Heartsong and All,
Brain to brain
blog to blog
species to species
creativity evolves
(Just for Hits - Richard Dawkins ... on genes and minds, - and a bit of a trip)
* * *
Sunheart, Heartsong and All,
Brain to brain
blog to blog
species to species
creativity evolves
(Just for Hits - Richard Dawkins ... on genes and minds, - and a bit of a trip)
Searched on / Blogged about 'world famous hippy leaders Peter Norvig Gary Snyder now' Richie Havens, Joan Baez, Janis Joplin, Grateful Dead, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Santana, The Who, Jefferson Airplane, & Jimi Hendrix > https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/02/rano-kau-volcano-why-biofabrication-is.html ~
Hi Deirdre, Thnx for your call from Harbin Hot Springs at 707-295-6698 recently & then your email: https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/10/camellia-japonica-your-call-from-harbin.html & https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/10/tea-camellia-sinensis-bring-eric.html Harbin Bookstore in Hippy Van? Sell my "Naked Harbin Ethnography" @HarbinBook @WUaSPress @WorldUnivAndSch #RealisticVirtualHarbin ~
Peter Norvig mentions https://youtu.be/y0c1yrPDLN8 Marc Moffett @DoctorBugs http://doctorbugs.com/academics/ : "I am interested in conceptual frameworks for research..." & http://image-net.org <> #RealisticVirtualEarth #RealisticVirtualEarthForEvolution #RealisticVirtualHarbin @HarbinBook ~
"[A]s scholars have increasingly argued, fieldwork and writing are never really things we do alone—we just do not always openly acknowledge the various voices and support that go into our processes of data collection and knowledge production."
And video in this Tweet is very wild ...
This start-up is using Blockchain to trace Diamonds, Wine, batteries and apparel @wef @mvollmer1 @Ronald_vanLoon @Paula_Piccard @TerenceLeungSF @jamesvgingerich @labordeolivier @KanezaDiane TY @HeinzVHoenen
#startup #blockchain #Digital #data #AI
(see this blog post from Sunday in particular - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/03/diamond-eureka-this-start-up-is-using.html )
and ...
AMAZING opportunity in creating in GROUP VIDEO an online LEARNING CULTURE (due to #coronavirusCOVID19 pandemic in US) eg since MIT & Harvard & all Massachusetts' universities are moving classes online? >https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/The_College_at_World_University_and_School fall '20 ~ An algorithms as culture study
Jaima! ~ Scott
PS Many of some CoronaVirusCOVID19 emails you'll find in these 5 recent blog posts:
Sexual selection in birds - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/03/sexual-selection-in-birds-thanks-to.html
Rabies - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/03/rabies-dramatic-it-seems-1-as-if-some.html
Glass frog - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/03/glass-frog-cochranella-regarding-this.html
Coronavirus - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/03/coronavirus-from-richard-dawkins-heres.html
Teak - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/02/teak-24-feb-2020-world-univ-sch-q-and.html
including some writings about Harbin :)
- Scott MacLeod
- http://scottmacleod.com
Hi Deirdre, (and Sajjad and All)
Thanks for your email here from October 4, 2019,, and your 2 emails today - to sgkmacleod@gmail.com (and below).
I've removed your telephone number / email addresses from these 2 blog posts, per your request today (... and please let me know if I can remove them from elsewhere) -
I've also removed your harbin.org email address from the 'Lucid Dreaming - Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche' - email thread, per your request.
Thanks again for this email, as well as your emails today. (And greetings, Sunheart, Eric, Barbara, Alexa, Sajjad, Byron, Joan, Lynn, Angela and David and All!) ...
Best regards, Scott
Two discussions of sauna, and hot tubs too here in this Tweet from Stanford MD and computer scientist Jonathan Chen; it's a fascinating conversation between Minnesota-based Michael Osterholm and Joe Rogan in a time of CoronaVirus COVID-19 -
Rich discussion on #COVID19 with @mtoster with analogies on level of preparedness for public health vs. defense (and biggest vulnerabilities are likely supply chains that depend on China ...)
UMN Prof of Public Health Michael Osterholm:
in sgkmacleod@gmail.com email address today ...
Hi Deirdre,
Thanks for your email here, and the followup email a few minutes later. Have done what you requested.
Best regards, Scott
Hey Scott,
Now I see that you put my email from a long time ago that we are not opening a book store anytime soon. I also never talked to you but left a message. Can you please take my personal cell phone number and email information also off of your blog?
Thank you,
Deirdre Davis
Managing Director
Harbin Hot Springs
Heart Consciousness Church
PO Box 782
Middletown, CA 95461
Hi Deirdre,
Again, thanks very much for your 2nd email here.
I've removed your telephone number / emails from these blog posts -
Best regards, Scott
* * *
Non-theist Friends' Network, Nontheist Friends (NtFs), Agnostic Quakers, atheist too, and non-theist friends,
In a non-theistic vein, and regarding the novel coronavirus COVID-19 genes, that seem to be replicating, you might find interesting this Richard Dawkins' video, which contains the following 'testimony' ... :
Brain to brain
blog to blog
species to species
creativity evolves
("Just for Hits - Richard Dawkins" ... on genes and memes, - and minds or thinking, in a sense)
... and also explored in this blog post -
I'm noting in the novel coronavirus COVID-19 discourse in the US how many schools are not closing ... which makes me wonder about multiple narratives emerging regarding the novel 'corona' virus meme (replicating cultural unit) having gone 'viral' - leading to the lock down of not just 17 million people in northern Italy, but all of Italy itself (as a modern nation state), for example.
NtFriendly greetings, Scott
* * *
Some recent articles with regards to novel coronavirus COVID-19 -
Swiss on garden chairs reading w feet up pic
Too much content? Panic? Drama? An analysis of media coverage in Switzerland on the corona virus
In the current crisis situation, media serve the high demand of their audience. This is shown by an analysis by the NZZ. Three classic mistakes still happened.
https://www.nzz.ch/feuilleton/ coronavirus-eine-analyse-der- schweizer- medienberichterstattung-ld. 1545823
Too much content? Panic? Drama? An analysis of media coverage in Switzerland on the corona virus
In the current crisis situation, media serve the high demand of their audience. This is shown by an analysis by the NZZ. Three classic mistakes still happened.
Italians dying on cots (when Italy is in lock down)
https://www.welt.de/ vermischtes/article206551433/ Coronavirus-in-Italien-Aerzte- berichten-aus-den- Krankenhaeusern.html
It is a stroke of luck that an East German leads this country -
https://www.welt.de/debatte/ kommentare/article206534725/ Corona-Merkels-DDR-Erfahrung- ist-in-der-Krise-ein-Vorteil. html
Conflicting news' articles in a way -
https://www.bostonglobe.com/ 2020/03/13/nation/heres-why- governor-baker-said-state- isnt-ordering-all-schools- close/
& Re National Emergency -
https://www.bostonglobe.com/ 2020/03/13/nation/trump-hold- news-conference-he-seeks-calm- coronavirus-fear/
Rom in Zeiten von Corona
Himmlische Ruhe
Viele Menschen in der italienischen Hauptstadt halten sich an die Vorschriften der Regierung und bleiben zu Hause. Andere genießen die ungewohnte Ruhe.
Himmlische Ruhe
Viele Menschen in der italienischen Hauptstadt halten sich an die Vorschriften der Regierung und bleiben zu Hause. Andere genießen die ungewohnte Ruhe.
by Michael Braun, Foto: Andrew Medichini/ap
Coronavirus: Merkel is not weak, but realistic
Merkel on the corona virus "Spread must be slowed down"
https://www.sueddeutsche.de/ politik/merkel-corona- entschlossenheit-besonnenheit- 1.4840905
Merkel on the corona virus "Spread must be slowed down"
First coronavirus vaccine trial in the US is recruiting volunteers
https://www.livescience.com/ amp/us-coronavirus-vaccine- trial-recruiting.html
* *
In English -
Isolated in Shanghai - if the QR code is not "green"
Status: 11:53 a.m. | Reading time: 12 minutes
By Philipp Scholl, Shanghai
Status: 11:53 a.m. | Reading time: 12 minutes
By Philipp Scholl, Shanghai
German manager Philipp Michael Scholl (photo) is in quarantine in Shanghai
Mask requirement: Anyone who is out and about in Shanghai is punishable by law
Source: Philipp Scholl
Source: Philipp Scholl
Um 7:30 start my first business day after isolation. Today with me: the mask and a form signed by me, on which I confirm that I have not left Shanghai in the past 14 days, that I have not met any infected people and that I am healthy myself. As these forms always require a passport number, the passport must also be included. When I leave the residential complex in which I live, I get a day pass, which I hand in again if I want to go in at night. This way, the property management keeps track of who has just returned to Shanghai and has to register.
The office floor is mostly empty and cold. We are looking forward to finally seeing our colleagues who are not isolated. Of course without physical contact and with a respectable distance. My weekly ration of masks is ready on the desk. After work, it goes back home in record time. Past closed shops and restaurants. I am no longer isolated, but it dawns on me that the difference in everyday life will only be formal. Back in the house, I'm alone again. My wife and children are still in Germany. Numerous neighbors as well.
Contrary to my expectations, the virus containment measures in Shanghai will be tightened on the following days. Recent arrangement.
In German -
Isoliert in Shanghai - Wenn der QR-Code nicht auf „grün“ steht
Stand: 11:53 Uhr | Lesedauer: 12 Minuten
Von Philipp Scholl, Shanghai
Stand: 11:53 Uhr | Lesedauer: 12 Minuten
Von Philipp Scholl, Shanghai
der deutsche manager Philipp Michael Scholl (foto) ist in Shanghai unter quarantäne
Maskenpflicht: Wer in Shanghai ohne unterwegs ist, macht sich strafbar
Quelle: Philipp Scholl
Quelle: Philipp Scholl
Um 7.30 Uhr beginnt mein erster Arbeitstag nach der Isolation. Heute mit dabei: die Maske und ein von mir unterschriebenes Formular, auf dem ich bestätige, dass ich Shanghai in den vergangenen 14 Tagen nicht verlassen sowie keine infizierten Personen getroffen habe und selbst gesund bin. Da diese Formulare immer eine Passnummer erfordern, muss der Reisepass auch mit. Bei der Ausfahrt aus dem Wohnkomplex, in dem ich lebe, bekomme ich einen Tagespass, den ich wieder abgebe, wenn ich abends hineinmöchte. So behält die Hausverwaltung den Überblick, wer gerade nach Shanghai zurückkommt und sich registrieren muss.
Die Büroetage ist größtenteils leer und kalt. Man freut sich herzlich, endlich die Kollegen wiederzusehen, die nicht isoliert sind. Natürlich ohne Körperkontakt und mit respektablem Abstand. Auf dem Schreibtisch liegt meine Wochenration an Masken bereit. Nach Feierabend geht es wieder in Rekordzeit zurück nach Hause. Vorbei an geschlossenen Geschäften und Restaurants. Ich bin zwar nicht mehr isoliert, doch es dämmert mir, dass der Unterschied im Alltag nur formeller Natur sein wird. Zurück im Haus, bin ich wieder alleine. Meine Frau und unsere Kinder sind noch in Deutschland. Zahlreiche Nachbarn ebenso.
Die viruseindämmenden Maßnahmen in Shanghai werden an den folgenden Tagen entgegen meinen Erwartungen noch verschärft. Jüngste Vorkehrung.
‘These are crazy numbers’: Boston doctors warn that Italy may be a preview of a coronavirus outbreak here
Today, Italy is in the throes of a public health emergency with the highest rate of infection outside of China. Infectious disease experts in Boston worry that the US may be on a similar trajectory with not enough tests, not enough hospital beds, and not enough time.
And COVID-19
Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2: Symptome – was bekannt ist und wie man sich schützen kann
Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2: Symptome – was bekannt ist und wie man sich schützen kann
* * *
Was amazed to learn at luncheon in Canyon with a friend yesterday (3/14/20), Bill R., (who is my old landlord in SF, and who's brother-in-law is in the defense industry in the Virginia, DC area), that he said that the COVID19 virus occurred from an archery contest in Wuhan, China, and Americans (and Chinese to, I think) were part of this, and that there was a vial (presumably with genetic material in it) involved ....
So philosophical skepticism with all the evidence one hears in this very strange time of novel corona virus COVID19 has very much merit.
But I wonder further, very very speculatively, that some people hopped on a airplane to Italy, Iran, South Korea, and the state of Washington, and thus spread the virus from this vial ... (see, too, this speculatively and questioning radical action blog post - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/03/rabies-dramatic-it-seems-1-as-if-some.html - re thinking about this line of inquiry further, but where this archery and vial explanation and origin is a brand new contribution to asking questions about all of this).
Here are 9 recent blog posts regarding the novel corona virus COVID-19 ...
Mirabilis jalapa - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/03/mirabilis-jalapa-greece-world-univ-sch.html
Courtship display - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/03/courtship-display-heartsong-and-all.html
Caterpillar - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/03/caterpillar-teaching-intelligence-how.html
Bizet sheep - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/03/bizet-sheep-wisdom-worldunivandsch.html
Sexual selection in birds - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/03/sexual-selection-in-birds-thanks-to.html
Rabies - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/03/rabies-dramatic-it-seems-1-as-if-some.html
Glass frog - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/03/glass-frog-cochranella-regarding-this.html
Coronavirus - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/03/coronavirus-from-richard-dawkins-heres.html
Teak - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/02/teak-24-feb-2020-world-univ-sch-q-and.html ~
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