How to plan for a film-realistic interactive virtual earth for STEM wiki research in 8k languages that ROTATES, and in augmented reality in a 5 meter cubed "classroom" around us re for …?
How to plan for a film-realistic interactive virtual earth for STEM wiki research in 8k languages that rotates re— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) July 30, 2016
Will Earth ever stop rotating? By Dave Consiglio— Quora (@Quora) July 30, 2016
Not quite this, but along these lines and this could be inside around one in augmented reality in a 15' cubed "classroom" ...
LabCAST 82 Holosuite
For example, World University and School, for brain research in all 8k languages, would like for anyone to be within such a 15 foot (~5 meter) cubed classroom - that is, inside any given brain at the a) Street View b) cell and c) nano (levels) - and for biological engineering and synthetic biology learning, as well ...
and taking courses in MIT brain and cognitive sciences courses in many languages -
Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Biological Engineering
Synthetic Biology -
See, too
Red lionfish: Introductions - Aldis is Head of Virtual Reality & Game Design for IBM Research and Ed is a Neuroengineer and Associate Professor at MIT Media Lab and MIT McGovern Institute, Dr. Gordon Pipa! Thanks for a fascinating IBM CSIG talk this morning on “Cognitive Computing” and your reply to my question about natural language processing and neuromorphic clusters of 1000 neurons, Let's explore further developing room-scale VR visualization for precise brain research at the neuronal, nano and Street View levels - and with CC in all 8k languages darter: Very small nano and neuronal DIAPERS for brain research at the Google Street View level to explore neural firing re Brain and Cognitive Science wiki subject at WUaS, Wow ... and re ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy as explored previously in this blog, "Google Earth can now render the surface of our planet in 700 trillion individual pixels" ... and at the nano (atomic) and neuronal levels? ... How best to add film-realistic avatars/people to this?, How best too to be creative in creating major online CC universities in all countries' main languages at WUaS, and to be creative in developing a film-realistic interactive virtual earth/cosmos/Harbin with time slider in all 8k languages ... ?, Applying for a junior faculty position at the MIT Media Lab MIT Media Lab FORBIDDEN RESEARCH - live now ... Fascinating talk just occurred on genetic engineering with Megan Palmer, Kevin Esvelt, Ryan Phelan and Harvard's George Church ... ... a film-realistic 3D virtual earth from which to create (engineer) LIFE ... (and not only a 3D printable virtual Harbin Hot Springs, or a augmented 15' foot cubed classroom around us ... * How to code for EXPERIMENTALISM, way beyond modeling, in a realistic virtual earth/cosmos?, ScienceHub, for example ... ... will definitely dovetail greatly, for example, with Library Resources at WUaS - - planned for all 8k languages in a 3D virtual earth with time slider ... thistle: ... a film-realistic 3D virtual earth from which to create (engineer) LIFE, How too to code for EXPERIMENTALISM (or experimentation), way beyond modeling, in a realistic AI virtual earth/cosmos?, Steps would include ... create film-realistic virtual earth (virtual Harbin too) at the Street View, cellular and atomic levels+ (like Google Street View with OpenSim) with AI and machine learning for ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy ..., For experimentation in a film realistic AI virtual earth (like Google Street View with OpenSim at various levels of scale - cell, nano, etc.), build on binary and forking aspects of computation at the cellular level, creating initial prototype experimentation with simple digital life forms, Keep this all wiki CC open (so people, for example, can also build and print their own precise architectural designs at the Street View level), and contribute to the creative STEM virtual earth building conversation*
And in a related vein, I found this -
San Francisco Opens Superpublic Innovation Lab
San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee and GSA Administrator Denise Turner Roth opened the lab intended to create solutions for cities by harnessing academic, private-sector and government partnerships.
here on the MIT Media Lab web site -
Hi M,
Blog post today about a spinning virtual earth for STEM research in all 8 k languages that could pop up around each of us in augmented reality in a 15' cubed classroom ...
and could also become a little augmented reality space ship, for example. (How do you drive this thing? :))