#PghPA World University & School #Meetup Group? Presentation: "#MITOCW-centric, wiki @WorldUnivAndSch as #LLMs & AI ML with #GoogleBard" Come learn about free open WorldUniversityAndSchool.org, which is growing with #LargeLanguageModels Bard AI - Re M 5/8/23 https://www.meetup.com/pmlgroup/events/292740411/ ?
@agomez314 #PghPA @WorldUnivAndSch #PghPAMeetup Group? Presentation: "#MITOCW-centric, wiki WUaS as #LargeLanguageModels & ML w #GoogleBard" @
WorldUniversityAndSchool.org growing w #LargeLanguageModels #BardAI re 5/8/23 #ML #MeetUp
#PghPA World University & School #Meetup Group? Presentation:
"#MITOCW-centric, wiki @WorldUnivAndSch as #LLMs & AI ML with #GoogleBard"
Re M 5/8/23
Pittsburgh World University & School Meetup Group? Presentation
MIT OCW-centric, wiki World University & School & AI ML with Google Bard
Come learn about free open WorldUniversityAndSchool.org,
which is growing with Google Bard AI & ML, & which is wiki for open teaching and learning - where you can wiki-teach - and seeks to offer free online accrediting degree courses emerging from CC4 licensed OCW.MIT.EDU & eg CC4 "CS First with Google at WUaS" free Scratch programming course, - https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1649911850337746946 - IN THIS OPEN MeetUp CONVERSATION
Monday, May 8
April 28 Friday
how does Google Bard use machine learning?
The chatbot uses the Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA) developed by Google and machine learning technology to analyze large text datasets and predicts the word that comes next to the other one, which provides the skills for the AI to produce more human responses, similar to GPT-4.Apr 20, 2023
* * *
WUaS United States Postal Service communications (as a federal US agency too) and Change-of-Address Updates regarding moving back into a newly safe Canyon CA 94516
Dear Larry, Sid, Alden, All,
Greetings. How are you? Thanks for this email last week saying that 1 USPS verification of C-o-A letter had come to 1401 N. Negley avenue Pgh PA 15221. None came to another address I had sent in another USPS Change of Address card for here at 210 East End avenue Pgh PA 15221. (And 2 further USPS CoA verification letters are missing too - so 4 in total). I had 2 extended calls with the USPS's Priscilla in Tennessee re further Change of Address cards WUaS will send in, and see email below.
May I please pick up the 1 USPS CoA confirmation letter from your place tomorrow in the morning?
After these 2 C-o-A WUaS calls with the federal United States postal service's Priscilla and mentioning to her my being in asylum from CA in PA and about the 3 WUaS legal entities -
1 federal 501 c 3 non profit tax exempt public charity legal entity World Univ & Sch
2 the non profit state of CA legal entity for World Univ & Sch
3 the for profit state of CA legal entity for WUaS Corporation
... all with this forwarding FROM address -
World University and School (WUaS)
Scott GK MacLeod (WUaS)
86 Ridgecrest Road 670A PO Box 442
Canyon CA 94516
for profit in CA WUaSCorp
I received a -
- renewal email (first time in a long time) from the state of California's Franchise Tax Board (FTB) :
The password for User Name sgkmacWUaSCorp will expire in 30 days.
To change your password, login and follow the steps below for your account type.
Full-access Individual, Business Representative, and Tax Professional accounts:
- Select Profile in the top navigation bar. Important: Business representatives and tax professionals must select their profile, not their business or client profiles.
- Select Manage Login & Password.
- Select Change password.
- Enter your new password and save your changes.
CalFile-only account:- Select Change my password, email address, security questions or user name.
- Select Change password.
- Enter your new password and save your changes.
To change your password now, login to your account.Federal regulations require periodic changes to Passwords used to access federal tax information. We receive tax information from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and must follow their security requirements.
which I'll change soon. The for profit in CA WUaSCorp has paid via this FTB web site $21.04 in taxes I think last year.
Am not sure where the state of CA Franchise Tax Board is with a 'sgkmacWorldUnivAndSch' login of similar ... since they cashed a paper tax check for $65 last summer from the nonprofit legal entity in CA World Univ & Sch.
World Univ & Sch accreditation and licensure -
No word back from Middle States Commission on Higher Education and re WUaS PA licensing too (since MSCHE may be facilitating, further, state of Pennsylvania licensure - and even regarding PA licensing for PA law enforcement to protect students in PA licensed schools somehow) ... but this somehow may be germane -
"President Heather F. Perfetti submitted a letter on behalf of the @mscheorg in response to the request for information by the @usedgov regarding higher education rulemaking."
... and I wonder if it's time for WUaS to explore again state of CA BPPE licensing and WASC senior accreditation.
PERHAPS World Univ and Sch can begin to get funding from the federal government re the above MSCHE-USEDGOV communication.
I have also, Larry, successfully removed you from the federal WUaS Guidestar.org web site after some years of trying, and am seeking to now newly forward some WUaS mail to
(Alden Briscoe)
322 W. Bellevue Avenue
San Mateo, CA 94402-1104
and some to 210 East End avenue Pgh PA 15222 until my lease is up in this asylum place on 7/31/23 and until I move back into a newly safe Canyon 94516 on F 9/1/23.
Sincerely, abolitionally, Friendly greetings, Scott
World Univ & Sch and the United States Postal Service as federal agency organization -
Thank you, Priscilla, USPS's COAHelp/phj,
COAHelp@usps.gov, Roland Vogl (Stanford Law CodeX), Ed Smyth MD (Chief Medical Officer of World Univ & Sch), and all,
Thank you, Priscilla ( COAHelp/PHJ at the USPS in Tennessee, and for our talking with this USPS telephone number twice just now at 901 681 4694) so much for calling me, as the President and CEO of World Univ & Sch/WUaS - and for our conversation. And thank you for saying that some of the following card confirmation codes C-o-A confirmation codes are ACTIVE, but that there are discrepancies with the photos I emailed you around 4/10/23 in this thread (and see pictures below).
Thanks also, again, for saying that the information in the USPS database for these cards may have been entered erroneously it seems (regarding the confirmation code numbers ending in -3471 and -3472 with their discrepancies in your database at the USPS with the numbers on the pictures of the USPS forwarding cards I'm reattaching again in the links below). So I am emailing you with pictures of each of the following 4 Postal Forwarding Requests for World Univ & Sch I've sent in recently on 4/10/23 - and to put this in writing for all 4 WUaS and my confirmation codes and for clarities' sake, and thanks to our talking. Again this is a complicated WUaS USPS as a federal agency C-o-A situation ... and regarding the initial 4 USPS confirmation codes that WUaS received.
Next I will send in 4 new paper USPS C-o-A update cards to the Tennessee address on the cards, to further develop a helpful paper trail with the USPS for WUaS. Thank you for your call and the opportunity to talk with you twice! I will seek to put in 4 new paper cards in the near future in the mail for the paper trail, especially.
Extend please all of these confirmation numbers for C-o-A for WUaS:
World University and School (WUaS)
86 Ridgecrest Road 670A PO Box 442
Canyon CA 94516
Scott GK MacLeod (WUaS)
86 Ridgecrest Road 670A PO Box 442
Canyon CA 94516
World University and School (WUaS)
86 Ridgecrest Road 670A PO Box 442
Canyon CA 94516
Scott GK MacLeod (WUaS)
86 Ridgecrest Road 670A PO Box 442
Canyon CA 94516
Pictures of ALL four WUaS and my USPS C-o-A forwarding CARDS TOGETHER from 4/10/23 are here -
I will update the TO addresses with the next USPS paper C-o-A forwarding cards I send in (and with the USPS Tennessee address printed on them) ... and for some of them potentially with the address of
(Alden Briscoe)
322 W. Bellevue Avenue
San Mateo, CA 94402-1104
- who is the interim? Chair of the WUaS Board and for -3472 and -3473.
And I hope both I Scott GK MacLeod at 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221 and Alden Briscoe at 322 W. Bellevue Avenue San Mateo, CA 94402-1104 will receive further new confirmation letters.
So glad to have talked with. you on the telephone ... and hope WUaS can make the upcoming C-o-A changes further clear via this email, and via 4 new USPS paper C-o-A cards - and as a US federal agency.
Clarifications or questions - 412 478 0116 or 415 480 4577.
Thank you, abolition-ally, best wishes, Scott
WUaS confirmation codes that were generated in 2022 -
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
WUaS Guidestar.org as federal IRS agency-related organization -
Dear Melanie at the Candid support team of Guidestar (in Williamsburg, Virginia), Erinn Andrews (at Stanford, formerly with Guidestar), Alden Briscoe (new interim? Chair of the WUaS Board), Ed Smyth MD (Chief Medical Officer at MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch), Peter Norvig (who may be navigating parallel issues at Google/Alphabet), All,
Greetings, and I hope this email finds you well. (What is Guidestar's relationship with the IRS please?)
Thanks you for your email from Candid Support of Guidestar just now (after my sending 2 emails to Guidestar's Candid, and receiving 2 Candid Guidestar receipts for these inquiries on Sunday April 23rd and Monday, 24, 2023), and in seeking for some years to be able to change the MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch Guidestar information, and remove Larry Viehland from it.
WUaS has received 2 confirmations from Guidestar about this at this email address - one for changing the WUaS Silver level designation, and one for changing the Gold level designation. Perhaps now WUaS can begin to receive tax exempt donations - and since our IRS ruling year of 2014, having become a federal 501 c 3 nonprofit (or similar) in 2010.
Thank you for making me manager again (and what please did you mean by 'manger', Melanie, below?) - and how is it please also that I was removed from being manager?
I and World Univ & Sch will continue to update this Guidestar listing now as a consequence of having become the WUaS Guidestar web site manager, and having removed Larry Viehland from this - and added Alden Briscoe.
Thank you, abolition-ally, best wishes, Scott
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO, Professor, & Presiding Clerk (loosely in the manner of un-programmed Quakers)
* *
Ma - and friends - events around 4 corrupt? univ pitt med ctr upmc 'resolve crisis' visits
Dear Ed Smyth MD, Lydia Pintscher, John Sargent MD, Nick Thompson, esq., (and stephon owens, indirectly), Sid Mazumdar (HHS), all,
Speculatively and inquiringly, and in calling for abolition of illegal sex and drug industries internationally, and their latent networks of violence,
Am wondering if trumpet player and in very strangely cutting off communication stephon owens and in cahoots with craven psychopath? evicted Lebanese f. khayat could be part of a cmu plan to 'wage war' on symphony orchestras, for example, and on universities and university students too, eg in these 'cultural' educational organizations, around the world, and in Europe and to potentially enslave people in profit making tragic deeply unethical harming industries. I'd be deeply concerned if stephon owens was becoming an US ' National Guard' in the US International Guards as a kind of soldier in new tragic forms of colonialism (slavery and the illegal sex industry) for example.
It's this email from the Berlin Philharmonic
and these subheadings -
Europakonzert from Barcelona with Kirill Petrenko
New: A Beethoven evening with the National Youth Orchestra of Germany
that lead me to these inquiries.
And if the 4 corrupt? univ pitt med ctr illegal entries into this 210 East End avenue Pgh PA 15221 ... could have somehow ended my whistleblowing and call for abolition, (but which possible initial livestream cameras in kitchen may have captured the possible "murderous run through" by f khayat of me - construe-able as attempted murder ? even - but instead led to f.k.'s 'eviction' (and is he in upmc Harmarville mental hospital, or is he back in French speaking Switzerland seeing illegal prostitutes?)) ... in what ways could the corrupt? univ pitt med ctr in 3 US states - PA, MD, and WV - be involved in the illegal sex industries (tragically with babies even?) and drug industries ... and also in cahoots with univs' pitt and cmu and duquesne and chatham etc.. ?
And how could stephon owens not become further criminally involved in the illegal sex industry internationally and even as an international guard? If he was abused as a kid, is he seeing a MD psychiatrist re preventing his abusing others, and internationally as a posdible musician and guard? - if this could be one reason he's cut off all communication with me ?
Am continuing to seek to learn from my father's UPitt Professor Gordon K MacLeod MD who got a first subdural hematoma on UPitt managed Semester at Sea on 12/30/04 - and potentially due to univ pitt's relationship with international organized crime.
How to end classical music's relation with organized crime in so many countries ... and if stephon owens is becoming further a potential criminal in organized crime internationally?
(In a related vein, and in talking on the phone twice yesterday with the federal United States Post Office's Priscilla in Tennessee re 4 change of address update cards for WUaS, she did mention the name "Owens" in passing - possibly saying "Virginia Owens" or similar. ... and could she have been referring to stephon owens too ... and again did stephon owens steal the 1 or 2 US PS confirmation CoA letters for WUaS that were sent to 210 East End avenue Pgh PA 15221? ... and see email to Priscilla at USPS below for context)
Abolish organized crime (knock it back substantially) and their latent networks of violence (including a corrupt? univ pitt med ctr's 'resolve crisis,' thanks, Scott
Dear Larry, Sid, Alden, All,
Greetings. How are you? Thanks for this email last week saying that 1 USPS verification of C-o-A letter had come to 1401 N. Negley avenue Pgh PA 15221. None came to another address I had sent in another USPS Change of Address card for here at 210 East End avenue Pgh PA 15221. (And 2 further USPS CoA verification letters are missing too - so 4 in total). I had 2 extended calls with the USPS's Priscilla in Tennessee re further Change of Address cards WUaS will send in, and see email below.
May I please pick up the 1 USPS CoA confirmation letter from your place tomorrow in the morning?
After these 2 C-o-A WUaS calls with the federal United States postal service's Priscilla and mentioning to her my being in asylum from CA in PA and about the 3 WUaS legal entities -
1 federal 501 c 3 non profit tax exempt public charity legal entity World Univ & Sch
2 the non profit state of CA legal entity for World Univ & Sch
3 the for profit state of CA legal entity for WUaS Corporation
... all with this forwarding FROM address -
World University and School (WUaS)
Scott GK MacLeod (WUaS)
86 Ridgecrest Road 670A PO Box 442
Canyon CA 94516
for profit in CA WUaSCorp
I received a -
- renewal email (first time in a long time) from the state of California's Franchise Tax Board (FTB) :
The password for User Name sgkmacWUaSCorp will expire in 30 days.
To change your password, login and follow the steps below for your account type.
Full-access Individual, Business Representative, and Tax Professional accounts:
- Select Profile in the top navigation bar. Important: Business representatives and tax professionals must select their profile, not their business or client profiles.
- Select Manage Login & Password.
- Select Change password.
- Enter your new password and save your changes.
CalFile-only account:- Select Change my password, email address, security questions or user name.
- Select Change password.
- Enter your new password and save your changes.
To change your password now, login to your account.Federal regulations require periodic changes to Passwords used to access federal tax information. We receive tax information from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and must follow their security requirements.
which I'll change soon. The for profit in CA WUaSCorp has paid via this FTB web site $21.04 in taxes I think last year.
Am not sure where the state of CA Franchise Tax Board is with a 'sgkmacWorldUnivAndSch' login of similar ... since they cashed a paper tax check for $65 last summer from the nonprofit legal entity in CA World Univ & Sch.
World Univ & Sch accreditation and licensure -
No word back from Middle States Commission on Higher Education and re WUaS PA licensing too (since MSCHE may be facilitating, further, state of Pennsylvania licensure - and even regarding PA licensing for PA law enforcement to protect students in PA licensed schools somehow) ... but this somehow may be germane -
"President Heather F. Perfetti submitted a letter on behalf of the @mscheorg in response to the request for information by the @usedgov regarding higher education rulemaking."
... and I wonder if it's time for WUaS to explore again state of CA BPPE licensing and WASC senior accreditation.
PERHAPS World Univ and Sch can begin to get funding from the federal government re the above MSCHE-USEDGOV communication.
I have also, Larry, successfully removed you from the federal WUaS Guidestar.org web site after some years of trying, and am seeking to now newly forward some WUaS mail to
(Alden Briscoe)
322 W. Bellevue Avenue
San Mateo, CA 94402-1104
and some to 210 East End avenue Pgh PA 15222 until my lease is up in this asylum place on 7/31/23 and until I move back into a newly safe Canyon 94516 on F 9/1/23.
Sincerely, abolitionally, Friendly greetings, Scott
World Univ & Sch and the United States Postal Service as federal agency organization -
Thank you, Priscilla, USPS's COAHelp/phj,
COAHelp@usps.gov, Roland Vogl (Stanford Law CodeX), Ed Smyth MD (Chief Medical Officer of World Univ & Sch), and all,
Thank you, Priscilla ( COAHelp/PHJ at the USPS in Tennessee, and for our talking with this USPS telephone number twice just now at 901 681 4694) so much for calling me, as the President and CEO of World Univ & Sch/WUaS - and for our conversation. And thank you for saying that some of the following card confirmation codes C-o-A confirmation codes are ACTIVE, but that there are discrepancies with the photos I emailed you around 4/10/23 in this thread (and see pictures below).
Thanks also, again, for saying that the information in the USPS database for these cards may have been entered erroneously it seems (regarding the confirmation code numbers ending in -3471 and -3472 with their discrepancies in your database at the USPS with the numbers on the pictures of the USPS forwarding cards I'm reattaching again in the links below). So I am emailing you with pictures of each of the following 4 Postal Forwarding Requests for World Univ & Sch I've sent in recently on 4/10/23 - and to put this in writing for all 4 WUaS and my confirmation codes and for clarities' sake, and thanks to our talking. Again this is a complicated WUaS USPS as a federal agency C-o-A situation ... and regarding the initial 4 USPS confirmation codes that WUaS received.
Next I will send in 4 new paper USPS C-o-A update cards to the Tennessee address on the cards, to further develop a helpful paper trail with the USPS for WUaS. Thank you for your call and the opportunity to talk with you twice! I will seek to put in 4 new paper cards in the near future in the mail for the paper trail, especially.
Extend please all of these confirmation numbers for C-o-A for WUaS:
World University and School (WUaS)
86 Ridgecrest Road 670A PO Box 442
Canyon CA 94516
Scott GK MacLeod (WUaS)
86 Ridgecrest Road 670A PO Box 442
Canyon CA 94516
World University and School (WUaS)
86 Ridgecrest Road 670A PO Box 442
Canyon CA 94516
Scott GK MacLeod (WUaS)
86 Ridgecrest Road 670A PO Box 442
Canyon CA 94516
Pictures of ALL four WUaS and my USPS C-o-A forwarding CARDS TOGETHER from 4/10/23 are here -
I will update the TO addresses with the next USPS paper C-o-A forwarding cards I send in (and with the USPS Tennessee address printed on them) ... and for some of them potentially with the address of
(Alden Briscoe)
322 W. Bellevue Avenue
San Mateo, CA 94402-1104
- who is the interim? Chair of the WUaS Board and for -3472 and -3473.
And I hope both I Scott GK MacLeod at 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221 and Alden Briscoe at 322 W. Bellevue Avenue San Mateo, CA 94402-1104 will receive further new confirmation letters.
So glad to have talked with. you on the telephone ... and hope WUaS can make the upcoming C-o-A changes further clear via this email, and via 4 new USPS paper C-o-A cards - and as a US federal agency.
Clarifications or questions - 412 478 0116 or 415 480 4577.
Thank you, abolitionally, best wishes, Scott
WUaS confirmation codes that were generated in 2022 -
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
WUaS Guidestar.org as federal IRS agency-related organization -
* *
Dear Nick Thompson esq. (Harvard and UCLA law alumnus), John Sargent MD, Ed Smyth MD, All,
It would seem that the state of California via the CA Franchise Tax Board, and the US federal government, are in communication with each other, and regarding legal processes, and possibly their beginning to work effectively together. Robert Morgan in the CA FTB is the FTB account executive contact for the WUaS Corporation and we've talked on the phone once or twice in 2022, and regarding the sgkmacWUaSCorp and related ogin for the CA FTB.
So, when I logged in to try to change my CA FTB password, I couldn't ... and I also saw that PO Box 442 Canyon CA 94516 is still my and World Univ & Sch's address in California. Logged in I took the opportunity anew to communicate further with Robert Morgan newly in writing in the FTB's internal email form -
"General Assistance
Robert Morgan
Dear Robert,
Greetings and how are you?
I just received a CA FTB email to change this sgkmacWUaSCorp's password, and possibly per - "Federal regulations require periodic changes to Passwords used to access federal tax information. We receive tax information from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and must follow their security requirement" - but the instructions in the FTB email don't facilitate my changing the password, and I can't seem to change the password inside MYFTB. What to do please? If no action is required, it's good to be able to communicate with you in writing here and now. Thank you, Scott GK MacLeod (
So it seems like the FTB in California were doing what federal law required in asking for a password change ... but that this California-wise too ... may be extraneous.
I think the CA Franchise Tax Board may be further getting its "act together," as both CA legal entities of WUaS "get their acts together" - all regarding the logic of databases, and related administration - (and even perhaps as the A) Silicon Valley Long-term stock exchange, and B) Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency get their acts together with the state of California's FTB)
What this means abolition-ally and regarding state of California law, and US federal law, and the CA FTB (and possibly the state of Pennsylvania too) ... is probably unfolding ... and regarding WUaS's call for abolition and to protect people, potentially all 7.9 billion people on the planet each a Wikidata PIN # and in all ~200 countries from here -
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University .
Stay tuned, as hopefully the corrupt? univ pitt med ctr resolve crisis group begins to observe both state of PA and federal law - and as possibly univ of pgh and it med ctr gets out of organized crime, and in WUaS seeking to abolish the illegal sex and drug industries internationally, and their latent networks of violence.
Land in California for WUaS may be emerging out of all of this too ... and even regarding a newly safe Canyon 94516 and the CA FTB.
Thanks, getting WUaS's act together too :), abolitionally, best wishes,
Some of today's email communications in today's daily blog post -
I am sending you 1Ï€! Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 35 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link
https://minepi.com/sgkmac and use my username (sgkmac) as your invitation code.
Possibly for molecules (and cell science too), in a realistic virtual earth for genetics -
For purchasing molecules, & cells too, with #StanfordMinePi #WUaSCryptocurrency
https://minepi.com/sgkmac in #3D #Ndimensional #
RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics? In 4/25/23 #StanfordDrugDiscoverySymposium2023 I learned there are 2 million molecules' simulations but in #2D at #LLNL~
... all with implications too for the United States Postal Service and federal and state laws, and in WUaS seeking to facilitate even Randomized Clinical Trials for potentially millions of 'green' molecules, with possibly Packets through the Mail ...
Retweeting -
Picture of FDA drug packet put into USPS PO Box from Rob Califf
The FDA is requiring manufacturers of opioid analgesics dispensed in outpatient settings to make prepaid mail-back envelopes available to outpatient pharmacies & other dispensers as an additional opioid analgesic disposal option for patients.
Learn more: