MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School - WUaS Educational Services' Stores for Books, Computers, Robotics + Business Plan for a Startup Business - Jan 2024
Chase bank branch, Shadyside community in Pgh, PA, M 12/11/23
@WUaSPress to publish #WUaSBooks to 1) paper fr eg #GDocsWUaSPress platform #TextInTheSidebar of #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider & in 2) a new Digital Book Format in an Assemblage of Hardware eg #BrainwaveHeadsetBooks, #DigitalMaskInteractiveMLBooks, #WUaSMultimediaRooms #wuAsVR~
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) October 4, 2023
Excited for @WUaSPress to publish #WUaSBooks to #WUaSMultimediaRooms w Cameras & eg #PlanetariumProjectionLamps on 4 sides of room again from #StreetView w #TimeSlider etc eg for #RealisticVirtualHarbin & esp for iterating STEAM @WorldUnivAndSch #WUaSresearch #STEMresearch FOR ALL
Excited for @WUaSPress to publish #WUaSBooks to #WUaSMultimediaRooms w Cameras &eg #PlanetariumProjectionLamps on 4 sides of room again from #StreetView w #TimeSlider etc eg for #RealisticVirtualHarbin & esp for iterating STEAM @WorldUnivAndSch #WUaSresearch #STEMresearch FOR ALL
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) October 4, 2023
MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School -
WUaS Educational Services' Stores for Books, Computers, Robotics +
Business Plan for a Startup Business - 2024
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206
1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity
MIT OCW-centric,
World University and School -
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -
(o) 415 480 4577 -
(m) 412 478 0116 -
World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -
- (all 7,168 known living languages at WUaS)
Bookstore Executive Summary
Business Overview
MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School’s WUaS Educational Services' Stores for Books, Computers, Robotics + Physical-Digital Bookstore is a newly established academic bookstore located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In addition to academic books, in all ~200 countries’ main languages, it sells books of all genres, bookmarks, notebooks and journals, calendars, puzzles, and a selection of board and computer games. WUaS Educational Services' Stores for Books, Computers, Robotics’s Bookstore + will be located within walking distance of the University of Pittsburgh, and Carnegie Mellon University. WUaS Educational Services' Stores for Books, Computers, Robotics’s Bookstore + will target all residents of Pittsburgh, and western Pennsylvania, particularly those with a fond appreciation of free highest quality MIT OCW-centric WUaS education and degrees, free online universities, and high schools too, and intellectual life and the ‘life of the mind’ or body minds.
WUaS Educational Services' Stores for Books, Computers, Robotics’s Bookstore + is solely owned by Scott GK MacLeod, an author who is amassing an immense collection of books and wants to share his love of books with the greater Pittsburgh community. As an author himself, Scott wants to support other authors by creating an academic press, as well as having a rotating “Author of the Month,” where he will prominently display their book and hold an author book signing where they can discuss their book publicly and be available to meet and socialize with fans at the store.
WUaS Educational Services' Stores for Books, Computers, Robotics’s Bookstore + will also hold a Book Club, where people can gather weekly to discuss select books that the club chooses to read. The Book Club will read a different book weekly and meet to discuss their thoughts at the World University and School Bookstore in Shadyside, Pittsburgh PA. Scott believes that by keeping his clientele engaged, it will lead to greater customer loyalty and frequent book sales. The Book Club will have a membership subscription service that allows members to be billed monthly and the World University and School Bookstore in Shadyside, Pgh, PA, Bookstore will mail the member the book that will be discussed the following week.
Product Offering
The following are products to be offered by World University and School Bookstore in Shadyside, Pittsburgh, PA:
Lego robotics’ kits
Computers (devices) with a book focus initially
Books of all genres
Children’s books
Young adult books
Notebooks and journals
Small selection of board and computer games
Bookstore candies and food (cafes eventually)
Customer Focus
The customer focus for World University and School Bookstore in Shadyside, Pgh, PA will include all residents of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and beyond. While the close proximity to local universities will bring in college students and staff, Scott also hopes to bring in families and residents from all walks of life to the bookstore. World University and School Bookstore in Shadyside, Pgh, PA, also seeks to use this bookstore for outreach to Pittsburgh, PA, residents, of all walks of life, for free-to-students’ MIT OCW-centric World University and School degrees - Bachelor, PhD, Law, MD, IB high school, or similar, AA/AS and Master’s degrees.
The WUaS Bookstore will make available free online MIT OCW-centric World University and School degrees, and see -
Begin free #MITOCW+centric #WUaSdegrees - 4yr Bach, 2yr AS, 4yr high school 7yr PhD, 3yr Law, MD - ANYTIME from home re 1st #WUaSBookstore #WUaSBusinessPlan #WalnutStreetPghPA with #WUaSstudents matriculating in with #WUaSLegoRobotics '#CSFirst #wGoogle @ #WUaSunivs + ~
Management Team
Scott GK MacLeod will seek to hire a chief operating officer to manage the day-to-day aspects of the bookstore, as well as hire and train employees. He will also hire an assistant manager to manage the administrative portion of the Book Club. The assistant manager will also coordinate the bookstore events, such as the Book Club schedule, Author of the Month, and Book Signings where certain authors will be featured.
Success Factors
WUaS Educational Services' Stores for Books, Computers, Robotics’s Bookstore + is primed for success by offering the following competitive advantages:
Wide selection of new books and large selection from independent authors.
Competitive pricing that can undercut the competition.
Book club subscription service that offers members the chance for a weekly book to be mailed directly to their home or available for pick up.
Will support emerging independent authors the chance for their book to be displayed and have book signing events for them.
Financial Highlights
Scott MacLeod is seeking $100,000 in debt financing to open a bookstore in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The funding will be dedicated for product inventory, leasehold improvements, working capital, and three months of payroll. The breakout of the funding is below:
Bookstore design/build: $50,000
Opening inventory: $30,000
Working capital: $5,000
Three months of payroll: $15,000
WUaS Business Plan for Accreditation with MSCHE with offices in the greater Philadelphia area, and WUaS Licensure with the state of Pennsylvania’s department of Education, for which WUaS has already received the ‘green light’ but has needed a Business Plan, for one:
Big WUaS developments with a Business Plan and for MSCHE accreditation & state of PA (licensure) recently, and WUaS potentially becoming financially operational, but still no money for the initial ~$11,500 fees, and again -
Begin free #MITOCW+centric #WUaSdegrees - 4yr Bach, 2yr AS, 4yr high sch, 7yr PhD, 3yr Law, MD - ANYTIME fr home re 1st #WUaSBookstore #WUaSBusinessPlan #WalnutStreetPghPA w #WUaSstudents matriculating in w #WUaSLegoRobotics '#CSFirst #wGoogle @ #WUaSunivs + ~
Retweeting -
Begin free #MITOCW+centric #WUaSdegrees - 4yr Bach, 2yr AS, 4yr high sch, 7yr PhD, 3yr Law, MD - ANYTIME fr home re 1st #WUaSBookstore #WUaSBusinessPlan #WalnutStreetPghPA w #WUaSstudents matric. in w #WUaSLegoRobotics '#CSFirst #wGoogle @ #WUaSunivs + ~
1st #WUaSBookstore ? #WUaSBusinessPlan 1st book @WUaSPress @HarbinBook & 1st build w #LegoSpikePrime #KikiTheDog & 1 #LegoWeDo2 robot build #WilliamSonomaStore #WalnutStreetPghPA for #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch #WUaSEducationalServicesStores - ~
with Tweeting Pictures of Lego Spike Prime Robot builds +, and 'Naked Harbin Ethnography" 1st book in the Academic Press at WUaS
#RealisticVirtualEarthForBookstores & #RealisticVirtualEarthForLegoRobotics in 1 iterating #RealisticVirtualEarth (think Google Street View with time slider with TensorFlow AI +) as a significant part of the WUaS Corp's wing of the WUaS Business Plan
#WUaSBookstore #WUaSBusinessPlan on #WalnutStreetPghPA - for
#MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch #WUaSEducationalServicesStores -
- #RealisticVirtualEarthForBookstores
-#RealisticVirtualEarthForLegoRobotics ~
Toyota THR3 #Robot #ToyotaTHR3 #Artificialintelligence #englishhome #WholeNewGame
Google Classroom is up and running and free much for document sharing between students and teachers -
Information Technology, the Network Society and the Global University
CS First with google at World University and School
Also -
Bookstore business plan model -
Bookstore Company Overview
Who is Creative Commons’ 4 licensed MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School Educational Services' Stores for Books, Computers, Robotics’s Bookstore +?
WUaS Educational Services' Stores for Books, Computers, Robotics’s Bookstore + is a newly established bookstore located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It sells Lego robotics’ kits, computers for books, books of all genres, bookmarks, notebooks and journals, calendars, puzzles, and a selection of board games. As an independent bookstore, WUaS Educational Services' Stores’ Bookstore is not dedicated to one publisher; it will sell books from an array of publishers with some written by local independent Pittsburgh authors. WUaS Educational Services' Stores Bookstore will be located within walking distance of the University of Pittsburgh. WUaS Educational Services' Stores’ Bookstore will target all residents of Pittsburgh, particularly those with a fond appreciation of free highest quality MIT OCW-centric WUaS education and degrees, free online universities, and high schools too, and intellectual life and the ‘life of the mind’ or body minds.
WUaS Educational Services' Stores for Books, Computers, Robotics’s Bookstore + is solely owned by Scott GK MacLeod, an author who is amassing an immense collection of books and wants to share his love of books with the greater Pittsburgh community. As an author himself, Scott wants to support other authors by creating an academic press, as well as having a rotating “Author of the Month,” where he will prominently display their book and hold an author book signing where they can discuss their book publicly and be available to meet and socialize with fans at the store.
WUaS Educational Services' Stores for Books, Computers, Robotics’s Bookstore + will also hold a Book Club, where people can gather weekly to discuss select books that the club chooses to read. The Book Club will read a different book weekly and meet to discuss their thoughts at the World University and School Bookstore in Shadyside, Pittsburgh PA. Scott believes that by keeping his clientele engaged, it will lead to greater customer loyalty and frequent book sales.
WUaS Educational Services' Stores for Books, Computers, Robotics’s Bookstore + History
WUaS’s Bookstore will be owned and operated by Scott GK MacLeod, a local author who has published a handful of his works by a small publishing company. While Scott loves to write and will continue to write in his free time, his true passion lies in collecting several types of books and discussing them with various people. Scott has a deep appreciation for other authors and wants to do his best to support the literary arts.
Scott has been building his savings and business plan to launch his own independent bookstore for the past 20 years.
Since incorporation, WUaS’s Bookstore has achieved the following milestones:
Located the bookstore location and is seeking to sign a Letter of Intent with the property management company.
Registered the WUaS Bookstore, as a for profit general stock company legal entity in the state of California.
Contacted several book distributors to begin discussions for WUaS’s Bookstore to sell books from different publishing companies.
Has started putting together an email list of potential customers and book club members so Scott can begin sending teaser emails of upcoming news and events.
WUaS’s Bookstore Products
WUaS’s Bookstore will sell the following products:
Lego robotics’ kits
Computers (devices) with a book focus initially
Books of all genres
Children’s books
Young adult books
Notebooks and journals
Small selection of board and computer games
Bookstore candies and food (cafes eventually)
Bookstore Industry Analysis
The Bookstore industry will experience growth over the next five years, reaching $8 billion in annual sales. WUaS in developing a Physical-Digital Bookstore will seek to grow substantially online as well.
Operators are expected to continually invest in store improvements and add-ons in an attempt to drive foot traffic into stores, as well as visits to the Bookstore website - - as it grows. Locally operated independent bookstores are expected to endure, benefiting from low operating costs and strong support from their local communities.
To help diversify offerings and bring in additional revenues, stores are implementing monthly book delivery services, which are anticipated to grow in popularity.
The WUaS Educational Services’ bookstore, computer store, robotics’ store seeks to build out its WUaS online bookstore in a realistic virtual earth - - or environment ( - and think Google Street View with time slider, GMaps, GEarth, TensorFlowAI, GTranslate and with even Pegman becoming our digital twins for possible online bookstore shopping. And the WUaS Bookstore also seeks to facilitate developing a #Realistic Virtual Earth For Lego Robotics - #RealisticVirtualEarthForLegoRobotics (and see and - and not only for WUaS students building Lego robots for learning, but also as central to the WUaS Educational Services’ bookstore, robotics’ store:
Incredible #ToyotaTHR3 potentially building #LegoRobotics which you can play too with #WUaSLegoRobotics in your home since @WUaSPress #EducationalServicesStore is an official carrier of “WUaSLegoRoboticsKits - or FREE Bach & PhD degrees #RobotPlayLearning in your room, & pot. in #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics~
Retweeting -
Toyota THR3 #Robot #ToyotaTHR3 #Artificialintelligence #englishhome #WholeNewGame
Revenues will benefit the most from rising per capita disposable income and consumer confidence, both of which are anticipated to continue to grow over the next five years.
Bookstore Customer Analysis
Demographic Profile of Target Market
WUaS’s Bookstore will target all residents of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. While the close proximity to the local university will bring in college students and staff, Scott also hopes to bring in families and residents from all walks of life to the bookstore.
The estimated demographics for Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania are:
Total Percent
Total population 1,680,988 100%
Male 838,675 49.9%
Female 842,313 50.1%
20 to 24 years 114,872 6.8%
25 to 34 years 273,588 16.3%
35 to 44 years 235,946 14.0%
45 to 54 years 210,256 12.5%
55 to 59 years 105,057 6.2%
60 to 64 years 87,484 5.2%
65 to 74 years 116,878 7.0%
75 to 84 years 52,524 3.1%
Customer Segmentation
WUaS’s Bookstore will primarily target the following customer profiles:
University college students and staff
Families with children
Authors and other academic professionals who have a deep appreciation for books
Foot traffic on Walnut street in the Shadyside community of Pittsburgh
Bookstore Competitive Analysis
WUaS’s Bookstore will face competition from other bookstores in the area. A profile of the competitor companies are below.
Direct and Indirect Competitors
University of Pittsburgh’s Bookstore
University of Pittsburgh’s Bookstore - - has been owned and operated by the University of Pittsburgh for more than 100 years. They are an university independent bookstore in Oakland, Pittsburgh, PA, that carries a range of new books across many genres. Along with a strong fiction section, they offer a wide variety of academic and course books, as well as travel, current events, and cooking. The University of Pittsburgh’s Bookstore also sells magazines, art supplies, puzzles, and cards. There is also a small selection of bargain books on sale. If a customer would like a book that is not in stock, one of the friendly customer service associates will be happy to order it for the customer. The book will usually arrive in 2 – 3 business days. Customers are also able to purchase books online through University of Pittsburgh’s Bookstore’s website.
The sections of University of Pittsburgh’s Bookstore includes staff picks, bargain books, limited signed copies, The University of Pittsburgh Bookstore's bestsellers, notebooks and journals, planners and desk calendars, independent bookstore day exclusives, and Pennsylvania Books.
Carnegie Mellon University Bookstore
The other main university bookstore in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, known for its academic books for CMU courses especially, the CMU Bookstore is Pittsburgh’s legendary university bookstore serving book lovers since probably around 1900 when Carnegie Tech Institute began. A student-oriented independent bookstore, they strive to offer the same variety and richness of experience of their courses with the books on their shelves. CMU Bookstore focuses on CMU academic perspectives, upholding the free exchange of ideas, championing the enduring power of books, and bolstering the great community of readers and authors they’re lucky to be a part of.
Aside from their large selection of books, the CMU Bookstore also offers signed editions, award winners, souvenirs, and book club subscriptions. Through the online CMU bookstore - - and their expansive online community, they set out to reach readers around the world. Their mission is to be CMU’s students’ best destination for readers, a place that fosters a culture of reading and connects particularly students with the books they’ll love.
Mystery Lovers’ Bookshop
Mystery Lovers’ Bookshop is a locally owned, independent bookstore committed to bringing the community great books in whatever format suits the customer best. They have been an active member of the East End PIttsburgh community since 1990. They take great pride in helping the customer find wonderful reads, in bringing together authors and readers in an interactive environment, in supporting local authors, and in being a supportive member of a vibrant, diverse Oakmont / Verona, Pennsylvania neighborhood to the east of Pittsburgh, along the Allegheny river.
Mystery Lovers’ Bookshop - - mostly sells new books, but they also occasionally have a selection of used books, sale books, and non-book items such as greeting cards, calendars, journals, games and puzzles, paintings, and holiday-specific items. They are also able to order new books that are not in stock at no additional charge. Mystery Lovers’ Bookshop is also able to gift wrap any purchase for free.
Competitive Advantage
WUaS’s Bookstore will be able to offer the following advantages over their competition:
Wide selection of new books and large selection from independent authors.
Competitive pricing that can undercut the competition.
Book club subscription service that offers members the chance for a weekly book to be mailed directly to their home or available for pick up.
Will support emerging independent authors the chance for their book to be displayed and have book signing events for them.
Bookstore Marketing Plan
Brand & Value Proposition
WUaS’s Bookstore will offer the unique value proposition to its clientele:
Free MIT OCW-centric World University and School degrees online from home as a way to bring people into the Bookstore, and for
Lego robotics’ kits.
Computer devices with a book focus.
Large selection of books of all genres.
Bookstore candies and food (cafes eventually).
Best prices in town – will undercut the competition.
Book club subscription service.
Book signing events to support independent authors.
The promotions strategy for WUaS’s Bookstore is as follows:
WUaS’s Bookstore will be located in a very convenient, highly-trafficked area of Pittsburgh, that is a few blocks away from the University of Pittsburgh. The area is known to be frequented by numerous residents that shop and study in the area. There are numerous coffee shops, bistros, and boutiques in the neighborhood. The location of the retail storefront will have prominent signage and be easily visible to any passerby that is walking or driving down the block.
Social Media
WUaS’s Bookstore will have Twitter - - and - (formerly) now X, and Facebook, and some other social media profiles where Scott will post newly released books and featured events. The posts will also offer information about the Book Club and subscription member service. The social media pages will also feature different authors with the emphasis being on local independent authors.
Website & SEO Marketing
Scott will reach out to a website designer to develop a website for WUaS’s Bookstore. The website will be easy to navigate and include an option to purchase items online, contact information, and location. The SEO will also be managed to ensure that anyone searching “bookstore near me” or “bookstore Pittsburgh World University and School”, will see WUaS’s Bookstore listed at the top of the Bing or Google search engine.
Email Blasts
Scott will keep a database of customer emails so he can email the subscribers information of the bookstore’s latest happenings. He’ll include information on newly released books, Author of the Month, upcoming book signing events, and Book Club information. The emails will include the same information as the social media posts. The emails will be another way to engage with the clientele who do not have social media accounts. See, for example -
Harvard Book Store
1256 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
Tel (617) 661-1515
Toll Free (800) 542-READ
#HarvardBookStore #EmailBlasts & #HomePage are great - #WUaSBookstore #WalnutStreetPghPA #WUaSBusinessPlan to invite #NobelLaureateAuthors to speak in #WUaSBookclub
How best to #TimeSlide in #StreetView to authors' book setting ?
Tweeting -
"Naked Harbin Ethnography" book, 1st book published by the Academic Press at WUaS ... and seeking to create a brand new form of publishing in a 2nd Harbin Ethnography from Google Street View with Time Slider, to new devices even
The pricing of the physical-digital WUaS Educational Services' WUaS’s Bookstore will be value oriented, seeking on average with books and products costing on average 5 % less than at Walmart (so - for price and quality and in WUaS seeking to hire/employ 2.5 million people in 50 to 75 years). As the RETAIL physical-digital WUaS Educational Services' Bookstore and stores grow for students and wiki Universitians, WUaS seeks to carry with a similar product line initially to Walmart, and costing 5% less on average. The WUaS Bookstore seeks to compete on price and quality so customers feel they receive a better value when purchasing their items than with competitors, and see -
Nobel Laureate Authors, and reinvent WUaS Bookstore with Multimedia -
How to reinvent #WUaSBookstore w Multimedia, a variety of new devices, incl. #DigitalGlasses #DigitalMasks like #AppleVisionPro ($3500) & for visiting #VirtualHarbin from home, from bathtub & for #WUaSResearch #RealisticVirtualEarthAsOperatingSystem #RealisticVirtualEarthOS ?
Languages all 7168
Retweeting -
The Nobel Prize
#OnThisDay in 1959, “chip” co-inventor Jack Kilby filed patent application 'Miniaturized Electronic Circuits'. Kilby was employed by
and was left alone in the lab in summer 1958 when he invented an integrated circuit. It revolutionised the electronics industry.
Bookstore Operations Plan
The operations plan for WUaS’s Bookstore is as follows.
Operation Functions:
Scott GK MacLeod’s Chief Operating Officer will be the bookstore owner and General Manager. He will hire, train, and manage all staff as well as carry out administrative functions for the store.
Scott’s COO’s assistant manager will also be in charge of the bookstore events; author book signings and weekly book club meetings.
S/He/They will hire one assistant manager to help with oversight and be responsible for the book club subscription service. He or she will manage the membership list and mail the books weekly or prepare them for in-store pickup.
2-4 part time hourly employees to assist with inventory, product display, and customer service.
Scott will hire a third party accounting firm to handle all bookkeeping, payroll, tax payments, and permitting.
Scott will hire a web designer to develop WUaS’ and manage the SEO.
Easily complete your bookstore business plan!
WUaS’s Bookstore will have the following milestones complete in the next six months.
6/1/202X – Finalize lease agreement for 2,000 square foot bookstore location.
6/15/202X – Begin build out of leased space.
6/30/201X – Finalize agreements with book distributors to schedule their upcoming product deliveries to the store.
7/1/202X – Scott will meet with the web designer so they can get started developing
8/1/202X – Final walk through and approval of the built out bookstore.
8/15/202X – First shipment of store inventory arrives.
8/16/202X – Hire employees and begin training.
8/18/202X – Stocking and display of product inventory in anticipation of the Grand Opening.
9/1/202X – Grand Opening of WUaS’s Bookstore.
WUaS Bookstores & for WUaS Book Publishing from Google Street View with Time Slider > new WUaS Devices too
1 iterating #RealisticVirtualEarth as #RealisticVirtualEarthOperatingSystem #RealisticVirtualEarthOS #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory #RealisticVirtualHarbin #WUaSEducationalServicesStores #WUaSBookstores & for #WUaSBookPublishing from #GStreetView w #TimeSlider >#WUaSDevices ~
Retweeting -
Science History Institute
Since this first photo, iconic photos of #WholeEarth from space have sparked awareness of Earth's uniqueness, unity, and fragility against the backdrop of space. Apollo astronauts snapped the famous #Earthrise and #BlueMarble photos, in 1968 and 1972 respectively.
Bookstore Management Team
World University and School’s Bookstore will be solely owned and operated by Scott GK MacLeod.
Scott MacLeod is a freelance author and fiction writer based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. After receiving a Bachelor’s Degree in Religion and German from Reed College, in Portland, Oregon, a Master’s Degree in Sociocultural Anthropology from The University of California, Santa Barbara, and a Diploma of Research from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, Scott spent the last fifteen years developing CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School in his spare time. Scott has five books that have been published and will continue to write, blog ( and and Tweet, as ideas generate in his mind.
Scott’s passion has always been developing MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School, including its Academic Press at WUaS planned in 7168 known living languages with machine translation, and writing books about Harbin Hot Springs, as an ethnographic field site, and inspiring 4 books of poetry too, and discussing them with colleagues and friends. He seeks to develop a new kind of book, publishing newly from an IT platform from potentially Google Street View with a time slider so that one can actually visit virtual Harbin Hot Springs, and researchers and writers can create books about this. He has always wanted his WUaS bookstore to run a Book Club and sell books as a profession, having worked for 2.5 years in the Pendle Hill Quaker Center for Study and Contemplation, in its Pendle Hill Bookstore and Publisher, in Wallingford, PA. (Scott has also taught the course “Society, Information Technology and the Global University” on Harvard University’s Berkman Island in the 3D virtual world of Second Life for more than 10 years). Now that Scott may have access to a small business loan, he is ready to make that dream a reality.
Scott’s COO will manage the day-to-day aspects of the bookstore, as well as hire and train employees. He will also hire an assistant manager to manage the administrative portion of the Book Club. Scott’s COO’s assistant manager will also coordinate the bookstore events, such as the Book Club schedule, Author of the Month, and Book Signings where certain authors will be featured.
Bookstore Financial Plan
Key Revenue & Costs
The revenue drivers for WUaS’s Bookstore will be the books it will sell on location, and online too. Another revenue driver will be the subscription fees it will generate from the Book Club memberships.
The cost drivers will be the cost of the book and other items’ inventory. Other cost drivers will be the rent, payroll, and overhead costs.
Funding Requirements and Use of Funds
Scott GK MacLeod is seeking $100,000 in debt financing to open a bookstore in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The funding will be dedicated for product inventory, leasehold improvements, working capital, and three months of payroll. The breakout of the funding is below:
Bookstore design/build: $50,000
Opening inventory: $30,000
Working capital: $5,000
Three months of payroll: $15,000
Key Assumptions
The following outlines the key assumptions required in order to achieve the revenue and cost numbers in the financials and in order to pay off the startup business loan.
Initial Number of Customers Per Month: 500
Annual Lease: $20,000
Financial Projections
Income Statement
FY 1 FY 2 FY 3 FY 4 FY 5
Total Revenues $360,000 $793,728 $875,006 $964,606 $1,063,382
Expenses & Costs
Cost of goods sold $64,800 $142,871 $157,501 $173,629 $191,409
Lease $50,000 $51,250 $52,531 $53,845 $55,191
Marketing $10,000 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000
Salaries $157,015 $214,030 $235,968 $247,766 $260,155
Initial expenditure $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Exps & Costs $291,815 $416,151 $454,000 $483,240 $514,754
EBITDA $68,185 $377,577 $421,005 $481,366 $548,628
Depreciation $27,160 $27,160 $27,160 $27,160 $27,160
EBIT $41,025 $350,417 $393,845 $454,206 $521,468
Interest $23,462 $20,529 $17,596 $14,664 $11,731
PRETAX INCOME $17,563 $329,888 $376,249 $439,543 $509,737
Net Operating Loss $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Use of Net Op. Loss $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Taxable Income $17,563 $329,888 $376,249 $439,543 $509,737
Income Tax Expense $6,147 $115,461 $131,687 $153,840 $178,408
NET INCOME $11,416 $214,427 $244,562 $285,703 $331,329
Balance Sheet
FY 1 FY 2 FY 3 FY 4 FY 5
Cash $154,257 $348,760 $573,195 $838,550 $1,149,286
Accounts receivable $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Inventory $30,000 $33,072 $36,459 $40,192 $44,308
Total Current Assets $184,257 $381,832 $609,654 $878,742 $1,193,594
Fixed assets $180,950 $180,950 $180,950 $180,950 $180,950
Depreciation $27,160 $54,320 $81,480 $108,640 $135,800
Net fixed assets $153,790 $126,630 $99,470 $72,310 $45,150
TOTAL ASSETS $338,047 $508,462 $709,124 $951,052 $1,238,744
Debt $315,831 $270,713 $225,594 $180,475 $135,356
Accounts payable $10,800 $11,906 $13,125 $14,469 $15,951
Total Liability $326,631 $282,618 $238,719 $194,944 $151,307
Share Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Retained earnings $11,416 $225,843 $470,405 $756,108 $1,087,437
Total Equity $11,416 $225,843 $470,405 $756,108 $1,087,437
TOTAL LIAB. & EQ. $338,047 $508,462 $709,124 $951,052 $1,238,744
Cash Flow Statement
FY 1 FY 2 FY 3 FY 4 FY 5
Net Income (Loss) $11,416 $214,427 $244,562 $285,703 $331,329
Change in work. cap. ($19,200) ($1,966) ($2,167) ($2,389) ($2,634)
Depreciation $27,160 $27,160 $27,160 $27,160 $27,160
Net Cash Flow fr Ope $19,376 $239,621 $269,554 $310,473 $355,855
Investment ($180,950) $0 $0 $0 $0
Net Cash Flow fr Inv ($180,950) $0 $0 $0 $0
Cash from equity $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Cash from debt $315,831 ($45,119) ($45,119) ($45,119) ($45,119)
Net Cash Flow fr Fin $315,831 ($45,119) ($45,119) ($45,119) ($45,119)
Net Cash Flow $154,257 $194,502 $224,436 $265,355 $310,736
Cash at Beg. of Period$0 $154,257 $348,760 $573,195 $838,550
Cash at End of Period $154,257 $348,760 $573,195 $838,550 $1,149,286
Business Plan Template for a Startup Business - Jan 18 2024
* *
Good Morning, Ma, on Dad's birthday (GKM MD) - 1/30/24

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