First day of term ... welcome ..
Greetings & welcome from @WorldUnivAndSch to incoming 1st year undergraduate students, for free-to-students' best STEAM CC-4 OCW-centric Bachelor degrees! We look forward to growing WUaS with you & Great to have another Universitian who appreciates India!
Greetings & welcome from @WorldUnivAndSch to incoming 1st year undergraduate students, for free-to-students' best STEAM CC-4 OCW-centric Bachelor degrees! We look forward to growing WUaS with you & Great to have another Universitian who appreciates India!— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) September 1, 2020
@scottmacleod Hi Christian, @WorldUnivAndSch is offering best STEM free-to-students' CC-4 OpenCourseWare-centric ONLINE 4-year Bachelor's degree program in 6 majors, one of which is Business with a Digital Marketing possibility. Students would take edX courses to begin
Hi Christian, @WorldUnivAndSch is offering best STEM free-to-students' CC-4 OpenCourseWare-centric ONLINE 4-year Bachelor's degree program in 6 majors, one of which is Business with a Digital Marketing possibility. Students would take edX courses to begin— (@scottmacleod) September 1, 2020
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Th September 3, 2020
Shahbaz, I wonder if the 4 individuals below can be of possible support to you in your Bachelor degree studies at World Univ & Sch, and as models too of high achieving Indians, some of whom have navigated an American educational system:
Rohit Sharma
Anant Agarwal
Shankar Raman
Swapnil Mehta
More about welcoming you, and them here - http://scott-macleod.
You write on your LinkedIn page "I will work my heart out to achieve it" -
A full load at World Univ & Sch is nearly four 15-week long CC-4 MIT OCW courses -
World Univ & Sch Cheers,
Shall we map out ~50 WUaS credit units of courses for you this autumn, and from - - and - - and - - and regarding distribution requirements from - - in addition to the 13 credit units you're signing up for initially this autumn?
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Tu September 1, 2020
Glad that you are, afterall, going to matriculate at World University and School tomorrow, and by taking edX courses. Here are some great MIT professors in your English major to keep an eye on, in the MIT English Literature department: Shankar Raman - - and with an interest in Computing and AI - and Diana Henderson - ( ) - both on social media too here:
And do you know the great and very funny comedy "Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard" (1999) as a comedy, and by Kieran Desai? - (it could be great to compare with "Tom Jones" with the free text here in Gutenberg archive - - and which is so comic it might bring tears of mirth to your eyes:).
Here again is today's MIT convocation, which is now available in recorded form - - if you didn't get a chance to see it earlier, and as an inspiring welcome to incoming undergraduate students.
Welcome to World University and School!
Sincerely, Scott
Dear Shahbaz,
Greetings & welcome from @WorldUnivAndSch to incoming 1st year undergraduate students, for free-to-students' best STEAM CC-4 OCW-centric Bachelor degrees ! We look forward to growing WUaS with you & Great to have another Universitian who appreciates India!
Sincerely, Scott
4:41 PM (5 hours ago)
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Here's MIT Professor of English Diana Henderson -
"So proud of the @mitlibraries staff who are making digital access to our collections available this Fall to support MIT research, teaching, and teaching. #OneMIT
- and which access could be very helpful for you especially. Let's stay in communication about this as you begin your edX classes - and regarding your need for books in them.
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India (where you live I've read) is very beautiful - and writing some poetry about it , even in Google Street View could be fun too :)
I haven't seen however in these pictures in Google Street View of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India, the ability to walk down the virtual road 4 miles in it ... like you can here ... ~ (in the second to bottom images, and accessible from ~ from the Harbin Hot Springs' gatehouse '4 miles down' the 'road' to "Middletown, California" - and "amble" around the streets there. (I have, however, written 3 books of poetry, which are Harbin inspired .... - and some regarding virtual Harbin).
Are you a reader of the inspiring Tagore? And are you writing poetry by any chance too - which seems like a very enjoyable aspect of being an English major - possibly by finding freedom to write in 'riffing' in a sense, and even as you walk around Lucknow, and in English or in other languages you know?
How are your 2 edX courses going in these first days?
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Dear Larry,
Another prospective student, interested in Digital Marketing, so a possible Business major, from Cameroon:
Can I see the program?
Is there Digital marketing program?
Is there degree program in nursing?— Osong Christian (@ChristianOsong) September 1, 2020
Hi Christian, @WorldUnivAndSch is offering best STEM free-to-students' CC-4 OpenCourseWare-centric ONLINE 4-year Bachelor's degree program in 6 majors, one of which is Business with a Digital Marketing possibility. Students would take edX courses to begin— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) September 1, 2020
Am not clear yet how possible reimbursement from Cameroon-ian counties' departments of education would work, or how a 4 year program would work, but let's see how he replies on Twitter.
Sincerely, Scott
Dear Larry,
The 4th person from India (in one way or another) on our phone call whom I forgot to mention who could be of help to Shahbaz is Rohit Sharma, the young lawyer in India. So, in addition to him, there's
Anant Agarwal, edX CEO and MIT Professor of EECS, who knows about Shahbaz, too,
and also potentially / possibly
Shankar Raman, MIT Professor of English Literature, - (see, video too - - and
Swapnil Mehta, MD/MS Candidate at Stanford University School of Medicine (neurologist and psychiatric resident?) - (and some scientific papers he's written - )
(And I'm guessing that only Swapnil was possibly born in America)
And here's the Andrews and McMeel publishing house from KC Missouri, begun in 1970, and which has published "Calvin and Hobbes" and "The Far Side" cartoon books - - which I mentioned.
And this is the Tweet where I learned of Swapnil and Calvin and Hobbes' 1988 cartoon book he's reading "Something Under The Bed is Drooling" (is their a dog cartoon character in this comic strip:)
Stanford Psychiatry @StanfordPSY
Swapnil M: Just got out for the day (5pm). Looking forward to spending some quality time on the porch and reading a good book. #SUresidentTakeover #StanfordPSYresidents
Swapnil M: Just got out for the day (5pm). Looking forward to spending some quality time on the porch and reading a good book. #SUresidentTakeover #StanfordPSYresidents
Swapnil M: Just got out for the day (5pm). Looking forward to spending some quality time on the porch and reading a good book. #SUresidentTakeover #StanfordPSYresidents— Stanford Psychiatry (@StanfordPSY) September 2, 2020
I hope all of these great folks, in a kind of Indian network even, can watch out for Shahbaz, and even help and provide support to, and teach / learn from, him too.
Rohit Sharma
Anant Agarwal
Shankar Raman
Swapnil Mehta
... could all be of some support to Shahbaz Sanjer.
- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor
- World University and School
- 415 480 4577
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
Hi Scott,
Thanks for the mail. Yeah, Lucknow is a nice place especially the old parts of the city. Have you ever been to India?
While surfing the web regarding Masters program I came across this University: which claims to be located in USA. Could you please find out whether this is legit and accredited?
Thanks, Shahbaz
11:19 AM (1 hour ago)
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Hi Shahbaz and Larry,
I found this -
Lee Knott, Retired from journalism, politics, law, engineering
Answered March 29, 2020 · Author has 1.4K answers and 828.4K answer views
This university is not regionally-accredited, so by US standards, it’s not considered accredited.
Thanks for your email. I haven't been to Lucknow, but I've visited India 3 times, and appreciate it immensely. And thanks for the heads' up about IICSE university.
World Univ & Sch is planning to proceed with BPPE licensing in Calfornia, and WASC senior regional accreditation, like Stanford and UC Berkeley and the other 9 University of Californias -
It looks like there are 2 IICSE universities (in Delaware and in Indiana - )
and when I searched on
iicse university accreditation
Lee Knott, Retired from journalism, politics, law, engineering
Answered March 29, 2020 · Author has 1.4K answers and 828.4K answer views
This university is not regionally-accredited, so by US standards, it’s not considered accredited.
When I searched for IICSE university in WASC - - I didn't see it.
Looks like IICSE in the state of Delaware accredits with QAHE in Delaware:
1406 N. Dupont Hwy. Suite # HK0033
1406 N. Dupont Hwy. Suite # HK0033
New Castle DE 19720, U.S.A.
Are you able to register / matriculate for the IICSE university's Master's Degree program with your current credentials? Legitimacy could come in levels, and I think World Univ & Sch's approach to accreditation will lead WUaS to becoming a greatest university - and in all ~200 countries.
CC-4 MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch free-to-students' Bachelor degrees, beginning with taking edX courses (Harvard and MIT founded) and licensing/accrediting with BPPE and WASC senior (the gold standard of accreditation) will lead, I think, to great careers in fields of your choosing. (Please remember that while WUaS is free-to-students, that WUaS books and robotics, etc., will be something you will purchase, Shahbaz). Please let Larry and me know if you don't enroll in the two WUaS edX classes we've talked about toward your free-to-students' best STEAM CC-4 OCW-centric Bachelor degree, and beginning on the remarkably developed edX platform at first.
Best STEAM CC-4 OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch -
The WUaS Press / Corp and WUaS Educational Services' Store -
* * *
Hi Ma,
This is the Harvard article on happiness, and regarding little social connections contributing to this (and which are now absent with covid quarantines), which I found so germane, and which speaks to me re my own happiness in the past (growing up in Boston when I was very little, schools like Shady Side, and Reed, and especially on Cuttyhunk, for example). Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail the first year (1980) for 3.5 months in California and Oregon, when I was by myself, I was quite 'on top of the world' too, so social interactions were not the cause, but the 2nd time I hiked the PCT in 1982, in the state of Washington, I was also by myself, perhaps feeling more alone, but more worried about what was coming afterward ...
Harvard University
COVID has robbed us of many of the everyday interactions we used to have, and those interactions helped to keep us happy, experts say
COVID has robbed us of many of the everyday interactions we used to have, and those interactions helped to keep us happy, experts say— Harvard University (@Harvard) August 30, 2020
The value of talking to strangers — and nodding acquaintances
I haven't seen an article like this, and focusing on little conversations or interactions, in the past 4 or 5 months (while I have seen a smattering of other 'mental health,' but not happiness related, articles, and not like this, although I would point to some other aspects of social-ness than this article points to, as significant, perhaps).
Now how to create these little social interactions on the internet, and if not in video conferencing, then in a realistic virtual earth for little conversations? :) Could this be a definition of community? I think so too :)
What do you think?
Love, Scott
Here's Harvard's Professor Manuel Luis Small testifying before Congress (partly about happiness, and it's theoretical, and keeps in mind students of color, and low income students:)
Professor Mario Luis Small Testimony on May 17, 2017
Hi Ma,
How to grow a community re happiness online, ...?
Both happiness and community are ideas I've explored at least since Reed, and I think too at Shady Side :)
What are the best examples of online happiness generation due to the IT platform even? And could a realistic virtual earth with avatar bots help?
When I think of learning happiness, I think it's from you, Ma! :)) Am appreciative ever so much for this! Sense of community, and making friends, too, in a way! :) Thank you!
Love, Scott
Have blogged some about all of these over the years -
happiness label -
local community -
communities -
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