Tuscarora Mountain Trail, Pennsylvania?
Hi David,
Would you like to meet Tym and me on Saturday for a ~14 mile hike? We're thinking about:
Tuscarora Mountain Trail
And we would meet near McConnellsburg or Mercersburg PA, and bring a car to the end of the trail too. (It's the first long hike for us, but quite flat too - if you're up for it, it would be great if we could all hike together!) GMaps address to come.
Texting this morning -
Are you game to hike this Sat on Tuscarora Mountain? Are you up for 13 miles? That's long but it's fairly flat once we get on the ridge which is most of the hike.
We could meet on Rt 16 just west of the town of Mercersburg, PA
Tuscarora Mountain on Saturday sounds great. With great! new hiking boots - without a R lift (for shorter right leg) - am not sure about hip tweaking and 13 miles ... (an electric mountain bike, which I don't have and don't seek, could be great for 13 miles! ... but a super-light electric 18 speed touring bike that could go on some mountain trails ... and with a battery that would last would be even greater :)
Right now Sat is sunny but very cold. High of 26!
Looks to be about 2 3/4 hours at this time of day ... (probably wouldn't invite David or my mother with so long a first hike together) ... is this the 14 mile hike you're talking about near McConnellsburg -
https://www.alltrails.com/trail/us/pennsylvania/tuscarora-mountain-trail - or a different one? A long hike (avoiding tweaking L hip) could be great ... let's go for it! Potentially a great adventure
Yes that's the one. We could meet at the northern end, leave a car there, and drive south and hike north. It's between Mercersburg on the east side and McConnellsburg on the west
Sounds like a plan ... specific rendezvous address for GMaps, when you find it or determine it, possibly please?
Will look around. Shall we ask David to join, making sure he's up for a longer hike? There's not a lot of elevation gain here it's mostly endurance!
Would be great ... will do!

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Some recent Aging Reversal and Longevity realistic virtual earth for genetics' brainstorming Tweets -
single organism to live 250 million years ?
Can I become a 25 year old 220 million years from now, moving from a 30 year old 180 million years ago?
@geochurch @davidsunkong #syntheticbiologists, Thinking very long term, after doubling a mouse's life to 48 months, human lives to 244 years, how to genetically engineer a single organism to live 250 million years >
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Longevity & in #
RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics ?
Map shows the world in about 250 million years. Looks like cargo needs to travel the expensive land route rather than the cheap sea route then... Source:
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WhatsApp GEG Punjab Amritsar
GEG India ... A different idea of Google Street View with time slider Maps Earth TensorFlowAI as research tools ... @geochurch @davidsunkong #syntheticbiologists, Thinking very long term, after doubling a mouse's life to 48 months, human lives to 244 years, how to genetically engineer a single organism to live 250 million years >
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Longevity & in #
RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics ?
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
Hey Scott,
Thanks so much for the invite. That looks like a beautiful stretch. I have skied at Whitetail and thought that area looked like a mini Vermont. It appears this trail is on the backside of Whitetail. Alas, things are heating up at Sidwell, and I have an early afternoon session on Saturday, so I don't think the timing will work for this adventure. It's a nuisance, but I still need to accommodate my clients at this point (make hay while the sun shines, and all that...).
Enjoy for me!
Hi David,
Alas for this hike ... maybe the next one. Will let Tym know about this one.
Coincidentally, just retweeted this about Sidwell Friends and Robotics ...
... and potentially World Univ & Sch's free MIT OCW-centric Bachelor degrees on an emerging Google-WUaS platform. Please let your alma mater Sidwell Friends' know about World Univ & Sch just having received state of PA Department of Education licensing authorization -
https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/03/green-darner-dragonfly.html - which in an in-tandem process will allow WUaS to accredit with Middle States Commission on Higher Education, with offices in Philadelphia.
Will keep my eyes open for Whitetail on the Tuscarora trail with Tym! Thanks too for the heads' up!
... just Tweeted this about WUaS, Sidwell Friends and Robotics ...
Friends: #WUaSRobotics w @WorldUnivAndSch's free MIT OCW-centric online Bachelor degrees on emerging #GoogleWUaS platform? #DavidLThurston please let your #AlmaMaterSidwellFriends' know that #WUaS just received state of #PADeptOfEd licensing authorization
Retweeting ...
... and potentially re World Univ & Sch's free MIT OCW-centric Bachelor degrees on an emerging Google-WUaS platform. Please let your alma mater Sidwell Friends' know about World Univ & Sch just having received state of PA Department of Education licensing authorization -
https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/03/green-darner-dragonfly.html - which in an in-tandem process will allow WUaS to accredit with Middle States Commission on Higher Education, with offices in Philadelphia.
Hike with you soon with Tym I hope, David!
Regards, abolitionally, cheers, Scott
DAVID what kind of session is it at Sidwell on Saturday ... A 'Threshing Session' in the manner of Friends?
Some Friendly Quaker process in this paragraph too (possibly related to your session?) -
"and am also wondering, as a conscientious objector how we might labor (to use a Quaker phrase) ..." in a curious situation I'm navigating here as a Friend ...
Cheers, Scott
What Quaker values might this Sidwell Robotics' Tweet refer to I wonder - SPICES? ... with C for community? - and could (Quaker I think) Robin Appleberry (whose son Tate doesn't go to Sidwell) have written this Tweet -
Retweeting ...
Sidwell Friends
(or "inclusion, teamwork, and positivity)"?
Good to see Quaker values connected with STEM robotics at Sidwell.
Created a few further related Tweets below with you in them.
What do you think?
And what do you mean by Sidwell Friends being your client?
JUST found this Cuttyhunk blog post in searching on 'Sarah DiMare Atwood' -
A hike with Tym soon along the C&O canal - re a realistic virtual earth for history esp (AND see PPS re posdibly bringing the C&O alive historically with a #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory).
Best wishes, Scott
Friends: #WUaSRobotics w @WorldUnivAndSch's free MIT OCW-centric online Bachelor degrees on emerging #GoogleWUaS platform? #DavidLThurston please let your #AlmaMaterSidwellFriends' know that #WUaS just received state of #PADeptOfEd licensing authorization
Retweeting ...
Sidwell Friends
CarnegieMuseumForNaturalHistory #DiplodocusCarnegii https://photos.app.goo.gl/HdE9f6YFC7Y7V2kFA How can @WorldUnivAndSch bring#MuseumsAlive in #RealisticVirtualEarthFor #WUaSMuseums ALL EVER, #WUaSHistory 3.5B yrs #WUaSEvolutionaryBiology Build #Metaverse #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider #wuAsVR?
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Friends: #WUaSRobotics w @WorldUnivAndSch's free MIT OCW-centric online Bachelor degrees on emerging #GoogleWUaS platform? #DavidLThurston please let your #AlmaMaterSidwellFriends' know that #WUaS just received state of #PADeptOfEd licensing authorization
Retweeting ...
Sidwell Friends
* *
In a related vein
To my mother - Ma (Jane)
(recent text messaging)
@geochurch @davidsunkong #syntheticbiologists, Thinking very long term, after doubling a mouse's life to 48 months, human lives to 244 years, how to genetically engineer a single organism to live 250 million years >
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Longevity & in #
RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics ?
Ma, emailed Holly at Theisens AND Comfort Zone, after calling CZ, and will follow tomorrow ... JUST texted Tym re reaching Ken ... "Thanks for suggesting yesterday getting in touch with Ken, just called and we talked briefly ... Call back after this time next week: "I can't think" he said... A possible reference I wonder to George Alexander MD being a philosopher's MD psychiatrist even re the Univ of Pittsburgh Philosophy department (with a good reputation in philosophy) ... Could Lacanian psychoanalytic MD psychiatrist George have seen a lot of Pitt philosophy dept people? A Harvard Phil Prof is giving a talk at Pitt Philosophy this Friday at 3 ... Christine Korsgardd ??? ... but am not sure if Pitt itself is a security risk ... Hmmm ... SEE you Saturday!

Scott" Love, Scott
Happy January 31st, Ma! Thanks for your invitation to talk with Ken ... I will learn more further next Monday after I call him again ... Thanks for this birthday gift ... Maybe talking with Ken will lead somehow to meeting a life partner and to beginning a family, since it hasn't happened in these 5 months since September 2022 and my asylum journey from CA to PA ... Am hiking with Tym on Saturday but not David as maybe you read ... Could beginning of growth for WUaS occur in some kind of close collaboration with the US state department ... and out of these our hikes too ? Sidwell Friends is David Thurston's client I learned last night (and alma mater) ... Could fellow Wesleyan alumnus Tym Lenderking have helped David Thurston get a job in a sense at Sidwell Friends school as a client? And what did David mean by things are heating up at Sidwell and he will attend a session there this Saturday afternoon? (See the following email).

Here's David's email ... "Hey Scott,
Thanks so much for the invite. That looks like a beautiful stretch. I have skied at Whitetail and thought that area looked like a mini Vermont. It appears this trail is on the backside of Whitetail. Alas, things are heating up at Sidwell, and I have an early afternoon session on Saturday, so I don't think the timing will work for this adventure. It's a nuisance, but I still need to accommodate my clients at this point (make hay while the sun shines, and all that...).
Enjoy for me!
Hide quoted text
Hi David,
Would you like to meet Tym and me on Saturday for a ~14 mile hike? We're thinking about:
Tuscarora Mountain Trail ..."
After I passed on David's regrets about not hiking with us on Saturday ... Tym wrote "Ok we will soldier on!" ... and I replied: "Looking forward to seeing and getting in the "walking flow zone" on a 14 mile trek! Sometimes I've wondered whether you are doing a kind of soldier (a general?? in the state dept?) like reconnaissance in these forests along the C&0 in case of extreme worst situations unfolding in DC ... As a fFriend re Peace Testimony too am thinking how in developing Work World Univ & Sch in all 200 countries it could be good to collaborate very closely with the State Department even from within whatever that could entail .... David wrote that things are heating up at Sidwell his alma mater, and client???, and they're having a session on Saturday afternoon (would that be a Friendly threshing session? ... Not sure ... about somehow illegal sex industry even ??? related to SF Quaker Meeting possible issues? ) ... A 'Tate' container of cookies appeared on the table here today - and housemate Stephon is a great symbolizer (in a security apparatus himself to pay the bills?) - and Cuttyhunk friend, daughter of Hilly Baldwin (great to see them both this past August as I left Cuttyhunk) Quaker and lawyer Robin Appleberry's son is named Tate ... and formerly in Waxman's office, she may be involved in Quaker Sidwell Friends' questions that David is alluding to ... Whitetail on the Tuscarora per David, and could David find a life partner out of the Sidwell Friends' wider community ... Who knows? ... Hope he can come hiking with us one of these times ! Looking forward to seeing you soon! (More About this on the trail :). Peace, Hugs & Happiness, Scott"
Am missing Dad a little (but appreciate that or wonder if he may have been doing bad things in his last decade or 2, too), Ma ... Snow shoveling sounds outside, 24F cold too, Sending love, Scott
Hi Ma, am continuing to play Piobaireachd every night before bed. ... And add them to my 1022 album ... Corrienessan's Salute presently
https://scottmacleodpiobaireachdscottishsmallpipesbagpiping.bandcamp.com/ ... How are you and how was your day? Am also focusing on my next book, and just shared this with Tym too - Time to make progress writing my next book "Society, Info Tech and the Global University" ...emerging from
http://worlduniversityandschool.org/InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv.html ... in the Main Carnegie Library (on non stinky chairs in this grand library) and get out the WUaS 1/21/23 Minutes too ... What are you up to? How are we doing at hacking MikoRobot to become personal tutors in Arabic ?:) ... Lunch soon or similar, Ma?

, Love, Scott
Seeking to begin exploring Scottish Small Pipe Piobaireachd jamming too with the Allman Bros in 1973 ... an innovative interesting project :)
Carnegie museums were closed today, - interesting to sit upstairs in the grand Carnegie library in the main space at the top of the 2nd floor stairs today and both write & create blog post -
http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/03/double-wattled-cassowary.html?m=0 - as well as watch Pittsburghers in all their library variety, socially ... the public or Pittsburgh society in one sense - If a little bundled up in winter clothes and not interacting really ... in a curiously, as I think about it, kind of closed or shut down asocial Pittsburgh.

, Love, Scott
* * *
#CarnegieMuseumForNaturalHistory #DiplodocusCarnegii https://photos.app.goo.gl/HdE9f6YFC7Y7V2kFA How can @WorldUnivAndSch bring#MuseumsAlive in #RealisticVirtualEarthFor #WUaSMuseums ALL EVER, #WUaSHistory 3.5B yrs #WUaSEvolutionaryBiology Build #Metaverse #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider #wuAsVR?
Here in #
CarnegieMuseumForNaturalHistory #DiplodocusCarnegii Wishing whole museum can #ComeAlive - in a #RealisticVirtualEarthFor #WUaSMuseums ALL EVER, #WUaSHistory 3.5B yrs #WUaSEvolutionaryBiology How can
@WorldUnivAndSch #WUaSMetaverse help w #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider?
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How could
@WorldUnivAndSch code #Miko3 to become a tutor & do what
#AlmaMaterSidwellFriends' tutor #DavidLThurston does, -in #Yemen in #Arabic esp @LenderkingTim? Could David help w planning for coding #Miko3Robot to become a great tutor or teacher to individuals? #WUaSRobotics ~
How could
@WorldUnivAndSch code #Miko3 to become a tutor & do what
#AlmaMaterSidwellFriends' tutor #DavidLThurston does, -in #Yemen in #Arabic esp @LenderkingTim? Could David help w planning for coding #Miko3Robot to become a great tutor or teacher to individuals? #WUaSRobotics ~
1st grade gettin As in everything but struggles in math. Got a feeling that's gonna change! #Moneywellspent #Miko3
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- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
Double wattled Cassowary