glad to announce a new 'WUAS 002 Circuits and Electronics Introduction' beginning WUaS course
On Mon, Aug 3, 2020 at 3:28 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@> wrote:
Dear Anant and Larry,Greetings. I'm glad to announce a new 'WUAS 002 Circuits and Electronics Introduction' beginning WUaS course - course/ - via MOOCit France in the MOOCit startup kit on the emerging WUaS Open edX platform. World Univ & Sch seeks to create a 7-8 week's long introductory version of this with matriculating EECS students at WUaS who might also be studying with Micro:Bit, for example, in a makey-makey manner, from home. Would it be possible please to connect with a graduate student of yours who might be interested in developing this course further (including cutting your MIT OCW class in half somehow even - and with 30mins - 1 hour studying outside of the class itself)? WUaS seeks to not use complex numbers in this course, for example, and for this course to be an introduction to the WUaS EECS free-to-students' best STEM CC-4 OCW Bachelor's degree 4 year online program. I've explored these ideas further in today's WUaS News, Q&A LIvestream 8/3/20 here - - https://scott-macleod. right-whale-wuas-news-1-1st. html
- which you'll also find in my blog post today, with the following:
Home » Courses » Electrical Engineering and Computer Science » Circuits and Electronics
Circuits and Electronics computer-science/6-002- circuits-and-electronics- spring-2007/
Circuits and Electronics
Teaches the fundamentals of circuit and electronic analysis.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Not Currently Available, Circuits and Electronics 002x-1
Learn about electronic circuit techniques and applications
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
XSeries Program in
Circuits and Electronics
New Course at World University and School via MOOCit France into the WUaS Open edX platform!
WUAS 002 Circuits and Electronics Introduction
How might we best communicate about this further please? If possible, as you may see in the video, WUaS would like to seek, find and connect with 6 MIT? graduate students for each of the WUaS 6 majors - - to create from CC-4 MIT OCW courses 6 introductory WUaS undergraduate courses, each 7-8 weeks long, on our upcoming WUaS Open edX platform with students beginning even on August 31. 2020. I've been in touch recently with MIT Prof. Wyn Kelley, who's taught an Introduction to Fiction course at MIT OCW which WUaS has suggested developing for our first year students, and who is dynamic. I would reach out to her further about finding an English literature MIT graduate student to do this, for example. What might you suggest please about further developing 'WUAS 002 Circuits and Electronics Introduction' please?Thank you for your great MIT OCW Circuits and Electronics' course, Anant! And thank you!
Sincerely, ScottPSHere are some of the other MIT OCW courses WUaS is exploring migrating or adapting, including Prof. Wyn Kelley's - vines-when-might-be-able-to. html - but which may be light on video. Thank you!--- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor- World University and School- 415 480 4577- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
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8:52 AM (2 hours ago)
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Dear Anant, Wyn & Larry,
How are you all this morning?
A prospective WUaS English BA Student from India emailed this morning -
"Hi Scott,
I hope I can enroll in B A English next month."
Having been in touch with MIT Professors Anant Agarwal (EECS) and Wyn Kelley (English) yesterday and today, I'm wondering if you can please help focus this in the next 3 weeks, perhaps drawing on other edX & Open edX course (and especially CC-4 MIT OCW) materials newly regarding the emergent WUaS Open edX.
As you may know, WUaS seeks to begin licensing with CA's BPPE, and concurrently accrediting then probably with WASC senior for highest quality online BAs (and then online PhDs in English - and later licensing online Law, MD & IB high school degrees with other organizations, and in all 200 countries' official / main languages!) How best please to proceed and communicate about this? Thank you!
Sincerely, Scott
8:57 AM (2 hours ago)
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Dear Scott, I’m going to have to bow out of this planning. I’m on leave at the moment and trying to cope with family issues and a book project. Good luck with your projects and thank you again for your interest in Literature at MIT! Best, Wyn
Wyn Kelley
Literature Section
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
Literature Section
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
10:24 AM (1 hour ago)
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Dear Wyn,
Thanks for letting me know, and I'll let Anant know as well. I wish you the best with your family issues and book project (which are issues on my plate as well!). Thank you for your interest in CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School. And I look forward to staying in touch in other ways. Thank you!
Best wishes, Scott
If we're ever in New Bedford at the same time, it would be great to meet for a coffee in or near the New Bedford Whaling Museum (which is where I made this talk - "The Information Technology Revolution - History and Geography - Scott MacLeod", and I would gladly invite you over to Cuttyhunk for a day visit, if these could be combined even., and I would gladly invite you over to Cuttyhunk for a day visit, if these could be combined even.
10:32 AM (1 hour ago)
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What a kind invitation, Scott! I don’t know when we’ll make it back to New Bedford, but that’s a great idea. W
Thank you, Wyn!
I don't know when I'll make it next to Cuttyhunk (summer 2021?), but I am seeking to create a single realistic virtual earth for everything, including a realistic virtual earth for museums - hashtag/ RealisticVirtualEarthForMuseum s?src=hashtag_click - in something like Google Street View with TIME SLIDER, Maps, Earth, Tensor Flow, Second Life for group buildable avatars and places, and Samsung Neons for realistic 'artificial humans' ... so maybe we can visit together over coffee a virtual New Bedford Whaling Museum, and then a virtual Cuttyhunk Island.
MacLeod, Scott GK. (2016). Naked Harbin Ethnography: Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture, Clothing-Optionality & Virtual Harbin. (Foreword by Nelson H.H. Graburn). http://www. ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html. Berkeley, CA: Academic Press at World University and School. WorldUnivAndSch/ scottmacleod/
Languages - World Univ: sgkmacleod/ HarbinBook/ TheOpenBand/
visit the Harbin Hot Springs' Gate in Google Street View here - ( accessible from HarbinBook and HarbinBook) and "walk" down the "road" 4 "miles" to "amble" around Middletown, CA. Have you ever visited Harbin, Wyn, when studying at Stanford, for ex.? It's my actual-virtual ethnographic field site, about which my next book - potentially printed from 'text in the sidebar" in Google Street View - will be about, where a realistic virtual Harbin is central. (Am seeking to invent publishing anew with printing from text in the sidebar, and at the Academic Press at World Univ & Sch - http:// AcademicPress.html - planned in all 7,117 known living languages, with developing machine translation).
Brainstorming-wise, and in terms of a new approach to digital ethnographic method with resources, visit the Harbin Hot Springs' Gate in Google Street View here - ( accessible from HarbinBook and HarbinBook) and add resources to Google Street View. For example, I added a photo you'll see here of the Harbin Gate House some years ago. But you could eventually add text in the sidebar, in addition to video (currently, i.e. see this video of a dog in water from Bishopton, Scotland in Street View - place/Bishopton,+UK/@55. 9156351,-4.465421,270549a,13. 1y/data=!3m8!1e5!3m6! 1sAF1QipNuIofV2HpE4NxJngvsDt1j PI7La2jAJ8XO3Lue!2e10!3e10! 6shttps:%2F%2Flh5. 2FAF1QipNuIofV2HpE4NxJngvsDt1j PI7La2jAJ8XO3Lue%3Dw203-h114- k-no!7i1280!8i720!4m5!3m4! 1s0x48884c3491aa6ae5: 0xde47d15905862ab9!8m2!3d55. 908622!4d-4.50452 which you'll also find here - https://scott-macleod. erythronium-taylorii-this- yoga-concert.html). Harbin Hot Springs is my actual< >virtual, physical< >digital ethnographic field site, about which this book is about - ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html - too. One could practice ethno-wiki-virtual- world-graphy anywhere in the world, and potentially in Google Street View too. Realistic avatars will develop, re Neons, or artificial humans, as one example of many. And I hope we'll all, as anthropologists, writers, social scientists, and scientists, be able to visit virtual Harbin Hot Springs itself, as it grows, soak in the pools there from home, and practice participant observation by 'wiki'-adding to a single realistic 'virtual world' / earth and as anthropological interpretation of 'peoples' ('ethno'), as avatar bots too, (which is one view of ethnographic practice per Cerwonka and Malkki), via writing ('graphy'). I'm calling this new anthropological method 'ethno-wiki-virtual-world- graphy,' but haven't yet written an academic paper about this. Am thinking again, conceptually, in terms of Google Street View with TIME SLIDER / Maps / Earth / TensorFlow / Translate with avatar bots, of humans and other species, and which, like Second Life, is group buildable and has avatars which communicate, but am heading toward realism re Samsung Neons or artificial humans (and for the practice of medicine at WUaS too).
Here's the 'ethno-wiki-virtual-world- graphy' reference I've added to the resources' lists you shared (but am not quite sure how to cite this):
MacLeod, Scott GK. (2020). Ethno-wiki-virtual-world- graphy - https://scott-macleod. ethno-wiki-virtual-world- graphy. See, too: MacLeod, “Naked Harbin Ethnography” - research-group.html. (Foreword by Nelson H.H. Graburn). http://www. ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html. Berkeley, CA: Academic Press at World University and School.
And here's a related book I've added to these resources' lists:
Languages - World Univ:
12:45 PM (14 minutes ago)
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Dear Anant and Larry,
I heard back from MIT Prof. Wyn Kelley this morning. She's going to have to bow out of developing the WUaS English major, per her MIT OCW course "Intro to Fiction" with its first course beginning around September 1, 2020 - and per Shahbaz Sanjer's recent inquiry this morning too from India about matriculating this month online from home in a free-to-students' BA English degree 4-year program at WUaS. Here's Wyn's email:
8:57 AM (3 hours ago)
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Dear Scott, I’m going to have to bow out of this planning. I’m on leave at the moment and trying to cope with family issues and a book project. Good luck with your projects and thank you again for your interest in Literature at MIT! Best, Wyn
Wyn Kelley
Literature Section
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
Literature Section
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
Since I'm not an expert in English literature, like Wyn, I am hoping WUaS can get the first course or two up and running toward Shahbaz's English BA in emergent WUaS Open edX soon-ish. Thoughts, questions, suggestions? Thank you!
Sincerely, Scott
I've blogged about this and our correspondence today here - https://scott-macleod. corniculatus-glad-to-announce- new.html . Thank you and regards.
3:01 PM (0 minutes ago)
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Thanks, Ned,
(Ned Batchelder at edX),
It's part of CC-4 MIT OCW-centric World University and School's plan to develop MIT OCW-centric courses in these 6 majors - EECS, English, General Science, History, General Engineering, Business ( - for free-to-students' degrees beginning around September 1, 2020. And WUaS began in the emergent WUaS Open edX, with our MOOCit France service partner, with Anant's "Circuits and Electronics' " MIT OCW course, since one of our WUaS 6 majors is EECS, first for undergraduates. I've been communicating with Anant for some months now about this developing WUaS online Bachelor's degree, and when Shahbaz Sanjer emailed me again from India this morning (after many emails from him expressing interest in beginning an online free-to-students' Bachelor's degree in English from India - ie in January or so he wanted to begin immediately )- I reached out again to Anant about Sanjer's request. Having written that, and having recently communicated with another MIT Prof. Wyn Kelley about WUaS's planned online degree programs (since she designed the MIT OCW "Intro to Fiction" course - literature/21l-003- introduction-to-fiction-fall- 2003/), and for the WUaS English program, she bowed out. So I'm reaching out again to Anant (and you), in these regards, to see in what ways WUaS can get about 6 undergraduate courses going for around September 1, 2020 - each 7-8 weeks' long with 30-60 minutes of studying outside of online class per week - in our WUaS majors. And I, or anyone in WUaS circles, don't have the expertise in Circuits or Electronics to develop the course properly, and with grading in the Open edX platform, albeit Larry (MIT '69) does have the expertise, with a text book too, to develop an online WUaS chemistry course, and may explore doing so for an online WUaS Open edX course, beginning in January 2021. Could MIT graduate students of Anant and Wyn possibly help even - and as they seek to become university professors? Thank you!
Blog post - https://scott-macleod. corniculatus-glad-to-announce- new.html . Thank you and regards. - Scott
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A great opportunity for online fair secure voting - re challenges with voting by mail? @EllieRushing > @WorldUnivAndSch? Brainstorming-wise, could we plan for secure fair democratic voting by all 7.5 billion people on planet in 200 ?
A great opportunity for online fair secure voting - re challenges with voting by mail? @EllieRushing > @WorldUnivAndSch? Brainstorming-wise, could we plan for secure fair democratic voting by all 7.5 billion people on planet in 200 ?— (@scottmacleod) August 4, 2020
A great opportunity for online fair secure voting - re challenges with voting by mail? @EllieRushing > @WorldUnivAndSch? Brainstorming-wise, could we plan for secure fair democratic voting by all 7.5 billion people on planet in 200 ?
A great opportunity for online fair secure voting - re challenges with voting by mail? @EllieRushing > @WorldUnivAndSch? Brainstorming-wise, could we plan for secure fair democratic voting by all 7.5 billion people on planet in 200 ?— (@scottmacleod) August 4, 2020
Neighborhoods across the Philadelphia region are experiencing significant delays in receiving their mail, with some residents going upwards of three weeks without packages and letters, leaving them without medication, paychecks, and bills.— Ellie Rushing (@EllieRushing) August 2, 2020
Neighborhoods across the Philadelphia region are experiencing significant delays in receiving their mail, with some residents going upwards of three weeks without packages and letters, leaving them without medication, paychecks, and bills.— Ellie Rushing (@EllieRushing) August 2, 2020
I fear Republican sabotage of the USPS, including slowing mail delivery, is a Trump strategy to make voting by mail more difficult this fall. Request your ballots and return them as early as you can.— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) August 4, 2020
Thank you for reading and sharing my work!— Ellie Rushing (@EllieRushing) August 4, 2020
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