Saturday, September 8, 2012

Neon triplefin: Textbooks in MIT courses, and how these might be used to ask questions about what is learned, about student enjoyment (even bliss), about a myriad of learning-oriented questions, in relation to ...

In developing long term, scientific studies of {overachieving} students at MIT OCW-centric, wiki World University and School, in exchange for free, online, bachelor, Ph.D., law and M.D. degrees, I wonder about the role of textbooks in MIT courses, and how these might be used to ask questions about what is learned, about student enjoyment (even bliss), about a myriad of learning-oriented questions, in relation to, for example, other non-text book using MIT courses (e.g. those using primary sources, or a 'Reader' engaging the Conference Method, for example -, and comparing these, and over decades (with developing editions of textbooks). ... ... How to design MIT-centric WUaS for overachieving students explicitly for enjoyment { :}? What will be the first, long-term WUaS studies, beginning even in 2014, in English?


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