Monday, February 28, 2022

Indus river dolphin: Video recording of open WUaS News and Q&A 2/28/22, 10 am Pacific Time * Dear Universitians, Seems like talking between Russia and Ukraine in Belarus! has begun ....


Video recording of open WUaS News and Q&A 2/28/22, 10 am Pacific Time

* * 

open WUaS News and Q&A begins soon at 10 am Pacific Time here -

Dear Universitians, 

Seems like talking between Russia and Ukraine in Belarus! has begun ....

(& open WUaS News and Q&A begins in about 1 hour and 1/4 at 10 am Pacific Time here -

So, has  ... 
'Has 'Mutually Assured Destruction - MAD' (nuclear) been defused through talk? Re #PeaceMovement
Talks between Ukraine and Russia have started
Heavy fighting for Kharkiv and Chernihiv 
By T Schrörs, L Hemicker,

(and see further 'social theory' questions about this here ...
 ... and below)

And thanks to Larry Viehland for doing the WUaS Corporation taxes with me on Friday, - and WUaS sent payment in for these (on Friday) ... WUaS is making progress as a California legal entity online free university and school ... 

WUaS News and Q A in 1 and 1/4 hours, and  

Thanks to Mwende for your thoughts about the 'ceaseless wars' in Africa - 

"Thank you for your reply Mr Scott.

With regard to (World Univ & Sch: 'Ukraine and Russia' ... and China, and for WUaS Physical-Digital Lego Robotics' stores there too! * How best could WUaS begin to quantify the quality & numbers of scientific papers coming out of #Ukraine & #Russia in 2021 and grow these in 2023 regarding scientists there, with #Democracy?).
I think our focus should be more on Africa as Africa needs this more than any other country will ever need. There are ceaseless wars in different parts of Africa all the time so if our solutions work in Africa, it is very much likely to work elsewhere. This is due to the following reasons:
1. Africa has less infrastructure.
2. She will welcome any proposal provided it will have a positive impact.
3. The people will more likely key in once they see results.

I am grateful to WUaS for this wonderful initiative. More grease to our elbows.

Best Regards. Mwende"
(which I shared here too 

GREAT THAT YOU'RE FURTHER COMING INTO CONVERSATION re WORLD UNIV & SCH regarding peaceful development of Cameroon as well.

Peace-wise, and re Friendly~Quaker-informed World Univ & Sch too, one of the unsettling aspects of the Russia Ukraine conflict is that Russia is a nuclear power, and not in NATO either ... and that authoritarianism (of a despot like Putin) can be so difficult for peaceful democracies to respond to, when a dictator declares war.  

The: World Univ & Sch (WUaS) open News and Q&A M 2/28/22 10am Pacific Time
Time: Feb 28, 2022 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 773 7247 6358
Passcode: R52B7t

Wiki World Univ & Sch is seeking Bachelor and PhD students en masse to begin in May 2022 for free-to-students' online CC-4 MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch degrees ... .

Thanks too to Narjeet Kaur for her email from India, more about which you'll find here - 

MAD #RussiaUkraine (#MutualAssuredDestruction re nuclear) staged on internet to #Abolish #illegalSexIndustryWorldWide w #AI IT - to protect people, esp slavery of women & kids? Not #MAD in #Modernity or #PostModernity re #Internetity #SocialTheory paper ~ 

WUaS News and Q&A 2/28/22 meets in 5 minutes, with Zoom video conference link here - - at 10am Pacific. It's open and a conversation opportunity. Video recording, if short, will be posted in same blog post. 

Seeking Bachelor (for free degrees) and PhD students May '22


Sunday, February 27, 2022

Bishop Pine (Pinus muricata): Thank you for your email, Narjeet. for your email from India ~ Is this course something for your India students to aim to learn ~ ? * * * California Earthquake Trail at PT Reyes National Seashore video - * * * News' accessibility is impressive thanks to Google Translate - #GoogleStreetView with #TimeSlider for #CitizenJournalism in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForJournalism? Is this a relevant ex. "Building a ‘Google Street View’ for cancer" - Add #GSV Pics/Vids now? * and & Publish & connect 360 photos with the Street View app ? * * * How can #PeaceMovement help?

Thank you for your email, Narjeet, for your email from India ~ Is this course something for your India students to aim to learn ~ . . .

Thank you for your email, Narjeet, -Glad one Work @WorldUnivAndSch student is learning to code with block Scratch programming language projects with 'CS First with Google at World Univ and Sch' course - - Something for your India students to aim to learn?

GEGPuneMH Re: Feedback link for the the session on 'Implementing 100 Days Reading Campaign with Flipgrid'

Dr. Narjeet Kaur GEG Punjab and Amritsar Unsubscribe

Sun, Feb 27, 8:44 PM (10 hours ago)
to BinitaGEGgeg-ahmedabadgeg-ghaziabadgegsuratgeg-lucknowGEGPuneMH
Brilliant idea ma'am...though I was thinking of something on those lines. Thanks so much!

On Mon, Feb 28, 2022, 10:12 AM Binita Sarkar <> wrote:
It would be nice if we could award a happiness certificate on womens day to all the women in our groups for all that we have gone through in this pandemic to give them a pat on their back its a special way to motivate them to excel and continue their good work. Keep up the excellent work that you are doing mam truly praiseworthy.

With warm regards

Binita Sarkar

On Sun, 27 Feb 2022, 16:27 Dr. Narjeet Kaur GEG Punjab and Amritsar, <> wrote:
Thanks all for joining the session on  'Implementing 100 Days Reading Campaign with Flipgrid'

🎧Watch/Re-Watch the session on

💡Feedback Link for Certificate

📣 *Please fill GEG Punjab and Amritsar membership form if you haven't still, for all the updates!

🔔Subscribe to the channel to get all the updates

📔Connect With GEG Punjab and GEG Amritsar

Dr. Narjeet Kaur
Administrator, GHPS, Kalkaji, New Delhi
Google Certified Educator
Google Certified Trainer
Google Certified Innovator

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GEG Ahmedabad" group.
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* * * 

California Earthquake Trail at PT Reyes National Seashore video - Great, just walked it. In 1906 Pacific plate moved 16 ft north relative to N. American plate. 20 million yrs ago Pt Reyes next to now LA, - in 10 mill years by Oregon? #RealisticVirtualEarth?

* * * 

News' accessibility is impressive thanks to Google Translate - #GoogleStreetView with #TimeSlider for #CitizenJournalism in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForJournalism? Is this a relevant ex. "Building a ‘Google Street View’ for cancer" - Add #GSV Pics/Vids now?

& Publish & connect 360 photos with the Street View app ? News' accessibility is good thnx to #GTranslate - #GoogleStreetView with #TimeSlider for #CitizenJournalism in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForJournalism? Add #GSV Pics/Vids now?


Heading off toward Pt Reyes for nearby hiking explorations, Ed (if you decide at the very last minute to head up there too:) let me know and we can rendezvous!) U-turn in Europe re past principles? Might the US even possibly be seeing refugees here ? Unsettling events! The news' accessibility is impressive thanks to Google Translate, Google Street View with time slider for citizen journalism, 2 related  Tweets
Hope you have a good day! Not sure what's up with potentially 2 'unsafe houses' ... am staying tuned ... asylum in Europe doesn't seem sensible at this point, Ed! Fondly, Scott


- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School -  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -

(m) 412 478 0116 - 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - 

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

Some newspaper articles I saved regarding Russia & Ukraine war ... 

(How can the peace movement help?)

Berlin: More than 100,000 participants in the peace demo 
The rally was held under the motto "Stop the war. Peace for Ukraine and all of Europe!". There were also demonstrations in Frankfurt am Main and in Hamburg.

Ukraine agrees to negotiate with Russia without preconditions at Belarus border 

Nationwide protests - more than 100,000 participants in the demonstration in Berlin

Suddenly in the shadow of nuclear missiles

In U-Turn, Germany Will Send Weapons to Ukraine
By Bojan Pancevski

(Pic - Yoga pose ...)
In Kyiv
Full curfew in Kyiv: - It is difficult mentally

[Breaking news] Ukrainian President "The next 24 hours is a crucial moment" Discussions with the British Prime Minister

* * 

Thank you, my wonderful mother, for talking and your thoughts.

May head to the ocean and north or south for a hike and nature, rather than Sacramento and a city!

Not sure what is happening with unsafe houses ... Am staying tuned regarding Ed and friends 😊

Sending you love, Scott 

Hoping you have a great day and hiking today, Ma!

Love, Scott

Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School -  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -

(m) 412 478 0116 - 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - 


Scott MacLeod

7:32 PM (1 hour ago)
to Jane

Did you have a good day, Ma? Pt Reyes' Estera (Estuary) trail was pretty stellar :) 

What do you think about this and the year 2030 and its achievability regarding Coronavirus meme pandemic non-epidemic non-SARS self-quarantine recent vaccine genetic engineering and revolution drug therapies emerging? 

I'm wondering if I'll possibly come into a house-let in Canyon tomorrow, after further legal systems' processes, and if Ed and CA Gov Gavin communicate with one another and others - thus possibly solving an old problem, t.w. and separating this potential criminal from Canyon, for California and federal government and perhaps some other countries internationally. And be able to give notice esp ... 

Am a bit knackered after a 7.5 miles hike out and back on the Estera Estuary trail in Pt Reyes... 

How was your weekend?

Love, Scott

* * *  

How can #PeaceMovement help?
Berlin: More than 100,000 participants in peace demo: "Stop the war. Peace for Ukraine & all Europe!" in Frankfurt & Hamburg too
Ukraine agrees to negotiate w Russia w/o preconditions at Belarus border 




Saturday, February 26, 2022

Krakatoa volcano, Indonesia: "100th Waltz Party on Saturday February 26 at 7PM Pacific with two highly talented Bay Area favorites, Patti Cobb and Carolyn McCaskey" * About a new emerging Bagpiping (Scottish Small Pipes) 'Rock Piobaireachd Blues' Laments' genre, in this blog post, and more blog posts too - * * * 'volkswagen electric camping vans ... sleeps 4' ? ~ #WUaSfacultyHomes? * #WUaSpsychiatry too? * * * * Is Russia getting new #AIinfrastructure from the West "People in Russia are reporting the first problems with withdrawing money" Could it include a new currency for buying like #StanfordMinePi & via even #UBIexperiments #WUaSUBIexperiments @WUaSPress ? * California State Capitol in Sacramento, 9 yrs ago today, nearby Davis, CA, Food Co-op - (opportunity to become a legal owner of this cooperative), Santa Cruz Public library (near Pacific ocean), CA law is still working w US federal law, Good institutions! * * * Next main informant after #Sunheart #NakedHarbinEthnography @HarbinBook?


100th Waltz Party on Saturday February 26 at 7PM Pacific with two highly talented Bay Area favorites, Patti Cobb and Carolyn McCaskey 

View this email in your browser
Help us celebrate our 100th Waltz Party on Saturday February 26 at 7PM Pacific with two highly talented Bay Area favorites, Patti Cobb and Carolyn McCaskey.

Patti Cobb earned her music degree while singing with the UC Berkeley Collegium Musicum, the SF Chamber Singers, and playing Renaissance side drum for dance at Faires. She also sings and plays keyboards in rock and blues bands. Immersing herself in Scottish dance as a teen, Patti broadened out into playing for English, Scottish and contra dance, and is the pianist for StringFire!, The Humuhumunukunukuapua'a & Strathspey Society Band, and The Odd Sundays English Garage Band (OSEGB). She has released three CDs with StringFire!, one with rock band Slanted House, and has been a featured guest on CDs by various other artists. She has gained recognition for her original tunes (one published in the recent Barnes III collection) and will soon be releasing a duo CD with fiddler James MacQueen.

A native daughter of the genre-bending West Coast music scene, Caroline McCaskey is equally at home in the regional traditional, improvising, and classical music worlds. In high demand as a teacher and performer throughout North America and author of the AltStrings Fiddle Method, she holds degrees in music composition and performance, as well as Suzuki teaching certification in violin and cello. Caroline is the 2019 U.S. National Scottish Fiddle Champion and a two-time International Musical Saw Champion. A lifelong learner, Caroline is currently pursuing a degree in vocal jazz at American River College. (You read that right: she excels at Musical Saw. Will she play it for us? Zoom in to find out!)

For PayPal or Venmo:
Send checks to: Patti Cobb / 621 Athol Ave. / Oakland, CA, 94610

Hosted by the North Bay Country Dance Society

More Zoom Options:
Meeting ID: 969 2145 9033
Passcode: 453579
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,96921459033#,,,,*453579# US (San Jose)
+13462487799,,96921459033#,,,,*453579# US (Houston)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 (San Jose), +1 346 248 7799 (Houston), +1 253 215 8782 (Tacoma), +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC), +1 312 626 6799 (Chicago), +1 646 558 8656 New York)
Meeting ID: 969 2145 9033 / Passcode: 453579
Although the NBCDS Epicenter weekend won’t be happening this year, we’ll still be…
A weekend of dancing sponsored by the North Bay Country Dance Society in collaboration with SF Bay Area Contra
* SATURDAY, 11am to 10pm, a day-long dance in Mill Valley at the Strawberry Recreation Center
🎵 THE STRINGRAYS (Rodney Miller, Max Newman, and Stuart Kenney)
🎵 STRINGFIRE (Patti Cobb, Erik Ievins, Caroline McCaskey)                       
🎤 Callers – WILL MENTOR & SUSAN PETRICK (gender neutral calling)
 * SUNDAY, 1:30 to 5:30pm, a special afternoon dance in Hayward at the Veterans’ Memorial Building
Featuring: 🎵 THE STRINGRAYS and 🎤 calling by SUSAN PETRICK
For Saturday’s event: COVID vaccination w/booster, as well as masks required. Attendance will be limited to reduce crowding. Fees fully refunded if event is cancelled. Details and registration at:
Sunday’s dance is organized separately. Full vaccination and masks required. Details and registration at:


Patti, All 

Is this the UC Berkeley Alum Chrissy Howell who had begun a job with the US Forest Service around 2013, I think, & with whom I went to dinner at a Thai restaurant in downtown Berkeley, thanks to you ... - ? And some time after I paid for our dinner, I think, you returned $20 dollars onto my sheet music stand at Open Band? Hi Chrissy! :)

And does your concert with Caroline McCaskey on Zoom begin in about 5 hours, at 7pm PT on Sat., 2/26/22, here - 

About a new emerging 'Rock Piobaireachd Blues' Laments' genre, in this blog post, and more blog posts too - 

PS I can't quite figure out how to further jam with the Allman Bros '73 at Cow Palace 
 - (around Bo Diddley, around 2 hours 30 minutes, and related tunes, in Scottish Small Pipes' chanters' keys)- playing Rock Piobaireachd Blues' Laments - with those 8 or so PIobaireachd pieces I shared with you - thoughts, suggestions, questions, ideas? Would Caroline have some good ideas? :)

* * *

'volkswagen electric camping vans ... sleeps 4' ? ~ #WUaSfacultyHomes?

Searched: {'The People's Wagon'} on  'volkswagen electric camping vans ... sleeps 4' Found &
"VW has unveiled its Caddy California camper van with a bed and kitchen"


VW's #IDBuzz electric camping van - what a name! Good for #Abolition of #illegalSexIndustryWorldWide in all 200 countries with AI IT - to protect people? "VW Very Obliquely Confirms the ID. Buzz Will Be Offered as a Camper" @WUaSPress - #WUaSfacultyHomes ~


VW's #IDBuzz electric camping van - what a name! Good for #Abolition of #illegalSexIndustryWorldWide in all 200 countries with AI IT - to protect people? "VW Very Obliquely Confirms the ID. Buzz Will Be Offered as a Camper" - @WUaSPress - #WUaSpsychiatry ~

* * * 

Is Russia (Ukraine too) getting new #AIinfrastructure from the West "People in Russia are reporting the first problems with withdrawing money" 
Could it include a new currency for buying like #StanfordMinePi & via even #UBIexperiments #WUaSUBIexperiments @WUaSPress ?

California State Capitol in Sacramento, 9 yrs ago today, nearby Davis, CA, Food Co-op - (opportunity to become a legal owner of this cooperative), Santa Cruz Public library (near Pacific ocean), CA law is still working w US federal law, Good institutions!


