Waiting for when we can ask our smartphone MD questions, & get a helpful knowledgeable response. Will be some years yet. Appreciating these medicine web sites & Google search: - http://www.drweil.com - http://health.nih.gov - http://www.webmd.com (http://scottmacleod.com/yoga.htm )
Waiting for when we can ask our smartphone MD questions, & get a helpful knowledgable response. Will be some years yet. Appreciating these medicine web sites & Google search:— scottmacleod (@scottmacleod) September 30, 2018
- https://t.co/5e0L4i5zSQ
- https://t.co/OS8W1LCk7I
- https://t.co/UZc8eqp23U
- https://twitter.com/HarbinBook/status/1046432826147713024
Waiting for when we can ask our smartphone MD questions, & get a helpful knowledgeable response. Will be some years yet. Appreciating these medicine web sites & Google search:
- http://www.drweil.com
- http://health.nih.gov
- http://www.webmd.com
>https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1046425595704303618 -
Waiting for when we can ask our smartphone MD questions, & get a helpful knowledgeable response. Will be some years yet. Appreciating these medicine web sites & Google search:
- http://www.drweil.com
- http://health.nih.gov
- http://www.webmd.com
- https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1046425595704303618
- https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1046426073846624258
Waiting for when we can ask our smartphone MD questions, & get a helpful knowledgeable response. Will be some years yet. Appreciating these medicine web sites & Google search:
Waiting for when we can ask our smartphone MD questions, & get a helpful knowledgeable response. Will be some years yet. Appreciating these medicine web sites & Google search:
>https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1046426073846624258 -
>https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1046426073846624258 -
Waiting for when we can ask our smartphone MD questions, & get a helpful knowledgable response. Will be some years yet. Appreciating these medicine web sites & Google search: -http://www.drweil.com -http://health.nih.gov -http://www.webmd.com (http://scottmacleod.com/yoga.htm )
Waiting for when we can ask our smartphone MD questions, & get a helpful knowledgable response. Will be some years yet. Appreciating these medicine web sites & Google search:— HarbinBook (@HarbinBook) September 30, 2018
* *
Hi M,
Really nice to talk just now. Am admiring the abundance of movement in your life greatly, and think it benefits your health a lot ... walks in park, up and down the stairs at home et al. ... and your iPhone smartphone app measuring the distance you walked ... cool ... I found
Hank Greely's AppleWatch post I mentioned -
Hank Greely
Four good medical questions about the AppleWatch EKG's medical value
Four good medical questions about the AppleWatch EKG's medical value https://t.co/TUQZumg5OR— Hank Greely (@HankGreelyLSJU) September 14, 2018
Here's one but you probably have another -
Best Free Walking Apps for Fitness Walkers
Map My Walk. MapMyFitness Screen Capture. ...
Whether we'll be able to connect movement with longevity scientifically and rigorously is an interesting question with such technologies, but these technologies probably will be able to allow us to begin to measure related questions in new way ... Joi Ito's article on longevity privileges gene editing for longevity. I shared this article with Dick Robb MD and think I also shared Joi's article with you.
Thanks M for sharing ...
Here's MIT Media Lab Director Joi Ito's article again - THE RESPONSIBILITY OF IMMORTALITY:
In that calorie restriction is the most proven method for longevity - 10-15% across species - this article further confirms however that calorie restriction is key, and movement isn't the key element ... but is still helpful ...
Gertner, Jon. 2009. The Calorie-Restriction Experiment. Oct 7.
"The Hunger Gains: Extreme Calorie-Restriction Diet Shows Anti-Aging Results -
A new study shows five days of hunger a month may reduce risk factors for aging and age-related diseases"
By Richard Conniff on February 16, 2017
To https://wiki.worlduniversityan
Created a Tweet too:
Calorie Restriction & Longevity -10-15% across species- & this art.
confirms this: Gertner, Jon. 10/7/09. The Calorie-Restriction
Experiment. https://www.nytimes.com/2009/1
… "eating less is better than eating more," "grains, fruits, vegetables ..."
… >https://wiki.worlduniversitya
- https://twitter.com/WorldUnivA
L, Scott
* *
Am excited for when we can put electrodes, such as adaptations of the AppleWatch, into e.g. something like hairnets to create actual BrainWave EEG headsets (and much more capable and sophisticated electrodes) and with more and more precision, i.e. eventually be able to target 3 inches into the brain at neural coordinate / region, XYZ, at the cellular level, - and possibly harmlessly disrupt a firing neuron, and scientifically deduce / research what's going on.
* *
Thanks for this article - https://www.economist.com/briefing/2018/08/18/how-the-internet-has-changed-dating .
How is your son, and what steps might you head in? Waiting for the time when we can ask our smartphone MD such questions, and get a helpful knowledgable response. Will be some years yet.
I appreciate these three allopathic western medicine web sites re doing what I call health information arbitrage, as well as Google search:
~ Dr. Andy Weil's integrative medicine web site - http://www.drweil.com
- The SEARCH field in Dr. Andy Weil's integrative / complementary medicine web site offers helpful FREE health information. Check out, for example, a condition you have, OR "wellness diet" or "mediterranean diet."
~ National Institutes of Health - http://health.nih.gov
~ Web MD - http://www.webmd.com
(Accessible from here - http://scottmacleod.com/yoga.htm )
Best, Scott
* *
Friday, September 28, 2018
Hi! Thank you! I'm ok. I'm really enjoying my new firm. I'm a bit caught up right now in urgently trying to find and get my son into see a pediatric endocrinologist in the US who is an expert on growth treatments for kids with congenital adrenal hyperplasia who have advanced bone age. My 11 year old son has CAH and advanced bone age (14 - bone plates close and ability to grow ends at bone age 16). He's 4'10" and the doctors here in Victoria say he won't grow much more and know nothing about the treatment options. There are evidently experts at UCSF. Do you by any chance have any knowledge about that? How are you??
Sounds complicated, S, but unfortunately I don't have knowledge about that. World University and School's planned online medical schools - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Medical_School
- with planned online teaching hospitals, building out of Project ECHO with Google Stanford's Project Baseline - might be able to offer something in the future, but WUaS doesn't have anything to offer yet. WUaS hopes to build out of some kind of Stanford Medicine OpenCourseWare in all ~200 countries' official languages (like CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare in its 5 languages). Then, in the future, your son might be able to see a Stanford trained pediatric endocrinologist online in Project ECHO-like mentoring situation. I'm alright, thanks. Continuing seeking a partner to begin a family, and although Katherine Henderson in SF, a lawyer like you, whom I met in Stanford Law seems interesting, we're not going hiking yet, for example. Blogging continues to be a creative process, however - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Law
... Cheers, Scott :)
Saturday, September 29, 2018
Well, apparently people who don't marry generally live longer! Did you see this article in the latest Stanford alumni Loop? https://www.economist.com/briefing/2018/08/18/how-the-internet-has-changed-dating
How the internet has changed dating
Your World University is going to be AWESOME
Thanks for this article - https://www.economist.com/briefing/2018/08/18/how-the-internet-has-changed-dating .
How is your son?, ... (above)
- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor
- World University and School
- 415 480 4577
* * *
Like escaping to the circus? Not only hippies played with this idea: the idea has been around for a long time, of "climbing out" (- aussteigen - is a great German word, connoting hippies too - i.e. 'Aussteigers' ... ) of society to a kind of freedom of travel and creativity in circuses - Angela Farmer too thinks very visually in this way - and re circuses). And I could see Leonie thinking she's escaped for a bit to SF - THERE'S a freedom in traveling to the Bay Area from a European country, its contemporary norms and expectations, for some months or a year these days. And while L is well in general I'd think - i.e. not bent out of shape as quite a few people / women can seem to be in the US - she may also be seeking ... (I'm not sure how Europeans do this - create this social psychological wellness that I've observed in a widespread way (may have to do with norms & German educational culture) - and it doesn't often include experiences of freedom I'm familiar with or American understandings of freedom (especially emerging from the social movements of the 1960s).
Am glad to be in touch with a friend S.J.de N, who was on the Stanford Law faculty for about 5 years, focusing on heritage and law - much on stolen art, and some re indigenous / native American peoples - (and who also went to Stanford as an undergraduate), and recently returned home to Canada, to Victoria on Vancouver Island (what a nice place to raise her son! - and right across from the Olympic peninsula). We had lunch together at Stanford a few years ago. And she may also be a good contact for Canada World University and School - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Canada - and even re teaching in the Canada Law School at WUaS online, for example.
S shared an article on dating from "The Economist" which brought to mind the role money can play in these regards - https://www.economist.com/briefing/2018/08/18/how-the-internet-has-changed-dating - but also the role of money here in SF Bay Area re a kind of realism, - ... but kids and being president/professor at WUaS ... and that money will come .... could be appealing ... (Glad Stacey said at the end of one recent text: "Your World University is going to be AWESOME").
Here, M, in the second half of my blog post from Friday is the WUaS opportunity with the city of San Francisco - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/09/sea-anemone-baja-california-zylab-city.html - which may be opening up for World University and School.
Would love it if John Hennessy could somehow mentor me re World University and School ... am continuing to read his interesting new book "Leading Matters" and while it's inspiring, wise, smart and empathic ... it also is the writing of a successful recent president of Stanford, in a boom time for Silicon Valley, and has a focus on money, which I am learning from (and re SF Bay Area money realism - where WUaS's lack of money is a little surreal). And if I were a Stanford faculty member (where I'd become a team player in a new way) - and possibly sometimes working from home, per his book - and with him as the chair of Alphabet he would likely be in a great position to mentor me, knowing almost ALL? of the Stanford faculty, all of whom are in the mentoring business, even. :)
Made about my 20th WeDo2 Lego robot yesterday evening ... working / playing through their projects ... it's fun ...
What are you up to today, M? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts about connecting further with Leonie, and other thoughts as well. :)
L, Scott
* * *
Hear our Friend @RupertRead talking about #climatechange on @BBCNorfolk today & debate the issues with him on #Weds evening at the #Quaker Meeting House, Upper Goat LaneHear our Friend @RupertRead talking about #climatechange on @BBCNorfolk today & debate the issueswith him on #Weds evening at the #Quaker Meeting House, Upper Goat Lane https://t.co/mteTmFINhM— Norwich Quakers (@NorwichQuakers) September 30, 2018