W August 19, 2020
Scott MacLeod
10:10 AM (3 hours ago)
to Mariusz, Larry, Andrzej, bcc: Sri, bcc: Peter, bcc: mazumdarp, bcc: Marisol
Dear Mariusz, Andrzej, and All,
Glad we were all able to video-conference for an hour or so, and about Poland World University and School. Very nice to see you again, Andrzej! I'm writing regarding partnering and World University and School.
Regarding further information about World Univ & Sch: as a WIKI, World Univ & Sch welcomes wiki-additions and edits from individuals in all languages that are excellent, free and open (ie someone can teach to their web camera / youtube about something they love, and add this to an existing wiki page - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects - or begin a new wiki page). People can aggregate new open online courses too of course. And for example, as WUaS's Engineering wiki subject page, with its MIT OCW - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Engineering - develops in Polish, how will Poles engage, teach to and learn from this emerging open school (there are currently about 735 wiki pages at WUaS)?
And since, on the free-to-students' degree side, WUaS is CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare-centric, where MIT OCW's CC-4 licensing allows CC-4 World Univ & Sch to 1) share, 2) adapt, but 3) non-commercially MIT OCW resources (in its current, 4 languages), and this is how WUaS is 'working' with MIT OCW, you as an individual, Mariusz, could partner with CC-4 World Univ & Sch by WUaS adding your name here in the 'Partners' section" - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Foundation - regarding your question of partnering. The CC-4 MIT OCW non-commercial attribute is what makes WUaS have to be free-to-students, and thus seek reimbursement on our free university degrees side. World Univ & Sch is seeking, newly, to offer our WUaS licensing and accrediting degrees via the edX platform (by adapting CC-4 MIT OCW), first in English. If you know of any Polish students who speak English, Mariusz or Andrzej, who might be interested in a free-to-students' Bachelor's degree beginning September 1, 2020, please let me know.
WUaS seeks to develop major online universities in all ~200 countries' official, and main, languages offering free-to-students' MIT OCW-centric degrees (because of the CC-4 non-commercial attribute), and in Poland especially at Poland World University and School - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Poland - and with time in the Polish language - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Polish_language - (in Polish! - a major online MIT OCW-centric university) in addition to English +. If you would like to attend the open WUaS Monthly Business Meeting on the 3rd Saturdays of the month at 9am Pacific Time (California), you'd get a sense of what our next steps are.
So as a preliminary document regarding:
1. education partners
2. official support from the government side
3. financial sources
See above regarding WUaS-partnering at the present time.
Governments, both at the nation state, or federal, and county levels in Poland, would be involved through their departments of education and similar, as well as potentially with WUaS reaching out directly to Polish high schools and high school counselors in Poland themselves (paralleling Poland's University application process for university-bound students). WUaS also seeks the highest achieving Polish students, the 'Olympic academic athletes' of Poland, for example, who may have been at the top of their classes in high school. So WUaS seeks Polish students who would otherwise apply to MIT / Harvard / Stanford and get accepted, for example, but WUaS also seeks to be accessible to all Polish students who might as individuals seek an excellent University education, now online. The degrees World University and School plans to offer Polish students, first in English and then in Polish, are Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, M.D. (and eventually I.B. high school or similar), - all online, and in WUaS seeking to become the online MIT / Harvard / Stanford of the internet not only in Poland (but in all ~200 countries).
World Univ & Sch seeks per student per year reimbursement from nation states' governments, contingent on GDP, eventually at what tuition costs at MIT itself (currently about $55,000 per year per student). Students would be studying from their homes, and be responsible for the costs of their own books, robotics kits and other home electronics's supplies, and similar.
The idea for Polish partners behind the cooperation is that Poland would get MIT-centric degrees for free, with all the innovative potential of MIT's STEM knowledge generation potential, career-wise especially for graduates. So Polish partners would give reimbursement to WUaS per student per year, and Poland would get MIT-centric degrees by Poles. WUaS seeks to create 2.2 million careers as well, in all ~200 countries (so to become about the size of Walmart), and so Poland World University and School in Polish will create an enormous number of Polish academic faculty and staff positions - 10s of 1000s potentially, which is what Polish partners would also get.
As we spoke about too, World University has two wings, 1) the non-profit C-4 MIT OCW-centric World University and School, and 2) the for-profit general stock company the WUaS Press / WUaS Corporation. In this 2nd wing, WUaS seeks to create an Academic Press at WUaS with WUaS Educational Services' stores - both on the ground and virtually, and these bookstores / computer stores / robotics' stores / hospital technologies' distribution centers, would eventually become 'big boxes' regarding the creation of careers in Poland, and WUaS Corporation would also seek potentially to list on the Polish stock exchange with time - https://www.investopedia.com/terms/w/warsaw_stock_exchange.asp - if this were viable. (Here are the WUaS 15 planned revenue streams - https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2020/04/15-planned-wuas-revenue-streams-both.html - on both wings).
Here are the 2 WUaS wings (with related WUaS licensing in the US at bottom):
So in terms of under what conditions? WUaS would seek to create all of the above under legal conditions, and potentially with time from the Poland Law School at World University and School and see related beginning WUaS law schools here - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Law_School#World_University_and_School_Links - in Polish with Polish law faculty (regarding the careers WUaS seeks to generate via Poland World Univ & Sch).
So as a preliminary document regarding becoming "1. education partners, 2. official support from the government side, and 3. financial sources," please let me know your thoughts, questions, suggestions as we codify this further in writing. Thank you.
Best regards, Scott
Some practical first steps we could take further, in developing Poland WUaS in Polish would be to translate this - https://sites.google.com/view/worlduniversityandschool
in to Polish (like this per Sri Lanka WUaS in the Sinhala language - https://sites.google.com/view/worlduniversityandschool/srilanka) and for Polish students who speak English to matriculate online at WUaS around January 1, 2021 via edX (re CC-4 MIT OCW into MITx - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/mitx-related-courseware/) in English potentially.
Poland World University and School - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Poland
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States (planned in ~200 countries each a major online MIT OCW-centric university in countries' official / main languages - and offering online Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, M.D. and I.B. high school degrees from home).
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages (planned in 7,117 known living languages, each a wiki school for open teaching and learning)
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M August 17, 2020
Mon, Aug 17, 12:14 PM (2 days ago)
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Dear Mariusz and Andrzej,
My question, initially, after our meeting:
In what ways could CC-4 MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch best matriculate 50-500 Polish Bachelor's degree students in English in a 4 year program, beginning January 1, 2021, (and even for some beginning September 1, 2020, if you know of any students) - worlduniversityandschool.org? (Please ask interested students to enroll by sending me an email). In the process, if you both organized this, and could also organize reimbursement too, potentially via an Open edX money transfer mechanism, I think you both would benefit. Thank you for meeting!
Mon, Aug 17, 1:23 PM (2 days ago)
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Dear Scott and Andrzej,
I feel sorry that the connection got interrupted at a very crucial moment of our discussion.
The connection was broken I asked You Scott to prepare for me a document, a kind of offer what I could take with and check for You the proper:
1. education partners
2. oficial support from the government side
3. financial sources.
To Your questions, very interesting proposal to clear are only the conditions for such cooperation, with regard to my previous request.
Look forward to the documents they help me to explain in a easy form to the Polish partners the IDEA behind the cooperation. What have they to give, what would they get, under what conditions.
It would help me to precede it further.
Thank you for our open and cooperation oriented discussion.
Best regards
Mariusz (Sawinski)
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Poland Wikipedia in Polish -
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