Sunday, February 28, 2021

Ansel Adams Wilderness: Symphony ~ What a career to bring together a season's program - +PLANNED CONDUCTED PLAYED FLAWLESSLY - years in advance :) * * Blog's DAILY writings are spur of the moment, often from emails that day these days * * Symphony_Orchestra_at_World_University_and_School wiki subject page with planned online symphony orchestras in many countries and languages!


Symphony ~ 


Andris Nelsons is conductor of Boston Symphony Orchestra, from Latvia - + their playing Beethoven and Iman Habibi this weekend ... What a career to bring together a season's program - +PLANNED CONDUCTED PLAYED FLAWLESSLY - years in advance :) 

Love, Scott

Blog's DAILY writings are spur of the moment, often from emails that day these days 

Choral Music !

Blog is not symphonic music but creative idea wise :)

Am not sure how symphonic music will develop in a realistic virtual earth for music yet - - but think it will :) ... The planets! :)



Here's the #RealisticVirtualEarthForMusic #HashTag - 

They're playing Beethoven and Iman Habibi ... and Debussy ... (old and new compositions, diverse too! since Habibi is Canadian-Iranian ...) this weekend

FEB 18  2021 THURSDAY, 12:00 PM
Music in Changing Times: The Spirit of Beethoven
Iman Habibi, Beethoven and Debussy
Boston Symphony Orchestra

Watch the video here
Available February 18 - March 20

Appears to be just about over ... if it started at 12 noon Eastern Time today ...

... interesting to see how this works in the Covid-19 pandemic time too for the BSO ... 

More about Habibi's Jeder Baum Spricht ... 

Love, Scott

Again, as I emailed you last night from the UU Church: 

"Am out on walk now 1.8 miles away before heading home, and it's almost dark with a beautiful orange band of light to the west over Marin :)

Am not sure whether I'll hike with Ed this weekend or next or when. 

HOPING, Ma, you have a good weekend! What are you planning? Do you have any music plans in particular? 

Sending love, Scott"

Hoping you have a good weekend, Ma! What are you up to? Sending love, Scott

- Scott MacLeod

How best to add such to 

so that also people could make music with ... even ... thanks to the internet ... and ... :)? 


Hi Ma, 

It's very nice to talk with you, and thanks for the 'check in' regarding our talks, - and also re my actual-virtual Harbin project, and checking in at the gate there regularly, and writing the big "Naked Harbin Ethnography" book esp. 

Hope you have a good weekend and talk with you soon.

Lesson went pretty well, and we'll carry on when Taylor is in Georgia, next time.

Sending love, Scott

- Scott MacLeod


Hi Ma, 

Glad to have heard back from Navin to me (and to Ed) just now, and regarding in some ways my living in a "safe house" here, and being safe from Canyon - 


8:27 PM (2 minutes ago)
to meEdward
Mr. Scott,

Thanks for your several emails.  We will definitely consider to  extend your lease for six months, or even one year. 

Presently, I need some rest.


Ma, thanks for suggesting asking Navin about this ... love you much!

Love, Scott

- Scott MacLeod



Nice to talk to you last night. You sounded busy :)


Glad I sent out the Agenda & News last night ... Stayed up a bit late ... But they're interesting ... And another step toward high quality free to students' universal education ...

Symphonies ... Would stay away from some of their narratives regarding morality I think ... But where to look toward and learn in these regards ? ... Glad perhaps too that laws are probably advancing in all 200 countries in a time of coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic ... And potentially to protect people too from viral MEMES (cultural replicating units - or culture or sub-cultures themselves ) ... Partly through isolation or self-quarantines ... As curious as this might be for organizing ethical behavior (re in case of emergency bio terrorism or warfare scenarios re morality too ...) ... It's amazing what horrible things people have done to each other historically, where ethical and moral systems haven't worked ... and could do to each other ... And perhaps we'll learn new forms of morality or ethics or even religion out of this covid-19 pandemic genetic time.

Will seek some presents for Ed today, ... ... ... as I continue to circulate too seeking a life partner 

Love, Scott

Some ethics in all of these ~ 

Could the 'love' word here - refer too to morality or ethics, as well as desire, and caring, among other meanings of 💕 love?

Golden rule? (George's thinking ... And which we talked about a bit ...)

UU and Quaker / non-theist Friends' good or great ethics too?

And then how to handle bad ethics and actions in life too ~ and re culture? Psychiatry ... Health organizations hopefully like KP for example ... Looking to other cultures and coming into conversation there (I learn from Germany in these regards, both mistakes and good thinking, societally and realistically too - they seem to further develop with a moral center that may have been absent in the USA in the last 4 years ...)

Or how to transform cultures with awful ethics into good cultures or even flourishing ones?  


good afternoon, Ma, 

What are you up to today, and this weekend? And how are you doing? 

Just checked mail in Canyon - got mailing from Kaiser that 

"From the doctor's office to your living room ...
We're here when you need care."

Good to know re health coverage ... And interesting re KP and telemedicine ... And even WUaS teaching hospitals ...

Heading out for possible gift seeking too for Ed's birthday ... And errands ...

Valle Vista Staging Area where I'm now is green and natural ... Nice

May take an hour walk after I get back ... But maybe here too now 

Any live online music for you this weekend? 

Love, Scott

California is cool in many ways - :)

Santa Cruz, California 2014 
Photos - Surfing in winter, check out the surfboards (to a new surfing section here - - - in @WorldUnivAndSch :)

However, this article furthers my covid-19 epidemic skepticism ...

People swimming in Ganges?: 
Coronavirus spread
India a mystery-the infection plummets: "Unexpected"
Feared millions dead - instead, everyday life has returned.
Hindus bathe in river Ganges during religious festival "Magh Mela" #IndiaWUaS @WorldUnivAndSch~ 


- Scott MacLeod


Sounds great about extending your lease.  Glad you can stay on.  Keep it simple.  No explanations necessary.   

Love, Ma


Hi Ma, 

Thanks so much for the heads' up and your information sharing. Glad you have some knowledge about this too. 

I'll seek to stay on here then. 

I have a recollection about some Bs from Pittsburgh - and particularly of a man with a big beard. (Could they even be Symphony friends there too of yours?). Here's a video - Student Voices: Amanda B - Do you know the Bs by any chance?

Love, Scott

- Scott MacLeod



Do you happen to know the Bs, Amanda's mother and father?, by any chance - and through Symphony, UUs, or similar? 


Amanda reminds me a little of Iona Lane's mouth (whom I know of through Twitter)

Iona Lane
New music coming soon! / Northern lass / Folk before blokes / Festival Team at
 / Ceilidh Caller in
Leedsionalane.comJoined June 2012

Iona (with Scots' name) is from the Lake District of England, and is producing her debut album, and I think is inspired by folk music too from the 1960s and 70s in becoming a songwriter and musician.

Iona seems pretty interested in traditional music, and is somehow traditional (out of the '60s somehow too) in a British sense 

... and is Amanda somehow old fashioned (and even in a George Alexander MD sense ... and John Alexander MD too ... where A is at Duke presently ... )?

This Yogi Sunny Chung reference here - ... - seems like it could be "George Alexander MD" language too ... and even regarding my having said (to George, for example) I came out 'sunny' somehow genetically or in my temperament in my earliest years and growing up ... and re my Yoga too?

Am not sure about ... :) What do you think? And re my life partner seeking and thinking? ... In writing ? :)

Hoping you have a great weekend ... And hi from the garden patio on a clear GG Bridge day ☺

Love, Scott

- Scott MacLeod


Scott MacLeod

Sat, Feb 20, 12:09 PM (8 days ago)
to Jane
I just saw that Audubon is near Philadelphia (and even re George's Audubon bird prints, that she's not from Pgh lessens the chance you might know the Bs :)

Love, Scott

(Networks are interesting and re seeking a partner, and learning how they work takes time ... And I teach a course on the Network Society and IT ... A bit different but there's some overlap :)


Hi Ma, 

As a Friend / friend, who values simplicity - and re your 'keep it simple' twice recently - management questions could be part of this focus,  ... and I learn a lot from him re even being a possible landlord. Thoughts, Ma? :) 

It's the travel aspect of heading to symphony - and to a lovely hall too - (or to Harbin or to Stanford) that's so nice, and yet not possible in SF Bay these days ... if one could 'pipe' lovely symphony into a laboratory in Canyon, would I head there for the music sans travel? Another way of asking Actual-Virtual Harbin project questions, Ma! :) Traveling is a key aspect of tourism ... and if one could walk on the Pacific Crest Trail in digital mask on a local trail around , or in laboratory in Canyon on step master,  or at home on an elliptical machine (treadmill), is this travel too? :)

Love, Scott


Hi Ma,

How are you? How is your Sunday going?

As I was driving over to the Moraga Farmer's Market near Canyon (since all 3 Berkeley Farmer's Markets are only open on Saturdays), Ed called. I was just driving down from Skyline Drive and about to get in the freeway, heading to look for more presents for him. As we finished talking - and almost in the tones of Moraga & Reed friend Byron's 'California' voice - I think he may have said "Buy Scott" or Bye Scott. Not sure what this might mean we're I to come into 670 Ridgecrest Canyon from the state of California, very speculatively. Ed had called me after sleeping very late and sounding well rested, buy not heading to Shoreline Park with his daughter Brianna at low tide to look at birds, since she was still sleeping. 

Am writing outside the Berkeley Horticultural Nursery where we'll meet in 10 minutes. Then we'll head to Claremont Canyon around Berkeley and not Marin for a hike. Love you, Ed :) ... Have gotten a number of presents for him this morning, in addition to a handsome gift card (for aquatic plants? For his fishpond) and ladybug stone - 2 kinds of Apricot jam (one with peppers), a cranberry current bread, 3 little cactus plants for his kids, some cookies from Italy, - and 2:further cookies from the nearby Hopkins St bakery, a freak out cookie and a chocolate basoniot (sp?) The latter as kinds of wee birthday cakes :)

Heading in to the nursery to meet now :) 

Sending love, Scott

- Scott MacLeod


Hi Ma,

Good to have hiked with Ed. How was your weekend?

We talked about many things, some obliquely. .... On this stellar but steep hike at first, I was, toward the end of it, reminded of the Toftrees' meeting of Dad, Aunt Mary and Uncle Bruce, and also wondering why it occurred with paper documentation of their family history. (When was this - late '90s?) And why did they meet for this? ... Had Dad even somehow - hi-jinx-wise - 'run' me for US president without my knowing it? :) ... As Ed and I were walking down toward end of hike, and I was recalling this possible Outrageous and crazy happening, I said "Fuck!" ... But it's long enough ago to not be that stressful these days at all ... And how to navigate this at the time? ... 'the future is ahead ...' (as George was wont to say droll-ly ... A "head" ... Thinking into the future re navigation ... 

Around this time with Ed, I also mentioned my relative lack of traveling since Dad's passing ... Dad facilitated great travel for me in so many ways, thanks to his free thinking - and his effectiveness at realizing ideas too, for his kids

+ ...

  ... And regarding too my past mutual loves, but also how I have thought it can be easier somehow in connecting for having kids if it's for more reasons than just (profound even) mutual love (between INDIVIDUALS, a focus of George's thinking too, & re agency) ... Which I've experienced but which didn't lead to having kids at the time (and which was some 3 decades ago) 
... And 2) 'golden' re California (a word George talked about re this state and perhaps in talking with friends of his here compared with east coast) ... And the gold rush? The golden color of the grasses in 8 months of summer (originally for grazing cattle in the 2nd half of 1800s and first half of 1900s as forests fell?) ... Or the people too? En masse ... Surfing their lives away in the endless 🌞 sun :) 

Good to visit with Ed to celebrate his birthday ... Am still circulating in seeking life partner ... Or what role Ed might be playing in all of this ... 

What are you up to this week, Ma? Talk with you soon:)

Love, Scott


Hi Ma, 

How are you? And how was your weekend?

Have you been able to explore other symphonies since one can choose to listen easily to many now - and for developing reasons even? Seems like seeing friends at the PSO these days physically is more complicated and difficult fornerly - although I bet you've seen some / many in video conferencing over the past nearly-full year. Why listen to symphony whether it be physically at the PSO - BESIDES THE GREAT MUSIC - or virtually to the PSO or other great orchestras (Apart from friends there too), I wonder?

I've listened to a little chamber music and some symphonic music in recent weeks and months, some Baroque and for its moving qualities in addition to its intellectually interesting qualities for example, - and re excellence of the music 🎶 in the way it's played (and in its composition:) in particular. How about you? I listen to relatively little radio like KQED but choose the pieces I'd like to listen to. On the one hand I don't hear new treats like I might on radio or in Symphony, but I am moved more than going to Symphony for new music that doesn't move me that much .... And yet I can be intellectually moved at Symphony with new music in a way that's different, say, with music I choose specifically to move me 😉 (This Vivaldi's 4 seasons is a good example - Four Seasons Vivaldi - 10 Hours - Relaxing Classical Music For Studying, Concentration And Sleeping 

Love, Scott 

Ma, just shared this with Ed, and kind of re 'hope' possibly in a way too :) 

Happy upcoming birthday, Ed, tomorrow ! Per our talk about DNA and the genetic engineering revolution and what I call my right ear 'eustachian tube dysfunction,' am wondering about this development (learned about from George Church) - what I think is DNA to muscle' research - which I mention in my Season's Greetings' letter - Seems like further breakthroughs could be expedited with covid-19 pandemic developments. - Scott ;)

- Scott MacLeod


Hi Ma,

Nice to talk. I walked on to the UU Church from where I called you with a little view of sunset and GG Bridge. Glad you're hearing PSO related symphony chamber music occasionally.

(Two big meetings these past few days for me too - Sats' WUaS MBM, Mons' WUaS News and Q&A - and an additional interesting related Harvard 2 hour panel yesterday, the 'University as an Ethnographic Question'

Hoping you have a great day, Ma :)

Love, Scott


Hi Ma,

These headlines are only getting funnier (I found these humorous - some pics too) ...

(Great funny text translation)
Corona policy error series
The vote of confidence


Politicians have resigned for less than the many mistakes in corona policy. But right now everyone is protecting each other. 

Federal plan: Vaccinated persons should be released into the wild in doses
The pressure to relax is increasing - not least because of the vaccination: if the vaccine protects against infection, massive restrictions on basic rights for vaccinated people are hardly sustainable: This is the conclusion drawn by the federal lawyers.

Love, Scott


Hi Ma, 

How are you? And how is your week going? 

Am just about to record as an experiment, and for learning purposes, "The Desperate Battle of the Birds" Piobaireachd, on Scottish Small Pipes, and in preparation also for a lesson at 3:45 today with Ian :) I haven't explored recording much Piobaireachd, but may aim for another even next album in these regards :)

Sorry to hear of Laurent's passing ... and will be thinking about him as I play. 



Hi Ma, 

Just recorded the whole Piobaireachd piece, "The Desperate Battle of the Birds," - and am listening to it now (it's a 12:46 minute recording made in the Audacity App or program) - and I'm ok with (I like them well enough) the piece's Urlar or Ground (the first movement with motif), and the first variations (as a I make way forward with Piobaireachd) ... but as I recall while playing, the penultimate ...

Taorluath variation 

Taorluath a Mach variation

Crunluath variation

Crunluath a Mach variation 

- particularly these 'a Mach' variations, I don't quite have them 'down' yet ... and we worked on these 2 weeks ago (and I have a good recording to learn from too). 

And I'll wait to hear what Ian says in the lesson too!

It's really good to make a recording for learning's sake (at this stage for me) ... because one or I hear(s) the music in very different ways - from 'outside' ... making it possible to learn a piece in new ways... :)

May play these movements a bit further before the lesson too!

Great to be playing so early in the day in some ways! :) ... thanks in part the setting of the goal of recording (to chart development - and regarding: "Guidelines for practicing a musical instrument" - )

Will you be listening to any symphony this weekend? Do you listen to much symphonic music during the course of the week as well (actively - with focused consciousness :) - and passively, ie re the radio)?

Love, Scott

- Scott MacLeod


Hi Ma, 

It could be really interesting to travel to all 137 International Youth Hostels in Japan - - part of Hostelling International. ... 137 nights or 4 months of travel? I wonder if this could be possible visa-wise ... And whether I'd also avoid some youth hostels there near Fukushima for example ...  :)

Have only been to Japan on Semester at Sea, in 1999, and to the south island ... might be a good focus ... :)

Could be interesting while on such a trip to Japan to go to many symphonies and other musical performances too there :)

Love, Scott



Interesting to see Freedom House's ranking of countries regarding their freedom -

I heard about them again this morning from Rebecca MacKinnon and her Ranking Digital Rights' project - regarding individuals' rights for privacy from companies ... Some questions, messages and a Tweet about this below ... 

Love, Scott

How best could @rankingrights further best cultivate cultures of change in companies you rank @jessdheere @MarinaMadale @nabihasyed @MLTellado @rmack? Engage #SociallyResponsibleMutualFunds' ranking & activism processes too (@WorldUnivAndSch - @WUaSPress)


Thanks for this great conversation! How best could @rankingrights further best cultivate cultures of change in companies you rank @jessdheere @MarinaMadale @nabihasyed @MLTellado @rmack? Engage #SociallyResponsibleMutualFunds' ranking & activism processes too (@WorldUnivAndSch - @WUaSPress) - Regards, Scott MacLeod (

(and in all ~200 countries and in their official and main languages as well?)

- Scott MacLeod



Saturday, February 27, 2021

Mount Darwin (California): MIT's Manduhai Buyandelger - "Elections, Virtual Reality, and Climate Change: What Can Anthropology of Mongolia Offer?" . . .'In your virtual reality thinking and what you spoke about, would you envision a virtual Mongolia as nation state, with individual virtual land plots with ownership possibilities even in-world (think Google Street View with time slider for iterative realism, with Second Life with avatar bots, group build-ability, and land ownership, but realistic not cartoon-esque)?'

MIT - "Elections, Virtual Reality, and Climate Change: What Can Anthropology of Mongolia Offer?" ~ MIT Professor Manduhai Buyandelger


Dear Professor Buyandelger (and Kate, since you were mentioned, and are on the faculty of IU),

Thank you for your excellent talk and Q&A as well. 

In addition to my question below, how might you envision alternative realistic virtual earth(s) emerging in something like Google Street View with Time Slider (and for tele-robotic surgery at the cellular and molecular levels too for all 200 countries, re one definition of 'medical realism' in 'VIRTUAL REALITY' for example)? 

"Thank you for your excellent presentation on Mongolia “Elections, Virtual Reality, and Climate Change: What Can Anthropology of Mongolia Offer?”. In your virtual reality thinking and what you spoke about, would you envision a virtual Mongolia as nation state, with individual virtual land plots with ownership possibilities even in-world (think Google Street View with time slider for iterative realism, with Second Life with avatar bots, group build-ability, and land ownership, but realistic not cartoon-esque)? Thanks, Scott MacLeod ("

And from Linked In -

Thanks for your great talk, Professor Buyandelger! I'll email you further about alternative virtual reality questions, incl. virtual @HarbinBook. Best, Scott ( & Mongolia WUaS

In developing CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare-centric wiki World Univ & Sch, am interested in facilitating the creation of Mongolia World Univ & Sch in Mongolian languages (which will emerge from here - and and check out the main wiki subjects' page - - for its academic wiki subjects, with their MIT OCW to get a sense how WUaS works, as we partnering with edX presently as well), and for free-to-students' online Bachelor, PhD, Law, MD and IB high School degrees as well (and in the other Eurasian countries you study, Kate, as well). How might we best communicate further about this as well? 

I will look out for a recording of your excellent talk if it becomes available. Thank you again so much!

Sincerely, Scott
My actual-virtual field site is Harbin Hot Springs in northern California, and you can access the Harbin gatehouse here, and 'walk' 4 miles down the road to Middletown, CA, from one of the bottom most images I think ~ (see the time slider function, brainstorming-wise, here or other Google Street Views) ~ accessible from - ~ ~ and regarding too a realistic virtual Mongolia planning too, some beginnings of which are here -!4m2!3m1!1s0x3627050669aa6d4b:0xe0dd213937e6e096?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwibw6vWgovvAhULLK0KHQ-6AG8Q8gEwLHoECDwQAQ . 



Greetings to Heather Paxson if you're in communication with her. 

Thank you again!

World Univ and Sch Twitter -  
Languages - World Univ -  
WUaS Press -  
Scott MacLeod -
“Naked Harbin Ethnography” book (in Academic Press at WUaS) -    
OpenBand (Berkeley) -

* * * 

Friday, March 5, 2021

Hi Manduhai (Kathy and Marianne), 

Thanks again for your excellent talk on Mongolia last week (and per my email to you which I'm posting again below). I blogged about this here -

This popped up in Twitter today, so I'm following up in writing to you again - - having added a Minute to the World University and School Monthly Business Meeting Minutes for 2/20/21 - - about an emergent Mongolia World Univ & Sch planned in Mongolian online ( and for free-to-students' MIT OCW-centric degrees (Bachelor, PhD, Law, MD, Law, and IB) from World Univ & Sch.  I didn't send you the Minutes last Monday, but will add you to the World Univ & Sch mailings (until you say unsubscribe) - and especially since WUaS is planning major online Universities in all of the countries you study anthropologically - and in their official / main languages, as well as wiki schools for open teaching and learning in all the living languages in your countries, as field sites, too. WUaS is currently partnering with edX (founded by MIT and Harvard) and seeking both online Bachelor and PhD degree applicants beginning this autumn, in English - and from Mongolia for example! 

With a particular interest in virtual reality and anthropology ie in seeking to create a realistic virtual earth for everything, and a realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs, and as an anthropologist, I'm interested in developing Actual-Virtual ethnographic field sites as both classrooms and STEM field sites (and regarding my actual-virtual ethnographic field site of Harbin Hot Springs in northern California - 

As #Anthropologist seeking to create #ActualVirtual #RealisticVirtualHarbin think #GoogleStreetView + #TextintheSidebar w #TensorFlow for #PokemonGo #WUaSgaming too via #EthnoWikiVirtualWorldGraphy < #RealisticVirtualEarthForPublishing >  Writing abt #MachineLearning from within

I'm including below also some related Tweets. 

And how we might best otherwise communicate about some of this further?

All the best, Scott
- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
1) non-profit World University and School - -
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation - - 

CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki WUaS is planned in all ~200 countries and in their official languages for free-to-students' Bachelor, PhD, Law, MD and IB high school degrees, accessible from here in due course - - ... for example (and see, too, the MIT OCW on some of the academic wiki subjects here -

MIT talk re #VR in #Mongolia #WUaSwiki Univ: for #WUaSFreeToStudents best STEM CC-4 OCW degrees "Elections, #VirtualReality, & #ClimateChange: What Can #Anthropology of #Mongolia Offer?" MIT's Buyandelger


WUaS as free to students' 

 MIT talk re #VR in Mongolia #WUaSMongolia Univ: for #WUaSFreeToStudents best STEM CC-4 OCW degrees "Elections, #VirtualReality, & #ClimateChange: What Can #Anthropology of #Mongolia Offer?" MIT's Buyandelger

February 27, 2021 - 

Dear Professor Buyandelger (and Kate, since you were mentioned, and are on the faculty of IU),

Thank you for your excellent talk and Q&A as well. 
In addition to my question below, how might you envision alternative realistic virtual earth(s) emerging in something like Google Street View with Time Slider (and for telerobotic surgery at the cellular and molecular levels too for all 200 countries, re one definition of 'medical realism' in 'VIRTUAL REALITY' for example)? 

"Thank you for your excellent presentation on Mongolia “Elections, Virtual Reality, and Climate Change: What Can Anthropology of Mongolia Offer?”. In your virtual reality thinking and what you spoke about, would you envision a virtual Mongolia as nation state, with individual virtual land plots with ownership possibilities even in-world (think Google Street View with time slider for iterative realism, with Second Life with avatar bots, group build-ability, and land ownership, but realistic not cartoon-esque)? Thanks, Scott MacLeod ("

And from Linked In -

Thanks for your great talk, Professor Buyandelger! I'll email you further about alternative virtual reality questions, incl. virtual @HarbinBook. Best, Scott ( & Mongolia WUaS

In developing CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare-centric wiki World Univ & Sch, am interested in facilitating the creation of Mongolia World Univ & Sch in Mongolian languages (which will emerge from here - and and check out the main wiki subjects' page - - for its academic wiki subjects, with their MIT OCW to get a sense how WUaS works, as we partnering with edX presently as well), and for free-to-students' online Bachelor, PhD, Law, MD and IB high School degrees as well (and in the other Eurasian countries you study, Kate, as well). How might we best communicate further about this as well? 

I will look out for a recording of your excellent talk if it becomes available. Thank you again so much!

Sincerely, Scott
My actual-virtual field site is Harbin Hot Springs in northern California, and you can access the Harbin gatehouse here, and 'walk' 4 miles down the road to Middletown, CA, from one of the bottom most images I think ~ (see the time slider function, brainstorming-wise, here or other Google Street Views) ~ accessible from - ~ ~ and regarding too a realistic virtual Mongolia planning too, some beginnings of which are here -!4m2!3m1!1s0x3627050669aa6d4b:0xe0dd213937e6e096?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwibw6vWgovvAhULLK0KHQ-6AG8Q8gEwLHoECDwQAQ . 



Greetings to Heather Paxson if you're in communication with her. 

Thank you again!



- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

