WUaS financial reports
Dear Larry, Henry, Tym, (All),
Could I please get the 2 WUaS financial reports for the past month, Larry?
Greetings, All the best, Scott
Am hoping to send them out with the 7/17/21 WUaS Agenda tomorrow, if possible. I've called you the past two days, Larry, and left a message about this, but you appear to be caught on the other line.
Am glad Henry (Cutter) said he is joining the WUaS Monthly Business Meeting this Saturday, - potentially from Randolph, NH. Thank you, Henry, for calling to give me the address of your home there - and great that you're already in Randolph working these summer weeks away - with Victoria! (And what else do you have in mind during my proposed visit to you, Henry, in Randolph this weekend - besides attending in person the WUaS Monthly Business Meeting, with me in Randolph, loosely conducted in the manner of Friends/ NtQuakers, - as well as a Yoga class on the lawn, which you mentioned some months ago)?
Henry - a question from a precautionary perspective: how are sexual politics playing out differently in New York city, on the upper east side, and near Columbia Univ, for example, where you live, and compared with in Randolph, NH? (As you might deduce from the WUaS Minutes' last month, I've had challenges with sexual politics - https://scott-macleod. blogspot.com/2021/07/fin- whale.html - in the past few years, and regarding even for my calling for the abolition of the illegal sex industry, like the abolition of slavery, and among all 7.8 billion people) ... And I'd like to avoid any related sexual politics that might include even unjust, or very harmful, legal actions and in the NY / NH context. If your company, Dow Jones - since you said you and Victoria were going to be working this weekend - could be looking for the next company to hire 2.2 million people, with offices in 200 countries and active in 7,139 known living languages, would it be better to gradually build an information-sharing relationship about this between us, and safely ... and do you think it would be better for you therefore to join the WUaS Monthly Business Meeting online, Henry, this Saturday?
My good friend from Reed College Tym Lenderking (in the US State Dept, envoy to Yemen ... with an introduction herein) called me yesterday on Cuttyhunk, and said, in one way or another, that telecommunications in diplomacy were all 'surveillance,' and that one reason for person-to-person, face-to-face meetings were partly to control for the limitations to telecommunications' diplomacy, and messaging. In my potentially traveling to Randolph, Henry, would we need or seek to gain anything regarding security of communications via our physical presence there? Thoughts, ideas, questions, suggestions?
(And Tym, might you come and visit next week, after I return from visiting Henry, potentially, in Randolph, on Cuttyhunk - and before you head off to Sweden and then Yemen / the Gulf states on US State Department business, on the 25th?)
Thank you, Larry! (And thank you, Henry! ... and Tym!) I've attached one Finance Report from last month for the World Univ & Sch wing, which is both a 501 c 3 and a nonprofit in California (but not the Finance Report for the WUaS Corp, which is a for-profit general stock company in California, from May 2021, which shows even smaller numbers).
Looking forward to communicating further about World Univ & Sch, WUaS Corp. and seeing you one way or another this weekend, Henry! Would very much like to visit with you Henry, friendship-wise, but realize that you said you will be working this upcoming weekend in Randolph. What else might we do in Randolph besides WUaS Monthly Business Meeting, and a possible Yoga class on your lawn, if I were to come to Randolph, arriving on Friday afternoon, and departing Sunday morning? Thank you again for your great invitation, Henry!
Sincerely, Scott
- https://scott-macleod. blogspot.com/2021/07/fin- whale.html (in daily blog)
Henry, further thoughts about both Dow Jones and WUaS outreach regarding the
A) WUaS Corporation's planned Actual-Virtual Academic Press at World Univ & Sch in 7,139 known living languages, with machine translation, and the related Actual-Virtual bookstores, computer stores, robotics' stores, hospital technologies' distribution centers in all 200 countries, as well as the
B) plans to code for all 7.8 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata Pin #, and to potentially distribute a single cryptocurrency in most of ~200 countries VIA Universal Basic Income experiments, and to end poverty worldwide even (in conjunction with free universal education wiki-wise among all 7.8 billion speakers, in all 7,139 living languages, each a Wikidata Pin # too?); see related WUaS Minutes from 6/19/21's Monthly Business Meeting:
https:// worlduniversityandschool. blogspot.com/2021/07/wuas- minutes-for-61921-monthly- business.html ...
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
1) non-profit World University and School - http:// worlduniversityandschool.org
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http:// worlduniversityandschool.org/ AcademicPress.html
(o) 415 480 4577 - sgkmacleod@ worlduniversiryandschool.org
(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com
World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - scottmacleod.com
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
* * *
Hi Ma, Sandy, All,
Surf's up - for all you ocean sailors, ... and is the amount of ocean surface growing around the globe just a bit, and for a little more sailing distance in tacking, for ex., while sailing?
I just went over to Bill Archer's house, a very skillful craftsman - who's technically and measurement oriented - on Cuttyhunk to ask about installing
Google Nest x Yale Locks
in our MacLeod's Piney's House ...
... and learned that indeed the oceans have risen, with Cuttyhunk static features (e.g. docks, jetties and dykes) as evidence. (I've been looking at these reference points, regarding these static stationary stone jetties and dykes on Cuttyhunk every year for this, - and which I've known since the 1970s here, but not scientifically, merely observationally, and have never gone out at a full moon to look at the Cuttyhunk Fish Dock for this evidence of ocean's rising, for example).
On the 2 'extreme full moons' (Bill Archer's language) per year, the waters at a full moon high tide, Bill Archer said, are regularly about 6 inches above the Cuttyhunk Fish Dock's planking - which planks were NOT raised (he said explicitly) when replaced the last time - and previously had been 6 inches below, suggesting an ocean rise of 12 inches, very roughly. And Bill Archer has been coming to Cuttyhunk at least since 1993. That's very dramatic sea level rising in my book, (and suggests a LOT of real estate and farm land loss worldwide too, already, and potentially in the future). And I've been looking at the stone jetties and dykes here on Cuttyhunk this year (2021), in passing for evidence of oceans rising, BUT not yet on a full moon which is Saturday, July 23, 2021 (https://www.almanac.com/ astronomy/moon/full/MA/Boston) , let alone during an "extreme full moon" which was Bill's language, at high tide, and which may refer to Supermoons, the last of which in 2021 was May 26, 2021 -
(There are two supermoons in 2021—and one was on Wednesday morning, May 26, 2021 at 7:14 a.m. EDT, and one in April 2021
https://www.timeanddate.com/ astronomy/moon/super-full- moon.html
What is a supermoon?
https://www.almanac.com/what- supermoon)
What is a supermoon?
But what do other measuring, technical and craftsmen folks say on Cuttyhunk about this? And what does the scientific evidence, at nearby Wood Hole Oceanographic Institution (https://www.whoi.edu), show about this too? And what does Massachusetts and federal LAW say about this global warming too? :)
So get out your sailing surf boards - perhaps the winds and the waves are growing for surfing too! ... Or, better in my book, let's explore how best and soonest to REVERSE global climate change, re dramatically reducing, for one, greenhouse gas emissions, and even with the tools newly of a single realistic virtual earth for climate change ie # RealisticVirtualEarthForOceans and # RealisticVirtualEarthForAtmosp here ... combined with a single #RealisticVirtualEarth for sailing too ...(thinking Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlow AI, Google Oceans ...)
Some related #RealisticVirtualEarth for natural phenomena Tweets -
California coast 2 years ago today ... oceans and nature :) https://wiki.
to one #RealisticVirtualEarth re #
This is how far you'd have to drive to get out of the bad air https://sfgate.com/california-
How to see this best in a #RealisticVirtualEarth in Google Streetview with Time slider / Earth ? a #
@WorldUnivAndSch ~
Can we dramatically reverse global warming - and still be able to surf this wonderfully immense ocean, sailing?
Your bicycle riding global climate change (Friendly Quaker CO) conscientious objector for about 22 years, and 'Cuttyhunker' since 1966,
Scott (since birth:)
global climate change blog label - https://scott-macleod. blogspot.com/search/label/ global%20climate%20change
sailing label - https://scott-macleod. blogspot.com/search/label/ sailing
how best & soonest to #ReverseGlobalWarming by reducing gas emissions, w new IT tools in #
Film to 3D App
* * *
Seeking a boat a little different than Boston Whaler, fast, 17 or 18 feet, with tiny sleeping cabin, and 3 season tent console, good for water skiing
And to get vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, and dairy ... And to camp out at Quicks Hole in too
For ten weeks next summer ... And a Laser sailboat
Got some greens into me today ... After body lacking them for 3 days ... Glad the store got some new veggies in ... Yum to dark greens :)
Further, from earlier today -
How are you? Again, a bit of a diverse email here ahead :)
I think Peter Norvig's trust observation in a video interview re Google, and also it's 'Don't be evil' motto, are worth heeding for Google Nest X Yale Lock too ... Regarding getting this potential 'box' too on Cuttyhunk, - and could Sandy install it for added security?
A 'box' of a house with an Unitarian life partner wife friend whom I might meet from the east coast with great shared ethics, via an introduction from Betsy Tabor & family or Tim House & family, - and to begin a family of 3? But what does being an Unitarian or Non-theist Quaker, or Yogi, or Actual-Virtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographer or anthropologist, or professor and president of World Univ & Sch, or bagpiper, or author, or husband, mean these days, and identity-wise too? And with a community of a neighborhood of friends, or similar! Sociality ... Re Cuttyhunk when younger, re Pittsburgh if I were to meet a prospective wife MD in Pgh in August passing through - a SSA graduate from 2010? - and connect remotely for a few months while getting to know each other! Then move into her house or get a house together in Pittsburgh (far from the Madding Crowd of big eastern cities, yet in a good substantial city with creative cultural offerings too) ... And visiting a realistic virtual Harbin and whole earth from PGH with FRIENDS ... And also be much closer to Cuttyhunk for raising a family of 3, than California is to Massachusetts. ... (time to visit CA back country in next months before a possible move east to Pennsylvania in 2022 contingent on meeting prospective wife or life partner???) ...
Am appreciative of 'use it or lose it' thinking, and writing and reading emails, and talking, language-wise, about ideas ... esp if we live beyond 123 yo with good quality of life (although skepticism has much merit at this point still). And yet could age reversing to 30 year old bodies in our 135 year old bodies be possible with genetic engineering aging reversal even? Thanks too for letting me know you read some of my email communications :) I appreciate receiving yours.
Looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks. Love
you much, and appreciating our communication, in my sometimes alone-ness. Desiderata ... Good diet with many dark greens, - and for heading into good duet of life partner for family. Thank you!
Appreciating your Unitarianism which I think helps make you very wonderful ... And seeking to explore combining such with even knowledge & thinking from psychiatry - and for raising a family of 3 or so :) ... What happens when they're grown, and everyone is in their 500s ... Maybe move to Massachusetts, or another country for a year or 2, or back to California :) or to India for 3 years ... Or The sky's the limit :)
Hoping Tym might visit :). Good to talk to Henry, and glad he called ... And while my visit to Randolph may have Business like overtones ... He said they'll be working when I arrive ... It's good to be visiting too civil old friends :)
Meet my life partner in realistic virtual Harbin somehow ... Then meet on the ground :) ... Maybe :)
Love, Scott
Made this WUaS News and Q&A VIDEO today 7/12/21 Recording of open WUaS News and Q&A, M 7/12/21 https://drive.google.com/file/ d/1cecLTF9oyQgevSHUdt- 7qGCuobaXhlkK/view > http://scott-macleod. blogspot.com/2021/07/new- world-monkey-platyrrhini.html? m=0 ...
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