Canyon 94516 on 9/1/23? (for a WUaS Academic Medical Center w virtual Harbin Warm Water Cure & a Physical-Digital WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute)
Bill Gates, Ed Smyth MD (named WUaS chief medical officer), John Sargent MD, Byron Hann MD, Larry Viehland, Ma (Jane MacLeod), Alden Briscoe, Peter Norvig, Pin Mazumdar, Roland Vogl, All,
Greetings! How are you? THANKS for your call in the APPLE COMPUTER Store in Pittsburgh, PA, a few weeks ago, John.
Seeking to take next steps in the MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ and Sch Middle States' Commission on Higher Education / state of PA department of education's accreditation & licensure process ... with a business plan and money to pay accreditation and licensure fees. Alden has declined to become Chair of the WUaS Board, and I haven't heard back from Bill Gates or Stanford Law CodeX's Roland Vogl yet. Am seeking to move back into a newly safe Canyon 94516 on 9/1/23 ... I haven't talked with Larry Viehland in 4-5 weeks since he said "I've got to go" etc. before this time ... and I was traumatized by Kim Viehland's question in January (, but talking could be generative. Bill Gates, could you please help World Univ & Sch's new Board with a business plan / financial plan, especially for the accreditation process, beyond WUaS seeking reimbursement from ~200 countries' departments of education for free CC4 licensed MIT OCW-centric WUaS degrees upon accreditation? Thoughts, questions, ideas, suggestions?
Best regards, thanks, Friendly greetings,
M 6/12/23 WUaS News and Q&A -
Accreditation label in blogs -
Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
next steps for MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ and Sch & accreditation
Ed, John, Larry, Ma, Alden, Peter, Pin,
Greetings! How are you?
Seeking to take next steps in the MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ and Sch Middle States' Commission on Higher Education / state of PA department of education's accreditation & licensure process ... with a business plan and money to pay accreditation and licensure fees. Alden has declined, and I haven't heard back from Bill Gates or Stanford Law CodeX's Roland Vogl yet. Am seeking to move back into a newly safe Canyon 94516 on 9/1/23 ... I haven't talked with Larry Viehland in 4-5 weeks since he said "I've got to go" etc. before this time ... and I was traumatized by Kim Viehland's question in January (, but talking could be generative. Thoughts, questions, ideas, suggestions?
Best regards, thanks,
M 6/12/23 WUaS News and Q&A -
Accreditation label in blogs -
* *
As @WorldUnivAndSch seeks 1000 students for free 4 yr WUaS Bachelor degrees re #WUaSaccreditation, draw from Google's Cert seekers?
* * *
A call and an email in the World Univ & Sch WUaS Agenda for open monthly business meeting Sat. 4/15/23 - A - email thread from Eckhart Beatty in SF
Hi. Per my voicemail just now, I'm following up. We met at a Dec 2018 rooftop event in the Mission with Jay Nath. I had some questions for you.
Hi Eckhart,
Thanks for reaching out, and good to talk with you.
Alex Briscoe is my 2nd cousin in SF who went to Vassar '92 -
and heads an agency for kids regarding your tutoring question.
(His cousin Stacy Briscoe and his wonderful grandmother, my great Aunt Marf (Martha) Briscoe went to Vassar too). Perhaps he would have sime ideas for expanding your STEM tutoring in the SF Bay Area.
Cheers, Scott
I think it was Tim O'Reilly of O'Reilly Media (and maybe O'Reilly Autoparts)
who was at that same gathering in the Mission with Jay Nath where we met.
Sunheart SunHeart of Harbin Hot Springs, my friend and ethnographic informant, talked much about Fibonacci sequences, and is central to my first book "Naked Harbin Ethnography" (below) ... and one can still only visit the Harbin Gatehouse virtually in Google Street View regarding World Univ & Sch and I seeking to create a realistic virtual Harbin and a realistic virtual earth for STEM ... soon I hope we can all go into virtual Harbin here and soak virtually from our home bathtubs :
Scott MacLeod's
Naked Harbin Ethnography:
Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture, Clothing-Optionality & Virtual Harbin
Which hot springs will @WorldUnivAndSch digitize first in iterations for research? #TravertineHotSprings & #BuckeyeHotSprings east of Sierras, & in collab. w/ #GoogleDayDream #GeoSpatialCreator as they develop #VirtualHarbinSprings for STEAM #WUaSBrainResearch & #VirtualSoaking?
Mono Lake, and Travertine Hot Springs #roadmoretravelled
* *
Thursday, June 15, 2023
Eckhart, Ed Smyth MD,
Greetings. I noticed you called again. Thanks again for your surprise call on Tuesday. Good again to have met you in December 2018 at the rooftop event in the Mission with Jay Nath. (Ed Smyth MD above is a friend, and the named chief medical officer at MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch).
Some thoughts came to mind after our talking the other day:
If you're looking for money for tutoring, please try
(& as a professor of sociology, and anthropology, & regarding my 1st book "Naked Harbin Ethnography," and my upcoming tentatively titled book "Society, Information Technology, and the Global University," in autumn 2023).
If you're looking for free money daily, please check out Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency free money daily, taking 5 seconds every 24 hours to get 5-6 Pi coins, and begin mining -
I am sending you 1π! Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 35 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link and use my username (sgkmac) as your invitation code.
(I've accumulated about 5500 Pi Coins so far, and the App is robust and great).
If you know of ways that 501 c 3, CC4 licensed, MIT OCW-centric, wiki World Univ & Sch can get money, for example, via City Innovates' Jay Nath and fundraising, here's a draft of WUaS's fundraising letter of agreement (re 10%):
WUaS's fundraising
Please let me know if you'd like to avail yourself of this opportunity.
If you'd like to join the
Sat., 6/17/23 open World Univ & Sch WUaS Monthly Business Meeting
Time: Jun 17, 2023 12:00 Noon Eastern Time, 09:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Here's the URL
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 750 7499 3800
Passcode: yFpMR5
(I've invited you to this before I think, and you're welcome again - and which is conducted loosely in the manner of Friends / unprogrammed Quakers; my cousin and Vassar Alum too Alex Briscoe went to George School for high school, and is partly a Friend).
World Univ & Sch WUaS Monthly Business Meeting Agenda and News to come.
Have blogged about some of this here, and will blog further -
Best wishes, Friendly greetings, abolitionally, thanks, Scott
Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
Eckhart, (Ed),
Thanks for your 2 emails today, Eckhart.
Per your 'check in' call, and since you might have been to physical Harbin Hot Springs (with your references to Fibonacci sequences, and possibly Sunheart Sunheart) before the fire of September 2015 (with you having lived in SF in the inner Richmond for 35 years), I hope you'll be able to 'check in' to virtual Harbin Hot Springs here, this time in Google Street View with time slider, ~ ~ ~ ~ and in my seeking to write a second Physical-Digital Harbin Ethnographic book, and published from Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlowAI, text in the sidebar, to both paper and to a new digital platform where we'll be able to enter into virtual Harbin NDimensional world in VR Headsets, WUaSMultimediaRooms, and from our home bathtubs, when Google Street View with Google Docs with Geospatial Creator et al. is ready. Seeking to do further research into the "Harbin Experience," and for example, Harbin warm pool meditations (drawing on the 'relaxation response' meditation scientific literature), and with iterating brainwave headsets and other wearables. Seeking for all of us to be able to co-create this iterating virtual Harbin for virtual soaking, and STEAM ethnographic research, via a new scientific and social science method I'm calling ethno-wiki-virtual-world-
graphy - Have you checked into Harbin again since it opened post-fire? Seems like it may cost $50 for mid-week camping for 24 hours - - but may not yet be as beautiful as before the fire.
See you maybe in the SF Bay Area in the upcoming year or years ahead, or in a #RealisticVirtualHarbin .
Stay tuned, best, abolitionally, thanks,
Co-create furthur #RealisticVirtualHarbin #HotSprings for #VirtualSoaking & #WUaSresearch fr #HomeBathtub in #HarbinWarmPool w #GeospatialCreator?
#StevanSilva #ValODonnell #JamesZachary #WUaSpartnering?
geospatial creator at cellular and molecular levels
geospatial creator
Virtually try on clothes with a new AI shopping feature
Jun 14, 2023
See clothes on a wide range of models and use new types of filters to better refine your options.
Could this also become a virtual take off of all your clothing to communally soak in the virtual Harbin Hot Springs' geothermal pools? :)
World Univ & Sch WUaS Agenda for open monthly business meeting Sat. 4/15/23 - A
Dear Universitians,
Greetings. New used MacBook Air 2020 computer is working now, so this is the Agenda and Zoom URL for in about 45 minutes -
Join Zoom Meeting
... with an invitation to join this open WUaS Monthly Business Meeting, (loosely conducted in the manner of unprogrammed good Quakers).
all the best,
Scott GK MacLeod
Again -
World Univ & Sch's open Monthly Business Meeting happening on Saturday 4/15/23 - (and again since my MacBook Air laptop computer broken) - and in WUaS's continuing call for abolishing the illegal sex and drug (and weapons, etc.) industries internationally (as a kind of modern slavery too, tragically) and their latent networks of violence (so organized crime) - and to protect people, all 7.9 billion people on planet, each a Wikidata PIN # … WUaS will make this agenda for Saturday concise - to leave further time for conversation.
open, hourlong WUaS Monthly Business Meeting is this Saturday at 12 noon ET -
Topic: Sat. 4\15\23 open World Univ & Sch WUaS Monthly Business Meeting
Time: Apr 15, 2023, 12 noon ET 09:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 729 6825 4532
Passcode: 56nGAf
World University and School
Law Schools at World University and School (planned in main languages in them)
similar without #WUaSplay
atoms <> molecules #MolecularReality #VirtualReality #GoogleAugmentedReality ...
Retweeting -
"...computers became toys, ... then the industry really took off. And that has to happen with biotech.” #synbio #citizenscience #biotech #FreemanDyson #MolecularReality
Retweeting -
Picture of FDA drug packet put into USPS PO Box from Rob Califf
The FDA is requiring manufacturers of opioid analgesics dispensed in outpatient settings to make prepaid mail-back envelopes available to outpatient pharmacies & other dispensers as an additional opioid analgesic disposal option for patients.
Learn more:
#RCTs #PacketsThroughTheMail 200 countries&langs @WorldUnivAndSch
Retweeting -
Really fabulous work! Keep it up. Making the world a better place by helping generate the needed evidence for clinical, population and policy decision-making.
Very proud of what everyone has as done @DCRINews — take a look at our recent impact report where we shine the light on some stories of tackling the most vexing health problems through innovative clinical research with our partners and collaborators
At DCRI, we strive to be a beacon for innovative and equitable clinical research. That’s why we’re excited to announce the release of our 2022 Impact Report. Discover some of the amazing ways we shined this past year:
With #DrosophilaConnectome & then 6-10 species incl #Human #Dog #Mouse #Chicken #HoneyBee how to create @WorldUnivAndSch #Research #AcademicMedicalCenter in #Canyon94516 & for #PhysicalDigital #WUaSLongevityGenetics
Hi @amyneurons @stardazed0 @sdorkenw With #DrosophilaConnectome & then 6-10 species incl #Human #Dog #Mouse #Chicken #HoneyBee how to create @WorldUnivAndSch #Research #AcademicMedicalCenter in #Canyon94516 & for #PhysicalDigital #WUaSLongevityGenetics
Retweeting -
Over 40,000 drosophila connectome annotations have been added by FlyWire community!
Here's a cool set of mega neurons from the left lobula plate, including: the Horizontal System, Horizontal Centrifugal, Vertical System, H1 and some LOP tangential. Tags by Krzystof Kruk
No pic
Hi @amyneurons @stardazed0 @sdorkenw With #DrosophilaConnectome & then 6-10 species incl. #Human #Dog #Mouse #Chicken #HoneyBee how to create @WorldUnivAndSch #Research #AcademicMedicalCenter in #Canyon94516 & for #PhysicalDigital #WUaSLongevityGenetics
Indian pangolin: How best to create Work @WorldUnivAndSch #AcademicMedicalCenter w #WarmWaterCure & #PhysicalDigital experiments & #WUaSLongevityGenetics' Institute too from any house w/o 6-10 physical species including chicken, Honey Bee #DrosophilaFly ZebraFish Frog #CElegans Yeast #wuAsVR too?
4 paper USPS Change of Address WORLD UNIV & SCH forwarding requests in the East Liberty branch of the USPS
Thank you for your emails today PHJ and Garry at COAHelp@usps.govt, and regarding a complicated "Manage My Move USPS", with 4 WUaS, and my, USPS Confirmation Numbers dating from around July 2022, after I put in a Change-of-Address request to the main Rheem / Moraga, CA 94556 USPS office in the SF Bay Area East Bay Hills for the WUaS and my address in the satellite USPS Post Office in CANYON CA 94516.
Per your suggestions, I just PUT IN 4 paper copies for 4 paper USPS Change of Address WORLD UNIV & SCH forwarding requests in the East Liberty branch of the USPS in Pgh PA, after talking with a USPS supervisor Chelsey at telephone # 412 682 4572 in the Bloomfield branch of the USPS in Pgh PA, who suggested going to the East Liberty branch of the USPS. I'm attaching photographs of each of all 4 cards as well as a photograph of all 4 cards together.
This is a complicated situation, because I also successfully updated the first of these USPS Confirmation Numbers on November 30, 2022, and I think extended the forwarding time until the end of April 2023, but the USPS MANAGE MY MOVE WEBSITE WASN'T WORKING VERY WELL TO ALLOW ME TO UPDATE EASILY THE OTHER 3 USPS Confirmation Numbers last November. And it wasn't working again when I tried to update the website for WUaS and myself recently.
WORLD UNIVERSITY AND SCHOOL, AND I, ARE OPENING A NEW WUaS main office with 2 of these forwarding orders at 1401 North Negley Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15206 (regarding these USPS confirmation codes - 2227-1537-5011-3472 AND 2227-1537-5011-3473 ) ... AND ... I and World Univ & Sch are planning to return to the World Univ & Sch main address and main WUaS office (2227-1537-5011-3470 AND 2227-1537-5011-3471 ) in PO Box 442, 86 Ridgecrest Road 670A in Canyon CA 94516 on September 1, 2023.
Thank you for your help in this complicated WUaS USPS Change of Address update with 4 WUaS USPS Confirmation Numbers.
I and WUaS look forward to updating these 4 USPS confirmation numbers online in the future and regarding each of these confirmation numbers' addresses. Thank you.
Sincerely, and best wishes,
Scott GK MacLeod
(World Univ & Sch - WUaS)
PA licensure and accreditation
* * * *
WUaS Corporation
/ Physical - Digital WUaS Educational Services' stores for books, computers, robots, hospital technologies
Add #diy #WUaSElectricBike kit w throttle to #Lightweight #TitaniumBicycle '2023 reviews low price': The 6 Best Titanium Road Bikes from Budget to Premium in 2023
Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency free money daily for 7.9 billion people each a Wikidata PIN #
WUaS Corp partnering with
2b and
WUaS Corp listing on the Long-term stock exchange in CA and
Each with state of California's FRANCHISE TAX BOARD
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
Scott MacLeod - World University books
Scottish Small Piping album #2 - Honey Piobaireachd (2022)
-- Poetry! Order Book #5 Light, Float, Sit, Watsu ~ Virtually (2021)
Scottish Small Piping album #1 Honey in the Bag ~ Out of the Air tune (2020)
Order Book #4 To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually! How different it is to soak at Harbin Hot Springs, than to realize it in virtual reality (2019)
Order Book #3 Winding Road Rainbow: Harbin, Wandering & the Poetry of Loving Bliss (2018)
Order Book #2 Haiku-ish and Other Loving Hippie Harbin Poetry (2017)
Order Actual-Virtual Ethnographic Book #1: Naked Harbin Ethnography (2016)
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
* * *
Scholz defends Ukraine policy, is booed (video)
"If you had sense in your brains": Scholz defends Ukraine policy, is booed (video)
* * *
SILVIO BERLUSCONI Farewell to a piece of Italy Italy has been in turmoil since the death of Silvio Berlusconi
Monty Python at the 02.. 'One down, five to go'
Monty Python Live (Mostly) (aka Monty Python Live (Mostly): One Down, Five to Go)
Farewell to a piece of Italy
Berlusconi's dead
To quote Monty Python at the O2..
'One down, five to go '
Who might these be?
Replies -
(and here are the other awful criminals? that people responded to John Cleese's Tweet with ... )
it's a coin toss who's next between Rupert Murdoch or Henry Kissinger
Pat Robertson, the Unabomber and Berlusconi in the same week.
Henry Kissinger
Bunga bunga trial
All the comments here tut-tutting about “taste” are totally forgetting that @johncleese ‘s “one down” comment refers to his best friend Graham Chapman.
Viktor Orbán
Boris Johnson
It should be two down (you’re forgetting Thatcher). Who are the “five to go”, I assume Boris Johnson is one of them?
Putin, Trump, Orban, Erdogan, Kim Jong-un
Boris, Trump, Modi, Netanyahu and

It should be two down (you’re forgetting Thatcher). Who are the “five to go”, I assume Boris Johnson is one of them?
Hopefully, Soros and Schwab are close behind!
Matt Hancock
Lol, indeed! TrumpOrbanErdoganPutinUn still to go... As soon as possible...
I think the death of Stalin was more significant…just a thought
so is churcill, theoddor Rossvelt, stailn and hitler
In response in this thread
SILVIO BERLUSCONI Farewell to a piece of Italy Italy has been in turmoil since the death of Silvio Berlusconi
Monty Python at the 02.. 'One down, five to go'
Monty Python Live (Mostly) (aka Monty Python Live (Mostly): One Down, Five to Go)
Farewell to a piece of Italy
* * *
Can a left-wing idealist become president in the USA? The African-American theologian Cornel West
Can a left-wing idealist become president in the USA?
The African-American theologian Cornel West challenges Trump and Biden – with theses that used to be left mainstream.
Michael Maier
06/12/2023 | 5:44 p.m
The African-American theologian Cornel West challenges Trump and Biden – with theses that used to be left mainstream.
* * *
Ma, WUaS and Robotics and Toyota THR3 humanoid robotics in the future, in Pittsburgh?
MA, Got a phone call this morning from Jim Shorkey Toyota INTERESTINGLY re Toyota databases ... since the orange exclamation mark on my dashboard yesterday afternoon led me to call (Alan?) Spitzer Toyota in Monroeville (where I had taken it last time) ... good to have these options I think (and even regarding WUaS and Robotics and Toyota THR3 humanoid robotics in the future) ... the woman from Shorkey Toyota when I asked was calling (first call ever from them) to say my car is due for a tire rotation ... Worries concerning these Toyota dealership companies' malfeasance - and the possible cost today too - are abated a bit by having these two Pgh options for car maintenance (competition for customers is an interesting process in the information technology age:) ... and perhaps they both can even contribute financially to World Univ & Sch's business planning after awhile somehow. How are you? Love, Scott ( ... May be will seek to bring my car to both Toyota Palo Alto in the autumn, near Stanford, where I've gone many times, and Toyota Fremont where congressman Ro Khanna lives too: ) ... what are you up to today, Ma? Just writing my blog post for today, a bit earlier than usual. Piping was pretty good last night, but may seek to dip into this list of Top 10 Piobaireachd!! - (which I don't agree with in terms of beauty ... but they may open new avenues to explore) Love, Scott (
Ma, stinkiest day so far in my abode - awful - two evenings ago when I returned a little after six ... Hopefully people are learning and were obeying the law (re illegal sex industry and their latent networks of violence, tragically) ... Drove away again for 30 minutes, but that didn't abate the odor when I returned .. Turned fan on full, opened doors, opened kitchen window 2 rooms and the top of a stairway away ... jiggled the 2 activated charcoal odor removal bags I have, and moved them to the bathroom - re MOLECULAR bonding with the odor for removal, - jiggled the baking soda around, squirted a drop of Pure Drop Toilet Odor Eliminator into the toilet but that only seems to work when I go to the bathroom ... 3 MOLECULAR level odor removing processes, and I've read that the activated charcoal bags are much more effective than baking soda ... Homes & Gardens Bamboo Charcoal Bag
Love, Scott
Seeking to move out of here at 210 East End avenue, Pgh PA 15221 soon, Ma! Love, Scott
Ma, circling around to this spreadsheet I began in around September of 2022 of most beautiful piping Piobaireachd tunes
most beautiful piping Piobaireachd tunes spreadsheet
Some further resources -
Seeking to find and create a list of
Piobaireachd that are most beautiful pieces of the extant ancient ~315 pieces here - - and am happy to share this with you so you could create a list of Piobaireachd most beautiful to your ear .... Sometimes, those Piobaireachd tunes that are 'classics' and somehow appeal to many many People and pipers can be a shared experience of most beautiful but I Also am wondering here, and thinking about, what is beautiful and in Piobaireachd classical Scottish Bagpiping music especially. Welcoming your further thinking about this and with time:)
Lists of Piobaireachd -
Some further thoughts about beautiful Piobaireachd -
(Has anyone ever seen kilt rock on Skye?:)
This blog post has the spreadsheet -
in it
How to make Piobaireachd sing anew on the ScottishSmallPipes and on all 3 chanters, and with the A E A chord drone combination for the A mixolydian chanter for example:)
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
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