WUaS - World University and School
9:12 AM (0 minutes ago)
to Scott, Peter, Scott, Julian, Kyle, Govind, Yuping-CASPA, Yuping-CASPA, Jayni, tito, Juan, Juan, Iulian, Henry, ngraburn, Kenneth, Nick, ken, Michael, Bede, Scott, Jim, Alden, david, Andrew, Greg, riely921, Sunheart, Byron, John, Nelson, Dean, Abigail, David, Gary, Hugh, Jewel, Jonathan, Lillian, Linda, Janie, Sandy, Susan, Thomas, Larry, Wilson, chalmers, Robert, Hank, mcfaul, George, Frederick, Tammie, Bruce, Patti, Heather, Barbara, Tym, Donald, robert.byrne, Kurt, edsmythmd, Pin, Mainak, Mainak, Roland, Angela, Peter, MacLeod, Rob, Salina, David, David, Gabrielle, Caleb, Brig, Jerry, Karen, Barbara, Alden, Gantt, Ed, David, Ann, Alex, lovell, Byron, JoAnne, Scott, Jane, Bruce, Nancy, Michael, GLORY, Mary, maitreyi.mazumdar, John, ed.batts, Scott, Gerd
Dear Rob Califf MD, Prof Greely, Peter Norvig and All,
From Richard Dawkins:
"Here's Why It's Taking So Long to Develop a Vaccine For The New Coronavirus"
( https://twitter.com/RichardDawkins/status/1233099624472293376?s=20 )
This makes me wonder about:
"Infrastructure online to develop vaccine for #CoronaVirusCOVID19 @WorldUnivAndSch ?
in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarthForCRISPR #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics begin with sim in GooglePoly ? https://twitter.com/CramerLab/status/1233697069753389057?s=20 Test in China You_at_W U aS &
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Clinical_Trials_at_WUaS_(for_all_languages) per https://twitter.com/RichardDawkins/status/1233099624472293376?s=20 ~ "
— Richard Dawkins (@RichardDawkins) February 27, 2020
Infrastructure online to develop vaccine for #CoronaVirusCOVID19 @WorldUnivAndSch ?— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) March 1, 2020
in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarthForCRISPR #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics begin with sim https://t.co/Woyl2pPaag Test in China You_at_W U aS & https://t.co/48K86jwyEL per https://t.co/pdLAjzGQwI ~
(COVID2019 https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1234158837621354496?s=20 )
And per:
"Visualizing the central dogma in cells!
The labs of Julia Mahamid
@embl and @RappsilberLab present the in situ structure of the transcribing-translating expressome. Glad we could contribute.
@DTegunov @WimJHH @JorgStulke "
Preprint: https://biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.02.28.970111v1
Visualizing the central dogma in cells!— Cramer Laboratory (@CramerLab) February 29, 2020
The labs of Julia Mahamid @embl and @RappsilberLab present the in situ structure of the transcribing-translating expressome. Glad we could contribute. @DTegunov @WimJHH @JorgStulke
Preprint: https://t.co/o2LQ8OGccr pic.twitter.com/zhY9PEyaM1
This would relate directly to, which I've already shared with you:
"MIT: Coronavirus & the impact on global supply chains https://insights.techreview.com/coronavirus-and-the-impact-on-global-supply-chains/ Curious re HOW & WHEN in #SupplyChain article & #Blockchain too re https://twitter.com/Harvard/status/1232116756560465921?s=20 & 'You ' https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University for 7.5bil p #WikidataQitem #WikidataPIN # could help w #CoronaVirusCovid19? "
MIT: Coronavirus & the impact on global supply chains https://t.co/3i85FBWCF0 Curious re HOW & WHEN in #SupplyChain article & #Blockchain too re https://t.co/cyujA5jqWa & 'You ' https://t.co/A4hjmFCM4l for 7.5bil p #WikidataQitem #WikidataPIN # could help w #CoronaVirusCovid19?— WUaSPress (@WUaSPress) February 27, 2020
Fascinating too to learn from Synthetic Biologist Gerd Moe-Behrens of:
"Broad-spectrum antiviral GS-5734 inhibits both epidemic and zoonotic coronaviruses"
Broad-spectrum antiviral GS-5734 inhibits both epidemic and zoonotic coronaviruses https://t.co/lHl8fIsFmu— Gerd Moe-Behrens (@GerdMoeBehrens) March 1, 2020
( https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Synthetic_Biology )
Thanks to John Palfrey for:
"How Prepared Is the U.S. for a Coronavirus Outbreak?"
How Prepared Is the U.S. for a Coronavirus Outbreak? https://t.co/Qd9dBQXjPm— John Palfrey (@jpalfrey) March 1, 2020
And could part of the molecular diagnostics involve everyone sequencing their own genome, beginning in the field in areas most affected by the #CoronaVirusCovid19 epidemic, eg Wuhan - in combination with an electron microscopes for diagnostics on our smart phones (thanks again to Harvard / MIT Professor of Genetics George Church) and streaming this data via the internet into avatar bot electronic medical records for all 7.5 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata PIN # (re Wikidata's ~300 languages) with:
Congratulations Hesaam and team!
Small Sequencer Developer GenapSys Completes $90M Series C Financing
— george church (@geochurch) November 27, 2019
And for a little humor from the CDC, and from Rob Califf MD:
Hipsters, you have been notified. Here's the CDC facial hair & mask recommendations
Robert M Califf @califf001 Feb 27
Good to see the Zappa made the cut. @dpatil
Good to see the Zappa made the cut. @dpatil https://t.co/WHg9z1TXae— Robert M Califf (@califf001) February 27, 2020
Hipsters, you have been notified. Here's the CDC facial hair & mask recommendationshttps://t.co/1Sl0qnTQ0j— dj patil (@dpatil) February 26, 2020
Thoughts, comments, questions, suggestions?
All the best,
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University (planning for all 7.5 billion people)
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States (each a major online MIT OCW-centric University in all ~200 countries' official / main languages)
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages (planning for all 7,111 known living languages)
The WHO site is proving increasingly helpful, communications-wise:
Following up further on the Coronavirus COVID-19 situation, here's a new mapping from the WHO (World Health Organization), which the named CEO of the WUaS Corp / Press (https://twitter.com/IuliuDumitrascu/status/1233448475309826048?s=20) just shared on Twitter. And it's data looks to be very similar to the Johns Hopkins' modeling:
WHO's Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Situation
Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by Johns Hopkins CSSE
Am wary in an ongoing way of "Orientalism" (a kind of racism) in the representations of all this data, and here too - Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by Johns Hopkins CSSE ... https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 (where its big red circles presently center on Hubei, mainland China, South Korea, Italy, and Iran) - but am also appreciative of all these new amazing opportunities for access to information! (which I also emailed about on 24 Feb 2020 - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/02/teak-24-feb-2020-world-univ-sch-q-and.html -
* *
Are these germane:
5 questions that the head of any of ~200 countries (in their main language) should probably address with regard to CoronaVirus Covid-19 ...
"Five questions Donald Trump must answer on coronavirus:
The president will address the US on Wednesday about the government’s response – which has so far been muddled"
Amanda Holpuch in New York @holpuch
Wed 26 Feb 2020 15.47 EST
The president will address the US on Wednesday about the government’s response – which has so far been muddled"
Amanda Holpuch in New York @holpuch
Wed 26 Feb 2020 15.47 EST
And here's an amazing South Korean drive-through CoronaVirtusCOVID-19 testing station - https://twitter.com/ koryodynasty/status/ 1233400273013338112?s=20 - which I found on Prof. Greely's Twitter - https://twitter.com/ HankGreelyLSJU - and re-Tweeted here - https://twitter.com/ WorldUnivAndSch.
Have begun a new blog post with today's emails - https://scott-macleod. blogspot.com/2020/03/ coronavirus-from-richard- dawkins-heres.html - and in the 'genes' label too (and here's the previous blog post in these regards - https://scott-macleod. blogspot.com/2020/02/teak-24- feb-2020-world-univ-sch-q-and. html).
Thoughts, comments, questions, suggestions?
All the best,
https://wiki. worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/You_at_World_University ( planning for all 7.5 billion people)
* *
Monday, March 2, 2020
MIT: Coronavirus & the impact on global supply chains https://insights.techreview.com/coronavirus-and-the-impact-on-global-supply-chains/… Curious re HOW & WHEN in #SupplyChain article & #Blockchain too re https://twitter.com/Harvard/status/1232116756560465921?s=20 … & 'You at WUaS' https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University… for 7.5 billion people #WikidataQitem #WikidataPIN # could help w #CoronaVirusCovid19?
MIT: Coronavirus & the impact on global supply chains https://t.co/gB7kaHIvjj Curious re HOW & WHEN in #SupplyChain article & #Blockchain too re https://t.co/Mkp89OFN8f & 'You ' https://t.co/re7nWlEfQ0 for 7.5bil p #WikidataQitem #WikidataPIN # could help w #CoronaVirusCovid19?— HarbinBook (@HarbinBook) February 27, 2020
* *
In today's WUaS News and Q & A, I also talked about too how -
Infrastructure at WUaS for vaccine development conceptually re CoronaVirus COVID19
WUaS Corp / WUaS Press News Q&A - 2 Mar 20
Also helpful from Wikidata re growing Coronavirus resources :
#coronavirus on #Wikidata ⬇️
🦠 SARS-CoV-2 (strain of virus) https://wikidata.org/wiki/Q82069695
🦠 #COVID19 (disease) https://wikidata.org/wiki/Q84263196
🦠 2019–20 outbreak https://wikidata.org/wiki/Q81068910
🔬 Papers published on the topic https://tools.wmflabs.org/scholia/topic/Q82069695
🔬 Papers on a timeline https://bit.ly/2Ioyf0V
Wikidata's relationship with Europeana digital museum and data
"Understand how new Europeana Entity Agents can be created"
- https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T243907
this following image explains Wikidata's relationship with Europeana digital museum ..
- https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/F31654637
And this may help as well -
* * * *
Trevor, N-tFN, Nontheist Friends, Atheist Quakers, and All,
Many thanks for sharing this Nontheist Friends' Network (in Britain) annual conference information at Friends’ House, Euston, London from Saturday 28th – Sunday 29th March 2020 - https://nontheist-quakers.org. uk/2020/02/28/annual- conference-2020-further- update/ - and for keeping us posted.
Will anyone from the USA or other countries be attending the conference? (Apologies but I can't make it this year).
In a non-theistic yet quite friendly-vein (Friendly/Quaker as well), am exploring some of the recent developments concerning CoronaVirusCOVID19 here - https://scott-macleod. blogspot.com/2020/03/ coronavirus-from-richard- dawkins-heres.html. (Methinks the divine / the spirit / or the light, or similar, won't do anything relating to creating a new vaccine for this for example, yet in a caring way, with NtFriendly concern, am curious too what will be successful approaches to dealing with this new CoronaVirus, - and come back to Harvard and MIT Professor of Genetics' George Church's recent Tweet (in blog post too) -
" https://link.medium.com/ 7zL63vauY3 Thanks Ed. Rapid response capabilities needed: molecular diagnostics, vaccines, neutralizing antibodies, and homes easily converted to off-the-grid full-recycling quarantine-biospheres. Not just for this epidemic, but the next one" -
https://t.co/8gF7gotjNU Thanks Ed. Rapid response capabilities needed: molecular diagnostics, vaccines, neutralizing antibodies, and homes easily converted to off-the-grid full-recycling quarantine-biospheres. Not just for this epidemic, but the next one.— george church (@geochurch) February 11, 2020
https://twitter.com/geochurc h/status/1227150486320615424? s=20 too - https://scott- macleod.blogspot.com/2020/02/ teak-24-feb-2020-world-univ- sch-q-and.html ).
Thoughts, questions, ideas?
NtFriendly regards, Scott
This article which I just saw yesterday evening gives me great pause regarding B.S. -
"The Uncomfortable Question of Bernie Sanders’s Life Expectancy
Studies suggest he has a 50/50 chance of dying in office if elected."
by Paul Glastris - February 28, 2020
- https://washingtonmonthly. com/2020/02/28/the- uncomfortable-question-of- bernie-sanders-life- expectancy/
Studies suggest he has a 50/50 chance of dying in office if elected."
by Paul Glastris - February 28, 2020
- https://washingtonmonthly.
What do you think of the medical analysis?
Glad the Boston Globe has endorsed Elizabeth Warren for President - https://www.bostonglobe.com/ 2020/02/26/opinion/globe- endorses-elizabeth-warren/ ( with an interesting perspective on contemporary issues in this election) - and the NYTs too. I continue to think she's the best candidate, but don't know if she could win in this competitive presidential election. So am glad too Biden won S.C. - https://www.bostonglobe.com/ 2020/03/01/nation/joe-biden- wins-south-carolina-primary- propelling-him-into-super- tuesday/
I found too this Richard Dawkin's NYT's post germane:
To Beat Trump, Democrats May Need to Break Out of the ‘Whole Foods’ Bubble
https://twitter.com/ RichardDawkins/status/ 1233075289070227462?s=20
https://www.nytimes.com/ interactive/2020/02/27/upshot/ democrats-may-need-to-break- out-of-the-whole-foods-bubble. html
Warm regards, Scott
The Uncomfortable Question of Bernie Sanders’s Life Expectancy | Washington Monthly https://t.co/TKMKlkunvj > https://t.co/uXwz76dq8T AND https://t.co/SpuwGvCarz ... @WorldUnivAndSch ...— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) March 1, 2020
* *
New post on Non-theist Friends Network |
Conference bibliography:
Items which may be worth referring to before, during or after the conference. (Links in each case lead to a source for the books – but seems unreliable in Word).
Items which may be worth referring to before, during or after the conference. (Links in each case lead to a source for the books – but seems unreliable in Word).
‘Becoming fully human – Writings on Quakers and Christian thought’ by Michael Langford, published by Friends of the Light, 2019. https://friendsofthelight.org.uk/our-books
‘Clear Bright Future: A Radical Defence of the Human Being’ by Paul Mason, 2019
‘The Trouble With God: Religious Humanism And The Republic Of Heaven‘ by David Boulton,
(see this post on the above books: https://nontheist-quakers.org.uk/2019/07/11/the-republic-of-heaven/ )
‘Twelve Quakers and …‘ – Quaker Quest series
‘Kindlers‘ – Series of booklets
‘Godless for God’s sake‘ edited by David Boulton (also available in Kindle).
Titles in the Quaker bookshop online section ‘Spirituality and religion’ under ‘Atheism‘. (including ‘Book of Atheist Spirituality’, ‘Religion for Atheists’ and ‘The Young Atheist’s Handbook’ – all out of stock on 5/2/2020).
‘Telling the Truth about God‘ (in ‘Quaker Quicks’) by Rhiannon Grant
‘The Guided Life‘ (in ‘Quaker Quicks’) by Craig Barnett
ALL of the above are available in the Quaker Bookshop in Friends’ House except when out of stock – we will try to see if copies can be made available over the Conference weekend.
See also these items on the NFN website: https://nontheist-quakers.org.uk/faq/#a4
AND search the website for ‘spirituality’.
AND search the website for ‘spirituality’.
Quaker Universalist Group booklets: https://qug.org.uk/pamphlets-2/ (some to buy, some for free download)
39: The Language of Spirituality by Alan York: https://qug.org.uk/pamphlets-2/pamphlet-39/
32: ‘Choosing Life: Embracing Spirituality in the 21st Century’ by Joycelin Dawes:
31: Human Beings Yearning for a Faith by Clive Sutton: https://qug.org.uk/pamphlets-2/pamphlet-31/
30: ‘A Platform of Consciousness: Spirituality without Religion’, by Adrian Cairns: https://qug.org.uk/pamphlets-2/pamphlet-30/
26: ‘The Faith of a Quaker Humanist’, by David Boulton:
39: The Language of Spirituality by Alan York: https://qug.org.uk/pamphlets-2/pamphlet-39/
32: ‘Choosing Life: Embracing Spirituality in the 21st Century’ by Joycelin Dawes:
31: Human Beings Yearning for a Faith by Clive Sutton: https://qug.org.uk/pamphlets-2/pamphlet-31/
30: ‘A Platform of Consciousness: Spirituality without Religion’, by Adrian Cairns: https://qug.org.uk/pamphlets-2/pamphlet-30/
26: ‘The Faith of a Quaker Humanist’, by David Boulton:
9:15 PM (3 minutes ago)
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Thanks, Trevor, Tim Regan, and Nontheist Friends' Networks, for this conference bibliography - https://nontheist-quakers. org.uk/2020/03/01/a-2020-nfn- conference-bibliography/.
You reminded me of my Friends' Dalton Letter's bibliography - http://scottmacleod.com/ daltonbiblio.htm - which I started to write just around the time I was studying at the University of Edinburgh in 2003-2004 (and active in the Quaker Meeting there in central Edinburgh). Both this bibliography and Friends' Dalton Letter itself - http://scottmacleod.com/ daltonletter.htm - explicitly touch on Nontheist Friends, but which letter is much about an envisioning of love and caring, and many other aspects of love.
And might you be open to adding this Nontheist Quakers' Wikipedia article - https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Nontheist_Quakers - to this bibliography?
Warm regards, Scott
(These are accessible from the 'love & links' link - http://scottmacleod.com/ ... http://scottmacleod.com/ links.htm).
- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President
- World University and School
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
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