open WUaS News and Q&A on Mondays (further) ~ 10/25/21
thanks for joining: WUaS News and Q&A 10/25/21 > WUaS Corporation @WUaSPress is growing & is great opportunity WITH @WorldUnivAndSch Questions about free CC4 -centric degrees?>Meeting@ ~
thanks for joining: WUaS News and Q&A 10/25/21 > WUaS Corporation @WUaSPress is growing & is great opportunity WITH @WorldUnivAndSch Questions about free CC4 -centric degrees?>Meeting@
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) October 25, 2021
WUaS News and Q&A - meets on Mondays at 10am Pacific Time here A) #WUaSFreeToStudents' online #WUaSPhDdegrees & 4-year #WUaSBachelorDegrees & w B) #WikiSchools
7,139 languages for open Teaching/Learning for #FreeUniversalEducation~
Scott MacLeod <>
9:43 AM (1 hour ago)
to Prasanth, Zalmat, Aviv, VOLCANO, Anthony, Rohit, Nicolai, Ajit, Mircea, Andrzej, Iulian, Mohamed, Ants, Koh, Scott, Bill, Sainani, Larry, ks3649, Jayni, Kyle, tito, Yuping-CASPA, Yuping-CASPA, Juan, Juan, Edward, Shahbaz, Petros, Lukas, Scott, Charles, Nidahas, mazumdarp, Sid, nidahasvidyalaya, Marisol, Sri, Rohit, Rohit, Kat, michaeltsaimilpitas, Flying, Andi, Kristal, Hashim, Steve, Edward, Raphael, utopiaforever, disisjw242, Royal, Rema, abdelwaheb, Rafael, Julio, Hiền, Rick, Cj, Felipe, Syed, Suzana, Artur, Satoe, Zahra, Nurcan, Aswin, Scott, Prem, Reshma, Mala, Narjeet, WUaS, narjeet, tva, inbox, Karky's, Tamil, Chockkalingam, NTM, Felician, Tanya, dipikakhatri03, Fred, narjeetparo, sab.mukta, Gerd, Peter, Lydia, Denny, Magnus, Christian, Julian, Simone, Rohit, Reshma, John
Dear Larry, Ed, Sid, Roland, Hank, Dick, David, Robert, Bill, Alden, All,
In about 15 minutes, - (and experimenting with keeping the URL the same each week) - and here's News ...
Greetings! This is momentous, - the state of CA has sent the WUaS Corporation some tax bills for the past 4 years, the first time ever. I think they're all due by Wed., 10/27/21, and I just picked them up in the WUaS PO Box Canyon 94516 yesterday (living in a 'safe house' elsewhere, as I am), having last checked the mail there just a few days prior to this).
The $878.81 tax bill to the State of CA is due by October 27, 2021
And the $2865.08 is for tax years ending 12/18, 12/19, 12/20 ... seems to be due then too.
While WUaS Corporation doesn't have the money for this whatsoever, and these corporate taxes are high, astronomically high, given my current financial situation personally, I'm seeking to see these tax bills in a positive light, as if the state of California may be tossing the WUaS Corporation a frisbee with 2 tax bills totaling more than $3,700. Perhaps WUaS can find the money and toss a frisbee back to the state of California. I think it's good that the WUaS Corporation has further state of California engagement.
Larry, All, thoughts about approaches to this? ( just sent me another reminder to update the WUaS password, for example).
Will seek to Minute this in the upcoming WUaS 10/16/21 Minutes -
Hello Universitians,
In about 15 minutes, - (and experimenting with keeping the URL the same each week) -
WUaS News and Q&A - meets on Mondays at 10am Pacific Time here A) #WUaSFreeToStudents' online #WUaSPhDdegrees & 4-year #WUaSBachelorDegrees & w B) #WikiSchools 7,139 languages for open Teaching/Learning for #FreeUniversalEducation~
* * *
my mother, cousins' Alden & Marianne Briscoe (#BrakeleyBriscoeInc ...) & Stanford
On Mon, Oct 25, 2021 at 8:45 AM Scott MacLeod <> wrote:
Ma, Alden, all,
Just retweeted these nice pics of you which popped up in Google photos -
Stanford university, San Jose's Rose Garden, my mother, cousins' Alden & Marianne Briscoe (#BrakeleyBriscoeInc - (@WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress @DianaHe23732776 @califf001 @JimSpohrer @scottmacleod @HarbinBook Languages-World Univ @sgkmacleod @geochurch)
Stanford university, San Jose's Rose Garden, my mother, cousins' Alden & Marianne Briscoe (#BrakeleyBriscoeInc - (@WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress @DianaHe23732776 @califf001 @JimSpohrer @scottmacleod @HarbinBook Languages-World Univ @sgkmacleod @geochurch)
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) October 25, 2021
my mother near
Stanford university, San Jose's Rose Garden, cousins' Alden & Marianne Briscoe (#BrakeleyBriscoeInc @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress @DianaHe23732776 @califf001 @JimSpohrer @scottmacleod @HarbinBook Languages-World Univ @sgkmacleod @geochurch~
my mother near
— (@scottmacleod) October 25, 2021
Stanford university, San Jose's Rose Garden, cousins' Alden & Marianne Briscoe (#BrakeleyBriscoeInc @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress @DianaHe23732776 @califf001 @JimSpohrer @scottmacleod @HarbinBook Languages-World Univ @sgkmacleod @geochurch~
Warm regards, Scott
- Scott MacLeod
- 415 480 4577
- World University and School
- (planned for all instruments in all 7,139 living languages, each a wiki page to begin)
* * *
most beautiful Piobaireachds (classical Scottish bagpiping music)
Found some further great recordings of beautiful Piobaireachd we've emailed about already a bit :)
Stuart Liddell plays Lament for the Laird of Anapool Piobaireachd at the Glenfiddich Piping Championship 2015
Piobaireachd: Lament For The Laird of Annapool (William Livingston)
Found this great version played on an old portable gramophone from 1926 -
piobaireachd: Lament for the Children - Pipe Major John MacDonald of Inverness, (1865 -- 1953).
which begins at 2:20 minutes (and the variation on the other side of the record)
John D. Burgess - Performing Piobaireachd "Lament for the Children"
The Lament For The Children (Donald MacLeod tutorial)
"Lament for the Children" played by Willie McCallum
2014 Robert Watt Lament for the Children Pibroc'h Fil Lorient
Old Woman's Lullaby Pibroch Piobaireachd Ceòl Mór (Donald MacLeod plays)
Lament For Donald Duaghal MacKay (Donald MacLeod tutorial)
Lament for Donald Dougal Mackay (William MacLean plays)
Lament For Donald Duaghal MacKay
Lament for Donald Dougal Mackay
See you soon.
Am amazed that after about 4 years since incorporating the WUaS Corporation (with AI Chat Bot software) in 2017, WUaS received the first ever tax bills for 2018, 19, 20 and 2021 yesterday evening when I picked them up at the WUaS PO Box in Canyon 94516. Although WUaS doesn't have any money, this is a bridge with the State of CA FTB ...
(World University and School incorporated as a nonprofit organization first in 2010).
Having just played 'The Desperate Battle of the Birds' on Scottish Small Pipes, how to write and play a new Most Beautiful Piobaireachd at this momentarily momentous time - with the WUaS Corporation's growth?
Scott MacLeod <>
7:35 AM (3 hours ago)
to Taylor
How to write A Piobaireachd? How to write most beautiful Piobaireachd?
Piobaireachd seems often time to be a conversation with an event ... A desperate battle, the birth of a son (Salute on the birth of Rory Mor MacLeod) ... Sometimes natural or in nature.
And Piobaireachd seems to express a grandeur or majesty on the Scottish Highland Bagpipe ... But this is different on the Scottish Small Pipes in my experience.
Thinking out of the box, could we (I) write a Piobaireachd about the developing WUaS Corporation even ? Or about the advent of aging reversal genetic drug therapies as they emerge, and different ones perhaps? Or about a single realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs and with soaking, or a realistic virtual earth for history?
So what makes The Desperate Battle of the Birds' Piobaireachd beautiful to many pipers (in that, for example, it's on John Broadwell's list)?
Let's explore as we proceed with new Piobaireachd.
Scott MacLeod <>
7:45 AM (3 hours ago)
to Taylor
Or even write Piobaireachd about the abolition of modern forms of slavery (re abolitionism of the illegal sex industry, addressing questions of racism herein too), to bring a social conscience perspective to Piobaireachd (a bit akin to protest songs of the '60s, and anti-slavery songs of the past 2 centuries ... since 1833 in Britain with the anti-slavery act, and 1862 in the USA with the Emancipation proclamation ... for ex.) ...
'The Emancipation Proclamation Piobaireachd 2024' ? ... as a name for a first such piece? :)
But how to write a beautiful Piobaireachd akin to, for me, The Desperate Battle of the Birds, brainstorming-wise?
* *
Piobaireachd Society Book 7 & Most Beautiful Piobaireachd
Although I have Books 3,4 and 7 of the Piobaireachd Society musical scores, I have a recollection that Book 7 is one of the nicest, with the nicest collection of tunes. Am seeking to listen to all of them on Youtube, re musical, melodious, lyrical Piobaireachds ... and perhaps we can come into conversation about some of these too. This approach too means that I could share the sheet music. It would be interesting and great to get another list of the most beautiful Piobaireachds up on the web, in a new way (and that many people might also agree with ... as one way of understanding beauty in Piobaireachd ... the shared appreciation within the piping world and culture).
- Scott MacLeod
- 415 480 4577
- World University and School
- (planned for all instruments in all 7,139 living languages, each a wiki page to begin)
Have listened to 2/3rds of the tunes in Book 7 and I think MacCrimmon's Sweetheart is becoming my next favorite ... do you know this piece?
Will send you the pieces and some recordings for your listening exploring soon-ish
But in this Book 7 this is still most beautiful to my ear ...
Just played with this John D Burgess' The Desperate Battle on B flat chanter...
Very enjoyably ... Due to melody of tune I think
All tunes out of the depths of time, on a very primal instrument,
Taylor Warren
Sun, Oct 24, 4:51 PM (18 hours ago)
to me
Doing a bit of research on Youtube. Sounds like it's a favorite among many piobaireachd performers and a challenging tune to pull off properly.
Are you familiar with P.M. Jimmy McIntosh's videos? He covers this and a few other piobaireachd tunes. I find them useful.
Brian Donaldson 1991
Donald MacLeod tutorial
The Desperate Battle of the Birds
John Burgess
The Little Spree - Claus Reiss
The Little Spree (Piobaireachd)
The old man of the shells (Setting No. 1)
Roderick MacLeod
Donald MacLeod tutorial
Stuart Easton | Old Men of the Shells
Christchurch 27/07/19
The old man of the shells (Setting No. 2)
The MacKayx' Banner
Gordon Walker
Bob Nicol or Bob Brown
The Stewart's White Banner
Metro Cup 2015: John Patrick - Piobaireachd "The Stewart's White Banner"
Donald MacLeod tutorial
Clan Campbell's Gathering Pibroch Piobaireachd Ceòl Mór
Donald MacLeod tutorial
Sir James MacDonald of the Isles' Lament
Donald MacLeod playing
Donald MacLeod tutorial
Lament for Sir James MacDonald of the Isles
Jimmy McIntosh - tutorial?
Clan Ranald's Salute
1992 Andrew Wright Too Long in This Condition Pibroc'h St Herbot 29
Pipe Major Donald MacLeod M.B.E. - Topic - tutorial
Donald Macpherson
Fred Morrison
The MacFarlanes' Gathering - Piobaireachd
Pipe Major Donald MacLeod M.B.E. - Topic
Alasdair Henderson plays I Got A Kiss Of The King’s Hand Piobaireachd at the Glenfiddich Piping Championship 2017
Pipe Major Donald MacLeod M.B.E. - Topic
Pibroch, Piobaireachd or Ceòl Mór
| 8:15 AM (2 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
The Promise of Liberatory Reading/Teaching/Research
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
7:30-9 pm, eastern
To register:
Ada Jaarsma,
Professor of Philosophy
Mount Royal University
Sarah Willie LeBreton,
Provost and Dean of the Faculty
Professor of Sociology
Swarthmore College
Namrata Mitra,
Associate Professor of English
Iona College
David R. Ross
Research Professor
Department of Economics
Bryn Mawr College
Here's the beautiful
Oh Freedom - from the Golden Gospel Singers
Pics are interesting ...
Liking the 'Where's the Church?' sign, and the man in the collar holding the Black kids' hand at a protest march ... Your FDR is here too ... but not in the Georgia deep south at a hot springs? for his polio :)
There are definitely some Piobaireachding the Blues' opportunities in this recording even ... With harmonies as drones
How to write most beautiful (Woman) Piobaireachd coming into conversation, for me, with The Desperate Battle? ...
Musical Cheers,
Friends or Quakers have been focused on these issues for a long time, not however creatively with Piobaireachding the Blues' opportunities ...
Two messages from Friends Association for Higher Education
First, it's not too late to register for the October event in this year's Quaker Leadings in Higher Education series; poster attached. Scroll down for registration details.
Second, Earlham School of Religion asks that we spread the word about two full-time faculty positions
Rethinking the Canon:
The Promise of Liberatory Reading/Teaching/Research
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
7:30-9 pm, eastern
To register:
Ada Jaarsma,
Professor of Philosophy
Mount Royal University
Sarah Willie LeBreton,
Provost and Dean of the Faculty
Professor of Sociology
Swarthmore College
Namrata Mitra,
Associate Professor of English
Iona College
David R. Ross
Research Professor
Department of Economics
Bryn Mawr College
Most beautiful Piobaireachd .. ?
* * * *
Tu October 26, 2021
Dear Taylor, and Stuart,
"Gospel blues (or holy blues) is a form of blues-based gospel music that has been around since the inception of blues music."
And when I searched on
Is the "Oh Freedom" Gospel song the blues?
I found that Odetta sings this on an album with the word 'blues' in it - eg with Odetta, who recorded it as part of the "Spiritual Trilogy", on her Odetta Sings Ballads and Blues album,[1] -
Cool ... and I find this song -
And when I searched on this - how to write a piece of Piobaireachd? - I didn't find anything initially helpful ( -
So I started playing 'Oh, Freedom' on the piano keyboard this morning, and, voila, starting on the G below middle C, it worked melody-wise, and up to the A above middle C ... corresponding with the bagpipe chanter in A mixolydian on the SSP. But when I tried to play this on the chanter itself, with drones ... heaven forbid ... the mixolydian scale didn't work at all for playing 'Oh, Freedom' as I know it. (How to play a C on the piano on the chanter, for example?) Yet, could exploring this new approach to playing 'Oh, Freedom' on the mixolydian chanter reflect a kind of sound of Piobaireachd even? :)
So, then, I wanted to find out what pieces of Piobaireachd begin on low G, and searched, but didn't find anything. Oh, for machine learning and AI, to help me do better searches on this, on all of Piobaireachd - and also coded for most beautiful Piobaireachd! For then I could 'riff' in a sense with the genre of Piobaireachd beginning on low G, with some existing pieces of Piobaireachd ... with "Oh, Freedom" and invent "Piobaireachding Gospel Abolitionism"
One goal of mine would be for listeners to hear hints of "Oh, Freedom" in a new Piobaireachd composition improvising on this Gospel song, and be as beautiful as Odetta singing, but in the Piobaireachd genre. (Could I with assistance write a machine learning program for this)?:)
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