Friday, September 20, 2024

Macaroni penguin (Eudyptes chrysolophus): Shady Side Academy high school Pgh PA Homecoming - Friday, September 20, 2024


Shady Side Academy high school Pgh PA Homecoming - Friday, September 20, 2024

Dear Tim, Ashwin, Bart, Jesse, Trixie, Katie, All, 

Nice to see and talk with you today at the Shady Side Academy Homecoming - Friday, September 20, 2024 ... 

Greetings, and regarding some of the things we talked about (and re further brainstorming and idea-sharing and conversation) - 

Would you like to get some Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency free money daily onto your smartphones  ... and doing so might help Shady Side Academy grow remarkably ? Download the App, and mining takes less than 5 seconds every 24 hours pressing 2 buttons. (I've accumulated about 6500 Pi coins so far).

Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency invite (where MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch has a partnering letter from the Mine Pi cryptocurrency organizations) - 

Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 55 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link and my username (sgkmac) as your invitation code.

And also - 

To #EndPovertyWorldwide, here's #StanfordMinePi #Cryptocurrency #FreeMoneyDaily which you can get Share it w people @prasanth0nature it could esp help (eg in India) & @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress seek to distribute it to all 7.9 Billion people on the planet from here - ~

Jesse Robinson, All - A #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics ? 
Matt K - Steel City Photo into #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords in Google Street View with time slider interoperating with a developed Pegman in Street View?

At nonprofit 501 c 3 MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch - 

how will a #RealisticVirtualEarth, mentioned here in #PeterNorvig's #ToolifyAIWUaS article for the 1st time by someone else, IN-CREDIBLY - '#Pegman' (as a verb even) w #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords w #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics & re #WUaSLegoRobotics @WUaSPress?

Retweeting - 

Google AI
Introducing a new language-to-reward system for interfacing LLMs with robots using reward functions. Learn how the system’s predictive control tool enables users to teach robots novel actions using natural language inputs →

... re this Google Quantum AI team ... and at WUaS -

#RealisticVirtualEarth #ForDeextinction #ForAgingReversal #ForLongevity too - and regarding this Google AI Quantum AI team as a model for team building at WUaS

The #GoogleQuantumAI team as model @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress to develop a #ToolifyAIWUaS #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForDeextinction #ForAgingReversal #ForExtremeLongevity w #WUaSgenes #STEMcellsWUaS ? & #TasmanianThylacine & parents

retweeting - 

Take a tour of the Google AI Quantum computer building lab. Every step is vital to building quantum computing for unsolvable problems.

3 a 

A #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForDeextinction #ForAgingReversal #ForLongevity
#RealisticVirtualEarthForAgingReversal #AgingReversalMachine too? #STEMcellsWUaS w #InVitroGametogenesis or #IVG & to de-extinct #TasmanianThylacine & parents?


Where will an iterating #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForEverything per #ToolifyAIWUaS "#RevolutionizingEducation w #MLandAI" head ...?  

Where will an iterating #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForEverything per #ToolifyAIWUaS "#RevolutionizingEducation w #MLandAI" + #ForAgingReversal #ForExtremeLongevity #GeneticDrugTherapies re #GMolecularView #GCellView #GStreetView w #TimeSlider #GeneticData go?


Where will an iterating #RealisticVirtualHarbin #ForEverything re #ToolifyAIWUaS "#RevolutionizingEducation w #MLandAI" + #ForAgingReversal #ForExtremeLongevity #GeneticDrugTherapies re #GMolecularView #GCellView #GStreetView w #TimeSlider #GeneticData go? 

Retweeting -

Sundar Pichai - 

We’re continuing to invest in data centers across the country with $1B+ for our Texas cloud and data center infrastructure. This investment will help meet growing demand for AI, Cloud + other digital services.

Thoughts, ideas, questions, suggestions? (Connect online on Twitter or LinkedIN - and for further idea-sharing + SSA thinking ... )

See some of you tomorrow at the Shady Side Academy Homecoming Saturday, September 21, 2024. 

Nice to talk with you, as well. 

Best wishes, abolitionally, Friendly Quaker greetings, Yogically, thanks, 


Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2024, forthcoming) 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity 
MIT OCW-centric, 
 World University and School -  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -

(m) 412 478 0116 - 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - 

AND ... 

Dear Kim (Shariff), John (Chesley), Tim, Ashwin, Bart, Jesse, Trixie, Katie, All, 

Thanks again for your great sharing in the assembly Kim, and nice to see and talk with you yesterday at the Shady Side Academy Homecoming - Friday, September 20, 2024 ... 

I've blogged about some of this email from yesterday below here - 

Kim, with regard to inventing the book anew in the new Academic Press at World University and School, and what we talked about initially, and potentially to publish a new kind of book from Google Street View with time slider, text in the sidebar 1) new digital hardware including digital masks with brainwave headsets, WUaS Multimedia Rooms, and 2) to paper, here's a set of Tweets in these regards (which I also included in the MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch Agenda & News for WUaS Monthly Business Meeting here - and and which meets today at 12 noon Eastern Time USA, and is an open Monthly Business Meeting, loosely conducted in the manner of Quakers) - 

John - great to meet you yesterday and to talk on the tour + ... Let's stay in communication and regarding an invitation to you to potentially come to visit in a newly safe 670 Ridgecrest Road, Canyon 94516 in the SF East Bay even possibly as early as December 2024 (if I can move west again with US federal law and states' laws working effectively together in new ways). Looking forward to touching base again today at the SSA Homecoming, John and All. 

Shady Side regards, best wishes, abolitionally, 

And again, 
Greetings, and regarding some of the things we talked about (and re further brainstorming and idea-sharing and conversation) - 

Would you like to get some Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency free money daily onto your smartphones  ... and doing so might help Shady Side Academy grow remarkably ? Download the App, and mining takes less than 5 seconds every 24 hours pressing 2 buttons. (I've accumulated about 6500 Pi coins so far).

Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency invite (where MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch has a partnering letter from the Mine Pi cryptocurrency organizations) - 

Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 55 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link and my username (sgkmac) as your invitation code.

And also - 

To #EndPovertyWorldwide, here's #StanfordMinePi #Cryptocurrency #FreeMoneyDaily which you can get Share it w people @prasanth0nature it could esp help (eg in India) & @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress seek to distribute it to all 7.9 Billion people on the planet from here - ~

Jesse Robinson, All - A #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics ? 
Matt K - Steel City Photo 360 into #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords in Google Street View with time slider interoperating with a developed Pegman in Street View?
The WUaS Educational Services Stores for books, robotics, computers, groceries, retail plus, (and planned in all 200 countries and in their main languages, - where Walmart for example is in about 19 out of 200 countries per the Olympics), and which is related to the Academic Press at WUaS, seeks to learn from the great Harvard (with no relation to Harvard University as I understand this, except in name and proximity) bookstore website, I.T. and e-mails such as - - which just came through this morning. Check out their website - - and consider getting on their email list for great ideas from contemporary amazing authors! :)

All the best, Scott

(and which blog post was - and with regard also to some bagpiping virtual Harbin Hot Springs' innovation - - and both humorously and seriously)

* * 

Dear Grant (Scott ' 79), Paul (Shea '79), Buddy (Hendershot, most senior 'retired' SSA senior school English teacher, whom I saw twice in the front parking lot - great to see you), Kim, John (Chesley), Tim, Ashwin, Bart, Shwan, Jesse, Trixie, Katie, Shady Side friends from 2nd half of the 1970s (in another related email thread), All, 

Tim, fascinating to talk with you and regarding my upcoming 6th book - "Society, Information Technology and the Global University" (Academic Press at WUaS, 2025 - now) - after our closing conversation in front of the former SSA Chapel / Memorial Hall / now the temporary ? library (and you grew up in the First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh on Ellsworth, where my father GKM MD had one of his funerals in December 2007), it occurs to me that now Generative Conversational Artificial Intelligence (eg Gemini AI) is generating knowledge, and per this excerpt from my Chapter 2 (draft) - 

" ... individual knowledge came from a culture that values individualism as a supreme value. And this change in the nature of libertarian individualism in a way happened in three to four years: 1968-1972. And these three factors interacted and resulted in the network society: the personal computer idea, individual software, and individual knowledge as a supreme value. The social outcome was the internet; and this provides the basis for an analysis of history, of culture, of uses of technology, and becomes a symbol of this transition. "

 (where my next book seeks to explain how the internet and the information technology revolution, and thus 'Internetity" (which I think supersedes and encompasses both modernity, post-modernity, and advertising discourse per my 2001 UC Berkeley Tourism Studies' anthropology paper - "Gazing at the Box: Tourism in the Context of the Internet and Globalization (Internetity)" came about ...) 

"In this social history of the internet, my method will include relating a story of how the internet developed, an analysis of this story, and a look at factors that led to the development of the internet as well. What were the raw materials of this revolution? In previous industrial revolutions, raw materials included energy, iron, coal, electricity, chemicals, telecommunications, etc. In the information revolution, it is neither silicon, nor talent, nor money. The most important raw material is information; it’s knowledge. What were the exact characteristics of this revolution? The most important feature is that knowledge is ‘value’. And where is knowledge? Sometimes in universities, sometimes in research centers; it’s in scientists. Knowledge is generated by human minds and bodies. So in this information revolution, human minds are the critical source of value. And this is the founding concept of this book. (*** 1:40  "

Fascinating that artificial intelligence and machine learning are now generating knowledge ... 

Grant (Scott), SSA staff Katie (Modic), Jamie (Scott), Bart (Griffith), (Shawn), all - In growing a MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School abolition movement worldwide to abolish the wrongful buying and selling of people in the illegal sex, drugs and violence etc industries internationally, and their latent networks of violence, 
great to be able to mention that I'm in asylum in Pgh, in 2 asylum houses since August 2022, having fled for my life from the SF Bay Area, and to have mentioned the murderous run through attempt of me by craven, psychopath??? Swiss or Lebanese soldier ??? frederic khayat receiving US social security checks eventually - and  in cahoots with univ pitt med ctr resolve crisis folks in cahoots with city of Pgh police ??? who entered my first asylum house at 210 east end avenue Pgh PA 15221 without a warrant twice in around April 2023, and also re the deaths / murders of co-residents dwarf Jackson Shannon and African American Harold Tyler (about which I've written in other email threads) .. .and ABOUT MY CONCERNS OF frederic khayat and related soldiers (who was in the chain of command calling for this murderous run through attempt of me, sadly?) ... about him them being possible predators regarding the Shady Side Academy Junior School about 3 blocks away, and another elementary school right there too ... and the sometimes profitable illegal sex and violence industries with kids tragically as possible sex slaves and victims ... and to HAVE MENTIONED Katie (Modic) to you and others,  that SSA has its own tragic??? history with kids and possibly the illegal sex industries including ... one ben davis (and is he now married and partnered with his son in LA even?) in the early 1960s, late 1970s (friend of I think judge Hugh Mcgough who was at this homecoming on Friday) ... AND sister of Scottish Country Dancing friend from the 2nd half of the 1970s susan davis claus, and brother of tom davis md at Dartmouth medical center in Hanover NH ...   AND THAT YOU BART (Griffith) have sent some emails last year or the year before I think about SSA and involvement possibly by teachers and staff of SSA in the illegal sex industry or similar ... How best to grow a MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School abolition movement worldwide to abolish the wrongful buying and selling of people in the illegal sex, drugs and violence etc industries internationally in new ways and regarding especially all 4 of Shady Side Academies schools - including with artificial intelligence, machine learning, avatar agent electronic health records, law and law enforcement, MD psychiatry + (and as WUaS seeks to code for all 7.9 billion people on the planet from here - - each a Wikidata PIN #, and to end poverty also potentially among the 1 billion poorest on the planet out of ~8 billion ) .. and in seeking to stay alive and continuing to whistle blow ?

Further concerns about some of this and even Shady Side Academy fundraising ethics - with questions about the illegal sex drugs and violence industries - and curiosul regarding the katz name in the 1979 SSA yearbook whom Ed Wilson pointed out to me  ... which reminded me of a  Vanguard Mutual Funds' employee rebecca katz ... (and my deep impoverishment in growing MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch .. and possible involvement in international organized crime by Vanguard with people with this name ... as questions ... and in seeking US federal investigations into a number of financial organizations recently including especially Chase bank Wilkinsburg 15221 and Chase bank Moraga 94556 (near Canyon 94516 where I lived for about 13 years until )

Heading out now to sit in Quaker Silent Meeting outside the Pittsburgh Friends (Quaker) Meeting ... having whistle-blown about the SF Quaker Meeting in around 2017 quite loudly in some of these regards ... (and about Canyon 94516) ... and in seeking to stay alive, ... and Yogically too ... to sit in silent Yoga meditation .. 

Abolitoinally, staying alive, best, thanks, Friendly Quaker greetings (as a conscientious objector), Yogically,

in a very different vein, just shared this with my mother ... and re Paul (Shea) our talking about how to make Pittsburgh beautiful re brainstorming about 50 years ahead -  

".. after talking with Paul Shea a SSA alum from '79 too, (and Richard Walker ' 79) yesterday evening, and mentioning putting in green ways throughout Pittsburgh (through-trails like the Appalachian Trail, and the Pacific Crest Trail, and the new Great Eastern Trail, North-South / South-North) it occurs to me to explore the possible beginning of one in 2 pieces along the north side of the Allegheny River even, first from Aspinwall heading toward the Point (at three rivers), and then a little farther west there ... and even to brainstorm about what native species to put in ... and to be able to see the river both in summer and winter, but also protect the river + (all Frederic Law Olmstead design thinking wise too) ... What do you think? 

Would be interesting to be able to share these stretches of pathways and bikeways along the river that I'm talking about now with you from Google Maps AND from a Realistic Virtual Earth (think Google Street View with time slider - potentially for DESIGNING all this envisioning) in the future - e.g. with URLs - web site links ...

Love, Scott "

Dear Paul (Shea '79), Grant (Scott ' 79), Buddy (Hendershot, most senior 'retired' SSA senior school English teacher, whom I saw twice in the front parking lot - great to see you), Kim, John (Chesley), Tim, Ashwin, Bart, Shawn-ee:), Jesse, Trixie, Katie, Shady Side friends from 2nd half of the 1970s (in another related email thread), All, 

Friends, I have often felt out of sync with the SSA classes of 1978 and '79 ... and experienced this again yesterday evening in McCune Dining Hall (having only attended my first SSA Homecoming ever 2 years ago ... as a bit of a hippy and anti-establishment type at SSA too, I think) ... I don't really know that many people in the class of 1979 since I spent the year between my Junior years in Edinburgh Scotland at Fettes College high school studying in the first year 6th form of A levels, (English, History, Geography and also Scottish Highers' Maths ... a different high school exam than A levels ... and Fettes College has become an IB school since) and didn't therefore graduate with the SSA '78 class I started with at SSA in 1974 ... and there were so few folks there too from 1979, and it's 45 years later, and firing neuron cells re it takes only 1 cell to fire to kindle a memory (I remember learning from family friend George Alexander MD, a Yale and McGill trained Lacanian psychoanalytic psychiatrist MD .. who may have learned and seen this in an experimental biology class at Yale with mice or similar a laboratory subjects ) ... and jiggling neurons fire in curious ways ...consciousness-wise too, Yogic-seeing wise too ... both re philosophical vision ... and ethically and (Harbin) ONENESS-wise) ... The 1979 Yearbook I saw (of my pic) reminded me that the dress code - about which I think I talked with a couple of SSA students and staff too, Dave and Amy, I think - was hair shorter than the shirt collar for males (and interestingly maybe when I went to Scotland to Fettes College for the year, I grew my hair longer than this ) ... I didn't take the time to read it again ... but I think I quoted in the Yearbook from '79 a character from JRR Tolkien - Thorin Oakenshield ... (and somehow philosophically possibly) ... How to explore history anew in a Realistic Virtual Earth For History (think Google Street View with time slider in the back of our glasses) ... eg to time slide back to 1974 and see the ghosts at Shady Side Academy which ghosts John Chesley mentioned in Rowe hall on Friday (and Scotland has a lot of ghosts too) ... and whereupon I mentioned this WIKI #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory (see #Twitter re #Hashtag) to him to see such ghosts there at SSA even ... where we could all wiki-add our pictures and data and writings +

Met a SSA 1984 alum yesterday evening in passing, a MD psychiatrist from China originally I think, who's now based in Erie PA ... ... and who mentioned psychiatry being the last frontier of medicine ( ... ... AND CULTURALLY, LINGUISTICALLY, and re brains being even coded in different ways culturally (eg Chinese brains' identity in these regards are different from Nigerian are different from Indian, are different from Spanish language brains (and re the ~25 out of 200 countries with Spanish as an official language), and English-speaking brains, re Kenyan Swahili brains ... culturally and identity-wise ) and re mental health, language and MD psychiatry ...  which made me wonder how World Univ & Sch can help ... and regarding this Chinese American MD psychiatrist in Erie who seemed somehow not entirely well even, possibly due to cultural, linguistic differences re understanding, ... and MD psychiatry itselfs' limitations currently ... And while I think India is educating MD psychiatrists these days, I've read, I'm wondering how China is educating MD psychiatrists these days in Mandarin, Cantonese ... and with what knowledge-bases ... and how even a possible extraordinary Chinese MD psychiatrist from China could help this American Chinese MD psychiatrist in Erie somehow ... It seems that there's an opportunity for MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch's planned ~200 online Medical Schools and Schools of Psychiatry in each of 200 countries and in their main languages ... and even with generative conversational AI to approach MD psychiatry scientific knowledge education from ever country and language culturally-diverse perspectives and scientific knowledge bases  (including importantly re pharmaceuticals effects on the brain ... AND RE IDENTITY and LINGUISTIC questions anthropologically especially) ... 

Am wondering if the WUaS Press could design, create, program and code  ...

a kind of  Frederick Law Olmsted / A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction (Oxford UP 1977, - 'the most important book" in The Next Whole Earth Catalog 2nd ed 1982???): computer program in a Realistic Virtual Earth / Google Maps / Google Street view WITH with TIME SLIDER s developed computer science-wise initially with Pittsburgh in mind ? ... AND FOR architecture too ... Paul (Shea) ... are there CMU architecture / computer science professors who could focus this project with Google Headquarters in Bakery Square and with World Univ & Sch ... AND EVEN with the Academic WUaS Press (as I seek also to publish my 2nd Harbin Hot Springs' Ethnographic book, 7th book potentially FROM Google Street View with time slider, text in the sidebar), that you know of? (I don't know of any SSA computer scientist alums who are now working at Google PIttsburgh ... are there some young whippersnappers?) Could this be the first AI program that the WUaS Press in a #RealsiticVirtualEarth creates and sells not only in our WUaS Bookstores around the world, but to other computer and retail stores ?

Thoughts, questions, suggestions? 

Best wishes, abolitionally, in asylum in PA from CA, staying alive, Friendly Quaker greetings, Yogically, Scott (Scotty MacLeod in the SSA 1979 yearbook:)

Mel Litter

Sun, Sep 22, 1:09 PM (20 hours ago)
to me
Glad you got to see my brother! ( John Chesley) 

I plan to attend next year!  It’s a big one  for our class  

Mel Litter, Founder and CEO
Elemental Impact Solutions

Dear Mary Ellen (Chesley LItter), Paul (Shea '79), Grant (Scott ' 79), Buddy (Hendershot, most senior 'retired' SSA senior school English teacher, whom I saw twice in the front parking lot - great to see you), Kim, John (Chesley), Tim, Ashwin, Bart, Shawn-ee:), Jesse, Trixie, Katie, Shady Side friends from 2nd half of the 1970s (in another related email thread), All, 

In growing a MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School abolition movement worldwide to protect people, thanks for your email just now (and seeking to stay alive as a whistleblower and having called the police in the SF Bay Area in CAnyon and in my 2 asylum houses in Pgh, since fleeing for my life in August 2022) and is your email referring to your brother John's legal thinking too?? more below  - 

"Glad you got to see my brother! ( John Chesley) 

I plan to attend next year!  It’s a big one  for our class  

Mel Litter, Founder and CEO
Elemental Impact Solutions

As I headed out to go the Pittsburgh Friends Quaker Meeting to sit outside in my car in Silent Meeting (and regarding my concerns that they too are involved tragically in the wrongful buying and selling of peop;le in the illegal sex drugs and violence industries and their latent networks of violence ... and with kids, women, possibly men-women, possibly male prostitutes too ... and in the murder industry even???) ... I decided not to put the keyboard blockade in front of my inside passageway ... to keep out the approximately 10 arson attempts (about which Pgh police officer Alphonso Evans came over to take a bodycam official report), and ~10 criminal entries (by lmbsr maintenance person 'keith' or the maintenance person with the green vest and the ladder very early on???) too in early months of my 2nd asylum house here in Pgh, still alive (and kind of for the first time in months to have not blockaded the entrance to my space) ... and having sought a US federal investigation into criminal ??? lobox management bryant street rentals with offices about 3 blocks away ... AND as I drove out, I was about to turn left on Elgin from St Claire street a block and a half away ... and a young woman was walking in a quasi sultry way, possibly with a drink in her hand even curiously .... and after numerous what I'll call attacks on me and my things by possibly LmBsr manager in the nearby office sophie or her assistant ashlee (and others) ... and remotely and with possibly their using the possible surveillance video cameras with motion detection AI in the fire alarm in my space ... I turned onto Elgin, then left again on N. Euclid and then returned to 5816 Callowhill st 15206 to put the keyboard blockade back in front of my inner entrance ... to prevent theft, illegal entry and other arson attempts ... due to the criminal???   lobos management bryant street rentals (criminal rental companies can get a lot of money from insurance companies by having their. places burned down, I learned in a New York state filling station once by induction, abduction or deduction last year) ... 

And after blockading my places' inner entrance - re this misuse of AI surveillance video concerns (and could  lobox management bryant street rentals on bryant street either be a brothel ... and was even a possible garrison house for foreign armies, either of 'legitimate' soldiers, or unenlisted 'warriors' eg not in the correct US federal databases of foreign soldiers on US land   ... as recently as last year ... and in seeking a US federal investigation into them, I emailed US Sen and former Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren (above) about criminal?  lobox management bryant street rentals too ) I then went out to sit in Silent Quaker Meeting 

Quaker and Friendly meditation there was good (and safe outside, and in my car, re entanglement in possible international organized crime tragically out the Pgh Quaker Meeting, and even possibly the 1st UU church of Pgh 2 blocks away, tragically) ... and I then returned to my place (saw someone walking up Callowhill street as I returned wearing a Pgh Steelers # 7 jersey ... and I live in #7 ... and it reminded me of ken thompson md - his brother Nick is above in this emails ... about whom I wondered what roles he might play in international organized crime even .. and at his Squirrel Hill medical clinic) ... 

So your email mary ellen leads me to wonder how best to initiate (further?) a US federal investigation in Shady Side Academy's 4 schools and to protect kids there or all ages ... 

I continue to see this "Google Play Services" standing out in front of the login screen on my smartphone ... for possibly as long as 2 years now ... and have inquired with Peter Norvig (above) and other lawyers law enforcement people in the past this could refer to  'Google prostitute services" 'Google slave services" or "google international crime services' ... but it's not yet gone from my screen ... and am wondering if "top coders" in google and the us federal government and states' governments ... are coming to a decision about how to navigate legally what "google play services" may refer to illegally ... and with World Univ & Sch seeking to build out in all ~200 countries and with ~250+ online law schools and even in a realistic virtual earth with algorithms, tracking, ai, ml, and law and law enforcement, and MD psychiatry too.

Besides the class of 1980, what does your class refer to Mary Ellen? Thanks, 

Best wishes, abolitionally, in asylum in PA from CA, staying alive, Friendly Quaker greetings, Yogically, Scott 


Class of 78

I didn’t really know what a bad ass  lawyer my brother  was/is until  few years ago  

My focus is the environment, education and the workforce of the future  


Mel Litter, 

Executive in Residence for Innovation,  Community College 

Co-Founder Mindful Living Campuses

Co-Founder  Workhorse to Workforce

Co-Director   Startup Grind ,Maryland  

Founder and CEO, Elemental Impact Solutions

Dear Mary Ellen, & John (Chssley, sister and brother, both SSA alumni, with John a California lawyer on its board, and with a Harvard dana farber cancer institute email address, above, having gone to Harvard College and Northeastern Law School in MA), Paul (Shea '79), Grant (Scott ' 79), Buddy (Hendershot, most senior 'retired' SSA senior school English teacher, whom I saw twice in the front parking lot - great to see you), Kim, John (Chesley), Tim, Ashwin, Bart, Shawn, Jesse, Trixie, Katie, Shady Side friends from 2nd half of the 1970s (in another related email thread), All, 

Greetings and as a follow up, and in growing a WUaS abolition movement worldwide in all ~200 countries - - to protect people and to seek to abolish organized crime internationally, including the wrongful buying and selling of people in the illegal sex, drugs, violence etc industries internationally and their latent networks of violence especially ... 

Thanks for your email reply, Mary Ellen, 

"Class of 78

I didn’t really know what a bad ass  lawyer my brother  was/is until  few years ago  

My focus is the environment, education and the workforce of the future  


Mel Litter, 

Executive in Residence for Innovation,  Community College 

Co-Founder Mindful Living Campuses

Co-Founder  Workhorse to Workforce

Co-Director   Startup Grind ,Maryland  

Founder and CEO, Elemental Impact Solutions

By "bad ass" as in "I didn’t really know what a bad ass  lawyer my brother  was/is until  few years ago  " do you mean your brother is a 'good' lawyer in 1960s and 70s' lingo even? John (Chesley) - what does your sister mean?  

And how might his possibly good lawyer" thinking to some of World Universities and School's planned online 250 law schools with ai and ml and machine translation to and see the PPS below)? 

Sounds like your 50th SSA Homecoming will be in 4 years, n'est-ce pas?

Abolitionally, in asylum in PA from CA, staying alive, thanks, 


Friday, September 20, 2024
Macaroni penguin (Eudyptes chrysolophus): Shady Side Academy high school Pgh PA Homecoming - Friday, September 20, 2024



"Space Law:

Law Schools at World University and School (planned in main languages in them)

Nation States

Afghanistan Law School at WUaS:

Brazil Law School at WUaS:

China Law School at WUaS:

Egypt Law School at WUaS:

India Law School at WUaS:

Jamaica Law School at WUaS:

Mexico Law School at WUaS:

World University Law School:

US States

Iowa Law School at WUaS:

WUaS ... "

* * * 

How to grow #BangladeshWUaS with all 172 million #WikiBangladeshis via "Users" in #WUaSUnivs' getting free #WUaSemails via the #YouAtWUaS navigation link & to build a flourishing academic, intellectual, collegial, friendly, warm #WUaSCOMMUNITY there first?

How to grow #BangladeshWUaS with all 172 million #WikiBangladeshis via "Users" in #WUaSUnivs' getting free #WUaSemails via the #YouAtWUaS navigation link & to build a flourishing academic, intellectual, collegial, friendly, warm #WUaSCOMMUNITY there first?


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