Thursday, July 4, 2024

Alta Toquima Wilderness, Nevada: Greetings Reedie time travelers with longevity and aging reversal genetic drug therapies even? * Regarding a brand new invention of the book even ... and for my 2nd actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnography in something like Google Street View with Time Slider, #TextInTheSidebar, and in a #RealisticVirtualEarth (and see again Peter Norvig's Incredible article about MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch - - and a Realistic Virtual Earth potentially for Longevity and Aging Reversal especially eg interoperating with Google's AlphaFold3 server, here's a helpful definition of a book * Abolition * Books to recommend and a month to read it for in this Proposed Reedie+ book group beginning in late December 2024 or early 2025? Might we explore in December or January 2025 an online component to include Reedies interested but living outside the SF Bay Area? * * * west to #Canyon94516 in late 2024 w #WUaSAcademicMedicalCenter AND "Affordable Gene Therapies Are Coming! -@GeoChurch at EARD" * * Twitter - #Peter Norvig #Harbin Hot Springs #Toolify AI WUaS >

time travelers with longevity & #AgingReversal #GeneticDrugTherapies in a #RealisticVirtualEarth :

time travelers with longevity & #AgingReversal #GeneticDrugTherapies in a #RealisticVirtualEarth : Regarding a brand new invention of the book even & for 2nd #ActualVirtual #HarbinHotSpringsEthnography in ~ #TextInTheSidebar see: ~


time travelers with longevity and aging reversal genetic drug therapies even - in a #RealisticVirtualEarth 

Regarding a brand new invention of the book even ... and for my 2nd actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnography in something like Google Street View with Time Slider, #TextInTheSidebar

Greetings Reedie time travelers with longevity and aging reversal genetic drug therapies even? * Regarding a brand new invention of the book even ... and for my 2nd actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnography in something like Google Street View with Time Slider, #TextInTheSidebar, and in a #RealisticVirtualEarth (and see again Peter Norvig's Incredible article about MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch - - and a Realistic Virtual Earth potentially for Longevity and Aging Reversal especially eg interoperating with Google's AlphaFold3 server, here's a helpful   definition of a book 


Greetings, Bay Area Reedies, Gabrielle, Byron & Cindy, Jim, Donna, Ed & Valerie, Gantt, Jo Anne, Konrad, Sally (in New Mexico), (PLEASE FORWARD TO other Reedies in group whose emails I couldn't find), and greetings new Reedies' Susan, Diane, Craig, Robin, Riely, Marsha, friends, all, 

Greetings Reedie time travelers with longevity and aging reversal genetic drug therapies even? What books might you recommend in these regards potentially? And in what month might we read them?

Regarding a brand new invention of the book even ... and for my 2nd actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnography in something like Google Street View with Time Slider, #TextInTheSidebar, and in a #RealisticVirtualEarth (and see again Peter Norvig's Incredible article about MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch - - and a Realistic Virtual Earth potentially for Longevity and Aging Reversal especially eg interoperating with Google's AlphaFold3 server, here's a helpful 

definition of a book

'A book is a medium for recording information in the form of writing or images'
re #PhysicalDigital 2nd #HarbinHotSpringsEthnography - ~ ~ ~
1) FROM or IN think #GStreetView w #TimeSlider
&2) printed to paper

AND the Academic Press at WUaS would like to PUBLISH to a completely new enterable into a Realistic Virtual Harbin Hot Springs' format, so 

1) in a new digital format (and think Google Street View with time slider, as an iterating realistic virtual earth text in the sidebar) and 

So how might we in this Bay Area Reedie book group enter into this upcoming #Realistic Virtual Earth for genetics too and #RealisticVirtualHarbin new "book," read it as it grows  ... and also time travel forward with genetic drug therapies through the decades and possibly far longer (eg with a physical-digital Avatar Agent Electronic Health Records that might be a digital twin of us, and from Pegman, too)?

* * 

Dear Bay Area Reedies, Gabrielle, Byron & Cindy, Jim, Ed & Valerie, Gantt, Jo Anne, Konrad, Sally (in New Mexico), (PLEASE FORWARD TO Adam and Deb, Charlie and Laurie and others), and greetings Susan and Diane (both in Seattle, I think), friends, all, 

About a potential SF Bay Area Reedie book group beginning in late 2024 or Jan 2025, and possible books to read we've read and would recommend (one person recommending a book s/he has read, monthly), -

Found "Neuromancer" online for free but wouldn't recommend it now in growing a MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch abolition movement to abolish the wrongful buying and selling of people in the illegal sex, drugs and violence industries internationally, and in asylum on the eastern seaboard of the US having fled for my life from the SF Bay Area in August 2022 and potentially re WUaS seeking to knock back International organized crime substantially -
(search on "giggle" x 2) 

What book would you recommend, and for what month?

Abolition-ally, best wishes, Reed regards, 

Much of this email thread is here -

Sunday, June 30, 2024
Middle Santiam Wilderness, Cascades (ecoregion), Oregon: Proposed Reedie+ book group beginning in late December 2024 or early 2025? * * * Cathedral Forest Action Group, ...

Greetings, Bay Area Reedies, Gabrielle, Byron & Cindy, Jim, Ed & Valerie, Gantt, Jo Anne, Konrad, Sally (in New Mexico), (PLEASE FORWARD TO Adam and Deb, Charlie and Laurie and others), and greetings Craig, Robin, Riely, Marsha, friends, all, 

Books to recommend and a month to read it for in this Proposed Reedie+ book group beginning in late December 2024 or early 2025? Might we explore in December or January 2025 an online component to include Reedies interested but living outside the SF Bay Area? Reed cheers, Scott (

* * * 

west to #Canyon94516 in late 2024 w #WUaSAcademicMedicalCenter AND "Affordable Gene Therapies Are Coming! -@GeoChurch at EARD"

Again - 

"Affordable Gene Therapies Are Coming! -@GeoChurch at EARD" How best to develop in #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForAgingReversal & #NDimensionally in shop in #Canyon94516 as #WUaSHospitalRoom or #WUaSMultimediaRoom & w #ToolifyAIWUaS ?


Good to be moving forward with both wings of OCW.MIT.EDU -centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress as of F 6/28/24 esp - - potentially west to #Canyon94516 in the #SFBayArea in late 2024 w #WUaSAcademicMedicalCenter #RealisticVirtualEarth ~

And with retweet of Klamath Mountains' pic -

Good to be moving forward with both #WUaSwings of OCW.MIT.EDU -centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress as of F 6/28/24 esp - - potentially west to #Canyon94516 in the #SFBayArea in late 2024 w #WUaSAcademicMedicalCenter #RealisticVirtualEarth - 

retweeting -

Illinois River is roaring! #siskiyou #klamathmountains #illinoisvalley #river #exploring #…



"Affordable Gene Therapies Are Coming! - George Church at EARD
YouTube · Lifespan Extension Advocacy Foundation
May 10, 2023" How best to develop this in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForAgingReversal and even n-dimensionally in the shop in Canyon 94516 as a #WUaSHospitalRoom or #WUaSMultimediaRoom -
ToolifyAIWUaS article 

* * 
Hi Ed, Thanks for those 5 little  compasses some years ago ... I have a compass App on my smartphone now ... But in asylum in PA From the SF Bay Area sometimes I think it would be great to have a compass aligned with the Desiderata somehow ... Good to be moving forward with both wings of WUaS as of F 6/28/24 especially - - and potentially west  to the SF Bay Area in  late 2024 ... This is fascinating regarding a 'compass way-finding metaphor' ...  "Affordable Gene Therapies Are Coming! - George Church at EARD
YouTube · Lifespan Extension Advocacy Foundation
May 10, 2023" ... And how best to develop this in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForAgingReversal and even n-dimensionally in the shop in Canyon 94516 as a #WUaSHospitalRoom or #WUaSMultimediaRoom - ... ? How is your family doing, and 5 compasses' wise? Thoughts, questions, ideas? Fondly, Scott

* * 
Twitter - #Peter Norvig #Harbin Hot Springs #Toolify AI WUaS >

#PeterNorvig #HarbinHotSprings #ToolifyAIWUaS >
1 Google's #ArtificialIntelligenceSoftware: #TensorFlow 
2 The Future of #MITOpenCourseWare and #WorldUniversityInSchool"

#PeterNorvig #HarbinHotSprings #ToolifyAIWUaS

"Google's Artificial Intelligence Software: TensorFlow 
The Future of MIT OpenCourseWare and World University in School"


Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2024, forthcoming)

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity 
MIT OCW-centric, 
 World University and School -  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -

(m) 412 478 0116 - 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - 



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