end poverty for all 7.9 billion people on the planet (with WUaS) XMas pics' Tweets -
#ScottGKMacLeod #JanieMacLeod #XmasEve2022 #PghPA #CandlesOnXmasTree #XmasTree (:CC4 https://t.co/oiaDyfMZPv -centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress all langs @sgkmacleod music @TheOpenBand @HarbinBook @scottmacleod ending poverty for 7.9 billion people https://t.co/dcZMTEnx0u) pic.twitter.com/4MlYTxwSJS
— Scott_GK_MacLeod_WUaS_worlduniversityandschool.org (@scottmacleod) December 26, 2022
#ScottGKMacLeod #SandyMacLeod #SandyMacLeodSculpture #XmasEve2022 #PghPA #CandlesOnXmasTree #XmasTree (talking too abt CC4 https://t.co/oiaDyfMrZX -centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress all langs @sgkmacleod music @TheOpenBand @HarbinBook @scottmacleod https://t.co/dcZMTEmZaW~ pic.twitter.com/5VnvgIYHet
— Scott_GK_MacLeod_WUaS_worlduniversityandschool.org (@scottmacleod) December 26, 2022
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! ~ Christmas celebrations in Zoom video get togethers online (Janie MacLeod's thinking) * with a kind of video Christmas card from the MacLeods, Browns and Muellers (in PA and OR) and from World Univ & Sch too
video card
https://twitter.com/#JanieMacLeod #SandyMacLeod #ScottGKMacLeod plaque for my father #GordonKMacLeodMD outside #UnivPittsburgh #TheSchoolofPublicHealth #Xmas2021 https://t.co/99WWlE5OhJ -https://t.co/7gSktL1Y1m -https://t.co/ODxx0iqiY3 (as CC4 https://t.co/oiaDyfMrZX -centric @WorldUnivAndSch grows) pic.twitter.com/aPFnnk27jy
— Scott_GK_MacLeod_WUaS_worlduniversityandschool.org (@scottmacleod) December 22, 2022
https://twitter.com/Still not #reality, but will be #GameChanger: #LabMice living to 5 yrs past their avg 2 year lifespan thnx to #AgingReversal #WUaSLongevityGenetics #GeneticDrugTherapies in MICE #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords Think #StreetView w #TimeSlider re #AgingClock w these #BioMarkers~ https://t.co/zw5M8ZjWM3
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) December 21, 2022
* * *
Good morning my wise mother, thanks for your text message about Xmas morning on F 12/24 at 11:30 am ET! 1) Recorded and posted "Lament for Mary MacLeod Piobaireachd" with a new Carnegie museum picture yesterday - https://scottmacleodpiobaireachdscottishsmallpipesbagpiping.bandcamp.com/ ! Thanks for the new membership! 2)
An ongoing concern about what I'm calling Sandy's mental illness or psychopathology this Xmas and my staying in Zoom potentially - let's talk this evening potentially (my in this asylum place of Pgh and with Dad's 2 subdural hematomas, and with Jackson Shannon's death - and re latent networks of violence - and David Thurston's wise emails about attending 1 or the other of my Xmas Zoom invitations so far,) 3) ongoing questions about how to navigate an abundance of UPMC Health coverage opportunities. Will call and email about some of these soon. Appreciating George Alexander MDs focus on language 💕, Scott (Thanks again for Carnegie Museum membership, Ma! Blogged a bit about the new Piobaireachd album here yesterday too - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2022/12/roseate-spoonbill.html?m=0 and Longevity genetics for next 22,000 years' skepticism too). Love, Scott
Ma, posted the Scottish small pipes' business card AND the free MIT OCW-centric WUaS degrees' stickers in the Carnegie Mellon University Fine Arts Building / Music School AND in the Student Union not far from where the CMU KILTIE Pipe Band practice ... and here's my email to CMU PROFs Dennis Epple, John Zimmerman & Andrew Carlisle http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2022/12/dwarf-forest.html?m=0 about teaching there in January, ... and my email to you this morning, too, about Xmas, and MUCH MORE. How was your day? Talk soon, sending love, 💕Scott
Think I'm going to head into the new & mobile #WUaSoffices (thanks to your new guest membership Ma!), in kilt, in the CarnegieMuseums, CarnegieLibraryOakland, CarnegieMusicHall PghPA great buildings - and to check out the MolecularLab I saw in the CarnegieMuseumForNaturalHistory, peering thru the glass door, to try to see what molecular tools and information technologies they may have ... in what ways could @WorldUnivAndSch begin to build out PhysicalDigital veterinary MICE #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords and even for aging reversal and longevity drug genetics from this lab ? It's a great opportunity to potentially have access to such a molecular laboratory in these new World Univ & Sch #CarnegieInstitute offices, Ma! 🙂 Thank you!
Heading into new & mobile '#WUaSoffices' in #CarnegieMuseumsPgh, in kilt, in great buildings of #CarnegieMuseums, #CarnegieLibraryOakland, #CarnegieMusicHall & to check out the #MolecularLab I saw in the #CarnegieMuseumForNaturalHistory, peering thru its glass door for its IT 1/2
without pic
with PPG pic
Retweeting the diplodocus dinosaur statue outside
"Carnegie Museums, Pittsburgh Glass Center furlough employees, reduce pay"
I guess in wearing my kilt into the Carnegie Museums (Oakland) and Library too I'm also doing outreach for my new album - https://scottmacleodpiobaireachdscottishsmallpipesbagpiping.bandcamp.com/ (liking your Alphabetosaurus dinosaur pic as header, MA, and the other pics you took : ) - and for WUaS too ... http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ ... someone, a librarian I think, just asked in the museum basement area near the library if I in my kilt was doing a performance ... and I said my album is online ... got a start in these new Carnegie Institute WUaS offices to have gotten a start on blog post for today ... yet I wasn't see much through the glass door of the Molecular laboratory as part of today's time in the 'office' to get much of sense of how I'd begin molecular work on mice longevity genetics for example! (Ongoing circulation for life partner too! :)
Hi Ma! Nice to see you last night, and David Thurston (and Sandy who seems better than before - with Kate) too - amazing! The 2 back doors of the car have not been opening in this extreme freezing weather ... but I will see if I can somehow open them for Sandy and Kate, and Fracka ... How are you doing this morning after a nice Xmas evening and lighting the tree with your 2 sons here? Nice to be around my nuclear family in these unsettled developments for World Univ & Sch back east and asylum-wise - and looking forward to seeing you and other folks in Zoom Xmas from Chris Michaels, maybe from my smartphone (it will be interesting to see where Fracka lives downtown) ... and to see possibly if Veda and George from Ohio join the Xmas dinner Zoom like David Thurston did. Sending love (and potentially through the centuries even ahead with you my amazing mother)! 💕,Scott
Hi Ma, glad to have seen Annie and David in particular over Xmas ... Merry Christmas! ... but am a little bit concerned about this last minute development of your asking me to bring Fracka back to his place downtown regarding even my and WUaS - World Univ & Sch - calling for abolition (and abolishing related latent networks of violence) speculatively
... Am living in an asylum place in Pgh PA from CA, - and former resident in this house, Jackson Shannon, may have just been murdered by related networks unjustly and speculatively ... Seeking to avoid falling apart when we possibly get to be 150 or 300 yrs old from possibly having done ethical harm somehow, so seeking to avoid illegal criminal activities ... on this Christmas day ... wanting to help Fracka out (will he have taken the bus to get to his mother's, or ... ?) but on the cusp of growing Work World Univ & Sch further such that I might be able to generate an income, get a house, meet a life partner ... still seeking not to do harm (like possibly unethical 'illegal drug running') ... The Desiderata ... https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html "Speak your truth" ... Enjoy ... Achievements ... Plans ... 'But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings' ... You are amazing Ma and wonderful Thank you! Merry Xmas! 💕Love, Scott
Hi Ma, time here to do a little bit of Yoga - glad Sandy and Kate are connecting so well, that Sandy seems to love her ... A nice Xmas gift to observe .... and I think you facilitate this Remarkably to support your son in his connection, Love 💕, Scott
Appreciating that Dad may have been doing some bad things in his last years too Ma ... And write about this recently here too "although I realize Dad may have been doing some bad things even somehow as a 'fighter' in his last years" - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2022/12/northern-jacana.html?m=0 - Missing him a bit ... on this Christmas day ... AND I stopped by to see if his repaired bench is back in place ... AND IT IS, I am glad to write ... Love, and Merry Xmas, 💕, Scott
Goodorning, Ma, this pic of you at Xmas with tree lit popped up again recently -
GGGH https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1607428635660791809 Have added something to even about ending poverty for & among all 7.9 billion people ... Sandy
https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod/status/1607427929239179265 - seemed well in relationship to me and to Kate, reminding me a bit of Charles Stewart MD's good influences on his nephew David Byrne with regard to older brothers and partners (and maybe Sandy will eventually find a good lass (re broken glass) who he'll partner with and have kids with too ! :) Nice Christmas, Ma! Sending love, Scott 💕 (still to post my Xmas day blog writing :) 💗love, Scott
What are you up to today? 💕Scott
Went to REI last night but the representative didn't take the initiative to call the REI mothership to special order a line Of New Balance Hiking boot shoes they don't carry - the Fresh Foam Hierro MID CUT (I don't think REI is structured yet database wise to be this flexible) - so may call Littles and ask if they can order it with their history with New Balance ... So I can try it physically before I purchase it ... Otherwise ... May call NB itself and take the chance on them shipping a size 14 and my having to return it if it doesn't fit (all in not so easy to work with re Pittsburgh's consumer goods' culture, anthropologically too ... How could World Univ & Sch's educational services' stores do better in the future, I wonder 😊💕, Scott
* * *
Fracka + Unitarian friends, and Christmas dinner
Chris, Fracka, Ma,
#ConsumerElectronicShow #CES heads to Las Vegas Th, 1/5 - Sun, 1/8/23 #CES2023
Lab Mice living to 3 or 4 years past their avg 2 year lifespan thnx to #AgingReversal #WUaSLongevityGenetics
#LabMice living to 3 or 4 years past their avg 2 year lifespan thnx to #AgingReversal #WUaSLongevityGenetics #GeneticDrugTherapies - & see @geochurch - in #PhysicalDigital #
Longevity researchers, bioinformatics peeps, data scientists:
Let’s build an #agingclock using the markers below (plus Resting HR and HRV) we test @siphoxhealth We’ll be awarding 1 or more grants to help us optimize using our data + public dataset. Open source, publish results!
AND which
George Church Retweeted -
Michael Dubrovsky
Dec 16
Longevity researchers, bioinformatics peeps, data scientists:
Let’s build an #agingclock using the markers below (plus Resting HR and HRV) we test @siphoxhealth We’ll be awarding 1 or more grants to help us optimize using our data + public dataset. Open source, publish results!
Here's the @GeoChurch Tweet under the above -
george church @geochurch Oct 31
| Mon, Dec 26, 6:14 PM (17 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
| Dec 26, 2022, 9:30 PM (13 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
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Hi Sandy M, Janie (Ma), All,
Airline Travel
Fond regards, Scott
Good to hear that Jet Blue and Delta fly out of Portland! And sorry for tge atrocious experience we had with spirit airlines last year.
Sandy, some further possibilities regarding your new Spike Prine Lego Robotics' Kit and playing around ... Combine robotics' modeling with your beautiful large sculpture making ?
Lego Spike Prime building flying robots
searched: #LegoSpikePrime flying #RobotDrone
found: https://youtu.be/OEqzj8ci460 ??? https://youtu.be/OGJ_k0j2gmQ but walking yes https://youtu.be/2RseS683QZI BUT #WeDo2 #WUaSRoboticsKits w #LiteBeeWing #LegoDrone set https://youtu.be/kAB-GD-jyyA https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Robotics @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress ~
Searched on 'lego spike prime flying robots,' found https://youtu.be/OEqzj8ci460 ??? https://youtu.be/OGJ_k0j2gmQ but walking yes https://youtu.be/2RseS683QZI But Kitable Drone Kits and similar Lego kis do fly https://youtu.be/CFDZTn7w7Og +
fly a drone with lego spike prime ???
LiteBee Drone Lego set
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