How would #GrowWithGoogle come into conversation w #MSCHE re "Transfer Credit, Prior Learning, & Articulation Agreements Policy..." & regarding accreditation of @WorldUnivAndSch (of ~200 #WUaSunivs too in ~200 countries & in main langs) #WUaSaccreditation? & regarding accreditation of @WorldUnivAndSch (of ~200 #WUaSunivs too in ~200 countries & in main langs) #WUaSaccreditation?
How would #GrowWithGoogle come into conversation w #MSCHE & regarding accreditation of @WorldUnivAndSch (of ~200 #WUaSunivs too in ~200 countries & in main langs) re "Transfer Credit, Prior Learning, & Articulation Agreements Policy..." #WUaSaccreditation?
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Grow with Google Pittsburgh Small Business Meetup <> email address having announced this free Google AI essentials' course . . .
Dear Cooper, and is this your new Grow with Google Pittsburgh Small Business Meetup <> email address having announced this free Google AI essentials' course, Lucy Pinto (Grow with Google, NYC), Soleil Meade (Google Pgh) at
Dear Cooper, and is this your new Grow with Google Pittsburgh Small Business Meetup <> email address having announced this free Google AI essentials' course, Lucy Pinto (Grow with Google, NYC), Soleil Meade (Google Pgh) at, . . .Cooper (@Google) I think, All, thanks for this course (and see PS and PPSa) and for the NEW way today to sign into the Coursera platform for it. After signing in (but with the grading notification re with joining Pittsburgh Small Business Meetup keeping me from taking the course - but is there a way to view the 9 hours of video or similar? - I and WUaS received another JP Morgan Chase bank Curated Coaching session invitation.So, after this first "Grow With Google" tangible action since the MeetUp on 7/30/24, and joining the Coursera, I at MIT OCW- centric wiki World University and School, again, received about the 7th invitation to the Stanford LBAN invited JP Morgan Chase bank Curated Coaching session for WUaS, and I've signed up for a session soon ... and possibly suggesting further communication between Chase bank and Grow With Google for WUaS Chase bank loans ... and since I at WUaS participated in the 7/30/24 Grow With Google Pittsburgh Meetup ... Good news, I think ...In a related vein, a set of Tweets -How would #GrowWithGoogle come into conversation w #MSCHE re "Transfer Credit, Prior Learning, & Articulation Agreements Policy..." & regarding accreditation of @WorldUnivAndSch (of ~200 #WUaSunivs too in ~200 countries & in main langs) #WUaSaccreditation? 1821622807303708988 Who at Grow with Google perhaps at Grow with Google Pittsburgh Small Business Meetup <> might be possibly beginning to focus on WUaS accreditation with Middle States Commission on Higher Education with offices in the greater Philadelphia area, as well as licensure with the state of Pennsylvania's department of Education? Both of these agencies, WUaS has received the "green light" from, but for which WUaS doesn't have the money to pay the fees and hasn't done any paperwork either. Regarding the set of Tweets especially, how could Grow with Google come into conversation with MSCHE and regarding WUaS ... such that WUaS might be able to matriculate Bachelor, Master's, and Ph.D. students this autumn?And how might the WUaS Corporation begin to develop our first WUaS flagship physical-digital WUaS Educational Services' Store on Walnut street in Shadyside Pgh as a consequence of Grow with Google possibly newly in communication with Chase bank and for WUaS Chase bank loans to do so? Here's the WUaS Bookstore / Robotics' store startup business plan -#WUaSEducationalServicesStores for Books, Computers, Robotics - Business Plan 1WtXNAEzFp4DdVqKq3pxOPQOQE7ZCS 8zqSQhxJmTz3-k/edit?usp= sharing Best wishes, abolitionally, thanks,ScottScott GK MacLeod
Enter the planned flagship #WUaSBookstore @WUaSPress on #WalnutSt #PghPA re #WUaSEducationalServicesStores for Books, Computers, Robotics - Business Plan - AND enter ESPECIALLY @WorldUnivAndSch for FREE #MITOCW-centric #WUaSUnivs' #WUaSdegrees from home!1WtXNAEzFp4DdVqKq3pxOPQOQE7ZCS 8zqSQhxJmTz3-k/edit?usp= sharing 1763959428523426043 1763959916715299007
Pictures - 1761583723730850132 PPSTh 7/8/24 got into Coursera anew from Grow With Google Pittsburgh Business MeetupGoogle AI EssentialsTaught in English5 languages availableSome content may not be translatedTaught in English5 languages availableSome content may not be translatedCourseGain insight into a topic and learn the fundamentalsGoogle Career CertificatesInstructor: Google Career CertificatesPPS aTh 7/8/24 got into Coursera anew from Grow With Google Pittsburgh Business MeetupGoogle AI Essentials
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Instructor: Google Career Certificates
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On Wed, Jul 31, 2024, 2:10 PM Scott MacLeod < > wrote:Dear Lucy Pinto (Grow with Google, NYC), Soleil Meade (Google Pgh) at, Mark Beatty (Google DC), Laurel Barry (Google NYC), Cooper (Google), The Google Small Business Advocacy Team Pgh, Google Small Business Workshop Santa Cruz CA in Pittsburgh <>, Peter Norvig Google AI director, Google & Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai (& please forward), Pgh attorneys' Nick Thompson & Shawn Flaherty, US Senator and former Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren, All,Blogged today about this in my daily blog ...(and see for example the 'global 'university' label - )global%20university Hoping WUaS can Grow further With Google, much further, and thanks,ScottPSand on both wings,1the "WUaS Corporation", for profit general stock company in CA legal entity -https://worlduniversityandschool. (with WUaS%20Corporation worlduniversityandschool. +) from here initially - Bookstore ~AcademicPress.html AND2on the 501 c 3 nonprofit US federal tax exempt "World University and School" legal entity - https://worlduniversityandschool. - from here initially global%20university PPS
Thanks so much to#GrowWithGooglePgh for 7/30/24 #GMeetUp re @WorldUnivAndSch & @WUaSPress (plus I now have a new #GrowWithGoogle tote bag, a paper journaling book, & 4 #GooglePens!). Thanks to #LucyPinto #SoleilMeade & other#GrowWithGooglers all - ~doon-india-in-what-ways-will. html 1 picslightly different picsRetweeting*In a #OnceInABlueMoon opp. to create ~200 financially operational free #MITOCW -centric #WUaSUnivs, how could 1) 501 c 3 @WorldUnivAndSch get #GrantsGov money, & 2) #FPinCA #WUaSCorp @WUaSPress #GrowWithGoogle w 7.9 billion people re #GMeetUp on 7/30? PPPSStanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency recent developments' Twitter post from the Pi Core Team and its coder Nicolas Kokkalis ...Read the full Pi2Day announcement to learn more about the community's progress in the Open Network conditions and all the products, tech, and community initiatives facilitating it! Wed, Jul 31, 2024 at 12:12 PM Scott MacLeod < > wrote:Dear Peter Norvig Google AI director, Lucy Pinto (Grow with Google, NYC), Soleil Meade (Google Pgh) at, Mark Beatty (Google DC), Laurel Barry (Google NYC), Cooper (Google), The Google Small Business Advocacy Team Pgh, Google Small Business Workshop Santa Cruz CA in Pittsburgh <>, Google & Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai (& please forward), Pgh attorneys' Nick Thompson & Shawn Flaherty, US Senator and former Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren, All, I seem to have left out Google email address for you Lucy Pinto (Grow with Google, NYC) ... while getting a number of error messages saying the message wasn't sent, Peter (Norvig), but then the email went through to some of you (and being in asylum in PA from CA) ... so I'm resending this email I just sent to you earlier ...All the best, abolitionally, Thanks again,Scott
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Chase bank branch, Shadyside community in Pgh PA, M 12/11/23 (continuing) - Abolition-ally, best, Friendly Quaker greetings, staying alive, in asylum in PA from CA, thanks,
Scott Gordon K MacLeod
Dear JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon (Harvard alumnus), US Senator and former Harvard Law professor Elizabeth Warren, Clarice in the Chase bank executive office (Central Time US), Chase bank with Curated Coaching TAP consultants' Jenny Ling, Kelly Hodulik, Samantha Garbus, (via an initial invitation to WUaS from Stanford LBAN), Shauna McNally (Chase bank Shadyside Pgh PA VP), Roland Vogl (Stanford Law CodeX), Shawn Flaherty, SSA alumnus too, and lawyer Pgh PA with offices close to Chase bank Shadyside, JPMorgan Chase bank Shadyside's Michael Foster (SSA alumnus, and Harvard alum too, and please forward this email again to Michael Foster), MacArthur President John Palfrey (and Harvard alumnus too, as well as former Harvard Law professor), All ...
Dear JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon (Harvard alumnus), US Senator and former Harvard Law professor Elizabeth Warren, Clarice in the Chase bank executive office (Central Time US), Chase bank with Curated Coaching TAP consultants' Jenny Ling, Kelly Hodulik, Samantha Garbus, (via an initial invitation to WUaS from Stanford LBAN), Shauna McNally (Chase bank Shadyside Pgh PA VP), Roland Vogl (Stanford Law CodeX), Shawn Flaherty, SSA alumnus too, and lawyer Pgh PA with offices close to Chase bank Shadyside, JPMorgan Chase bank Shadyside's Michael Foster (SSA alumnus, and Harvard alum too, and please forward this email again to Michael Foster), MacArthur President John Palfrey (and Harvard alumnus too, as well as former Harvard Law professor), All,Greetings, and I hope this email finds you well. In growing a MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch worldwide abolition movement potentially to protect all 7.9 billion people on the planet with law and law enforcement, AI & ML too, I just received another invitation to a JP Morgan Chase bank, Stanford LBAN-invited originally in November 2023 (meeting first with Jenny Ling on December 8, 2023) Curated Coaching session to MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS coming up. But I also received a paper letter from Chase bank postmarked from Ohio about 2 weeks ago, vaguely suggesting a relationship with organized crime, and possibly threatening somehow too - and regarding the 'murder' word Shauna McNally mentioned the last time I was in a Chase bank in March 2024 (I think) in Shadyside Pgh PA.(With a new possible long-term or short-term tenant - another warrior sadly??? even - like the arsonist here in the first few months after I moved in in early November 2023(about whom I called the Pittsburgh police - and where Officer Alphonso Evans came over and said on body camera, something like the arsonist ("keith," or?, a deeply unwell maintenance person) or someone could burn this place down, and who may a possible "Heater" (per an email around that time from my mother) that is a gun, and as a criminal??? Lobos management Bryant street rentals' part time maintenance person ... at 5816 Callowhill St, Pgh PA)- in the place above me ... and having attended a very first for WUaS "Grow With Google" Pittsburgh Small Business Meetup on Tu 7/30/24 in Bakery Square at Google headquarters, am wondering further how best for WUaS to get Chase bank loans to begin to grow (and with WUaS being an authorized reseller of 3 Lego Robotics' kits - ... and here's our WUaS Lego Education contact when WUaS became an authorized reseller -AcademicPress.html Alexandra, You're welcome, but unfortunately WUaS hasn't been able to get any capital to begin to develop our WUaS Educational Services' Stores with Lego robotics' kits ... Thank you for making it possible for WUaS to be a reseller of Lego Robotics' anyway, Scott ( ) ),gilias-saltugilia-splendens. html - and to stay alive.(Just shared this with my new niece, and family members around the country, in some of these regards -"Glad you're safe and sound and growing Isla (having sought US federal protection for you, Ma, Sandy and myself in recent months - and in MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch growing a worldwide abolition movement potentially to protect all 7.9 billion people on the planet with law and law enforcement AI & ML too)." )But I just registered for this Stanford LBAN invited JP Morgan Chase bank Curated Coaching session for WUaS tomorrow, and will see what happens ... e.g. if Chase bank Wilkinsburg 15221 employee jenifer weber is arrested and in jail for example (and see PPS and PPPS, both from another email, and in growing a WUaS abolition movement worldwide).And I continue to receive numerous "Delivery Incomplete" or similar emails in this Google email account from in the middle of the night ... and wonder how best to continue to grow a MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS worldwide abolition movement in some of these regards.Thoughts, questions, suggestions?Abolition-ally, best, Friendly Quaker greetings, staying alive, in asylum in PA from CA, thanks,Scott Gordon K MacLeodPSSeeking to move the WUaS Academic Medical Center & WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute into a newly safe Canyon 94516 and as a US federal investigation continues potentially into Chase bank Wilkinsburg 15221 (and as Chase banker there Destiny Carpenter sp? may be continuing to cooperate with US federal investigators and share what she knows) as well as Chase bank Moraga 94556 ... and as US federal and states' laws work effectively in new ways -PPS
In some of these regards, just texted my mother (Jane MacLeod, in Pgh PA), and friends' Sid Mazumdar from Pgh and in HHS in the US federal government, and Ed Smyth MD in Berkeley),Good morning, Doveys,Ma (Janie), Ed, & Pin, How are you? It occurs to me in seeking to reinstate my UPMC for Life health and dental care coverage with the state of PA's Compass ... which new application process will probably ask for my 2023 1040 tax returns, and bank account statements, to not only photograph the last 3 months of my egregiously and wrongly closed 2 Chase bank accounts and their statements that were subpoenaed (a subpoena was sent to Chase bank and I received them out of the blue via FedEx) through ~April 2024 (???by US Senator and former Harvard Law professor's Elizabeth Warren's staff, or by PA attorney and former PA House of Representatives Shawn Flaherty's office in Shadyside Pgh???) ... as well as on the PA Compass re-application to mention getting energy assistance from DLC CAP due to my impoverished situation (& in developing MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch for a song) ... over a fast internet connection possibly via the funky and nicely quiet Sharpsburg public library with an outdoor patio across the Allegheny river ... AND a Tweet message just came onto my smartphone saying that a 'wedgie'-appearing woman was arrested ... and could this be even referring to or indicative of Chase bank Wilkinsburg 15221's thugette??? criminal? involved in international organized crime out of Pgh jenifer weber, in cahoots with trader joe's coders, also on Penn avenue (and where I first learned that my Chase credit card's account of 20+ years with an excellent credit score was closed, in addition to these 2 Chase bank accounts), again due to the egregious misconduct or ethical wrongdoing of jenifer weber possibly ??? ... and I got another "Shred-It" spam email this morning in my sgkmacleod@ google mail account ... and could this refer to again what craven, psychopath??? Swiss / Lebanese / US? soldier(s)??? with Social Security Admin monies and wedgie (hsiwen) former cmu undergrad murderers too??? frederic khayat have said at some point regarding the "Evict and Extradite ..." as war criminal(s) ... frederic khayat??? paper notice I taped on the front of my 1st asylum house in Pgh at 210 East End avenue Pgh 15221 a number of times ??? (And what happened to dwarf Jackson Shannon and African American Harold Tyler in that house too re their deaths ... with a faux obituary I think regarding Jackson Shannon ... fredreic khayat's swiss soldier EPFL organized maga criminal networks ... and regarding the illegal sex drugs and violence industries internationally ... and their latent networks of violence ... and again re frederic khayat too ???) .. Glad to have gotten a UPMC dentist appointment with a Pitt Dental School prof of Dentistry yesterday morning, and that he didn't recommend doing anything with my occasionally painful #19 tooth & learning too that it won't develop into an emergency either ... and as I seek to get too the $65 I paid in cash yesterday reimbursed from the UPMC Pitt Dental School after potentially getting my UPMC for Life health and dental care coverage reinstated ... Thanks for saying Ma too at Longwood after I brought you in from the airport on Monday "Not on Property" and regarding your going to a funeral this week, or similar (of one of the goons there that approached us aggressively in the Longwood dining room on your birthday on 4/2/23 or of 'kathie logan' there or ... ?) ... and could this all also refer to no sex or violence industry activity on the Longwood Senior Center property?? ... to everyone's advantage ... and in my seeking an US federal investigation into Longwood Senior Center too ... as well as US federal protection for you, Sandy, Isla and myself ... and especially for your safety ? Love, abolition-ally, best regards, Fondly, Scott (Ma, Pin, Ed, Glad to have met and talked with prospective WUaS MBA student from India (and general too - per LinkedIn?) Salma Yasmin at the Moon Township public library just before your plane came in - https://scott-macleod. )eturnagaram-wildlife- sanctuary.html PPPSRegarding growing a MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS abolition movement worldwide to abolish the wrongful buying and selling of people in the illegal sex, drugs, violence etc industries internationally and their latent networks of violence (and staying alive) ... WUaS continues to do so regarding WUaS ethical conduct or right conduct ... and to protect people as WUaS seeks to code for all 7.9 billion people on the planet and even for avatar agent electronic health records ... in WUaS's ~200 planned online Medical Schools ( ) and Teaching Hospitals in ~200 countries and in their main languages (and also in 50 US states).wiki/World_University_Medical_ School
On Tue, Jul 23, 2024 at 1:02 PM Scott MacLeod < > wrote:Dear JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon (Harvard alumnus), US Senator and former Harvard Law professor Elizabeth Warren, Clarice in the Chase bank executive office (Central Time US), Chase bank with Curated Coaching TAP consultants' Jenny Ling, Kelly Hodulik, Samantha Garbus, (via an initial invitation to WUaS from Stanford LBAN), Shauna McNally (Chase bank Shadyside Pgh PA VP), Roland Vogl (Stanford Law CodeX), Shawn Flaherty, SSA alumnus too, and lawyer Pgh PA with offices close to Chase bank Shadyside, JPMorgan Chase bank Shadyside's Michael Foster (SSA alumnus, and Harvard alum too, and please forward this email again to Michael Foster), MacArthur President John Palfrey (and Harvard alumnus too, as well as former Harvard Law professor), All,Greetings! Yesterday, I received another invitation to a 3rd "Attract and Retain Customers to Drive Sales" session from Curated Coaching Chase bank (with a logo I associate with you Jenny Ling, my and WUaS's first Curated Coaching consultant on December 8, 2023)
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What AI does the #ToyotaSienna2024 have?
"Toyota Mobility - Toyota and Generative AI: It’s Here, and This is How We’re Using It"
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What AI does the #ToyotaSienna2024 have?
"Toyota Mobility - Toyota and Generative AI: It’s Here, and This is How We’re Using It"
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What AI does the #ToyotaSienna2024 have?https://www.
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