How best can the @WUaSPress publish upcoming "#SocInfoTechAndTheGlobalUniv" (#AcademicPressAtWUaS) first in English possibly w #AudioVideo book emerging from new #GDocsWUaSPress platform in 7168 known #LivingLanguages as #LargeLanguageModels -for sale ? w
How best can the @WUaSPress publish upcoming "#SocInfoTechAndTheGlobalUniv" (#AcademicPressAtWUaS) first in English possibly w #AudioVideo book emerging from new #GDocsWUaSPress platform in 7168 known #LivingLanguages as #LargeLanguageModels -for sale ? w
— WUaSPress (@WUaSPress) October 4, 2023
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@WUaSPress to publish #WUaSBooks to 1) paper fr eg #GDocsWUaSPress platform #TextInTheSidebar of #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider & in 2) a new Digital Book Format in an Assemblage of Hardware eg #BrainwaveHeadsetBooks, #DigitalMaskInteractiveMLBooks, #WUaSMultimediaRooms #wuAsVR~
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) October 4, 2023
Excited for @WUaSPress to publish #WUaSBooks to #WUaSMultimediaRooms w Cameras &eg #PlanetariumProjectionLamps on 4 sides of room again from #StreetView w #TimeSlider etc eg for #RealisticVirtualHarbin & esp for iterating STEAM @WorldUnivAndSch #WUaSresearch #STEMresearch FOR ALL
Excited for @WUaSPress to publish #WUaSBooks to #WUaSMultimediaRooms w Cameras &eg #PlanetariumProjectionLamps on 4 sides of room again from #StreetView w #TimeSlider etc eg for #RealisticVirtualHarbin & esp for iterating STEAM @WorldUnivAndSch #WUaSresearch #STEMresearch FOR ALL
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) October 4, 2023
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John, Ed, Ma, Sid, All,
John, Ed, Ma, Pin, All,Good to hear from you, and good morning from the car rental returns' place 3/4 mile from the Oakland CA airport ... AFTER CHECKING OUT OF THE MOTEL.Planning to move the WUaS Academic Medical Center /WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute into a newly safe open 670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon 94516 on around 11/1/23 if possible ... and for moving my things west from Pgh beginning around Sat 10/28/23 potentially ...In the meantime, glad to have begun yesterday a MacLeod Cuttyhunk house email threadre ownership, scheduling and usage questions, and newly with my having a key (re technical questions of ownership) ... Am not sure where I am going to be staying between now and 10/28 .... but maybe car camping on a trip through the south of the USA from Th 10/5/23 - 10/28/23? ...But in growing an abolition movement and regarding states' law and federal law working efficiently together and as a Friendly Quaker leading to protect people - and at World univ & sch to protect all 7.9 billion people, am exploring the idea of returning to Cuttyhunk for these weeks in October ... and to continue to write "Society, Information Technology and The Global University" (Academic Press at WUaS) - and possibly with the audio book emerging from a new GDocs' WUaS Press platform in 7168 known living languages as Large Language Models and for machine translation - and for publishing and for sale (since Nozama doesn't sell audio books per John Palfrey's recent Tweet - (from - Peter (Norvig?) - https://scott-macleod. national-flower-of-hungary- how.html - and leading to publishing books to 1) paper from #GDocsWUaSPress platform, text in the sidebar of Google Street View with Time Slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlowAI, and not only, - and 2) a new digital format, and even assemblage of hardware (Brainwave headset books, digital mask interactive machine learning books, AND with WUaS MULTIMEDIA Rooms, and with tablets, again from Google Street View with time slider etc for a #RealisticVirtualHarbin for iterating STEAM World Univ and Sch, and iterating scientific & STEM research too). Ma, looking forward to continuing the conversation about ownership + of the MacLeod Cuttyhunk house regarding legal questions too and planning in the other thread, and per our conversation on the telephone yesterday evening, when I was in Berkeley.LATER,at the airport - and checked in - with SW's amazing 3D imaging or virtualization of luggage contents (they caught a finger nail clipper I forgot about, and which I could keep ... and which I started to need earlier this morning) ... and does this imaging all get entered in my flight history ... with body scans too ... and in a sense potentially into a realistic virtual earth for traveling in great detail and body scans too (which I didn't see) into avatar bot electronic health record? I sent the Motel 6 receipt to Pin and Ed, too, and signed off abolition-ally ... and my flight just got rescheduled and rerouted so now I arrive in Pittsburgh at about 7:10 ... possibly regarding protecting me in growing an abolition movement from the illegal sex drug violence etc industries and their latent networks of violence (with implications for abolishing this culture on Cuttyhunk too especially ... and with states' and federal law and law enforcement !)See you this evening, Ma, around 8 pm at Longwood? And might I possibly sleep, Yogically. on my 2 camping pads (comfortable) with my 2 sleeping bags on your sunroom floor?LOOKING FORWARD TO PLANNING TO MOVE POTENTIALLY INTO A NEWLY SAFE CANYON 94516 AROUND 11/1/23.John, Ed, Sid, all - thoughts about all of the above, double Oedipal complexes, and planning for the WUaS Academic Medical Center in Canyon 94516?Fondly, abolition-ally, Friendly greetings, thanks, see you soonScottPSHow best can the @WUaSPress publish upcoming "#SocInfoTechAndTheGlobalUniv" (#AcademicPressAtWUaS) first in English possibly w #AudioVideo book emerging from new #GDocsWUaSPress platform in 7168 known #LivingLanguages as #LargeLanguageModels -for sale ? w— WUaSPress (@WUaSPress) October 4, 2023
How best can the @WUaSPress publish upcoming "#SocInfoTechAndTheGlobalUniv" (#AcademicPressAtWUaS) first in English possibly w #AudioVideo book emerging from new #GDocsWUaSPress platform in 7168 known #LivingLanguages as #LargeLanguageModels -for sale ? w On Tue, Oct 3, 2023 at 6:17 PM Scott MacLeod <> wrote: John, Ed, Ma, Pin, Charles,Greetings from Berkeley. I think my mother and brother and I need to speak with a lawyer about MacLeod Cuttyhunk ownership and usage and scheduling questions and regarding state pf MA, state of ME and US federal law working effectively together in growing an abolition movement further.Thoughts questions ideas suggestions?Fond regards, ScottOn Tue, Oct 3, 2023 at 5:21 PM Scott MacLeod <> wrote: Dear Ed, Ma, Sid, John,Greetings on Tuesday afternoon at the Berkeley Public Library-Claremont - in Elmwood, and near 2909 Ashby Ave where I've lived on and off over the years, and close to where I played Scottish Country Small pipes / bagpipes and baselines on keyboards, for about 10 years in the Scottish Country Dancing band Open Band at St. Clement's Episcopal Church - 20 ... I might explore playing with oPen Band again in November if I can plan on moving the WUaS Academic Medical Center to a newly safe open 670 Ridgecrest Road, in Canyon 94516. Ma, all,My flight leaves tomorrow morning from Oakland to Pittsburgh at 6:05 am ... and gets in at 4:25 pm ... up at 4:15 am I think (since the car drop off is fairly close, and the shuttle buses are supposed to run every 15 minutes at that hour too). Ma, will you be around tomorrow evening? May I invite you out to dinner again perchance? (I may be beginning to drive farther east after a possible dinner together!).Ed,I just texted you again, since I was informed by the text app that my messages an hour ago about an Indian resident hadn't gone through. Might you be up for meeting at Jot MahalHere's the text message -
Hi Ed! Jot Mahal Palace of Indian Cuisine for a meal together - Indian+Cuisine/@37.8787439,- 122.2688422,15z/data=!4m6!3m5! 1s0x80857ea1198b306f: 0x7b48f6781fffb306!8m2!3d37. 8787439!4d-122.2688422!16s% 2Fg%2F11c2lz33s2?entry=ttu ![]()
- as well as a hike next time? (Thank you again for the great All Trails' App) Jot Mahal this evening? ... I am flying out tomorrow at 6:30 am, after an asylum year on the eastern seaboard ... so far have had a good trip ... How are you ? ... Fond regards, Scott
(https://scott-macleod. India) It would be great to see you, Ed, on this flying trip to the East Bay of the SF Bay Area ... 10/1 - 10/4/23 if you might be available to get together!Fondly, abolitionally, best wishes, Friendly regards, ScottOn Tue, Oct 3, 2023 at 8:45 AM Scott MacLeod <> wrote: Dear John, Sid, Ma, Ed, All,Good to hear from you, and good morning to you too. I saw a (white) woman walking her dog, almost with dreads, along this embarcadero 4 times this morning ... and the last time she was on her stinkpot power boat inside the locked marina - living on her boat apparently ... and presumably not heading out from the looks of her boat's tying up condition. Was she in slip 794 or similar? (And could she have at one time been in the illegal sex industry sadly too?)The slip quote I got yesterday from the Harbor Master's office yesterday is for $217 / month, with a $267 deposit to remain in the account until I leave (with current insurance and current boat registration needed too) ... for any boat up to 22' ... so could I find a 21' foot sailboat to stay on ... that is also sail-able ... and by November 1 2023, somehow. The 17" Boston Whaler speed boat for $10,000 and a 75 hp motor, and a trailer, in Petaluma, is not sleepable upon ... and I'd need a vehicle to be able to tow it ... if somehow I came into the money to be able to buy it ... or a 21 feet sailboat.The 2023 MacArthur Foundation grant recipients are going to be announced at 11 am Central Time tomorrow W 10/4 ... in 24 hours and 30 minutes I think ... f97e5771a60ee86871c60eda011633 20150466fa179ecda6d983332f627b 0fe2061498bdcef1fea464f416c9f5 ca45368bb058b6ff11e13d9352f420 5ff070d82360fb01522e68282b4ea0 6d9f114a2c81856619fda72d0f ... and I think I'm unlikely to be a recipient with their significant focus on equity for people of color, for example. Here's John Palfrey's Twitter feed, president of the MacArthur Foundation - So where to live on around W November 1, 2023 ? I may head out to Pleasanton, CA, today, to where the Scottish Highland Games have been held in recent years to see what's available, besides the possibility of living on a boat in the Embarcadero Cove Marina ... near by which there is also a quaint little area of colorful houses, which I found this morning (but didn't see any for rent signs).John, I won't call you after all today ... and seek to wait for the US federal and state of CA, PA, MA, ME, RI, CT, NH, VT, MD etc. law to work further effectively together ... re my asylum journey to the east coast seaboard over the past year for example. I may be staying on Cuttyhunk for 2.5 weeks in mid October ... as I continue to plan to move the WUaS Academic Medical Center with the WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute into a newly safe open 670 Ridgecrest Road, Canyon 94516 ...Thoughts, ideas, questions, suggestions?Friendly regards, best wishes, abolition-ally, thanks, ScottPS
200 onlineWorld University Medical Schools wiki/World_University_Medical_ School in 200 /Nation_State (s)in their main /Languages as #LargeLanguageModelsForBiology too & as part of the #WUaSAcademicMedicalCenter based in #Canyon94516 & in an #AgingReversal #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenomi cs? Retweeting -“Ten years ago I was kicked out and forced to retire.”Our new medicine laureate Katalin KarikΓ³ (@kkariko) told us how much it means to be awarded the Nobel Prize after a scientific career that has been full of challenges.Ten years ago, KarikΓ³ was still doing all her experiments by hand but today she has been awarded the medicine prize for her research on mRNA, which led to the development of COVID-19 vaccines.Listen now:PPS#PeoplesPark- a Remarkable Symbol Now of Berkeley in the 1960s#PeoplesPark- a Remarkable Symbol Now of Berkeley in the 1960s near Telegraph ave - is still a park & not a Cal housing development or shopping mall or historical reenactment living museum -since it was possibly closing: Heading to #Canyon94516 to pick up @WorldUnivAndSch's mail!On Tue, Oct 3, 2023 at 2:10 AM Scott MacLeod <> wrote: Dear John, Sid, Ma, Ed, All,Good to hear from you, and good morning!A few possible 'cultural' insights from yesterday in the SF Bay Area east bay ... was that Cindy Hann MD walking up their Larch St in Moraga a few blocks down from the Hann's house, as I drove down, we smiling as We passed, wearing almost a beehive hairdo (she's from San Diego and went to Stanford and UCSF Med Sch), black shorts and T-shirt who turned right at a cross street - and could she have somehow been symbolizing ... list of possible life partners ... but who if I move out here, and, John, all, how to talk about who in a therapeutic conversation, possibly?Cindy suggested my calling the Moraga police back in August or September 2020 ... and soon after I was l living in the safe house in El Cerrito north of Berkeley (still alive) ... and which calling of the police could be the way I might find my way back into a newly safe 670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon 94516.There was a little stand in front of Byron and Cindy's house on the street with some cucumbers and 'cucinchis' (cucumber-zucchini cross genetically) they had grown, with a sign saying "Help Yourself" ... How to do so besides taking 2 cukes (and leaving some chocolate truffles and a note too)?Saw Pierre, the US post office representative in Canyon 94516, - and asked him if there was any other mail regarding Work World Univ & Sch's very full PO box 442 after a year ... he said no. Should I check the PO box again today ... and there were one or two CA FTB WUaS pieces of mail which I haven't opened yet.On the plane, was that woman with a mask on in the aisle seat as I sat in the window seat, very thin, feminine, a few fashionable tears in her Jeans, and working on 'executive summary' paper on her laptop - almost a California state university or California community college like seeming project - looking even a little like lindsay wylie (nominal entangled owner of 670 Ridgecrest Canyon 94516), be part of US federal and CA state law working together effectively, ... as I talked with Jarod Wallace ( at some length in the middle seat about WUaS and his supply chain career, partly in the federal uniformed services, and the federal NSF Major Research Instrumentation Town Hall I attended recently ... as I seek to move into a newly safe open 670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon 94516.So, re planning, and California, and the US and WUaS, and heinous Canyon criminality? by tom wylie? - WAIT (in the Light?) for CA and US law to continue to develop working effectively together - in my limbo ... re the decades' old or century old problem of Canyon crime - and the federal government ... with a host of people involved in thinking through these questions, culturally especially, and my having flown out to the SF Bay Area, and to seek to move the WUaS Academic Medical Center back into a newly safe open 670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon 94516?Thoughts, ideas, questions, suggestions? In limbo still, where does the decision lie - with whom?Fondly, abolition ally, best wishes, Friendly regards, ScottOn Mon, Oct 2, 2023 at 9:21 PM Scott MacLeod <> wrote: Dear Ed (Smyth MD), John (Sargent MD, Tufts Med Ctr), Ma (Janie MacLeod), Sid (Mazumdar HHS), All,Greetings! How are you? Further planning questions are emerging for me and regarding moving forward with the WUaS Academic Medical Center / WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute into 670 Ridgecrest Road, Canyon, CA 94516 and on around Nov 1, 2023.Thanks so much to you, Ed, for your call to me on Cuttyhunk on 8/25/23, suggesting planning to move the WUaS Academic Medical Center potentially to a newsly safe open Canyon 94516 again - and to fly west and check things out, I think - which I'm doing, and am here (and for your calls in March 2022, and your call John, in May 2022). It was a good first day here back in the SF Bay Area, after my flight (for my life) last August 2022 from the SF Bay Area to the eastern seaboard of the USA. And thanks to you, Ed, and/or Byron, potentially for this email - 936847217&e=2369216& elqTrackId= BCA26A450900EA296205C368DAA210 1C&elq= f3a3c90bcaf1450d8e5c48a6b1b388 87&elqaid=10459&elqat=1 - from Kaiser Permanente NorCal I think on Sunday evening, after I arrived in the SF Bay Area, after a year in asylum, I would say, on the eastern US seaboard. So what's the WUaS and my plan for moving the WUaS Academic Medical Center / WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute back into a newly safe open Canyon 94516 if possible, and around November 1, 2023?Ed, as I wrote earlier today to you "I am realizing that if state of CA law and federal law are beginning to work together effectively that it might not be sensible to visit together today 10/2/23 or tomorrow when I'm in the SF Bay Area ... so until we meet again!"Glad to have picked up a year's worth of World Univ & Sch mail today in the Canyon 94516 post office in PO Box 442, for which the key on my keychain still works.So what's the plan for tomorrow Tue 10/3/23, - as possibly state of CA law and federal law continue to work together effectively - and toward ? My mother in Pittsburgh, over dinner on Saturday September 30, 2023, said I need to find a place to live. So as a backup plan, tomorrow I could begin to seek a place to live here in the SF Bay Area, other than at 670 Ridgecrest Road, Canyon 94516. I received, for example, a boat slip estimate today - of $217 per month, for a boat less than 22 feet long, at the Embarcadero Cove Marina (which is no longer a public marina), but don't have a boat, and don't know if I could live on a sailboat there either. I could check tomorrow.John, I'll try to call you tomorrow to touch base further about some of these questions, since you might have some further insights into my moving into a newly safe Canyon, CA 94516 around Nov 1, 2023, after moving my things from Pittsburgh to Canyon 94516 - and after our very very brief talks since we talked especially in May 2022, and I asked whether it would be a good idea to move into Canyon 94516 then, and you said, yes, it's safe, but how to know if it's safe is the question. Thank you Ed, Pin/Sid, Ma, for visiting me in Canyon over the years.Fond regards, Scott Canyon On Mon, Oct 2, 2023, 9:57 AM Scott MacLeod <> wrote: Dear John, Ed, Ma (Janie), Pin,Greetings - just emailed the WUaS News and Q&A announcement ... want to join in 5 minutes -"At 10 am Pacific Time (new time) (in 45 mins, the next open Monday (10/2/23) @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress #WUaSNewsAndQA -#BoliviaWUaS & #EndingPoverty there w #UBIexperiments & free #StanfordMinePiCryptocurreny coins? w Zoom URL: rhyncholaelia-digbyana-hn.html - ScottMacLeodWorldUniversity/ videos ~ " 1708878214280761771 (Am remembering you said in our last very short call that you said "I'm all tied up" ... )Some further brainstorming about the Embarcadero_Cove_Marina_Oakland_CA_United_States - and boats, if I and the WUaS Academic Medical Center do move back into a newly safe Canyon 94516 - Here are some boats' pictures at the marina in Google Street View (and there's another pic too just below) -AND THIS PUBLIC MARINA is AMAZINGLY CLOSE TO THE GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE - AND FOR GETTING ACROSS THE SF BAY EITHER ON A SAILBOAT OR IN A BOSTON WHALER - and for boating up to the Pt Reyes National Seashore for example -AND THIS EMBARCADERO MARINA IS ALSO PRETTY CLOSE ON FREEWAYS TO CANYON 94516CLICK ON THE scalable MAP HERE TOOEmbarcadero Cove Marina to travel up across the SF Bay to Point Reyes National SeashoreFound this probably decent value Boston Whaler with trailer which I could tow even across the country to Cuttyhunk behind an upcoming Toyota Proace Electric camping van (the size of a 17 ft RAM Thor Scope camping van with hookups and SHOWER )17ft Boston WhalerGreat boat and priced to sell.
All new woodwork throughout.
2014 Pacific trailer
2006 Evinrude e-tec 75hp Motor
1981 Hull
Hook 7 GPS and Fish Finder
Garmin VHF 115 AIS Radio
Dual Batteries
Boat CoverCould she be a Quaker, or identify with unprogrammed Quakers / nontheist Friends (and be a soldier too to help pay for medical school :) somehow?Room I think will be 71$ per night, and I found this low relative value with Google Search (thanks Peter Norvig?) ... Am hoping the car will be 188 for 4 days and per call Wise Car third party rental ... but I can't be certain re the paperwork when I got the car at Budget yesterday ...Car was less expensive through a third party broker, the hotel in Pittsburgh was more expensive through a 3rd party broker (making me a little angry ... weather-wise somehow ... ) ...Is WUaS going 'corporate' with this trip? We'll see. ...Heading off to visit Canyon 94516 later today ... maybe even to drive up the road to 670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon 94516 or not with the private sign ..Fond regards, best wishes, abolitionally, Friendly greetings,ScottOn Mon, Oct 2, 2023 at 6:27 AM Scott MacLeod <> wrote: John, Ma, Sid, Ed,Good morning from California, still on East Coast time. Took a walk around this Motel 6 Embarcadero Oakland at 5:30 am - and discovered the Embarcadero Cove Public Marina - Eureka (re a probably value-oriented sail boat and power boat marina) ...Called Ed, and then emailed Byron and Cindy, (& Ed, Alden and Dick Robb (suffering 10 years from a stroke in Brookline MA)) ... about possibly getting together in the next 2 days here in the SF Bay Area, didn't hear back (fell asleep without dinner, and didn't make it to Viks Chaat Berkeley Indian restaurant) ... and interestingly got a Kaiser Permanente email titled "Kaiser Permanente’s commitment to you and our employees" last night at 10:42 pm PT this morning - and the thought crossed my mind could I also have gotten a job? and might be get employed initially by KP? Hmmm ... (but the email was also about KP and Unions and a strike (see below) ... Hmmm ... what implications for abolition too I wonder ... and in KP's 8 US states ... and the ancient Greek play by Aristophanes, the Lysistrata came to mind too :) Glad legal questions regarding Unions (which membership now numbers less than 2% I think in the USA, and way less than this in the Tech and Finance sectors ) are playing out regarding this strike in CA and Kaiser Permanente health care organization.Seeking to hold a M WUaS News and Q&A today at 10 PACIFIC TIME ... then head to Canyon in my rental Kia SUV.I just thought to include the entire KP email ... and for your perusal so that you can read it with a 'California eye' or way of thinking ... this may be "labor Union language" in the 2020s ...Glad to be back in California where I've basically lived since around 1991, when I came west from Pendle Hill Quaker Center for Study and Contemplation to study Yoga at the Iyengar Yoga Institute of SF, and a 2 year program certified by the state of California, which I completed in a year, because I had a strong Asana practice coming into this school.Glad way may be opening or not to plan to move the WUaS Academic Medical Center and the WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute and possibly a virtual Harbin Warm Water Cure with a physical simulacra of Harbin into Canyon 94516 and East Bay MUD ... stay tuned.See you sometime today or tomorrow, Ed? Want to meet at the Canyon PO today around 1pm or 4 or 5 pm? (I haven't heard back yet from the district 7 California state senate office in Orinda).Cheers, abolitionally, best wishes, Friendly greetings,Scott*
Kaiser Permanente’s commitment to you and our employeesWe’re committed to doing what’s right for our members and our employees — because that’s who we are. Recently, Kaiser Permanente received notice of a possible 3-day strike by some of our unions for Wednesday, October 4 through Friday, October 6 in California, Colorado, Oregon and Southwest Washington. In the Mid-Atlantic States, the strike notice only covers Virginia and Washington, D.C., for a one-day strike on October 4.
It’s important to know that this does not necessarily mean that a strike will happen. We’re continuing to bargain with the unions and believe that we can reach an agreement and avoid this unnecessary action.Your health and safety come firstWe understand you may have concerns about access to Kaiser Permanente care and service, especially since we, like all health care organizations, are still recovering from the effects of the pandemic. We want to reassure you that your care is our top priority. In the event of a strike, we have contingency plans in place to help ensure you continue to receive high-quality care.
In the case of a strike, we may need to reschedule some nonurgent appointments and procedures. We’ll contact you in advance if your appointment needs to be rescheduled. It’s possible that you could experience longer wait and hold times during a strike. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience.
For updates on appointments and where to get care, visit’ll keep bargaining until we reach an agreementWe’ll continue to bargain in good faith until we reach a fair and equitable agreement to ensure Kaiser Permanente continues to attract and retain the best people in health care — and remains a best place to work and get care. It’s our responsibility to continue to balance taking care of our employees and being more affordable to our members.
You deserve our best and, whether there is a strike or not, please know that we are committed to providing you with high-quality care and service when and where you need it.
To learn more about our current labor negotiations and our long, successful history working with labor, visit
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Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc., 1950 Franklin St., Oakland, CA 94612. Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc., 393 E. Walnut St., Pasadena, CA 91188. Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc., 711 Kapiolani Blvd., Honolulu, HI 96813. Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Northwest, 500 NE Multnomah St., Suite 100, Portland, OR 97232. Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado, 10350 E. Dakota Ave., Denver, CO 80247. Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Georgia, Inc., Nine Piedmont Center, 3495 Piedmont Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30305. Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Mid-Atlantic States, Inc., 2101 E. Jefferson St., Rockville, MD 20852.*Kaiser Permanente’s Update on Labor Negotiations
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To view in browser, click here.On Sun, Oct 1, 2023, 10:07 AM Scott MacLeod <> wrote: Dear John, Ma (Janie), Ed, Pin,Greetings from the Pgh airport, checked in and waiting in a long line to go through security. How are you doing?Are we going to Zoom or FaceTime in Baltimore over a cup of tea, Pin, around noon ET? :)IT OCCURRED TO ME LAST NIGHT to invite Byron and Cindy a MDs and researchers (re her Harvard Med Sch focus) to share their ideas at 670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon 94516 re theWUaS Longevity Genetics Institute ( eg to brainstorm there together ) about WUaS personalized aging reversal genetic vaccines this trip or soon otherwise ... and in a Physical Digital WUaS Multimedia WUaS Academic Medical Center Institute in the shop there.What do you think?Fondly, abolition ally, best regards, ScottOn Sat, Sep 30, 2023 at 8:51 PM Scott MacLeod <> wrote: Dear John, Ma (Janie), Ed, Pin,Just met my mother for dinner at a Thai restaurant near where she lives in Pittsburgh. Very nice to see her, and we talked about much, including about the US senator from California who just passed away, and her connections to Cuttyhunk, possibly as the sister of David Frothingham, the commodore of the Cuttyhunk Yacht Club when I was its head instructor in 1979 (since I taught a female Kenny Feinstein in yacht club many years ago, who David said is teaching reading in San Francisco these days, which he as a past Headmaster also theorized about ... ) ... and possibly that her passing, I hypothesize, could entail that "A dead US senator from CA doesn't talk" ... ? ... and could she have died from someone in her inner circle somehow (in one way or another???) ... and I hypothesize or confabulate could this also be somehow even a warning to other 'wedgy' politicians in California ... Glazer?, Newsom? ...another one who emails me some from near Canyon ... in the distant future? ... and even regarding the illegal sex, drug and violence industries and their latent networks of violence, and a part of the CA political establishment somehow?And all regarding how Charlie Nesson got back to me, my mother, and my brother, and Dick Robb in this email thread ... when I think my brother was trying to steal the MacLeo Cuttyhunk house from me and potentially my mother too ... all ENORMOUSLY stressful and as has been my asylum journey over the past year, and living in a 'safe house' north of Berkeley from 10/1/20 before that ...Here's an email I just now sent to my mother in some of these regards -"Ma,So nice to see you for dinner at 'Burgh Thai ! Sorry we won't see each other longer on this trip to Pittsburgh.Do you know how that makes me feel?, you asked, referring to my having paid for Janis's dinner initially, but I wasn't sure that's what you were asking this question about > Do I know how what makes me feel, Ma?Ma, do you know it makes me feel that - Sandy tried to steal the Cuttyhunk MacLeod house from me - and potentially from you too? ...But I don't think my or your asking how this makes me or you feel does anything to my seeming to have averted Sandy stealing the Macleod Cuttyhunk house from me and potentially you ... and by writing about this (and thus thinking and sharing about this in language, and thus preventing Sandy from stealing the MacLeod Cuttyhunk house ... and potentially, I hypothesize, to grow the illegal sex, drug and violence industries on Cuttyhunk and their latent networks of violence ... and even regarding Sandy potentially growing organized crime internationally - possibly with wedgies for example - and on Cuttyhunk, and in Maine etc.) ... Glad Harvard Law Professor Emeritus (who is still teaching) Charles Nesson, replied to all of us in that email ... and who may be navigating questions of his involvement in organized crime internationally in very different ways than Sandy might ... and regarding also federal and states' laws working effectively together ...So thanks for the question, Ma - and even psychiatrically ... (and could you have been referring indirectly to when Janis Ramey kind of lit into me, saying "never do that again" ... and regarding possibly calling out craven psychopath? frederic khayat's murderous run through of me, partly by writing about this ... I'd encourage you to consider distancing yourself from Janis Ramey considerably ... and especially if she's involved in the illegal sex, drug and violence industries through Carnegie Mellon University and Chatham University too, where her son-in-law and daughter teach).More later, Ma - and so so nice to see you !Love, abolitionally, your son, ScottThoughts, questions, ideas, suggestions (from any who might be reading these emails - as a city of Pgh policeman who illegally entered 210 East End Avenue Pgh 15221 said law enforcement was doing this spring 2023)?Heading off to the SF Bay area in the morning ... and glad my mother said too I need to find housing. My mother is around 88, and has been through a lot from before my father died, with my father ... and especially with his first head injury on the Univ of Pghmanaged at the time Semester at Sea Belize trip on Dec 30, 2004 ...Ed, might we get together for dinner at the Indian restaurant on 4th in Berkeley tomorrow around 7pm PT ... if travel goes smoothly?Fondly, abolitonally, best wishes, thanks, ScottOn Sat, Sep 30, 2023 at 5:55 PM Scott MacLeod <> wrote: Hi John, Ed, Ma, and Pin,Ma, thanks also for your email -"Hi Scott,Breakfast still doesn’t work for me even with 11:25 am flte. So, I can’t do breakfast.Yes, to supper at BurgThai tonight in Verona - let’s say 6:45 since I won’t be back until late afternoon. I’ll meet you at the restaurant.Parking at the airport: people do it all the time; there are many options - some at the airport at different costs and some off-site; some motels in the area even offer option to leave leave car at the motel free with shuttle services to the airport but I don’t know which they are. There are probably door-to-door shuttle services, but I don’t know the names of them.Safe travels - see you tonight at 6:45 at BurghThai.Love, Ma"and is meeting for breakfast tomorrow still too early for you, Oedipally from your side, I ask myself -"Hi Ma,Sounds good! See you then!Love, abolitionally,, Scott
PSThanks to your emailFound the following hotel / airport Transport info and costs as a startPgh hotels - Sep Oct 2023Hilltop Inn100 Kisow Dr, Pittsburgh, PA 15205McKeesport PA7.5 miles from airport$39Call (412) 914-3338Americas Best Value Inn Pittsburgh Airport1.1 miles away$468858 University Blvd, Coraopolis, PA 15108Red Roof PLUS+ Pittsburgh South - Airport$585.2 miles away6404 Steubenville Pike, Pittsburgh, PA 15205*The average cost of Pittsburgh Airport parking is $18, with Economy Parking (the cheapest) costing $8 and Gold Key parking costing $30.Way.comHow much is it to park at Pittsburgh Airport for a week?Parking Rates*Quick Reference1st Hr DailyShort Term $32.00Long Term FREE $20.00Extended (Shuttle) FREE $15.00Economy $10.00*Elite CoachPittsburgh's own full-service transportation company Elite Coach, offers direct non-stop door-to-door transportation services to and from your pickup location, right to your drop-off destination. When using Elite Coach, we don't even let you worry about delayed flights.*Comfort InnConfirmation Number: B_11351306View Reservation OnlineAddress:Comfort Inn & Suites180 Gamma Drive, Pittsburgh, PA, US$128for 9/30-10/2*price when I called was 134Quality Inn & Suites8 Landings Drive,Pittsburgh, PA, 15238(412) 828-8900W Sep 27 2023$54I may be seeking to bring the WUaS abolition movement back to Cuttyhunk for a few weeks in October - AND TO further WRITE MY "Society, Information, Technology and the Global University" BOOK in Cuttyhunk's quiet.Looking forward to exploring talking about this soon with you, Ma!Fond regards, abolition-ally, best wishes,ScottOn Sat, Sep 30, 2023 at 5:48 PM Scott MacLeod <> wrote: Hi John, Ed, Ma, and Pin,Greetings from Pittsburgh, just shared this with my friend David Thurston in the DC area, and from Cuttyhunk, and re planningHi David! Greetings now from Pittsburgh! Meeting my mother at 6:45 for dinner! How are you doing? I've checked into the hotel ... could / should have camped out for night 2 in my little Toyota Prius c ... but will be good to have a shower ... Think I can get to my storage space, densely packed, get a small suitcase, burrow through it to find some stuff and get a back up hard drive too, and get to the Thai restaurant by 6:45, with a shower too? Flying to the SF Bay Area tomorrow, and going to check out the following hotels relatively close to the Pittsburgh airport, for the possible time after I return to Pgh on W 10/4/23, and possibly moving my things to arrive again in the SF Bay Area on Nov 1, 2023 -
Hilltop Inn
100 Kisow Dr, Pittsburgh, PA 15205
McKeesport PA
7.5 miles from airport
Call (412) 914-3338
Americas Best Value Inn Pittsburgh Airport
1.1 miles away
8858 University Blvd, Coraopolis, PA 15108
Red Roof PLUS+ Pittsburgh South - Airport
5.2 miles away
6404 Steubenville Pike, Pittsburgh, PA 15205
... it might be better to head for Cuttyhunk again on Friday Oct 6, and stay 2-3 weeks until F Oct 20, or M 10/23 or even F Oct 27th - with red long johns' full body union suit, and even electric socks (both on sale at WM online) ... Will I get to the SF Bay Area and find WUaS Academic Medical Center can move into 670 Ridgecrest Road Canyon 94516 sometime in the next weeks? Will see! Cheers, Scott wiki/Longevity See you soon, Ma, at the Thai place near you! (This hotel is expensive in a sense, and without character - time to get a small Scope Thor RAM type camping van, but made by Toyota with a long range electric battery and quick recharging too - and WITH A SHOWER - in a few years?RAMDoes the Thor Scope have a bathroom?It is a THOR Scope 18M. It is an 18ft van but has shower, toilet, sink, microwave, refrigerator, gas stovetop, roof A/C, large couch to sleep, and closetFond regards abolition-ally, best wishes, ScottOn Sat, Sep 30, 2023 at 12:12 AM Scott MacLeod <> wrote: Dear John, Ed, Ma, Sid,Greetings from on the road from Massachusetts to Pennsylvania and potentially a new place for the WUaS Academic Medical Center in the SF Bay Area.Rain was very heavy in Connecticut a few hours ago. Hi from New York! I enjoyed coming off on the Cuttyhunk ferry with folks.Glad to have just heard from you my mother about meeting for dinner today on this asylum journey on the eastern sea board which may be coming to a close, I think -"HI Scott,If you get checked into your motel tomorrow before suppertime, would you like to meet somewhere at a restaurant for supper? Sunday morning breakfast doesn’t work for me - it would be really early - too early for me.Safe travels,Love, Ma"... and regarding what for me are some 'double Oedipal' questions after much less frequent communication with my mother in the last 2 weeks than before this - Fond regards, ScottOn Fri, Sep 29, 2023 at 8:53 AM Scott MacLeod <> wrote: John, Ed, Pin, Ma,Greetings! It's raining here ... Planning, and while in virtual Massachusetts?Am not sure where I'm going to be living after returning to Pittsburgh from the SF Bay Area on W 10/4/23.Now with the keys to the MacLeod Cuttyhunk house (and my father GKM MD having died in November 2007), and with that helpful email from Harvard Law Professor Emeritus (still teaching) Charles Nesson to many of us:plan Amight be to return to our MacLeod Cuttyhunk house, which isn't insulated, and has no central heating, for 2.5 weeks in October - if I learn that I may be able to plan to move the WUaS Longevity Genetics Institute with the WUaS Academic Medical Center back into a newly safe open 670 Ridgecrest Rd. Canyon 94516 on around Nov 1, 2023 (and with the 3 Cuttyhunk MacLeods not yet having talked with a Massachusetts' Bar certified lawyer, or similar, about MacLeod Cuttyhunk house and ownership usage questions - partly due to possible serious mismanagement of our Cuttyhunk house - and which may or may not happen - and/or with a MD psychiatrist), and -plan Bmight be to return to the SF Bay Area soon after I fly back into Pittsburgh on 10/4 ... if I find re plan A that I can move back to a newly safe SF Bay Area, and even into 670 Ridgecrest for a song ... and if I could find and schedule a mover in a very short amount of time ... (Should I reach out to Shamon Powells in Richmond VA now even I wonder - Ed?)plan Clive in the unheated uninsulated MacLeod Cuttyhunk house through the winter (with risk of the pipes freezing possibly) ... and for Yoga meditation too, and continue to write my book ... I've been meditating a lot here ...But I am planning to shut down the MacLeod Cuttyhunk house today, and turn off the water, and bring all my things with me ... per my mother's email to me at just nowI added my email here with my concerns about what Dr. Dimare said with his repeated questions of whether people are coming in off boats to steal kids on Cuttyhunk here -.. as well as some of the genealogical research (and realize too 1) that there are problems with Wikitree genealogy, 2) that NOT having Edward I Longshanks, who may have been a rogue of the worst kind, as an ancestor genealogically, may be Great,and even to keep people alive, 3) that an example of a problems with Wikitree is in our possible Jeremy O'Brian ancestor who by your mother's account jumped off an American Revolutionary ship firing the first shot of this - and which profile seems inaccessible, and uneditable, with such a narrative, and possibly linked to or claimed by the wrong individual or family, for example ... )Am also aware that I might seek to make a police report to the San Francisco police in person about my being assaulted in the SF Quaker Meeting in around 2017, which I have refrained from doing thus far, because she, the assailant, was a minor; it's possible that this was a kind of 'framing' assault very sadly ... and to keep the illegal sex, drug and violence industries internationally operating out of the SF Quaker Meeting and other Quaker organizations ... Stay tuned.Thoughts, ideas, questions, suggestions?Fond regards, abolitionally, Friendly greetings, Yogically, best wishes, thanks,ScottBoth of these blog posts in my daily blog have these recent "Who came before?" Wikitree genealogical inquiries -W Sep 27, 2023 Guernsey LilyandTh Sep 28, 2023 Vernonia djalonensisPSA related note with poem, and aging reversal developments, to the Cuttyhunk friends, the Kidders ..Hi Joan, Johnny, Sarah, and Jamie -How are you? Great to hear from you. Greetings from Cuttyhunk, a day before I'm leaving ...Just wrote another Cuttyhunk poem at the West End which I wanted to share with you -
The water is highIn the west end pondsOf CuttyhunkIslandMassachusetts;Rain has fallenFor days & days, &Turtle Island,Eastern seaboard USAIs humid, moist, & warm,On Poocuohhunkkunnah,Noticeably:Global warming here,Not yet cataclysmic,Water flows down,Sun sets ~with some pictures here too -And just shared this with you and David Thurston too -Greetings! I think the ocean has risen and the Cuttyhunk docks and rocks are a good stable reference point over decades:Sort of interesting picture of the Cuttyhunk Fish Dock at night with water up over the supporting 4" x 12" -#CitizenScience: #HighTide just now is at least ~8 inches higher than #CuttyhunkFishDock #CuttyhunkIslandMA was designed for. Put my hand into #BrinySea to feel how high Ocean was over 4" x 12" wood supports of dock's planks: That's a LOT of #OceanRise > wiki/Ocean_%26_Climate_ Management_Plan ~ Harvest Moon tomorrow (Full Moon closest to the the equinox) when tides are highest & lowestSpeculatively -Will or would Cuttyhunk's Neck become a separate island? When might this happen? And would Massachusetts pay for a bridge? How about utilities like electricity, garbage, and similar? And would the new island of the Cuttyhunk Neck buy power from Cuttyhunk's solar farm? Who knows?Hoping you're doing well, ScottJoan, John, Sarah, JamieCould a worldwide ban on stinkpots / power boats emerge (possibly), eg if cataclysmic ocean rise was somehow imminent (enough) ... or price fuel to favor sailing? ...Will you make it to Cuttyhunk again this autumn?Am flying to the SF Bay Area on Sunday from PIttsburgh ... and may be coming into a new house for a song at 670 Ridgecrest Road, Canyon 94516 (where I lived for about 13 years until September 2020 ... and if federal and states' laws can begin to work effectively together.It was nice to see you Joan and Jamie this summer if ever so briefly!Fond regards, abolitionally, best wishes, ScottPSWhat's ahead for aging reversal genetic drug therapies, and extreme longevity genetic drug therapies? Here are some Tweets -Google NIH Connectome project - when will #CitizenScientists & #WUaSstudents @WorldUnivAndSch drag&drop #CElegans or #DrosophilaFly or #Mouse #Connectomes #FiringNeurons#GoogleAI-NIH #Connectome project'genes neurons #WUaSAgingReversal' How to #WikiAdd"Transcriptomic reprogramming for neuronal age reversal" #APlesa, #MShadpour, @EBoyden3 & @GeoChurch PMC10066999/ ># GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider #GoogleCellView #GoogleMoleculeView ? Retweeting -Today we discuss our partnership with the National Institutes of Health (@NIH) and several other collaborators to expand the frontiers of connectomics by mapping a small fraction (2-3%) of the mouse brain over the next five years. Learn more at: & Neurons & #AgingReversalHum Genet. 2023. 2023 Apr 1.Transcriptomic reprogramming for neuronal age reversal #APlesa, #MShadpour, @EBoyden3 & @GeoChurch PMC10066999/ ># GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider #GoogleCellView #GoogleMoleculeView #AgingReversalResearch ? PPSGreat: when will #CitizenScientists & #WUaSstudents @WorldUnivAndSch drag&drop #CElegans or #DrosophilaFly or #Mouse #Connectomes #FiringNeurons >#GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider to near the Harbin Hot Springs gatehouse virtually ...
Great: when will #CitizenScientists & #WUaSstudents @WorldUnivAndSch drag&drop #CElegans or #DrosophilaFly or #Mouse #Connectomes #FiringNeurons >#GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider #GoogleCellView #GoogleMoleculeView eg for #AgingReversalResearch in a place 20
Retweeting -
Today we discuss our partnership with the National Institutes of Health (@NIH) and several other collaborators to expand the frontiers of connectomics by mapping a small fraction (2-3%) of the mouse brain over the next five years. Learn more at:
excited to work with many amazing collaborators on this project
@JHUAPL 20 PPPSYou'll find the email I sent with concerns of what Dr. Dimare said with questions of whether people are coming in off boats to steal kids on Cuttyhunk here -Warm regards, ScottOn Thu, Sep 28, 2023 at 5:48 PM Scott MacLeod <> wrote: John, Ed, Pin, Ma,Just booked a room in Pittsburgh on Saturday night ... called the $54 / quote from the other day on the internet place ... and the woman said it would be ~$134 ... maybe less online ... found a new $77 quote ... at a nearby place searching on Verona PA ... and through a broker of rooms I think ... ... and with taxes it said it would come to ~$99 ... and as I began to enter my info, including credit card ... I noticed it was for 10/2/23 - 10/3 ... so I went back, chose the Saturday night 9/30 - 10/1 ... and then the total came to ~128 ... on Gamma drive ... hoping the hotel wasn't built on a toxic water site with Gamma rays (don't actually know if gamma waves are toxic ) ... C'est la vie ... re the initial $54 quote I found ...Being value oriented, and thinking through this reservation, I just searched on Motel 6 es near Verona PA, but only found 3 in Pittsburgh quite far from Verona (near where my mother lives now) ... one list $59 / night, one for $53 / night, and one for $63/night ... and there isn't a youth hostel in Pittsburgh ...and I don't want to camp out in my Toyota Prius c near the Allegheny river in Verona like when I first returned to the eastern seaboard on this asylum journey in early August 2022 ... Time to get small Toyota Proace camping van when they become available in the US possibly pending electric battery range advances re the US government ...Could be good to make a track record with credit card and even AI surveillance cameras in Pgh for example re the US federal government in this process of seeking to return to a newly safe SF Bay Area ... and even regarding possibly moving into 670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon 94516 after I return from the SF Bay Area on 10/4 ...Planning to fly west on Sunday 10/1/23 at 8:30 am ... Breakfast on Sunday morning, Ma?Fond regards, abolition-ally, best wishes,ScottSome further Eureka ideas here in today's blog post Th September 28, 2023 "Vernonia djalonensis ... national flower of Guinea" ... flower djalonensis-gn-national- flower.html?m=0 On Thu, Sep 28, 2023 at 2:38 PM Scott MacLeod <> wrote: Ma (Janie), John, Ed, Pin, all,Good afternoon! How are you?Planning-wise, how can I & WUaS somehow plan 1500 years into the future - and especially for MIT OCW- centric wiki World Univ & Sch in 200 countries and in their main languages for free online degrees? ... and regarding what I learned in WikiTree genealogy recently ...Texting this morning to my mother -Hi Ma, how are you? 'Double-Oedipally' (double Oedipal complex-wise, and somehow in a Lacanian sense, or newly in World Univ & Sch psychoanalysis / psychiatry senses?), it could make sense to stay in an inn /motel /hotel on Saturday in Pgh too ... (and in growing an abolition movement potentially too) ... Thanks for letting me know! Found with Wikitree that the Elaine (Chadbourne) Bacon c1994 book's reference may be wrong - 20family%20history?m=0 ... but that your and my ancestors may go back to one or some signers of the Magna Carta, just not Edward I Longshanks, king of England ... Hmm ... wiki/Brown-92989 ... MacLeod-2524 ... Love, abolition-ally, , Scott
Here's a synopsis of the Oedipus complex in my daily blog in my July 7, 2023 Yellow Elder post - tecoma-stans-flower-bs.html re another form of history ... and re psychoanalytic psychiatry ... and re learning too ... per 'Magna Carta-time' history above too ... time to learn more history and psychology ... all regarding the humanities and experimental sciences ... Love, Scott (http://scott-macleod. Jacques%20Lacan%20MD) --Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2023, forthcoming)Scottish Small Piping album #2 - Honey Piobaireachd (2022)- (Berkeley) Scottish Small Piping album #1 Honey in the Bag ~ Out of the Air tune (2020)Order Book #4 To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually! How different it is to soak at Harbin Hot Springs, than to realize it in virtual reality (2019)Order Book #3 Winding Road Rainbow: Harbin, Wandering & the Poetry of Loving Bliss (2018)Order Book #2 Haiku-ish and Other Loving Hippie Harbin Poetry (2017)Order Actual-Virtual Ethnographic Book #1: Naked Harbin Ethnography (2016)- Scott GK MacLeodFounder, President, CEO & ProfessorCC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki,World University & School (WUaS)- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 945161) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public CharityMIT OCW-centric,World University and School - 2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - AcademicPress.html (o) 415 480 4577 - (m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.comWorld Univ & Sch Innovation Research - (all 7,168 known living languages at WUaS) IMPORTANT NOTICE: This transmission and any attachments are intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, or exempt from disclosure under applicable federal or state laws. If the reader of this transmission is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify me immediately by email or telephone.World University and School is sending you this because of your interest in free, online, higher education. If you don't want to receive these, please reply with 'unsubscribe' in the body of the email, leaving the subject line intact. Thank you.
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