Dear Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden (and please forward to Librarian Carla Hayden's LoC address - and is this correct - - as a personal email address?) . . . Library of Congress - Hispanic and European Reading Rooms - W 11/27/24
Dear Mr. Torres-Gonzales ( - Library of Congress), and Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden (and please forward to Librarian Carla Hayden's LoC address - and is this correct - - as a personal email address?),
Very nice to meet and talk with you on W 11/27/24 in Hispanic and European Reading Rooms, Mr. Torres-Gonzales. And thank you for the resources below in PSs.
MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS as I mentioned is developing ~200 online WUaS major online research libraries in all ~200 countries' (per Olympics) main languages, and potentially building out of all national libraries and greatest universities' libraries in all these countries too. MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS is seeking to make it possible to enter via, for example, Google Street View / #GMaps with time slider -
any and all libraries on the planet, and pick a book as a PDF (Portable Document Format file presently) or similar off a shelf and from home for free and read it, study it, do research with it, in innovative digital ways too, and such that one could also TIME SLIDE back in Google Street View to, say, the Thomas Jefferson Library of Congress Building in 1897 when it opened in Washington DC, - and from paintings and photos of the book shelves from that year, added to Google Street View with time slider, pick each and any of these books off these virtual shelves and, again, read the book then and there in one's home.
Here's the idea expressed concisely in a set of Tweets from a few months ago -
#RealisticVirtualEarthForLibraries -
How best to explore adding all of the Library of Congress's whole collection to Google Street View with time slider ... and for the American Public, but especially for WUaS matriculating degree students, and not only for WUaS students from the USA but from each of all ~200 countries, (and possibly as WUaS in collaboration with the Library of Congress grows major online research libraries in all ~200 countries ... potentially to make in a sense the Library of Congress the largest library in the world by being, and in all ~200 countries as well)?
Such a #RealisticVirtualEarthForLibraries (Twitter #Hashtag) would interoperate with a #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForEverythng with this INCREDIBLE #ToolifyAIWUaS article from #PeterNorvig "Revolutionizing Education with Machine Learning and AI: #WorldUniversityINSchool" -
Thoughts about how MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS might proceed with developing all of the above with the Library of Congress?
Looking forward to staying in touch about some of this via email and Twitter
All the Best, thanks, Friendly regards,
Scott GK MacLeod
Library Guides
Hippeastrum calyptratum: Was Harvard & MIT Professor of genetics' George Church like many many students at Andover, Duke and Harvard in the 1960s and early 1970s a hippy? * many many students at Andover, Duke and Harvard in the 1960s and early 1970s were hippies or hippy including George Church, I posit * * How can #GeminiAIandML learn re #1960sHistory - & regarding hippies & people esp of the 1960s & '70s? Was #AgeReversalGenetics geneticist Dr #GeoChurch a hippy then? I'd & #WUaSunivs posit he was. How best to #WikiStudy #HippyHistory in #
y #AIandML? ... ).
from the yellow post-it that Mr. Torres-Gonzales at Library of Congress wrote out for me after we talked about some of the above -
Library Guides
Country Guides
Joseph Torres-Gonzales
Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2025, forthcoming)
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206
1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity
MIT OCW-centric,
LoC logo
LoC Reader ID card pic from 11/27/24 (Scott GKM 3rd)
* *
add entire 51 M books of #USFedGovts' #LibraryOfCongress
TO Library of Congress in #GStreetView w #GTimeSlider -
for accessing books in #RealisticVirtualEarth?
How best @WorldUnivAndSch (& @WUaSPress) to add entire 51 M books of #USFedGovts' #LibraryOfCongress
TO Library of Congress in #GStreetView w #GTimeSlider -
for accessing books in #RealisticVirtualEarth?
Cool! Got a free #LibraryOfCongress #ReaderIDCard @ #physicalLOC in Washington DC on W 11/27/24 w access online to some of 51 million books, & some of 173 million catalogued objects! Much #WUaSpotential for #WUaSstudents from all ~200 #countriesWUaS in #RealisticVirtualEarth esp
How best @WorldUnivAndSch (& @WUaSPress) to add the entire contents of the #USFedGovts' #Library OfCongress
TO #GStreet View w #GTimeSlider -
Library of Congress
for accessing books ?
* * *
'Proposed Reedie+ book group beginning' ... on Saturday 12/14/24 as I potentially depart asylum in Pennsylvania on Tue 12/10/24 to drive to Canyon 94516 ~
Dear Robin (Phillips, US Federal lawyer in RTAP now), Bay Area Reedies +, Gabrielle, Byron & Cindy, Donna, Jim, Ed & Valerie, Gantt, JoAnne, Konrad (Alt), Steve (Carlson), (& PLEASE FORWARD TO other Reedies in group whose emails I couldn't find), and greetings, friends, All,
Was glad to see Reedie T.. L......... in DC over Thanksgiving, and to mention this "Proposed Reedie+ book group beginning in ..." ... Well (with my mother's encouragement too on Sunday) I think I'm going to drive west (to show WUaS's and my "serious interest further" - from asylum in Pittsburgh to the SF Bay Area departing around Tu 12/10/24 (after picking my mother up at the airport from seeing her first grandchild again in Portland Maine) and seek to get to Canyon 94516 by Saturday, December 14, 2024 so that we could hold the first Proposed Reedie+ book group beginning at around 4pm at 670A Ridgecrest Rd Canyon 94516 ... Robin, thanks again so much for your RSVP and am hoping I can still welcome you to 670A Ridgecrest Road,Canyon 94516 around 4pm on 12/24/24 or when you might get there. You are all welcome to this first "Proposed Reedie+ book group" and please RSVP further if you can ...
Again (from the June 27 2024 email in this thread) -
"Your book ideas or suggestions, and a month you might suggest reading it in ? ...
Gabrielle -
Jim -
Sally -
Byron -
Cindy -
Donna -
Gantt -
Vadan -
Ed -
Valerie -
JoAnne -
Konrad -
Others? Please add yourself to this email thread - and suggest a book ... Reedies+
Two books that I enjoyed immensely and which I might suggest for a year or two hence are:
Nobel Laureate's Kazuo Ishiguro's
"Klara and the Sun" (2021)
and the comic novel
Kiran Desai's
MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School is growing, and this Canyon place may become the its first property INCREDIBLY ... and to grow too there a Physical-Digital WUaS Academic Medical Center (online in all ~200 countries) with virtual Harbin Hot Springs' warm water cure (and perhaps we can check out the cattle trough above beautiful Indian Valley about 1/3 mile from 670 on East Bay MUD land, which could become a physical simulacra of actual Harbin Hot Springs, and for physical-digital research and related processes at WUaS), and with WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute ...
Perhaps this first "Proposed Reedie+ book group ..." in Canyon will help inaugurate the above World University and School growth intellectually or re the 'life of the mind' as well :) (And the Desiderata "book" as prose poem too is short! )
In yesterday's open 12/2/24 WUaS News and Q&A, I explore further, re Reedie T.. L......... -
"such that you, T.., might become US Secretary of State in 2028 or at least further up the list? "
Check it out :)
Reed regards, warmly, see you soon I hope (in 2 Saturdays potentially), all best,
* *
F Dec 6, 2024
Dear Outer Voices' Stephanie (Stevens :), Reedie Religion major too, and with whom I've visited Harbin Hot Springs, my actual-virtual ethnographic field site, and for upcoming 2nd Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic book project:)
Dear Stephanie (Stevens :), Reedie Religion major too, and with whom I've visited Harbin Hot Springs, my actual-virtual ethnographic field site, and for upcoming 2nd Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic book project:), Robin (Phillips, US Federal lawyer in RTAP now), Bay Area Reedies +, Gabrielle, Byron & Cindy, Donna, Jim, Ed & Valerie, Gantt, JoAnne, Konrad (Alt), Steve (Carlson), (& PLEASE FORWARD TO other Reedies+ in group whose emails I couldn't find, and/or whom you'd like to invite), and greetings, friends, All,
Greetings from western Pennsylvania, and in seeking further to head west to Canyon 94516 for the "Proposed Reedie book group" ... on Saturday, December 14, 2024 ... potentially by departing Tue 12/10/2024 to drive west across the country (in my old but reliable 2016 Toyota Prius c) ... and to show too my serious interest in moving WUaS forward into a newly safe Canyon 94516 (and per this recent email to "California Assemblymember for CA Assembly District 16 re Contra Costa county, and Canyon 94516 (in the SF Bay Area east bay)" and around 25 other friends and contacts too ...
which is here in this daily blog post beginning "Thursday, December 5, 2024
Calochortus: Philosophy & "The Way of Life" by Lao Tzu, and "The Way of the Gene, and Ethics: Aging Reversal, Extreme Longevity, and Sex" -, a book I'm waiting to write and potentially in conversation with the incredible Gemini conversational generative AI artificial intelligence. See some or many of you on Saturday, December 14, 2024 sometime around or after 4pm Pacific Time :)
And, Fantastic Stephanie ( ... your Outer Voices' newsletter ... and thank you for Outer Voices with your tremendous "small, independent media team dedicated to grassroots underheard voices" (re Outer Voices in the sometimes warmer Virgin Islands than Woods Hole MA area in the winter), and thanks so much for your wonderful email newsletter message recently in PPPPPS (Could it even be a kind of indirect RSVP to the "Proposed Reedie book group" ... in Canyon 94516 ... at some point?) ... and super to visit Harbin Hot Springs with you some years ago ... Your INCREDIBLE Reed Religion major (Anthropology too especially) thinking energy comes through in this your most recent Outer Voices' "Here, GRAND CANYON!" 'newsletter' - ...
(and regarding the children's book you mention, I think I'd like to add (another short too!) book suggestion "Ferdinand the Bull" by Munro Leaf (1936) :) ... maybe for 300 years out ... and re children's books as possibly short books for this Proposed Reedie Book group ... and even regarding - (accessible from ... and the WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki is developing ... if only (as a bit alienating) with fundraising banners across the top of many of WUaS 743 wiki subjects, potentially from the Wikimedia Foundation ... and hopefully only very temporarily :)
So, see some of you on Sat 12/14/24 around or after 4pm at 670 Ridgecrest Rd, Canyon 94516 (about 8 miles southwest of Berkeley, and accessible with Google Maps too I think), and to talk about the very shore book (I'm calling this), "The Desiderata" - - I hope ... for the inaugural "Proposed Reedie+ Book group" ... and please share further some titles ... I realize some of us don't know each other, but please feel free to come (with a friend potentially, if helpful) ...
And Perhaps we can begin on Saturday to develop a list of about 12 book titles for 2025 that we've read and would like to suggest for this "Proposed Reedie+ Book group" in the SF Bay Area ... (and possibly even create a book group for the centuries and millennia ahead ... with aging reversal and extreme longevity genetic drug therapies emerging :)
Previous email in this thread from Dec 3, 2024 is here -
Again (from the June 27 2024 email in this thread) -
"Your book ideas or suggestions, and a month you might suggest reading it in ? ...
Robin -
Craig T -
Adam -
Peter -
Vadan -
Matthew -
Nancy 0 -
Mike -
Nancy B -
Diane -
Susan -
Ann -
Janie -
Craig M -
Riely -
Marsha -
Pin/Sid -
Sandy -
Steve C -
Janet -
Candace -
Ryan -
Stephanie -
Others? Please add yourself to this email thread - and suggest a book ... Reedies+
Here, Grand Canyon!
It’s winter here in the New England town that Outer Voices calls home. The sun is barely making it above the horizon in these waning days of the year. It’s cold enough here on Cape Cod that the inlets are getting a skim of ice. The winter birds are returning, the winterberry is on fire. It’s a good time for new beginnings, and we are at a new beginning. We are thrilled to announce that our work at Grand Canyon National Park is now underway. We're embarking on the work of creating an audio tour embedded into a story map, that tells the story of the Park from the perspective of the people who are from the land that the Park occupies. This is the home of the Hopi Tribe, Pueblo of Zuni, Navajo Nation, Yavapai-Apache Nation, Havasupai Tribe, and the Hualapai Tribe. It’s also the home of the Kaibab, Moapa, San Juan and Las Vegas Bands of the Southern Paiute, and the Paiute Indian Tribe of Southern Utah. All of these eleven tribes call the Grand Canyon home.
In a nutshell, we hope that by listening to this tour, visitors to the Canyon - both in person and virtually - will conjure for themselves a sense of the intimacy of what it is to truly call a place home – in this case, that place is what we call Grand Canyon. Maybe in this way listeners can align themselves more closely with the people from this place, stand in their shoes a little bit, building a little common respect and mutual understanding.
We created a pilot for this project back in April of 2023. Using tape recorded by Ryan Christensen, we created an introduction to hiking in Grand Canyon, by James Uqualla, Havasupai; and a guided tour of the murals at Desert View by Ed Kabotie, Hopi - please give it a listen. We’re immensely grateful to the people from the eleven tribes who have shared with us with so far, shaping how the work is done. We’re equally grateful to numerous Park staff who have met with us and discussed how to best collaborate with the Park to make it all happen. We’re honored to partner with the Grand Canyon Conservancy in doing this work, thanks to the vision and commitment of the leadership and board members and staff – a special shout out to Christina Armold and to our vital connecting link, Jenn O’Neill. Gratitude to Jan Balsom of Grand Canyon National Park for her vision in making this all happen in the first place. Park Superintendent Ed Keable’s commitment to raising indigenous voices in the Park and enthusiastic support for this project has made it possible.
We’ll be working on this over the next couple of years. Please stay tuned.
Meantime, great new work from Outer Voices people keeps emerging. Cathy Fitzgerald, the queen of all things magical and mythical, has published her first children’s book, Pinch Perkins and The Midsummer Curse with Harper Collins. The very best idea is to ask your local bookstore to order it. John Biewen just launched Capitalism, the latest deep dive podcast series from his award winning Scene on Radio. Please take the time to give it a listen. Can we adequately express our amazement and gratitude at still being here, twenty-one years after we first started our work? Nope. It has not often been an easy ride, keeping afloat a small, independent media team dedicated to grassroots underheard voices. It’s taken every kind of macgyvering to persevere. In the end, Outer Voices’ work is truly a testament to the power of community – local and global. Every single person reading this has been a part of all this in some crucial way. So thank you, from all of us, on behalf of everyone whom we have had the greatest honor to collaborate with in telling their stories, from their perspective, in the way they have wanted to have them told, and heard. What a difference we have all been able to make. Finally, we invite you to be part of bringing more underheard stories to the airwaves and the internet. Join the many folks who support Outer Voices here. Here’s to a warm and kind winter season for us all. Many thanks for all you do, Stephanie Guyer-Stevens |
| |
Would love to begin growing these 11 Grand Canyon Native American tribes' languages at WUaS -
"This is the home of the Hopi Tribe, Pueblo of Zuni, Navajo Nation, Yavapai-Apache Nation, Havasupai Tribe, and the Hualapai Tribe. It’s also the home of the Kaibab, Moapa, San Juan and Las Vegas Bands of the Southern Paiute, and the Paiute Indian Tribe of Southern Utah. All of these eleven tribes call the Grand Canyon home."
And how can we grow the following in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForTraveling with a #RealsticVirtualHarbin Hot Springs +? -
"In a nutshell, we hope that by listening to this tour, visitors to the Canyon - both in person and virtually - will conjure for themselves a sense of the intimacy of what it is to truly call a place home – in this case, that place is what we call Grand Canyon. Maybe in this way listeners can align themselves more closely with the people from this place, stand in their shoes a little bit, building a little common respect and mutual understanding. "
I enjoyed the pace, and cadence, rhythm and language of this, and wonder if I could actually walk down to the bottom of the virtual Grand Canyon from home listening to this poetry prose -
We created a pilot for this project back in April of 2023. Using tape recorded by Ryan Christensen, we created an introduction to hiking in Grand Canyon, by James Uqualla, Havasupai; and a guided tour of the murals at Desert View by Ed Kabotie, Hopi - please give it a listen."
and re Outer Voices'
found -
Some books of mine to come that are 'brewing' (and some in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForPublishing from ... and think Google Street View with time slider ... ) ... and let's talk about or possibly explore together how to write "#TheWayOfTheGeneAndEthics: #AgingReversal, #ExtremeLongevity & Sex" as 81 short prose poems (coming into conversation with the Tao Te Ching even ... and also possibly further in conversation with Gemini AI :) ...
Dear Robin (Phillips, US Federal lawyer in RTAP now), Bay Area Reedies +, Gabrielle, Byron & Cindy, Donna, Jim, Ed & Valerie, Gantt, JoAnne, Konrad (Alt), Steve (Carlson), (& PLEASE FORWARD TO other Reedies in group whose emails I couldn't find), and greetings, friends, All,
Was glad to see Reedie T.. L......... in DC over Thanksgiving, and to mention this "Proposed Reedie+ book group beginning in ..." ... Well (with my mother's encouragement too on Sunday) I think I'm going to drive west (to show WUaS's and my "serious interest further" - from asylum in Pittsburgh to the SF Bay Area departing around Tu 12/10/24 (after picking my mother up at the airport from seeing her first grandchild again in Portland Maine) and seek to get to Canyon 94516 by Saturday, December 14, 2024 so that we could hold the first Proposed Reedie+ book group beginning at around 4pm at 670A Ridgecrest Rd Canyon 94516 ... Robin, thanks again so much for your RSVP and am hoping I can still welcome you to 670A Ridgecrest Road,Canyon 94516 around 4pm on 12/24/24 or when you might get there. You are all welcome to this first "Proposed Reedie+ book group" and please RSVP further if you can ...
Again (from the June 27 2024 email in this thread) -
"Your book ideas or suggestions, and a month you might suggest reading it in ? ...
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