Support of Quaker Leadings in Higher Education by Joining FAHE (again)
Dear David and Donn, (Stephen, David H. and Larry - who is chair of the board at World Univ & Sch, both wings presently),
Thanks for this email opportunity to rejoin FAHE (which I on behalf of World Univ & Sch last attended at Haverford in 2014, I think). While (Nt)Friendly-informed CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch for free-to-students' online degrees (in each of ~200 countries, and in their main languages) continues to seek to collaborate - and newly with Google (having not partnered with edX after all - after ~9 months of communications), to offer further online Bachelor and PhD degrees (then Law and MD and IB high school degrees), WUaS isn't 'there' yet. Glad that Alvian Nur ( in Indonesia has sent in his high school and college transcripts to WUaS, and not only his 1st year MIT OCW COURSES he'd like to take, but also an entire MIT Program Pathway in statistics and economics (which isn't MIT OCW) -
AAA - for a free-to-student PhD from WUaS, potentially beginning this 9/1/21. (From what he posts on Twitter, costs and the US college application process seem to be significant for him).
Am taking this opportunity, as professor, president, and presiding clerk of World Univ & Sch to communicate with you directly - and will mail in an 'independent scholar' $45 individual membership dues' check (since the required field - online (to Indiana, not Cherry Street in Philadelphia) - doesn't offer 'professor,' 'president,' and 'presiding clerk' as required options). Thank you for this opportunity to rejoin FAHE here via email. (Am living in a 'safe house' presently in the SF Bay Area, for whistle-blowing, about former address, by calling the local police twice - and also possibly for whistle-blowing about the SF Quaker Meeting in a related vein even, and possibly regarding my 2017 whistle-blowing about the illegal sex industry, internationally even). Appreciating Quaker Friendly ethics & history - and about abolition (following on the abolition of slavery) even - and here regarding the illegal sex industry (& and in all ~200 countries and their languages potentially - - and see Minute 8 for example, and 9 as well). Thank you.
Thank you too for sharing the FAHE email list some months' ago with WUaS - which emails continue to receive the open WUaS Monthly Business Meeting Minutes (conducted loosely in the manner of Friends / Quakers), and related Agenda and News. And here too is a 2013 video outreach video to FGC participants in Greeley, Colorado, with Friend Sherri Maurin, also from the SF Quaker Meeting, at the time -
'WUaS F/friendly/Quaker Outreach for Friends General Conference, FAQs' (2013)
- which we had fun making together some years ago. Thank you again. World Univ & Sch in some ways is very much a Friendly Quaker leading ( - - - with an invitation to wiki-teach to any of these subjects, and eventually in any of all 7,139 known living languages)!
Friendly regards,
Scott G.K. MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO, Professor, Presiding Clerk
Dear (Nt)Friends,
Here, by the way, are the 2 wings at WUaS I'm referring to -
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
Friendly regards,
Thanks, again!
Each Nation State as a major online University -
All ~200 countries, each a major University, with free-to-students' Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, M.D. and I.B. high school degree (and, in addition to prioritizing our pilot UN languages, WUaS seeks to prioritize Africa's ~54 countries, in their main and official languages, in this build out);
Languages -
In all 7,139 living languages + - each a wiki Uni or Sch;
You at World University -
for all 7.8 billion people, each a Wikidata Pin #, as wiki teachers and learners, and for free, accrediting best STEM CC-4 OCW-centric, online Bach., Ph.D., Law, M.D. and I.B. degrees;
Subjects -
wiki-edit a page, create, or start a Subject at WUaS with the SUBJECT TEMPLATE;
Courses & Schools -
e.g. best STEM CC-4 OCW:, and Yale OYC - - and medical and law schools, in 200 countries' main languages;
Music Schools -
planned for all instruments, and for all languages as wikis; join a video conference call for real, real time music-making, as well as to learn or teach face-to-face;
Library resources -
all libraries in all 7,139 known living languages first as wiki pages (and also in Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlow, Translate, etc.);
Museums -
all museums in all 7,139 known living languages as wiki pages (and also in Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlow, Translate, etc.);
Hardware Resource Possibilities -
e.g. a #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics or a #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego;
Educational Software -
in all ~200 countries' main languages;
Foundation at World University and School -
eg WUaS Mission, Board, WUaS Process regarding Monthly Business Meeting (conducted loosely in the manner of Friends / Quakers);
Research - (STEAM)
science and STEAM, e.g. in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth
- - (and see too this John Cleese Tweet -
Regarding further WUaS organizing of information, and on the commercial Educational Services' side, WUaS is developing the Academic Press at WUaS with machine translation in all 7,139 known living languages +, and with Actual-Virtual, Physical-Digital Bookstores / Cafes, Computer Stores, Robotics' Stores, Hospital Technologies' Distribution Centers, in ~200 countries and for speakers 7k languages.
World Univ and Sch Twitter -
WUaS Press -
Scott MacLeod -
Languages - World Univ -
“Naked Harbin Ethnography” book (in Academic Press at WUaS) -
OpenBand (Berkeley) -
August 30, 2021
Dear Friend,
We enjoyed engaging with you through the monthly Quaker Leadings in Higher Education events, which will resume shortly. We hope that you are healthy -- that you, your loved ones, and your colleagues are coping well with the ever-lingering pandemic. Although we are holding up fine, a sustained return to more normal conditions would be welcomed.
Having just sent renewal reminders to our FAHE members, this seems a good time to ask you to consider joining at whatever level best fits your situation:
Individual -- $85
Adjunct Faculty or Independent Scholar -- $45
Grad Student -- $25
Undergraduate -- $20
The easy way to join is online. But, you could also send your check to: David Harvey, Treasurer - Friends Association for Higher Education, 2009 Fairway Drive, Greencastle, IN 46135.
Membership dues ensure the continuation of the annual conference — next year at Earlham — and its sense of renewed, collegial community. We are particularly excited about the focus of the upcoming conference, which will be Friends and Racial Justice. This important and timely theme will also serve as the unifying thread for a related edition of the FAHE Quakers in the Disciplines book series.
While our annual conference remains the highlight of our year and the accompanying book provides a compelling scholarly venue, our online journal, Quaker Higher Education, provides thought-provoking articles at other times of the year. Also, during 2020-2021 we launched our successful, monthly, Zoom, seminar series, Quaker Leadings in Higher Education. The quality of these well-attended online sessions has been especially gratifying.
FAHE remains deeply committed to:
- Providing a supportive relationship and opportunities for fellowship among all who share Quaker ideals of higher education, whether on Quaker or non-Quaker campuses.
- Enhancing member’s appreciation of Friends religious heritage and nurturing the individual and corporate search for Truth.
- Lending support to the Quaker ideal of integrating spiritual commitment, academic excellence, and social responsibility.
- Lending support and encouragement to scholarly research directed toward perceiving and achieving a more perfect human society.
- Helping to clarify and articulate the distinctively Quaker vision of higher education, in terms of both curriculum and teaching.
- Assisting Friends Colleges in their efforts to affirm their Quaker heritage.
- Fostering greater communication and cooperation among Friends educational institutions and the various Friends constituencies to which they may be connected.
For all of these reasons, we hope that you will renew your FAHE membership.
Warm blessings,

| | | |
to Donn, stephen_potthoff, David, Larry, David |
Dear David and Donn, (Stephen, David H. and Larry - who is chair of the board at World Univ & Sch, both wings presently),
Thanks for this email opportunity to rejoin FAHE (which I on behalf of World Univ & Sch last attended at Haverford in 2014, I think). While (Nt)Friendly-informed CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch for free-to-students' online degrees (in each of ~200 countries, and in their main languages) continues to seek to collaborate - and newly with Google (having not partnered with edX after all - after ~9 months of communications), to offer further online Bachelor and PhD degrees (then Law and MD and IB high school degrees), WUaS isn't 'there' yet. Glad that Alvian Nur ( in Indonesia has sent in his high school and college transcripts to WUaS, and not only his 1st year MIT OCW COURSES he'd like to take, but also an entire MIT Program Pathway in statistics and economics (which isn't MIT OCW) - - for a free-to-student PhD from WUaS, potentially beginning this 9/1/21. (From what he posts on Twitter, costs and the US college application process seem to be significant for him).
Am taking this opportunity, as professor, president, and presiding clerk of World Univ & Sch to communicate with you directly - and will mail in an 'independent scholar' $45 individual membership dues' check (since the required field -
online (to Indiana, not Cherry Street in Philadelphia) - doesn't offer 'professor,' 'president,' and 'presiding clerk' as required options). Thank you for this opportunity to rejoin FAHE here via email. (Am living in a 'safe house' presently in the SF Bay Area, for whistle-blowing, about former address, by calling the local police twice - and also possibly for whistle-blowing about the SF Quaker Meeting in a related vein even, and possibly regarding my 2017 whistle-blowing about the illegal sex industry, internationally even). Appreciating Quaker Friendly ethics & history - and about abolition (following on the abolition of slavery) even - and here regarding the illegal sex industry (& and in all ~200 countries and their languages potentially - - and see Minute 8 for example, and 9 as well). Thank you.
Thank you too for sharing the FAHE email list some months' ago with WUaS - which emails continue to receive the open WUaS Monthly Business Meeting Minutes (conducted loosely in the manner of Friends / Quakers), and related Agenda and News. And here too is a 2013 video outreach video to FGC participants in Greeley, Colorado, with Friend Sherri Maurin, also from the SF Quaker Meeting, at the time -
'WUaS F/friendly/Quaker Outreach for Friends General Conference, FAQs'
Friendly regards,
Scott G.K. MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO, Professor, Presiding Clerk
All ~200 countries, each a major University, with free-to-students' Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, M.D. and I.B. high school degree (and, in addition to prioritizing our pilot UN languages, WUaS seeks to prioritize Africa's ~54 countries, in their main and official languages, in this build out);
Languages - all 7,139 living languages + - each a wiki Uni or Sch;
You at World University -
for all 7.8 billion people, each a Wikidata Pin #, as wiki teachers and learners, and for free, accrediting best STEM CC-4 OCW-centric, online Bach., Ph.D., Law, M.D. and I.B. degrees;
Subjects - a page, create, or start a Subject at WUaS with the SUBJECT TEMPLATE;
Courses & Schools -
e.g. best STEM CC-4 OCW:, and Yale OYC - - and medical and law schools, in 200 countries' main languages;
Music Schools -
planned for all instruments, and for all languages as wikis; join a video conference call for real, real time music-making, as well as to learn or teach face-to-face;
Library resources - museums in all 7,139 known living languages as wiki pages (and also in Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlow, Translate, etc.);
Hardware Resource Possibilities -
e.g. a #
RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics or a #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego;
Educational Software -
in all ~200 countries' main languages;
Foundation at World University and School -
eg WUaS Mission, Board, WUaS Process regarding Monthly Business Meeting (conducted loosely in the manner of Friends / Quakers);
Research - regarding
Regarding further WUaS organizing of information, and on the commercial Educational Services' side, WUaS is developing the Academic Press at WUaS with machine translation in all 7,139 known living languages +, and with Actual-Virtual, Physical-Digital Bookstores / Cafes, Computer Stores, Robotics' Stores, Hospital Technologies' Distribution Centers, in ~200 countries and for speakers 7k languages.

August 30, 2021
Dear Friend,
We enjoyed engaging with you through the monthly Quaker Leadings in Higher Education events, which will resume shortly. We hope that you are healthy -- that you, your loved ones, and your colleagues are coping well with the ever-lingering pandemic. Although we are holding up fine, a sustained return to more normal conditions would be welcomed.
Having just sent renewal reminders to our FAHE members, this seems a good time to ask you to consider joining at whatever level best fits your situation:
Individual -- $85
Adjunct Faculty or Independent Scholar -- $45
Grad Student -- $25
Undergraduate -- $20
The easy way to join is online. But, you could also send your check to: David Harvey, Treasurer - Friends Association for Higher Education, 2009 Fairway Drive, Greencastle, IN 46135.
Membership dues ensure the continuation of the annual conference — next year at Earlham — and its sense of renewed, collegial community. We are particularly excited about the focus of the upcoming conference, which will be Friends and Racial Justice. This important and timely theme will also serve as the unifying thread for a related edition of the FAHE Quakers in the Disciplines book series.
While our annual conference remains the highlight of our year and the accompanying book provides a compelling scholarly venue, our online journal, Quaker Higher Education, provides thought-provoking articles at other times of the year. Also, during 2020-2021 we launched our successful, monthly, Zoom, seminar series, Quaker Leadings in Higher Education. The quality of these well-attended online sessions has been especially gratifying.
FAHE remains deeply committed to:
- Providing a supportive relationship and opportunities for fellowship among all who share Quaker ideals of higher education, whether on Quaker or non-Quaker campuses.
- Enhancing member’s appreciation of Friends religious heritage and nurturing the individual and corporate search for Truth.
- Lending support to the Quaker ideal of integrating spiritual commitment, academic excellence, and social responsibility.
- Lending support and encouragement to scholarly research directed toward perceiving and achieving a more perfect human society.
- Helping to clarify and articulate the distinctively Quaker vision of higher education, in terms of both curriculum and teaching.
- Assisting Friends Colleges in their efforts to affirm their Quaker heritage.
- Fostering greater communication and cooperation among Friends educational institutions and the various Friends constituencies to which they may be connected.
For all of these reasons, we hope that you will renew your FAHE membership.
Warm blessings,

Scott MacLeod <>
Thu, Sep 2, 4:45 PM (3 days ago)
to David, Donn, stephen_potthoff, David, Larry
Dear David and Donn, (Stephen, David H. and Larry - who is chair of the board at World Univ & Sch, both wings presently),
I just mailed the FAHE membership check, and blogged about some of this here too -
Thank you again.
Warm regards, Scott
UBI experiments (Universal Basic Income) for 7.8 billion people on the planet and to end poverty - - each a wikidata Pin #, and connected with WUaS free universal education that is people-to-people and wiki - ?
With an invitation to you and Friends to wiki-teach at WUaS - - by editing a page, as this develops and now or when it gets easier.