachd even in a creative way ...
Hush Little Baby lyrics
This concert is really 'together' for me - and kinda amazing, even a kinda trip :) Hoping it may be for you:)
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Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@gmail.com>
Fri, Jan 22, 5:34 PM (1 day ago)
to Tym, Pin, lillianbthomas, Thomas, Hank, Scott, Patti, Barbara, Taylor, Bruce, David, Heather, Janie, Alex, Ed, Linda, Sioux, Scott, David, Rob, Lyle, Scott, Susan, s, Hugh, Betsy, Andrew, George, Bruce
Hi Patti, Barbara, Taylor, Bruce, David, Heather, Janie, Alex (& Salina), Ed, Linda, Sioux, Scott, Susan, Hugh, Betsy, George, Andrew, Bruce, David, Rob, RSCDS teachers, All,
A bit of a trip, here's the Scots' language,
Here's a poyum, in Scots, about Scots. It's called 'I'm no havin' children' and it's for ma wee mammy. X pic.twitter.com/0EEtc8PUTm
— ✨ Miss PunnyPennie ✨ (@Lenniesaurus) October 9, 2020
from Punny Pennie (Len Pennie), a student at St. Andrew's University, whom I heard first on Twitter ... Is this the voice of Robbie Burns? She's old and young, there's a bit of a hippy in her, and a witchie too:), and she's from Airdrie a few miles east of Glasgow ... Talk about identity & culture ... She's a voice from the depths of Scottish time (to my ear:) ... Took me awhile in 1977 - '78 (my first full year on Scotland to learn what Scots were saying in English) ... she sings Robbie Burns too:
The Year, by Len Pennie
https://youtu.be/plgAhFDQTA8 (a bit sad ... Seems to be speaking of old Scots' struggles & losses & gains ... Another year :) ... I googled searched to see if this poem was written by Robbie Burns:) (is it?) ... and what year is she referring to even?
Linda, Alex, do you speak Scots? Do you consider it to be a separate language from English (hope I'm not asking a question which is insensitive or unknowing:)
You'll find here my (simple) take on what makes a language a language ('mutual intelligibility') - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/01/black-winged-stilt.html?m=0 (and check out Harvard / MIT Prof of Genetics' George Church here too, here, too
George @geochurch, @ZernickaGoetz, @JShendure, THANKS for great CalTech talk. Blogged:https://t.co/uLKh8cyFfd HOW BEST TOO to Create 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth for EDITING genes' CELL & ATOMs> #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics #StreetView w #TimeSlider https://t.co/Q8ZtLaPlqK ?
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) January 21, 2021
https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1352388867412750336?s=20 ... who could have Scots' heritage as well:)
With an invitation to keep an eye on Punny Pennie's Twitter feed - https://twitter.com/Lenniesaurus - which is a bit of a trip even:)
Happy New Year ~ https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/01/twinpods-123120-see-122320-too-seasons.html ~
- https://scottmacleodhoneyinthebagscottishsmallpipesbagpiping.bandcamp.com/ -
Miss Punny Pennie doesn't say much (so far that I've heard) about the Scottish Gaelic language, but here's a blog label for this language in Scotland too - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Scots%27%20Gaelic ...
Len Pennie aka Punny Pennie
Airdrie (east of Glasgow, kind of Robbie Burns' country)
newspaper article -
‘They went absolutely mad for it’ - Scottish poet overwhelmed by online response to her latest Scots poem
A Scottish poet said she feels touched by an overwhelming response to a poem she wrote in Scots in a bid to keep the minority language alive.
By Katharine Hay
Len Pennie -
Another poem
The Dragon- A Poyum by Len Pennie
More recent poems from Miss Punny Pennie here -
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNtTXIIxnGPPi8r1JlIbJgQ :)
- Scott MacLeod
| 6:36 PM (3 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
'Women & Shakespeare' Ep.1 (series 2) just dropped! The utterly wonderful @DianaHe23732776 talking about Woolf, the need for more collaborative models in academia, @Colombarinews
— Dr Varsha Panjwani (@EarlyModernDoc) January 23, 2021
Merchant, and Shake-Shifting...Want to know more? Have a listen at https://t.co/1GfUjXv0OJ. Do RT!! pic.twitter.com/nzc9qnGFHQ
* *
Sunday, January 24, 2021
Merry, merry & Happy, happy ~
Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@gmail.com>
12:42 PM (10 hours ago)
to Byron, Byron, Patti, Barbara, Taylor, Bruce, David, Heather, Janie, Alex, Ed, Linda, Sioux, Scott, David, Rob, Lyle, Scott, Susan, s, Hugh, Betsy, Andrew, George, Bruce, Tym, Pin, lillianbthomas, Thomas, Hank, Scott, Sandy, Mark
Patti, Barbara, Taylor, Bruce, David, Heather, Janie, Alex (& Salina), Ed, Linda, Sioux, Scott, Susan, Hugh, Betsy, George, Andrew, Bruce, David, Rob, RSCDS teachers, Scotophiles, All, ...
Greetings on 1st day, and happy, happy birthday again Patti!
I couldn't find the Scots' language in Google Translate yet, so I translated the following into Scottish Gaelic using Translate (with recent emails here from yesterday - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/01/mountain-avens-dryas-octopetala-happy.html). Perhaps a MIT Prof Diana Henderson with a Scots' Miss Punny Pennie can get the modern Scots' language working in Translate at some point, and also medieval Scots (if this is what it's called from the play "MacBeth's" time) ... not sure about the history of the Scots' language in general however :)
Rinn mi dìreach meòrachadh madainn Navalny - ann an ceann a tuath California - mar sheòrsa de ghearan sàmhach an aghaidh beachd-bharail Ishvara (Robert Hartley), a stèidhich Harbin Hot Springs / Eaglais Mothachaidh Cridhe (an làrach achaidh eitneòlach fìor-fhìor agam). Bha an gearan meòrachaidh agam madainn an-diugh cuideachd an aghaidh fàinneachan feise mì-laghail sam bith, agus an gnìomhachas feise mì-laghail ann an Sgìre Bàgh SF - me am measg Quakers, ann an Canyon 94516, agus ann an NorCal, agus cleachdadh co-cheangailte ri fòirneart, no bagairtean fòirneart, gus a chumail suas no iad. Bha meòrachadh na maidne math, a-rithist, agus mar sin sàmhach, meadhanachadh, lasachadh, leigeil ma sgaoil (ann an dòigh Caraidean / Quakers cuideachd, - deagh bheusachd / math ’gu sònraichte). Le bhith a ’feuchainn ri dreuchd èigneachaidh lagha feadarail a dh’ fhaodadh a bhith air leth soirbheachail thig pàirt ann a bhith a ’lughdachadh gu mòr gnìomhachas gnè mì-laghail ann an Sgìre Bàgh SF, agus gu sònraichte airson a bhith a’ dìon luchd-fulaing, neo-chiontach, boireannaich agus clann ... cha bhith mi nam cheann air ais suas gu Harbin Hot Springs gu math luath - eu-coltach ri Navalny a ’tilleadh air ais don Ruis às deidh a phuinnseanachadh faisg air marbhtach 5 mìosan air ais (gus gearan ÈIFEACHDACH a stiùireadh ann an RUSSIA?) - ach is dòcha gun till mi air ais gu Harbin Hot Springs aig a’ cheann thall ann an co-obrachadh le MIT eadhon , agus a thaobh fìor obair làraich eitneòlach le oileanaich, a dh ’fhaodadh agallamhan astrological domhainn a dhèanamh de luchd-còmhnaidh Harbin o chionn fhada (ris an do chuir an t-Àrd-ollamh Antroipeòlaiche Oilthigh Tuft Nick Seaver Tweeted mu dheidhinn - https://twitter.com/npseaver - agus a bhios mi ag ath-aithris Tweeted cuideachd gu Twitter, ach a dh ’fhalbh cuideachd bho Twitter), agus a dh’ fhaodadh sinn uile fhoillseachadh còmhla ÙR bho fhìor Harbin Hot Springs ann an Google Street View le TensorFlow / Maps / Ea rth, teacsa sa bhàr-taobh.
(Apologies for my poor Google Translate Scottish Gaelic :)
Here's the English:
"I just did a Navalny morning meditation - in northern California - as a kind of quiet protest to the hypothetical despotism of Ishvara (Robert Hartley), founder of Harbin Hot Springs / Heart Consciousness Church (my actual-virtual ethnographic field site). My meditation protest this morning was also against any illegal sex rings, and the illegal sex industry in the SF Bay Area - eg among Quakers, in Canyon 94516, and in NorCal, and related use of violence, or threats of violence, to maintain it or them. The morning meditation was good, again, so quieting, centering, easing, releasing (in the manner of Friends/Quakers too, - good/great ethics' wise especially). Hoping the role of federal law enforcement newly successful might come to play a role in significantly lessening the illegal sex industry in the SF Bay Area, and especially for the protection of potential victims, innocents, women and children ... I won't head back up to Harbin Hot Springs very soon - unlike Navalny heading back to Russia after his near fatal poisoning 5 months ago (to lead AN EFFECTIVE protest IN RUSSIA?) - but I might head back up to Harbin Hot Springs eventually in collaboration with MIT even, and regarding actual ethnographic field work by students, who might do in depth astrological interviews of long time Harbin residents (which the brilliant Tuft's University Anthropologist Professor Nick Seaver Tweeted about - https://twitter.com/npseaver - and which I re-Tweeted to Twitter, but which has disappeared from Twitter), and which we all might publish together NEWLY from a realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs in Google Street View with TensorFlow / Maps / Earth, text in the side bar."
The Navalny idea re his returning to Russia and regarding I think the seeming dictator Putin, and re Harbin Hot Springs, came to me this morning when I retweeted in Mike McFaul's Tweet - https://twitter.com/McFaul - in Russian something to the effect of congratulations to the citizens of Russia in uprising (re Navalny), but this Tweet I couldn't find on my Harbin Book Twitter just now, and couldn't find also on Mike McFaul's Twitter. (Oh my, disappearing Tweets!)
As I write from a position of protest in a 'safe house' (which is 'beachy' with spectacular views of the SF Bay Area, but about 1 mile from the water of the SF Bay :) and overlooking industrialism and cities of Richmond and similar), having called the Moraga police twice this summer 2020 in Canyon 94516, I wonder too about Canyon 94516, where I lived for about 12 years - and where World Univ & Sch is still based - and even re criminality and mental illness there of former landlord, I wonder about returning to live in Canyon 94516 after it's been 'cleaned up' (after a century of outlaws and scofflaws?, criminality and mental illness?). On one of the last days I was there in October 2020, I walked up the main road in Canyon, and spoke with a Reedie (Reed College alum, like myself), Willy, with long hair, who had just backed into Canyon into his mother's house - who had just moved to Point Reyes with her husband, Jim, freeing up the house for Willy, his wife and their child. I like Willy's centeredness, don't know him very well, but he also grew up in the K-8 public Canyon School, and is now a public high school science teacher in an East Bay city. As I continue to whistleblow about Canyon, and the SF Quaker Meeting, am curious if there could be a curious SF Bay Area indirect Bay Area connection between a recent Stanford Law CodeX presenter's last name, (Carla) Reyes - https://law.stanford.edu/2021/01/20/codex-meeting-january-21st-2021/ - and Willy's mother Theo, and husband, moving to a new house in Pt Reyes (who has also been a Harvard Law Berkman Klein Center Fellow for 2 years), and my former landlord moving to a new house or place far from Canyon (to keep kids, and his own child, safe), and my moving in to Canyon.at 670A Ridgecrest again.
Scots have a long history of protest against 'colonizers' even from the south (the English) ... And who knows too, whether Scots, like Navalny, will be successful in overturning the authoritarian oppressor? Taylor, do you happen to know Carla Reyes since you both went to Whitworth University (in the state of Washington) albeit at different times?
Am hoping we can all be Scottish country dancing and music-making in a realistic virtual earth for history - https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory?src=hashtag_click - in Scots and in Scottish Gaelic - https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForLanguages?src=hashtag_click - in 1606, when MacBeth - https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForShakespeare?src=hashtag_click - may have first been performed :)
Seeking to send out the WUaS Monthly Business Meeting Minutes from 1/16/2021 after getting the legal partnership papers to sign from the University of New Mexico's Project ECHO re WUaS early this week :) - for ~200 planned online Academic Medical Centers, with ~200 online medical schools, and ~200 online teaching hospitals, in all these countries, and in their official and main languages even! :) (Am not sure yet how WUaS Psychiatry will unfold, and even re despotism, and the illegal sex industry, for example ... but the Covid-19 pandemic contact tracing App, and vaccinations in avatar bot electronic medical records, and in a realistic virtual earth for Genetics may help -
what have we here #covid19pandemic & @ #mRNA level? CNBC: CDC quietly changes Covid vaccine guidance to OK mixing Pfizer & Moderna shots in 'exceptional situations'.https://t.co/DP0FAeLwHr #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords for 7.8 bill. people
— WUaSPress (@WUaSPress) January 22, 2021
As Aye,
Season's Greetings 2021 ~ and re Aging Reversal via genetic engineering ~
Question in my recent letter to Stanford Law CodeX presenters:
"As a further question, and brainstorming-wise, how might blockchain (with UCC-related forms, Lexon and Gremlin?) work legally for, as I wrote to the WUaS Chairman, Larry Viehland, this morning, "WUaS 'avatar bot electronic medical records' for 7.8 billion people for tele-robotic surgery with blockchain ledger in digital forms (like PDFs) per Stanford Law CodeX presenters' Carla Reyes (a law professor at Southern Methodist University) and Henning Diedrich on Thursday - https://law.stanford.edu/2021/01/20/codex-meeting-january-21st-2021/ ? Re Europe WUaS blockchain too? ... "
- Scott MacLeod
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