Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hummingbird: How Life Works, Evolution, Language, Counterculture

How life works:

Charles Darwin

Alfred Russel Wallace

Carl Linnaeus

evolution by natural selection

tens of thousands of generations and billions of years of life

1.8 million species with a possible 8-100 million other species

all of which make up a theoretically-grounded

and an evidence-based understanding of life,

and seem to express forms of truth about life -

(but which do not a 'divine' exclude


But some curious divine-centrism might logically here then seem to have to do primarily with replication of DNA {deoxyribonucleic acid}.

To me, however, Richard Dawkins makes sense when he says the divine is not ... (in his book "The God Delusion," and in other writings), for a variety of reasons.

3.5 billion years is a long time for DNA / life to replicate,

and a lot of speciation / mutations ( to occur,

giving rise to an amazing number of species,

a few of which are communicative, ~

especially humans with language.

Symbolizing (Deacon) is a far-reaching process,

especially vis-a-vis language

and culture ...

{How does culture work anthropologically in the context of evolution (and vis-a-vis primates)?}

I'm most interested in counterculture

{'peace, love and happiness' ~ 'make love, not war'},

partly because 'it' highlights fascinating aspects of 'culture' ...

Let's celebrate hippie Darwinism :)

With hummingbird, friendly greetings,

Ah, the Harbin pools soon ...

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