To a global, virtual, free, open, {future degree- & credit-granting}, multilingual University & School for the developing world and everyone, as well as loving bliss ~
Rainbow Gathering Sat July 1-7 near Gorham New Hampshire, All Ways Free, Welcome Home
Showy lady's slipper flower: The next open WUaS News and Q&A will meet on Monday July 10, with ZOOM URL below
Greetings, Universitians, friends,
The next open WUaS News and Q&A will meet on Monday July 10, with ZOOM URL below.
Here's MIT OCW-centric wiki World Unv & Sch's current focus -
"Now how financially to begin to grow #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch potentially after moving into a newly safe #Canyon94516 on 9/1/23 w business plan - possibly from the US govt - for #WUaSaccreditation with #MSCHE & #PAstateEdDept & w reimbursement fr 200 countries' #EdDepts?"
People, Universitians, living within a few hours drive of Gorham, New Hampshire (Boston is about 3 hours away), the 51st open Rainbow Gathering is happening from Sat July 1 - 7, All Ways Free, and camping out in the most beautiful national forest (with food kitchens too, wildly), and you're welcome to check it out for a day or two, or all 7 days. It's a people's gathering! :)
I'm heading to the 'Rainbow Gathering of Living Light' 2023 in New Hampshire in a beautiful national forest, so there will be no open WUaS News and Q&A this Monday, July 3rd - Happy 4th of July weekend. World Univ & Sch is inspired by the Rainbow Gathering, which started in 1972 (and physical-virtual Harbin Hot Springs as a STEAM ethnographic field site too - which also started in its current form in 1972) ~
My 3rd book, and second book of poetry's title, "Winding Road Rainbow" (in the Poetry Press at World Univ & Sch, 2018), refers to the Rainbow Gathering, and has many poems about it in it ~
Apologies that I can't livestream this Rainbow Gathering 2023 'live into Google Street View with a time slider, with something like Google Glass streaming in real time into this emerging N-Dimensional virtual earth, as I walk around the meadows of the White Mountain National Forest in Google Street View here -
WUaS News and Q&A agenda for Monday July 10 at 10am Eastern Time, to come -
Topic: Monday 7/10/23 open World Univ & Sch WUaS News and Q&A at 10 am Eastern Time Time: Jul 10, 2023 10:00 AM Eastern Time, 07:00 AM Pacific Time, 03:00 PM Western European Time, 7:30 PM India Time (US and Canada)
Am curious how to co-create in a #RealisticVirtualEArthForHistory all 50 Rainbow Gatherings in something like Google Street View with time slider, by RAinbows and everybody adding all their Rainbow pics and videos and writings to Google Street View ... and transforming Rainbow folks into interactive conversation avatar bots too from all 50 years, and regarding email from yesterday per -
"livestream this Rainbow Gathering 2023 'live into Google Street View with a time slider, with something like Google Glass streaming in real time into this emerging N-Dimensional virtual earth, as I walk around the meadows of the White Mountain National Forest in Google Street View here - Steve is currently Acting Dept. Head. After a BSc in Molecular Biology & PhD in Genetics at University of Glasgow...In 2000 he established core functional genomics infrastructure for UK Drosophila community @geochurch @Flywire ~
Congratulations to Flywire & #CitizenScientists for collectively mapping #DrosophilaFly's entire #Connectome! Now how best to interoperate with #RealisticVirtualEarthForBrainScience & not only re #GoogleCellView w #TimeSlider but #GoogleMoleculeView?
Welcome to Flywire Congratulations #CitizenScientists on collectively mapping #DrosophilaFly's entire #Connectome! Now how best to interoperate with #RealisticVirtualEarthForBrainScience & not only re #GoogleCellView w #TimeSlider but #GoogleMoleculeView?
With #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords (think #Pegman in #GoogleStreetView #GoogleCellView etc w #TimeSlider #TensorFlowAI w #EPIC) & #RealisticVirtualEarthFor #WUaSGenetics for #AgingReversal how to DEPLOYR eg similar plastic surgery #ElectronicHealthRecords' pictures before/after?
With #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords (think #Pegman in #GoogleStreetView #GoogleCellView etc w #TimeSlider #TensorFlowAI w #EPIC) & #RealisticVirtualEarthFor #WUaSGenetics for #AgingReversal how to DEPLOYR eg sim. plastic surgery #ElectronicHealthRecords' pictures before/after
Bridging the implementation gap: clinical machine learning research :arrow_right: real-world impact. Introducing DEPLOYR, a framework for real-time deployment and prospective evaluation of researcher-created ML models in modern EMR systems.
Bridging the implementation gap: clinical machine learning research :arrow_right: real-world impact. Introducing DEPLOYR, a framework for real-time deployment and prospective evaluation of researcher-created ML models in modern EMR systems.
In some ways, heading to the Rainbow Gathering, relatively close in New Hampshire, and in New England, is one of the best things there is to do in my experience. It's a celebration and camping out in the most beautiful national forest can be amazing! How are you today?
I talked at some length with Stuart Weeks, David Thurston's cousin, and an old friend yesterday, and emailed too, and may see him on Monday morning just north of the White Mountain National Forest at a kind of gathering he's organizing with native American elders too. Here's our email correspondence - In talking, I learned that he and Elizabeth and his son had separated, and he recited a little ditty that he had written, to the effect of "Men are from Venus, women are from Mars ... " and it went on for 3 more lines (coming into a conversation with a popular psychology book of a related title) ... and it led me to wonder about whether Elizabeth, (and Oisin, their son - now in Maine he thinks), is angry.
I'm curious what strategies D.L. MD has developed to become a scientist and MD via Amherst College and Harvard Medical School (coming from Seattle and Lakeshore High School there)... and how we might even drift together and connect ... and what kind of great relationship we could develop that could last through centuries, (or how we might drift apart too after decades possibly ... ), and via connecting and language.
Some good Tweets further this morning, regarding aging reversal, avatar bot electronic medical records, and machine learning ... and a #Realistic Virtual Earth For Genetics too -
With #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords (think #Pegman in #GoogleStreetView #GoogleCellView etc w #TimeSlider #TensorFlowAI w #EPIC) & #RealisticVirtualEarthFor #WUaSGenetics for #AgingReversal how to DEPLOYR eg sim. plastic surgery #ElectronicHealthRecords' pictures before/after
... which could become a surrogate for tele-robotic surgery from a WUaS Toyota Ambulance Van Autonomous Vehicle, or a robot (in Nigeria too), for physical-digital Pegman as avatar bot electronic medical records of you and I into possibly clones of us somehow :)
How are you? Remember when at your place last time, I asked what happens if aging reversal & longevity genetic drug therapies are successful and we get a million or 2 million years out, and all factories for some reason stop producing the genetic drugs ... (eg an asteroid hits the planet) ... and we can't inject enough aging reversal genetic vaccine material into all of us to make us 25 years old (is the brainstorming) ... (just got an email from Stanford touching on a related question - ) ...
I continue to get a spam message in my scottmacleod100 hotmail account about 'Sattva partner' ... and even wonder if this could be CEO of Microsoft, from India, Satya Nadella's ... ...
friendly 'spam thinking' (Satya means truth in Sanskrit) ... (Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation have a long history with producing vaccines, at scale, and around the world - especially post coronavirus pandemic).
Seeking a Sattva partner, a Hindi / Sanskrit word - Ayurvedic Indian healing system (Yogic too) word, meaning pure, wholesome, virtuous, wise -
(in Ayurveda) the element or mode of prakriti associated with purity, wholesomeness, and virtue.
What does the term sattva mean? the purity and wisdom satt·va. ˈsətvə plural -s. : the purity and wisdom constituting one of the three gunas of Sankhya philosophy and leading to true enlightenment compare rajas, tamas.
How to create or generate caring nurturance I wonder (also Unitarian and Quaker-wise)?
(And could D.L. know Bill Gates, since both are Lake Shore School alumni?)
Just got another email from Kaiser Permanente, something about foot pain ( - but indicative of my having KP health coverage on September 1, 2023 and potentially in a newly safe Canyon 94516 even - abolitionally, Ma!
Cold temperatures made the window to view sunset short, but it was worth it. #mountwashingtonobservatory #mwobs #nhstatepark #sunset #whitemountains #whitemountainnationalforest
Scott's an anthropologist of physical-digital Harbin Hot Springs, as ethnographic field site - - who also finds fascinating the internet, ideas, poetry, sociology, art, science, genetics of aging reversal and extreme longevity, philosophy, history, music, love and life ~ as well as the anthropology of information technology & counterculture :) - ... Am also the president or head of, and professor at, MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch (& Academic @WUaSPress, planned in 7,164 living languages with machine translation, aka the WUaS Corp) planning free online degrees in ~200 countries & in their main languages, where you can wiki-teach, or wiki-learn, or wiki-create - (see too: in exploring questions of Yoga & wisdom). Identity-wise, a Nontheist Friendly Quaker - a NtF or NtQ - with Unitarian Universalist sympathies as well, and an academic