Monday, July 31, 2023

Catharanthus roseus (IOT - National Flower of British Indian Ocean Territory): No M 7/31/23 @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress #WUaSNewsAndQA > FREE #MITOCW -centric #WUaSUnivs' degrees - (moving out of #AsylumPlace in #PghPA today) Next one meets online on M 7/7/23 at 10am ET> or #WikiTeach: ~ * * * MIT Technology Review Insights - Plan for MIT Tech Review and WUaS Corp making available a possible Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency for most of all 7.9 billion people on the planet each a WikidatA PIN # - ? * * * With top geneticists talking about a focused plan for #ExtremeLongevity (eons for individuals?) what about educational systems, & subcultures, teaching Democracy in all ~200 #WUaScountries & in main /Languages #NOW @WorldUnivAndSch? * * * Humanoid robots could be economically viable in factory settings between 2025-2028, in consumer applications between 2030&2035? or or w @WorldUnivAndSch graduates?

No M 7/31/23 @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress #WUaSNewsAndQA > FREE #MITOCW -centric #WUaSUnivs' degrees
- (moving out of #AsylumPlace in #PghPA today) Next one meets online on M 7/7/23 at 10am ET> or #WikiTeach: ~

* * * 

MIT Technology Review Insights - Plan for MIT Tech Review and WUaS Corp making available a possible Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency for most of all 7.9 billion people on the planet each a WikidatA PIN # - ?

MIT Technology Review
Hi Scott GK,

MIT Technology Review Insights is curious about your enterprise's plans for modernizing the supply chain 🔗 Have any interesting views, comments or experiences? Your opinions and insights are valuable and will be used in upcoming research. We appreciate your time and consideration for this quick poll.

If you’ve already contributed, thank you for your time and for sharing your knowledge. If you haven’t yet taken part, it’s not too late! Take the survey now.

Do you have suggestions for future surveys? Please reach out to us at We’re always open to hearing your new ideas and feedback.

Thank you,
MIT Technology Review Insights

Plan for potential survey respondents regarding supply chain questions in all ~200 countries and in their main languages with CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS)  here - and  - and even with WUaS Corp making available a possible Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency for most of all 7.9 billion people on the planet each a WikidatA PIN # - ?

All the best,

I am sending you 1π! Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 47 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link and use my username (sgkmac) as your invitation code.

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor

- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516

CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 

1) non-profit World University and School -  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -

(m) 412 478 0116 - 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - 

* * * 

With top geneticists talking about a focused plan for #ExtremeLongevity (eons for individuals?) what about educational systems, & subcultures, teaching Democracy in all ~200 #WUaScountries & in main /Languages #NOW @WorldUnivAndSch?

With top geneticists talking about a focused plan for #ExtremeLongevity (eons for individuals?) what about educational systems, & subcultures, teaching Democracy in all ~200 #WUaScountries & in main /Languages #NOW @WorldUnivAndSch?

* * * 

Estimates for ubiquitous humanoid robots in USA?  2028 ? Humanoid robots could be economically viable in factory settings between 2025-2028, in consumer applications between 2030&2035? or or w @WorldUnivAndSch

Estimates for ubiquitous humanoid robots in USA by 2028? Humanoid robots could be economically viable in factory settings between 2025-2028, in consumer applications between 2030&2035? or or w @WorldUnivAndSch



Estimates for ubiquitous humanoid robots in USA by 2028? Humanoid robots could be econ. viable in factory settings btwn 2025-2028, in consumer applications btwn 2030&2035? or or w @WorldUnivAndSch graduates?

estimates for ubiquitous humanoid robots in usa? 2023-2028?

or humanoid robots could be economically viable in factory settings between 2025 to 2028, and in consumer applications between 2030 and 2035?

Or Ubiquity grows as WUaS graduates students in 


Sunday, July 30, 2023

Ipê-Amarelo, Handroanthus albus (BR - National flower of Brazil): Re #WUaSpharmaceuticals #RealisticVirtualEarthForPharmaceuticals #WUaSGenericDrugs and the FDA? - * * * Potentially regarding #WUaSVaccines, #WUaSPharmaceuticals & #WUaSPharma & a Pfizer plant re #AgingReversal #GeneticDrugTherapies' production facility and the FDA ? * * * Realistic Virtual Earth For Genetics in 1 Realistic virtual earth help with securing DNA? * * * Stradivarius of Scottish small pipes' creation & making exploration

Re #WUaSpharmaceuticals #RealisticVirtualEarthForPharmaceuticals #WUaSGenericDrugs and the FDA? - 

Re #WUaSpharmaceuticals 
#RealisticVirtualEarthForPharmaceuticals #WUaSGenericDrugs and the FDA? -  #WUaSVaccines too & #WUaSPharma & eg planning for #AgingReversal #GeneticDrugTherapies in 200 countries - Update from commissioner @DrCaliff_FDA ~

Retweeting - 

It would also help if contracts for generic drugs included a commitment to building a significant reserve to support responses to supply disruptions as we are currently pre-empting over 200 threatened shortages a year.

Potentially regarding #WUaSVaccines, #WUaSPharmaceuticals & #WUaSPharma & a Pfizer plant re #AgingReversal #GeneticDrugTherapies' production facility and the FDA ?

Potentially regarding #WUaSVaccines, #WUaSPharmaceuticals & #WUaSPharma & "North Carolina tornado that damaged Pfizer plant" & eg planning for #AgingReversal #GeneticDrugTherapies in 200 countries - - here's an update from FDA commissioner Rob Califf MD

Retweeting -
We remain committed to partnering across government, academia, and industry to strengthen and diversify the supply chain and ensure Americans continue to have access to drugs that are high quality, safe and effective.

* * 

Confabulation - a storming of a Pfizer plant for way too early #AgingReversal #GeneticDrugTherapies' production facility 

Confabulation - a storming of Pfizer plant for way too early #AgingReversal #GeneticDrugTherapies' production facility, giving heads up to #USGovernment & even federal governments in ~200 Countries? How could #WUaSpharmaceuticals help in 200 countries - ?

Retweeting - 

FDA is aware of the storm damage at Pfizer’s NC plant & is grateful employees there are unharmed. I spoke w/ Pfizer’s CEO this afternoon to understand the extent of the damage & any potential impact to the drug supply & to offer our support. We’re following the situation closely.

North Carolina tornado that damaged Pfizer plant and shut down I-95 was an EF-3, NWS says 


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is working closely with Pfizer to assess the impact of the damage at Pfizer’s Rocky Mount, North Carolina, facility.

Redundancy of manufacturing locations, which can include domestic locations, and of suppliers is important to mitigate risks to supply that can occur from natural disasters, geopolitical conflicts, or other less predictable events.

We remain committed to partnering across government, academia, and industry to strengthen and diversify the supply chain and ensure Americans continue to have access to drugs that are high quality, safe and effective.

* * * 

Realistic Virtual Earth For Genetics in 1 Realistic virtual earth help with securing DNA?

How could a #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenomics in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth help #securingDNA & re eg w #PhysicalDigital #GOOGLESTREETVIEW #GoogleCellView #GoogleMoleculeView w #TimeSliders & pot. w #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords?



Excellent initiative. Thank you.  Keep at it.

It’s time to close the gene synthesis loophole that could lead to a human-made pandemic
Congress is grappling with the security concerns of the DNA synthesis revolution.

Secure DNA
Safeguarding DNA synthesis
A free, cryptographically secure, and verifiably up-to-date system to screen all DNA synthesis for potential hazards 

Genomic data processing reference architecture

* * * 

LargeLanguageModelsForBiology - Why is DNA A language?

Ewan, & also
"Why is DNA A language?
DNA acts as the alphabet, coding for amino acids in codons. These codons act as words to make proteins. These proteins act as sentences, & merge..." in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics?

In chat with pic 


Retweeting - 

Rather than "large language models" can't we move to "crazy big transducer models" or perhaps, more soberly, "large dilated transducer models". The "language" label is increasingly less relevant in many fields... (in particular in biology!)


Why is DNA A language?

DNA acts as the alphabet, coding for amino acids in codons. These codons act as words to make proteins. These proteins act as sentences, and merge together to make larger structures. Nov 15, 2019

Rather than "large language models" can't we move to "crazy big transducer models" or perhaps, more soberly, "large dilated transducer models". The "language" label is increasingly less relevant in many fields... (in particular in biology!)

* * * 

Stradivarius of Scottish small pipes' creation & making exploration 

Dear John and Jean Walsh, Stuart Liddell, All, 

Greetings from western Pennsylvania, moving forward to Canyon California 94516 on 9/1/23. THANK YOU for your excellent John Walsh Scottish small pipes' A/D combo set, and for the B flat SSP chanter you sent me in Canyon 94516, Jean, a few years ago.

I'm exploring getting a set of Walsh Scottish small pipes in wood, having created 2 bagpiping albums in 2020 & 2022 - and have a brainstorming question. 

If you could make the 'Stradivarius' Scottish small pipe building on your beautiful sounding Walsh Scottish small pipes, what brainstorming-wise 3 things would you add (for sound especially)? Further, and brainstorming too re creative developments, if a Stuart Liddell with his amazing Duncan MacRae Scottish highland bagpipe design and creation were to possibly suggest 3 additional things you could add to your wonderful Scottish small pipes to make this 'Stradivarius' of a Scottish small pipes, what would that look like, sound-wise especially too? 

And could I use my existing Walsh SSP B flat chanter, if I were to get a set of wood Walsh Scottish small pipes for their sound potentially (different from my Polypenco plastic Walsh SSP) - . And how would this work aesthetically too? 

I'm planning to drive to Nova Scotia soon, and wonder if I might please be able to visit your shop, meet you in person, and see and listen to an existing set of wood Scottish small pipes for comparison and consideration. And I wonder too if you were interested in exploring further these brainstorming possibilities in Scottish small pipes' creation, how we might best converse about this.

I also have some questions about my existing set of Walsh SSP with bellows, the B flat chanter, tuning the base drone, and also about the D chanter. And in an exploratory vein, the next Scottish small pipes' album I'd like to make is something I'm tentatively calling Piobaireachd Rock Blues Laments - (perhaps coming into conversation with Google Bard generative AI software about writing such sheet music even) - with riffing with Piobaireachd melodies to the Allman Brothers with Jerry Garcia at Cow Palace in SF in 1973 - It would be great to talk a bit about this too, exploring.

Would you be available to meet in your shop /bagpipe studio sometime toward the end of this week or next week?

Thanks, Scott 

Honey in the Bag (2020)
in A (with the A mixolydian chanter)

Honey Piobaireachd (2022)
in B flat (with the B flat mixolydian chanter)

Scottish small pipes' wiki school at MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School, with lesson recordings with Stuart Liddell.

Piobaireachd Blues Rock Laments 

(and see other related blog posts in daily blog too )

And again - 
Light show? #RockPiobaireachdBluesLaments rock blues? w '4 MIT Media Lab light bulbs' #MultiMediaRoom #WUaSMultiMediaRoom #wuAsVR w #MachineLearning #WUaSMachineLearning #ScottishMusic #ScottishSmallPiping New #ConcertLightShows < #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider? #SonEtLumiere?

Searched on 
best scottish highland bagpipe comparison

in a related vein 

The top 11 best bagpipe brands in the world are:

  1. McCallum
  2. MacLellan
  3. Gibson Bagpipes
  4. MacRae
  5. Naill
  6. Dunbar
  7. Shepherd
  8. R.G Hardie & Co.
  9. John Walsh
  10. Atherton
  11. Kilberry Bagpipes

Let’s get into each of these brands in greater detail and explain why they belong in the top 11 best bagpipes brands for music and audio production.


- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221

1) non-profit World University and School -  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -

(m) 412 478 0116 - 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - 

* * 

Ma, Ed Smyth MD,  Pin / Sid Mazumdar (HHS), John Sargent MD, Dick Robb MD All,

Greetings! How are you?

I've moved most everything out of my 'asylum place' abode in Pittsburgh this morning into local storage - and in seeking to move into a open newly safe new house in Canyon 94516 on F 9/1/23 thanks to Ed Smyth MD's precipitation of this beginning last March 2022. Thanks also to John Sargent MD at Tufts Med Center last May 2022 for suggesting that it's a good idea to move into Canyon 94516 if it's safe but also how to know if it's become safe? I think this will occur thanks to federal and CA state law working together - and there may be some planning involved for this to happen over the month of August even, including potential the US International Guard part of the National Guard, and also in seeking World Univ & Sch calling for abolishing the wrongful buying and selling of people in the illegal sex drug and violence industries and in protecting people, potentially all 7.9 billion people on the planet each a Wikidata PIN # with law, law enforcement, machine learning and avatar bot electronic medical records and even tracing people, criminals and perpetrators and offenders for example. 

In the mean time, it looks like I'm heading to Nova Scotia and PEI for 2 weeks to inquire about the creation of a Stradivarius of a Scottish small pipe, AND SEE email below. Dick and Lucy, any thoughts about this regarding woodwinds (since Stradivarius es are strings)  from the perspective of your neighbors, the Von Huene's, master recorder makers? 

Ma, I have some ongoing related concerns regarding what began this email thread, and also our Cuttyhunk house - and look forward to saying farewell later today. I've wondered a number of times if our Cuttyhunk house could be under surveillance - and re federal and state of law enforcement even ... and who would own the possible recordings and how they could be used to control crime for example in our Cuttyhunk house unbeknownst to or known about by you ... and also regarding your mentioning something about the "fifth" last night on the phone in passing. The 5th Amendment or what ... and possibly regarding Sandy's possible criminal networks. Might The Desiderata - - in kieu of the 3 New Yorker articles be of help here (and thanks to brilliant psychiatrist MD and family friend George Alexander MD)?

John, Ed, Pin, all - thoughts, ideas, questions, suggestions? 

Fond regards, abolition-ally, with conscientious objection, ❤️


Stradivarius of Scottish small pipes' creation & making exploration

Dear John and Jean Walsh, Stuart Liddell, All, 

Greetings from western Pennsylvania, moving forward to Canyon California 94516 on 9/1/23. THANK YOU for your excellent John Walsh Scottish small pipes' A/D combo set, and for the B flat SSP chanter you sent me in Canyon 94516, Jean, a few years ago.

I'm exploring getting a set of Walsh Scottish small pipes in wood, having created 2 bagpiping albums in 2020 & 2022 - and have a brainstorming question. 

If you could make the 'Stradivarius' Scottish small pipe building on your beautiful sounding Walsh Scottish small pipes, what brainstorming-wise 3 things would you add (for sound especially)? Further, and brainstorming too re creative developments, if a Stuart Liddell with his amazing Duncan MacRae Scottish highland bagpipe design and creation were to possibly suggest 3 additional things you could add to your wonderful Scottish small pipes to make this 'Stradivarius' of a Scottish small pipes, what would that look like, sound-wise especially too? 

And could I use my existing Walsh SSP B flat chanter, if I were to get a set of wood Walsh Scottish small pipes for their sound potentially (different from my Polypenco Walsh SSP) - . And how would this work aesthetically too? 

I'm planning to drive to Nova Scotia soon, and wonder if I might please be able to visit your shop, meet you in person, and see and listen to an existing set of wood Scottish small pipes for comparison and consideration. And I wonder too if you were interested in exploring further these brainstorming possibilities in Scottish small pipes' creation, how we might best converse about this.

I also have some questions about my existing set of Walsh SSP with bellows, the B flat chanter, tuning the base drone, and also about the D chanter. And in an exploratory vein, the next Scottish small pipes' album I'd like to make is something I'm tentatively calling Piobaireachd Rock Blues Laments - (perhaps coming into conversation with Google Bard generative AI software about writing such sheet music even) - with riffing with Piobaireachd melodies to the Allman Brothers with Jerry Garcia at Cow Palace in SF in 1973 - It would be great to talk a bit about this too, exploring.

Would you be available to meet in your shop /bagpipe studio sometime toward the end of this week or next week?

Thanks, Scott 

Honey in the Bag (2020)
in A (with the A mixolydian chanter)

Honey Piobaireachd (2022)
in B flat (with the B flat mixolydian chanter)

Scottish small pipes' wiki school at MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School, with lesson recordings with Stuart Liddell.

Piobaireachd Blues Rock Laments 

(and see other related blog posts in daily blog too )

Can't figure out if this is a #MachineLearning #GratefulDead #DigitalCreation synthesized from 1965-79 #GDmusic or what ~
'Grateful Dead 3/25/85 Springfield Civic Center Springfield MA mtx' Do sim w #RockPiobaireachdBluesLaments ?

And again - 
Light show? #RockPiobaireachdBluesLaments rock blues? w '4 MIT Media Lab light bulbs' #MultiMediaRoom #WUaSMultiMediaRoom #wuAsVR w #MachineLearning #WUaSMachineLearning #ScottishMusic #ScottishSmallPiping New #ConcertLightShows < #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider? #SonEtLumiere?

