What 18th-century Quakers did with slavery, Friends have often taken a 'silent meeting' (re meditation) approach to such questions, in my experience - re 'Sceptical Theism and the Paradox of Evil,' Abolition of slave trade (of many varieties), as well as climate change, This virtual Harbin gate house - http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~ isn't Dr. Who's phone box for space and time travel ... partly because you can't go into virtual Harbin Hot Springs through this virtual Harbin gate yet ... whereas when Dr. Who went into the TARDIS - an acronym for Time And Relative Dimension In Space, :) Harbin Hot Springs' warm pool as 'vision vessel'
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Apr 22, 2019, 11:51 PM (11 hours ago)
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I have recently read a good biography of John Woolman by David Sox (1999). It has set met thinking how someone like him would be responding to the problem of climate change today. Britain Yearly Meeting adopted climate change as an issue early this century, then laid down the central committee on it last year. Somehow we haven't connected with it in the way 18th-century Quakers did with slavery. I can't see how either the law or memes are going to help us focus on the reality of our current situation. Our book of discipline urges us to 'pay heed to the promptings of love and truth in your hearts'.
Friends have often taken a 'silent meeting' (re meditation) approach to such questions, in my experience - re 'Sceptical Theism and the Paradox of Evil,' abolition of slave trade (of many varieties), as well as climate change. Was glad in May 2018 to read that Harvard Professor Jim McCarthy suggested that climate change is a solvable problem - https://scott-macleod. blogspot.com/2018/05/ spiderwort-heart-in-box-eg- university.html. (As a Friendly witness, I rode my bicycle only for about 22-23 years, not riding in cars, to witness, Quaker-wise, to global warming, and as a form of conscientious objection in a society/world that didn't seem to be doing anything about climate change - i.e. ocean's rising dramatically, destabilization of governments, of agriculture, mass population movements, etc. - one of the most complex problems the world is facing). Woolman seems to have 'traveled in the ministry' in seeking to convince Friends to abolish slavery - and in the name of caring.
These days, I think a realistic virtual earth will help with modeling for and planning to reverse global warming - as a potential part of the solution -
Asked in Machine Learning for Cosmology Stanford talk, in seeking to facilitate a #RealisticVirtualUniverse for EVERYTHING, how ML for Physics would interoperate w Chemistry ML, Biology ML. He suggested focusing on ML for Physics, then to 'parameterize' Disciplines' ignorances
Asked in Machine Learning for Cosmology Stanford talk, in seeking to facilitate a #RealisticVirtualUniverse for EVERYTHING, how ML for Physics would interoperate w Chemistry ML, Biology ML. He suggested focusing on ML for Physics, then to 'parameterize' Disciplines' ignorances— scottmacleod (@scottmacleod) April 18, 2019
I touch on the question of a SINGLE realistic virtual earth VR for EVERYTHING (a ginormous data project) here - and especially for the 'hard' sciences such as atmospheric, ocean science, biology, in this WUaS Hangout yesterday as well -
WUaS Live Hangout on Air Apr 22, 2019 (video): "World Univ & Sch - Your ideas, questions and 4/20 minutes from monthly business meeting" http://youtu.be/sevQMMMIQkI @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress (Languages: @sgkmacleod @scottmacleod): https://wiki. worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/World_University_ Foundation … - https://wiki. worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/Conference_Method_of_ Teaching_and_Learning … -
WUaS Live Hangout on Air Apr 22, 2019 (video): "World Univ & Sch - Your ideas, questions and 4/20 minutes from monthly business meeting" https://t.co/ymST5Qy2dJ @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress (Languages: @sgkmacleod @scottmacleod): https://t.co/uLDH21c9PW - https://t.co/1b0ud9da7P -— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) April 22, 2019
At the Stanford Law panel focusing on Stanford History professor Jonathan Gienapp's new book, someone asked at its close, whether the 'war clause' of the US constitution could possibly be applied to fighting global warming in the future. Jonathan, a scholar, didn't seem to negate the possibility (in an extreme situation, for ex.).
Would be interested in 'silent meeting' in Harbin Hot Springs in a VR mask (if done well) from a bath tub re a kind of NtFriends' Meeting (meditation) from home,
Here's what I have in mind in a very beginning way by a 3D interactive realistic virtual universe / earth and at the atomic / cellular levels in something like Google Street View with TIME SLIDER / Maps / Earth / Translate +++ : Visit the Harbin Hot Springs' gate here, and "walk" "4 miles" down the road to "amble" around Middletown, CA: http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~ https://twitter.com/ HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/ HarbinBook ~
NtF Cheers, Scott
This virtual Harbin gate house - http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~ isn't Dr. Who's phone box for space and time travel ... partly because you can't go into virtual Harbin Hot Springs through this virtual Harbin gate yet ... whereas when Dr. Who went into the TARDIS - an acronym
for Time And Relative Dimension In Space - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Am not suggesting here in any way either that the Oxford Quaker Meeting House front door -
Atheistically Quaker greetings, Scott
Off-topic but I can't resist]...We were watching the latest episode of "Call the Midwife" the other day, and a little over four minutes in, were treated to the nuns and midwives watching a very early Dr. Who (played by the First Doctor, William Hartnell).
10:35 AM (1 hour ago)
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Okay, I have to join in as well!
I'm a huge Doctor Who fan - I drive a blue FIAT 500, and its nickname is The TARDIS. My husband's favorite Doctor is Tom Baker, and mine is Christopher Eccleston (he is my first Doctor), but Jodie Whittaker might take that #1 spot. To nerd out a bit more, Jodie Whittaker and David Tennant (who is the son-in-law of Peter Davison, the 5th Doctor) were in a FABULOUS series called Broadchurch.
Scott, I love this idea: "am also not suggesting that sitting in Silent Meeting (in the manner of friendly Quakers) can be akin to Dr. Who's virtual space and time travel ... (but I do
wonder sometimes:)." The analogy really helps clarify for me the experience of centering down both individually and as part of the gathering for Silent Meeting.
wonder sometimes:)." The analogy really helps clarify for me the experience of centering down both individually and as part of the gathering for Silent Meeting.
Harbin Hot Springs' warm pool as 'vision vessel' - http://scott-macleod. blogspot.com/2009/11/deep- canyon-into-pools-into-vision. html - in these regards (differently from your TARDIS, Barbara, and the Oxford Meeting Room)? I do travel at times with Doctor Who, Bill, but I think Barbara has traveled farther :). How would we write a next episode of Dr. Who meeting John Woolman, and in their space travels back and forth across the Atlantic ocean in 2094, and to Harbin from the Oxford Meeting House, they successfully abolish slavery for ever and ever? :)
Aspen (Populus tremula): Non-theist Friends/Quakers, Memes, [NTF-talk] 'Sceptical Theism and the Paradox of Evil,' * * * If I were to engage a kind of philosophical substitution principle, and re-write the title of Oliveira's paper (or riff with it language-wise), might say: 'Atheist f(F)riends and the da-da of being a Quaker human primate' OR ... Goodness is baked in to Quakerism in my experience, and it seems like Quakers can be moved re conscience (an inner quaking?) to protest wrong doing, Appreciating especially the John Woolman / Quaker abolition references, and with regard to legal questions and "good" and "bad," George L. Alexander MD's “Separation of Church and State: The author reviews this key Constitutional concept and its significance for Friends" (2008, 54:1) Philadephia, PA: Friends’ Journal * * * Re a kind of NtFriendly call for psychiatric services for Quaker Monthly Meetings (and religious groups in all ~200 countries and 7,111 living languages for that matter), Call - https://friendshospital.com/ - phone number "A Quiet Refuge for Healing - Call 215-831-4600" (if you know of a whistle-blower about such issues in the Quaker Meeting you might be part of), 5 panelists from Stanford psychiatry
- http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/04/aspen-populus-tremula-non-theist.html
* * *
UC Berkeley Tourism Studies' Working Group talk email communications continued re:"Re-imagining Ethnicity through Tourism Activities and Cultural Discourses: The Case of the Qiang People in China"
Dear Yanshuo, (Nelson, Dean, and Juliet),
I won't commend you as a master of the yin (or as "a Mistress of Yin" - hoping I'm not inadvertently writing something offensive as it might be construed in traditional Chinese - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/translated-courses/traditional-chinese/), but your talk was to my ears a remarkable expression of Yin (“(in Chinese philosophy) the passive female principle of the universe, characterized as female and sustaining and associated with earth, dark, and cold. See symbol for yin and yang … Contrasted with yang”) - and re anthropology and tourism studies, of all academic disciplines. 'Solidarity identity,' which I also heard in your talk, becomes interesting to me when it involves a kind of "writing (against) culture" re some conceptions of 'counterculture' which I think Jim Clifford is quite familiar with as well (and especially since the 1960s and 1970s ... which found its way to China as well. Am curious what this history might have been where Qiang is spoken, and how it even might be added into a realistic virtual earth, say re videos since the 1960s, via a new social science method I'm developing called ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy ; as an initial example of this, I added this photo of the Harbin gate to Google Street View .
How best to facilitate further " "vibrant "native language/mother tongue" movements) in the Qiang and maybe other minority regions of China today... " both in said realistic virtual earth as STEM field sites as well as "classrooms" (e.g. from smartphones in digital masks), but also by hiring faculty in each of all the 8 main Chinese language families, and eventually in all of the Chinese languages ("mutual intelligibility" being one simple definition of language).
If the great wall of China is now its border as a nation state (and re legal questions per the Stanford Law China Guiding Cases Project - have you met its director Mei, Yanshuo?), there are lots of technological holes in this said 'wall' re the internet. But through such holes - technical through legal - too can flow "writing (against) culture," the Qiangic language and Qiangic peoples' prosperity.
Thanks very much for your interest in teaching at wiki, best STEM CC-4 OpenCourseWare-centric World University and School - with traditional Chinese as a pilot language (along with English and Spanish). WUaS is currently licensing with the state of California's BPPE (pre-accreditation with Stanford and Cal's accreditation body - WASC senior) - https://www.bppe.ca.gov/forms_pubs/approval_nonaccredited.pdf - but the form hasn't been accessible from Stanford recently. When this is accepted, National Science Foundation award received, and BPPE fees paid, then we may be seeking graduate student instructors this autumn 2019 in English to teach to the CC-4 MIT OCW faculty in video, conceptually - and with graduate student instructors in Google group video Hangouts or in Zoom video conferences for face-to-face conversation / teaching / learning. These would be part time graduate student instructors positions potentially beginning this autumn in these 6 majors - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/1VRHhXYsk-V9lvSh5onaU2hnEhwoapSN7HyBK1P09LIk/edit?usp=sharing (http://worlduniversityandschool.org/) for free-to-students' degrees, as we seek to become the Harvard / MIT / Stanford / Berkeley of the internet as major universities. If you know of any Chinese 18 year olds in China who speak English who might be interested in these free-to-students' online MIT OCW-centric degrees, please let WUaS know. (WUaS will also be seeking reimbursement from governments around the world per student, per year, along the lines of tuition at Stanford, so connections in these regards would be invaluable, and would also lead to hiring post-docs and faculty much sooner than later).
Madame Yin :) thank you for your edifying Berkeley talk, Yanshuo!
Best regards, Scott
https://scott-macleod. blogspot.com/2019/04/stanford- talk-connectivity-and.html
Here's what I have in mind in a very beginning way by a 3D interactive realistic virtual universe / earth and at the atomic / cellular levels in something like Google Street View with TIME SLIDER / Maps / Earth / Translate +++ : Visit the Harbin Hot Springs' gate here, and "walk" "4 miles" down the road to "amble" around Middletown, CA: http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~ https://twitter.com/ HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/ HarbinBook ~
Osprey: Stanford talk - "Connectivity and competition: agricultural strategies at the Roman Villa of Vacone, Italy," A realistic virtual earth for archaeology at the cellular and atomic levels too (and re field geology as well) * * * Asked in Machine Learning for Cosmology Stanford talk, in seeking to facilitate a #RealisticVirtualEarth for EVERYTHING, how ML for Physics would interoperate w ML for Chemistry, ML Biology. He suggested focusing on ML for Physics, then to 'parameterize' Disciplines' ignorances * * * Yanshuo, thanks for your excellent 'Yin' talk to the 'Yang' of Han culture, Chinese identity and "Re-imagining Ethnicity through Tourism Activities and Cultural Discourses: The Case of the Qiang People in China"
- http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/04/stanford-talk-connectivity-and.html -* * *
'LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group' call this morning re Libraries
'LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group' call this morning re Libraries
Scott MacLeod: Wiki* username: Scott_WorldUnivAndSch , Scott_WUaS , Wiki best STEM CC-4 OCW-centric World University and School (worlduniversityandschool.org), planning online university libraries - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Library_Resources - in each of all 7,111 living languages + (https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages), and university libraries for matriculating students (Bachelor, Ph.D., M.D. Law, and I.B.) in each of ~200 countries’ official / main languages; WUaS donated itself for co-development to Wikidata in its ~300 languages in 2015 and got WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki in 2017, but they’re not yet inter-operable re libraries and Linked Open Data; WUaS is planning to code for all 7.5 billion wiki teachers and learners on planet
Great video introduction to Wikidata for librarians as well -
Q.: Any plan for using tools for voice editing of wikidata
Meg--hasn’t heard anything at an international level
John Mark Ockerbloom--has heard of voice recordings in Wikipedia; project was intended for international audience so that folks would know how names are pronounced
Scott MacLeod: interested in using google voice (5 yrs out) so that alternate language labels could be easily added simultaneously
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