Saturday, July 24, 2010

Mulgedium tataricum: Disappointment with the Peas in Your Garden, World University's Agriculture School (with an organic focus)

A friend writes:

I'd been disappointed with peas in the garden in past years, I never seemed to yield much. This year, I build proper trellises with the bamboo that fell during the blizzards over the winter. Got about a quart of shelled peas!


Let's see if we can add relevant information to change this to World University's Agriculture School (with something of an organic focus) ... (I think this is the correct URL - don't have great access from internet here - poke around if it isn't).

I added this information about peas ( to the World University Agriculture School.

Try inoculating pea roots with a nitrogen-fixer.

( - July 24, 2010)

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