On the road to #TravertineHotSprings:) (@HarbinBook) #EasternSierraMountains #MonoCounty After driving 3 hours through blah industry agriculture on F 5/13/22, Drove up after dark >incredible #NationalForest on #Hwy108 #CarCamped in beauty> #DonnellVista :) >stellar #SonoraPass Rd
(eventually in #wuAsVR and with WUaS Press publishing from GDocs in many languages, text in the sidebar...? ...)
Greetings from the SF BAY AREA and after a good trip yesterday, Saturday, 5/14/22, to TravertineHotSprings, in the eastern Sierra mountains, and the night before, over the incredible Sonora pass:)
Woke up in a beautiful immense national forest at about 5:45 am yesterday morning on the way to Travertine Hot Springs east of the Sierra mountains.
What a stellar Hwy 108 in incredible national forest, through the Dardanelles area, and up to Sonora pass above 9000 feet, and down the other side. Crossed the Pacific Crest Trail (which 2650 mile trail I hiked on for about 1600-1800 miles by foot, in 1980 & 1982) without realizing it heading east.
Text messaged and wrote to you with pictures from Bridgeport CA -
When I got to Travertine Hot Springs around 9am it was like entering another beautiful alternative world with little ridges creating lots of spaces to explore in search of where to soak -
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travertine_Hot_Springs#/media/File%3ATravertine_Hot_Springs-1200px.jpg. Wondering how I'd write a mini Ethnography too, and with a digital focus, two African American women, (mother and daughter I later learned) - as I stood on one of the mini ridges overlooking the first little grouping of WARM POOLS, with an amazing view of the eastern Sierra mountains - said someone should take a picture of me up on this ridge. I replied information technology wise - so send a little flying drone 'helicopter' up with a camera on it? Wondering how to create such a device with our smartphones on it even - and for Ethnographic projects.
These hot springs are free (unlike Harbin Hot Springs, for example), and while quite natural and rustic, do have a restroom at the very end of the parking area. And Travertine Hot Springs while I think having attracted many many hippies and natural hot springs' travelers over the decades too since at least the 1960s, is now managed by the national forest service (
https://www.wedreamoftravel.com/travertine-hot-springs/) - in a very open and great way.
I checked out another central grouping of beautiful warm pools over 2 mini ridges, and at the end of one and returned to the initial one many people would come to first (I'm wishing I could show you this landscape and pools in a realistic virtual earth for history, Anthropology, traveling). There was a couple I had seen exploring Travertine too there, and as I thought about soaking, I asked if this was clothing optional spring and they said yes. He, with a big beard, had put his feet in the first pool near the heat source, and I took off my clothes discretely and got in the perfect temperature 2nd pool with an amazing eastern Sierra mountains view, still with snow cover. There were actually many pairs of people, couples, pair bonds, male and female, this morning at Travertine Hot Springs - all really diverse Californians for the most part - and this couple was curious about where the warm water comes from. Amazingly too, I had a INTERNET connection (with the little
H+ sign on my Android Pixel 3a phone indicating web WiFi - now MUCH faster signal than in past, and almost as fast as
LTE sign on phone - Long Term Evolution I was told this means - both possibly protocols for data streaming to phones; with the
3rd Maps sign (upside down tear drop) on phone, possibly indicating a data streaming protocol for just Google Maps, - and eventually for FLIGHT??? ... I wonder too if, with faster chips semiconductors, whether we could develop a REAL REAL TIME Music Making when streaming PROTOCOL and even in Google Street View Maps Earth ... )
... and the woman too was reading about how the geothermal water works from her phone and via the internet.
(There were also a fair number of jets flying in the sky leaving trails of steam ... and leading me to wonder what their technology can see on the ground. Having heard also Sundar Pichai talk at Google IO 2022 on Wednesday
about Google doing new things with PLACE combining AERIAL imaging with Street View imaging ... And thinking too in terms of a Physical-Digital Warm Water Cure field site generation (a physical Harbin Hot Springs' simulacra) on East Bay MUD forested lands near Canyon soonish))
In that very group of pools
Hot Springs philosophy wise (and interesting conversations can happen in hot springs philosophy wise too) and with that California couple, I mentioned the possibility of a FilmTo3D App on our smartphones that we could use to create a virtual Travertine Hot Springs field site, to add to Google Street View with time slider Maps Earth TensorFlowAI and for soaking in our own home bathtub.
Walked over to the most central group of pools, and there were possibly 10 people there, and 3 dogs too,
Interesting improvisational ways of being at hot springs, some of us chatted briefly about soaking and Travertine and where the other pools are, and energy wise, things were pretty good (one never knows who will be at natural hot springs and energy wise and seeing things differently). I decided to go find some new pools skipping soaking in these central pools because they were a bit too crowded and I tend to go solo in general. One family of 4 I think arriving, the mother put her feet, standing up in the hottest pool, her daughter and partner saying she was going to go scout for other pools. I said hello to one of the 3 dogs, the companion of an Asian man from Vancouver WA or BC. I commented how good the dogs were being. His dog was sweet and friendly.
As I walked on, I saw a white woman in bikini and with another dog, and Asian male friend, arriving, and attractive she was also kind of had bold energy ... At hot springs I find one's sees people's energy in a different way than in the 'clothed world' interestingly. I thought the number of dogs and people increasing, good to find a quieter more solitary pool.
Over about 2 further ridges in a wondrous landscape I saw in the distance one smallish pool with rocks around it. All of these pools while appearing fairly natural have been shaped by people - beautifully - and sculpturally almost, and working with the abundant geothermal water bubbling out of the ground all over the place at TravertineHotSprings ... This little pool surrounded by a circle of rocks was shallow but again a great temperature and I soaked further drinking in the wonderfully beautiful landscape around, from a different angle.
Up above and back towards the other pools the scouting woman's partner all of a sudden stood up 75 yards away or so - and showed me where the next pool to check out was - as he was getting out of the pool. Cool ... and as another aspect of the improvisation of discovery of these warm pools in this beautiful natural hot springs world.
Went to this pool - and getting in and out, clothes off and on, feet dry, somewhat clean balancing on rough rocks, and as I simplify just putting jeans, and light blue pullover and Birkenstock sandals on for ease of access, and leaving off socks, underwear, t-shirt and collared shirt - and it was deeper than the others and a great temperature as well. The sun ever so bright and hot too, on this late spring day, I with my shade giving hat and sunglasses too, soaked and began to explore a little Yoga meditation. While half lotus pose works well for me on terra firma for mediation, as inner releasing action, full lotus pose is better in pools of water, and the warmth of the water facilitates getting into the pose easily as well. Good meditation here in this warm water and beautiful pool ...
Got out, and decided to head back to the central 3-4 pools, and NO ONE was there. The 4 dogs were gone and all the people ... Things change quickly at fluid hot springs. So I got in to 2 of these pools and soaked. Nice:) and while I like Harbin Hot Springs for it's laid back social hanging out around the main poll area, and related alternative culture informed by it's warm water meditation clothing optional soaking, I like Travertine Hot Springs for the possibility to find some unoccupied pools in a wondrous natural landscape and then soak ... All the people who come through here are traveling with no residents like at Harbin ... And while folks who have settled in the area here may know each other (the Travertine Hot Springs' tribe?) ... I don't ... And this was my very first time at Travertine too I think ... (It could have been a Green Tortoise adventure bus hippy bus stop a long time ago) ...
The soaking experience most like Quaker Silent Meeting for me was probably in the very first warm pool at Travertine, and being in the farther of two pools among the reeds and grasses meditating and looking out at the eastern Sierra too ... (before and after the couple above and I were chatting about geothermal and a FilmTo3D App and for field site generation and also our own experiences and trips to hot springs added to Google Street View with time Slider importantly.
They sounded British, a group of people arriving a little later to soak. But they were from Germany, had flown into Las Vegas, and renting a camper van (the Cruise America can in the parking lot?) were traveling around California. He was wearing a head scarf that made him look a little alternative or like a hippie, and we talked at some length in German, my mentioning - at Travertine Hot Springs as amplifier almost and Curiously -
WorldUniversityAndSchool.org, and spelling it out for them. I mentioned I had found 4 polls (but the article below mentions 7). At the end of our conversation - and ABOLITION-ALLY - a young attractive woman in his party who hadn't said anything said in English bye or BUY? or Bi? - and I wondered about the illegal sex industry internationally and the state of Nevada, the state of California, and the country of Germany and how law would work with these.
While I got a bad vibe with them at the end, I also observed that my speaking German here could be an opening to finding a life partner and who might be interested and a MD to be from Germany if traveling with her parents somehow (but probably not at a natural Hot Springs).
One further Lego Robotics' kits technology idea emerged yesterday morning at Travertine and regarding the WUaS Educational Services'Bookstores and Robot Stores ... Create a Head out of all the Lego bricks in Lego Spike Prime Robotics kit, as a new kit, and for teaching programming, code this head to speak, and code it to interact with the Robotics' learner or student to say for example take off these 20 Lego bricks for the top of my head, and using Scratch programming language or the Python language, put these bricks back on coded robotically in these days for learning this aspect of Scratch programming or Python language programming. Students might get a kick out of this interaction and re teaching and learning Robots :)
Leaving Travertine Hot Springs in the morning, and with Maps internet access surprisingly in this remote location, I was seeking another hot springs in Mammoth Creek I had been to years ago ... So chose on Google Maps
'Hot creek geological site (Hot Spring Side) Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546'
... and what a ride I had through the town of Lee Vining south on Hwy 395 and then on dirt roads to Owens River Road and Antelope Springs Road then further, got onto, with Google Maps, the tiniest narrowest back road in most beautiful open scrubby dessert to find this Maps Earth TensorFlowAI Translate destination ... but there was nothing like a hot springs there besides a fence with a cattle grate over it ... maybe the site is hundreds of yards under ground and Google Maps' geology doesn't do this kind of 3D yet ... So glad my Toyota Prius C had just gotten it's 5k maintenance ... worked so well ... But now without internet access our in the middle of nowhere, I retraced my drive, a little lost, taking one little mis-turn but kind of in a beautiful heaven of open land, clean dry, mountain ranges around ... And finally got back to the dirt roads' intersection of
Owens River Rd & Antelope Springs Rd in Google Street View / Maps ~
And decided to go farther to scout our a spring for another trip ... found a warm river ... a few fancy Sprinter Mercedes 'hippy too' camping vans (getting all of 14 miles per gallon? with gas costing as much as $7.19 per gallon:0) by river ... Thinking I found an epicenter of hot springs with zillions to explore another day; and Google Maps needs much more 'GROUND TRUTH-ING' - with lots of potential work for WUaS students even.
See my 2016 Toyota Prius C subcompact small car camper conversion further ideas below (since Toyota ProAce Autonomous Vehicle Electric Camping Van probably won't be worth getting until 2028 of a 2024 model)
Decided to head back to Travertine Hot Springs a second time (and see the mining town of Bodie on the way another day too) ..
Day was hotter by now 80F and it was nice to return to these springs again. A different crowd may have gathering ... Was there a kind of soaking party here this Saturday night ... Not my cup of tea and I like the morning energy of this hot springs natural area, wasn't into the potentially strong energies ... I soaked again in a few pools then decided to see the astounding Sonora pass road in the stellar daylight.
(At the summit I reconnected with the Pacific Crest Trail, but hadn't hiked this far north in 1980 ... But will return to the PCT at These passes ... and in talking with a snowboarder adventurer, as well as briefly with some white responsible grandparents, taking their half Japanese, I think, grandkids to the top of the Sonora pass in their Toyota Sienna, and even talking with them about careers I think,:)
As I departed, I took a few further pictures
at a big parking area where the Bridgeport CA paved road turns into the Travertine Hot Springs dirt road, I wanted to see it for what I think would be hippy van communities in the 1960s 70s and 80s in Google Street View with time slider Earth TensorFlowAI with Avatar Bots and INTERACTIVELY in a digital mask for history, a new kind, instead of the search and rescue trucks and maintenance area that this now is.
Fond Regards,
Toyota Prius c ideas
foldable board in back to sleep on
roof rack for both kayaks and car camper
Basically it is a piece of finished 1/4 plywood with two detachable legs on the front side. It fills in the space from the folded down rear seat .
AND roof rack
This unit will accept kayak widths from 16-to-24-inches. Most likely two kayaks will put you very near your roof's maximum weight capacity, so I recommend that before you load your kayaks you check your Prius owner's manual for guidance from Toyota regarding rooftop weight capacity.Jun 19, 2015
Toyota Prius c (2016) roof rack for car camping Thule or Yakima box AND next to 1 kayak or bicycle
Pic 1
Pic 2
JUST shared this with Ed, Navin, my landlord now, who likes to water his plants on his porch with much Hindi sculpture on it, Jesus the hauler, Bill Roberts (former landlord in SF in 1990s) & Alden
Plants are thirsty out here in the Eastern Sierra ranch lands... Shared this earlier today with my friend Ed Smyth MD above.... "Hi Ed, from the eastern Sierra, 4 pics here: 'On the road to #TravertineHotSprings:) (@HarbinBook) #EasternSierraMountains #MonoCounty After driving 3 hours through blah industry agriculture on F 5/13/22, Drove up after dark >incredible #NationalForest on #Hwy108 #CarCamped in beauty> #DonnellVista :) >stellar #SonoraPass Rd'
https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1525504256630849537 :)

Fondly, Scott (glad John Sargent MD suggested that moving back into Canyon again if safe - hence not chaotic? - is a good idea, but how to know if it's safe is the question he said. I don't know what he knows about Canyon from Tufts Medical Center (although we had talked again possibly 8-10 years ago while I was there ... John Sargent MD and my phone call was so brief but I think he got the questions right and what he said makes sense too:). Hi from Bridgeport CA ... Wanna go hot springing sometime? Miracle Springs in the Kern Valley next? :) Talk with you soon

" hi from Travertine Hot Springs a second time today after visiting Mammoth Creek (Hot); geologic site with Google Maps - stellar very small back roads - but there was no free natural hot springs to soak in ... For another day:)
Assembled the chapter titles and sections from my "Naked Harbin Ethnography" book in the WUaS Press (2016), and regarding possibly creating a Mini-Ethnography of Travertine Hot Springs, and there they are ~
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