Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Gadus morhua: Impressions of Boston, Massachusetts, Its 'vision' is behind the scenes, As WUaS Vision, Helpful to Others

Boston, Massachusetts: salt in the air, friendly people, an illuminated Boston Bay, a yacht with lovely lines, a different feel to life (from the SF Bay Area), coming home to the city where I was born, blue shirts, light pants, men wearing ties, a lot of red brick, Boston with 'vision' is behind the scenes ...


In many ways, World University & School - - is a Boston vision with Boston's 60-ish universities & colleges, including MIT & Harvard as well as the FREE, great Boston Public Library.


Boston and Massachusetts have a very visionary aspect to them. For example, these places, due to their vision, can be very helpful to disadvantaged people and groups. The recent universal health insurance in Massachusetts in one example.

( - July 28, 2010)

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